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Howard H. Summers

From Calobe Jackson, Jr., 23 January 2007


I have found some interesting information about Howard. H. Summers, who taught school in Harrisburg and then moved to Steelton and taught at the Hygienic School. In fact he is listed in newspaper as the Principal in 1906, with C.F. Howard, Vernon James, Aura Imes and Harriet F. Phillips as teachers. Annie Summers, daughter of Howard, graduated from Girls High School in Harrisburg in 1891.  She taught at Lincoln School in Harrisburg, but died in 1893.  Her older sister graduated from Girls High School in 1893. The entire family is listed in the 1880 Census of Dauphin County.
My problem is to find closure on Howard Summers. I noticed the reference below on Afrolumens, from persons buried in Midland.


Brant, Howard W.C., 11m6d, 7/5/1907, 846 N. Front St., H.H. Summers/Lucy M. Brant, MD/PA (Note 25)


Barbara B. Barksdale, President of the Friends of Midland Cemetery writes: "Howard Brant was the infant boy of Howard and Lucy. Howard was born in Maryland and Lucy in PA. Are you trying to find where the child is buried?"

Editor's Notes Some additional information on Howard Summers:  He was listed as a teacher, and living at 516 Strawberry Avenue, Harrisburg, in the 1887 edition of Boyds Harrisburg and Steelton Directory (page 344).  However his middle initial is given there as "W."  At the same address are Arnold C. Summers, a barber, and Richard Summers, a driver.  Another person, J. Albert Summers, a waiter at the Bolton House Hotel, lived at 128 Tanners Avenue.  This edition of the directory listed only heads of families, so these other persons may have been brothers or cousins.  By 1894, Howard H. Summers is listed in Steelton as a teacher, living at 672 N. Front Street.

In that same year, Charles F. Howard, future Hygienic principal, was a teacher living in Steelton at the corner of Second and Ridge Streets.  The Imes family was living at 221 Ridge Street--Lucinda was a widow by this time.  A few years later, in 1897, the family was listed at 223 Ridge Street, and Aura had a separate listing as a teacher. (Boyds 1894 Harrisburg Directory, Boyds 1897 Harrisburg Directory)  See the article on the Imes Family for more information.

From the 1887 Directory are some names and data about the "Harrisburg School Department."  The Harrisburg School system in 1887 consisted of "2 High, 10 Grammar, 16 Intermediate, 21 Secondary and 53 Primary Schools."  This large number of "schools" underscores Calobe's statements that several "schools" were often housed in the same building.  The City School Superintendent was L. O. Foose and one of the 8th Ward Directors was William Howard Day.

The "Schools and Supervisory Principals" were

  • Lochiel Building, n Lochiel Iron Works, W. E. Kirk
  • Harris Building, S. P. Stambaugh
  • Mt. Pleasant Building, J. B. Booser
  • Paxtang Building, Annie M. Watson
  • Stevens Building, between 2nd and Front, Alice Robertson and Kate M. Stambaugh
  • Fager Building, Walnut n Front, Kate A. Harris
  • Willard Building, Jennie F. Givler
  • Boas Building, 2 c Forster, Anna Marshbank
  • Verbeke Building, Broad St. n 3rd, Maria L. Nolen
  • Reily Building, Lewis H. Gause
  • Hamilton Building, 6th c Hamilton, J. E. Devor
  • Penn Building, 7th c Cumberland, Amanda L. Crowe
  • Garfield Building, R. Emma Coleman
  • Springdale Building, Jonestown Rd., J. H. Smith
  • Dewitt Building, Walnut St bel 4th, Isaac Lloyd
  • Calder Building, W. H. Marshall
  • Downey Building, Hannah L. Morrow
  • Maclay Building, 1628 N. 4th, Annie M. McCord
  • Alison Building, J. C. Miller
  • Calder Building, W. H. Marshall
  • Lincoln Building, Morris H. Layton.

The directory also listed the following private schools and academies:  Harrisburg Academy, Front c South, Jacob F. Seiler, principal, and St. Genevieve's Convent and Academy of the Sisters of Mercy, Maclay and 5th.

See also

Midland Cemetery
Hygienic School

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