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slavery in pennsylvania

lancaster county, miscellaneous slave data

The items and data on this page do not fit into the format of other pages on this Web site, which are listings of slaves according to slaveholder. These items do not list a specific slaveholder, yet contain valuable or fascinating data about individual slaves, slave culture, early free African Americans or early African American life. As with the other pages, sources are listed and a link is provided to a separate source page which provides information about that source and where it may be found. Questions regarding this or any other pages on this Web site may be addressed to the editor, via an E-mail link at the bottom of the page.

enslavement data


  • Names: Charles Holly
    Date of item: November 1761
    Location: Lancaster
    Item: Court Order--Capital punishment for a murder conviction.
    Details/Text: "PHILADELPHIA, November 12.
    Last Week, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Delivery, held at Lancaster, Charles Holly (a Mulattoe) was convicted of Murder of Darby Loobey; Nehemiah Armstrong found Guilty of Bestiality; and Henry Xander brought in for Manslaughter; when the two first received Sentence of Death, and the last burnt in the Hand."
    Notes: Holly was sentenced to death.
    Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, November 12, 1761


  • Names: John Poolman, free Mulatto
    Date of item: January 5, 1764
    Location: Lancaster
    Item: Jumped Bail, November 1763
    Details/Text: "Run away from his Bail, about the Middle of November last, A free Mulattoe, named John Poolman, about 40 Years of Age, or thereabouts, has a young look, fine Features, well dressed in a lightish blue homespun Coat, is well set, and well built, lively and active, is supposed to be gone to a Relation about 21 Miles from Lancaster, or to James Bower, a Mulattoe, near the same Place, had probably to Penn Neck, in the Jerseys. Whoever secures the said John Poolman, so as the Subscriber may have him, shall be paid Forty Shillings Reward, besides reasonable Charges borne, by PRESTON BARRY.
    N.B. He has a white Wife that may follow him."
    Notes: Poolman has relatives near Lancaster, and a friend, James Bower, near Lancaster.
    Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, January 5, 1764


  • Names: Polly Haines and child; Thomas and wife Betty ("Negro Thomas"); Joseph ("Negro Joseph")
    Date of item: May 1785
    Location: Lancaster
    Item: Court Order--Judgment on Runaway Charges
    Details/Text: "Lancaster --May 1785
    Negroe Polly Haines & her child committed by Micheal Hubley Esq. 18 Sep 1782 as runaway Serv.ts are ordered by the Court to be set at Liberty. Negro Thomas and his wife Betty, committed June 4 1784 on Suspicion of being runaway Servants, being brought up are ordered to be discharged. Negro Joseph committed on Suspicion of being a runaway Servant on the 14th Oct 1783 is discharged by the Court."
    Notes: Note the long time between the date of imprisonment and the date of discharge.
    Source: Records of the (Pennsylvania) Supreme Court, page 269.


  • Name: Patty ("Negro Patty"); Phoebe ("Negro Phoebe")
    Date of item: November 1781
    Location: Lancaster
    Item: Court Order--judgment of charges of arson
    Details/Text: "Lancaster --November 1781
    Republica vs Negro Patty & Negro Phoebe -- Arson"
    Patty was found not guilty of charges of arson, and Phoebe was discharged upon payment of her fees.
    Notes: Amos Slaymaker was is identified as one of several witnesses. Patty and Pheobe may have been free Blacks.
    Source: Records of the (Pennsylvania) Supreme Court, page 269.


  • Name: York ("Negro York")
    Date of item: November 1781
    Location: Lancaster
    Item: Court Order--punishment for rape
    Details/Text: "Lancaster --November 1781
    Republica vs Negro York -- convicted of Rape, value is judged to be Seventy pounds in specie"
    "Judgement that he be hanged by the Neck till he be Dead."
    Notes: The assignment of a value to York indicates his status as a slave, as the compensation of seventy pounds would have been paid to his owner upon York's execution.
    Source: Records of the (Pennsylvania) Supreme Court, page 269.

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