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  A young enslaved Black woman working on a colonial Pennsylvania farm.
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A series of pages exploring
various aspects of enslavement in Pennsylvania

Philadelphia County Slaveholders R - S

Slaveholders Listed on this Page

  1. Richardson, John (Slaves: Rose)
  2. Richardson, Mrs. (Slaves: Un-named young woman)
  3. Riche, Thomas (Slaves: Christmas)
  4. Roberts, Isaac (Slaves: Un-named young family: man, wife and child)
  5. Robison, Ann (Slaves: Dinah)
  6. Rundle, Daniel & George (Slaves: Un-named young man)
  7. Rush, Widow (Slaves: Un-named young woman)
  8. Rutter, Thomas (Slaves: Preaching Dick)
  9. Schull, Mr. (Slaves: Will)
  10. Shingle, Frederick (Slaves: Un-named teenage boy)
  11. Shippen, Joseph (Slaves: Un-named man)
  12. Smith, Clement (Slaves: Un-named imprisoned man)
  13. Smith, George (Slaves: Jo)
  14. Smith, Richard (Slaves: Un-named woman)
  15. Smith, Robert (Slaves: Un-named woman and three children)
  16. Somersall, Stafford, Capt. (Slaves: Un-named man)
  17. Stacy, Edmund (Slaves: Un-named man)
  18. Stanley, Valentine (Slaves: Un-named man)
  19. Stedman, Charles (Slaves: Un-named man)
  20. Stewart, Andrew (Slaves: Elisha)
  21. Stonemetz, Peter (Slaves: Two un-named men, one girl)
  22. Story, Elizabeth (Slaves: Un-named woman)
  23. Stretch, Thomas (Slaves: Jack)
  24. Strickland, Miles (Slaves: Un-named teenaged girl)

Enslavement Data

A Note on Slave Numbers

The listings below represent an ongoing effort to identify slaveholders with an emphasis on documenting as many details about their enslaved persons as possible. This is, however, only a small fraction of Philadelphia's slaveholders and enslaved persons. Published studies by prominent historians reveal that Philadelphia was home to thousands of enslaved people in the colonial period.

Historian Gary B. Nash estimated the total enslaved population of Philadelphia and Southwark during it's peak slaveholding years of 1767-1775, using tax asssessments, census records, burial records and comparisons with other reliable datasets from New York City and Boston, to come up with the following estimates of total enslaved persons in Philadelphia and Southwark in these years:

 1767: 1392
 1769: 1270
 1772: 1069
 1773: 945
 1774: 869
 1775: 672

The figures above clearly show that the listings on this page are far from complete. They also show a steady decline in the rate of slaveholding in Philadelphia due to increased abolition activity and sentiment, a significant increase in the importation of white redemptioners and indentured servants into the province after the Seven Years War, and the combination of a very high mortality rate and very low birth rate among enslaved Blacks.

Source: Nash, Gary B. “Slaves and Slaveowners in Colonial Philadelphia.” The William and Mary Quarterly 30, no. 2 (1973): 223–56.

  • Slaveholder Name: Richardson, John
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Shoemaker

    1. Slave Name: Rose
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: "about 16 or 18 Years of Age"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1716 to 1718
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "New Negroe Girl"
      Slave Notes: Rose escaped from Richardson on June 13, 1734:
      RUN away on Thursday last from the House of John Richardson, Shoemaker, a new Negroe Girl about 16 or 18 Years of Age, short Stature, branded upon the Breast N R. mark'd round the Neck with three Rows like Beads, suppose'd to be a Whedaw Negroe; had on a check'd Cotton Petticoat and a Seersucker Jacket. Her Name is Rose.
      Whoesoever takes up the said Negroe, and brings her to John Richardson aforesaid, or B Franklin Printer, shall have Twenty Shillings Reward and reasonable Charges paid by
      John Richardson.
      Richardson describes Rose as a member of the "Whedaw" (Whydah or Oidah) cultural group of West Africa. He notes she is a "new Negroe," or one recently "imported" to North America directly from the coast of Africa. (See the article on slave importers for more information.) She had three rows "like beads" around her neck, being marks of tribal scarification/body modification. The brand "N R" on her breast represents one of the many horrors endured by enslaved people. The brand letters may represent ownership, or may be a punishment. We don't have enough information at this time to determine what the branded letters represent.
      Date of Record: 20 June 1734
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 20 June 1734.

