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Enslaved persons, chained together in a coffle, are paraded through the streets of Washington D.C. on their way to the slave market. Detail from a larger print in the Library of Congress.

A series of pages exploring
various aspects of slavery in Pennsylvania


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November 19, 1794: Crispin makes his escape

Twenty Dollars Reward,
Ran away, on Saturday night the 15th instant, a kind of Mulatto East-India boy, named Crispin; about 16 years old, five feet four inches high, slender built; he has been in this city about three years; speaks French and broken English; has straght black hair, which he sometimes ties; well made and walks straight; had on when he went away, an almost new black hat, new short jacket, and a pair French fashion trowsers, with feet to them, made of grey coating, with plated buttons, white shirt, French neck handkerchief, and an almost new pair of shoes, tied with ribbons, and wears sometimes a National cockade; Any person who will secure him in any goal, so that his master may get him again, shall have the above reward, paid by the Printer of this paper, with reasonable charges.
Nov. 19.

Source: Aurora General Advertiser, Saturday, 21 February 1795.


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