  • Slaveholder Name: Richardson, Mrs.
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Notes: Residence "opposite the Governor's"

    1. Slave Name: Unnamed young woman
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: "between 19 and 20 Years of Age"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1739 or 1740
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro Wench"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in April 1759: "To be SOLD, A Likely healthy strong Negro Wench, between 19 and 20 Years of Age, has had the small Pox, fit for Town or Country Business. Enquire of Mrs. Richardson, opposite the Governor's."
      Date of Record: 26 April 1759
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 26 April 1759.

  • Slaveholder Name: Riche, Thomas
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Merchant, shipper and slaver (see Slave Merchants)
    Notes: See also Thomas Riche's list of persons enslaved in Bucks County.

    1. Slave Name: Christmas
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: Not stated, but described as a "man"
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe Man"
      Slave Notes: Christmas escaped from Riche on June 4, 1757. Riche advertised for his return:
      Philadelphia, June 16, 1757.
      RUN away on the 4th Instant, from Thomas Riche, of this City, a Negroe Man, named Christman, a very likely Fellow, five Feet four Inches high, or thereabouts: Had on when he went away, a blue Broadcloth Coat, very short, lined with white, Check or Ozenbrigs Shirt and Trowsers, no Shoes, Stockings, or Hat; his Teeth were filed, and can scarce speak English. Whoever takes up and secures said Negroe, so as his Master may have him again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by
      Riche notes that Christmas's "Teeth were filed." This sharpening of the front teeth was not done by filing, but rather by striking the teeth to sculpt them into points. It was a tribal body modification found in some of the peoples of Central and Southern Africa in the 18th century, and was found less so among people of West African, where facial scarification was more common.
      Date of Record: 16 June 1757
      Sources: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 4 August 1757.

  • Slaveholder Name: Roberts, Isaac
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Notes: Arch Street, "opposite the Quakers Burying-ground"

    1. Slave Name: Unnamed man
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: Not stated, but described as a "young man"
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: Young Negro Man
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale along with his wife and child. Text of the advertisement placed by Roberts:
      To be SOLD,
      THree Negroes, viz. A likely young man, his wife and child, country born and bred; he well acquainted with plantation work, and she with house-work, &c. Any person inclining to purchase them all, as the subscriber is not inclin'd to sell them separate, shall have them very reasonable for ready money, or short credit. Enquire of ISAAC ROBERTS, in Arch-street, opposite the Quakers Burying-ground.
      Date of Record: 25 April 1751
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 25 April 1751.
    2. Slave Name: Unnamed woman
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: Not stated, but probably young woman
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: Negro wife
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale along with her husband and child. Text of the advertisement is above.
      Date of Record: 25 April 1751
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 25 April 1751.
    3. Slave Name: Unnamed child
      Slave Sex: Sex not stated
      Slave Age: Not stated, but described as a "child"
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: Negro Child
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale along with mother and father. Text of the advertisement placed by Roberts is above.
      Date of Record: 25 April 1751
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 25 April 1751.

  • Slaveholder Name: Robison, Ann
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County

    1. Slave Name: Dinah
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: "about nineteen or twenty years old"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1758 or 1759
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro Woman"
      Slave Notes: Escaped when the British troops retreated from Philadelphia, July 1778. She was pregnant and close to delivering at the time of her escape.
      Philadelphia, July 6, 1778.
      RAN AWAY with the last of the British troops from the city of Philadelphia, a servant Negro woman named DINAH, about five feet eight or ten inches high, tawney complexion, about nineteen or twenty years old; had received a cut on the forehead from one of the soldiers shortly before she went away; was big with child, and near the time of her lying in; She had on when she went away, a striped holland short gown and a striped lincey petticoat, but took with her several gowns and various other articles of cloathing. Whoever takes up the said Negro and secures her, so that her mistress may have her again, shall have the above reward and reasonable chareges, paid by
      Date of Record: 06 July 1778
      Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 16 July 1778

  • Slaveholder Name: Rundle, Daniel & George
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Merchants, Rum distiller (Daniel Rundle--distillery on Market Street above Seventh, 1767)
    Notes: Shop on Water Street, eight doors above Market Street. Daniel Rundle lived 1725-1795. George Rundle left the business at the end of 1772 to move to the West Indies.

    1. Slave Name: Unnamed man
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: Not stated, but described as a "young man"
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Young Negro Man"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale along with a variety of imported and domestic goods. Text of the advertisement placed by Daniel and George Rundle:
      At their store in Water-street, the eight door above Market-street,
      WEST India and Philadelphia rum, Molasses in hogsheads, tierces and barrels, Muscovado sugar, Cocoa and coffee, Train oil, Fresh lemons in boxes, Raisins in kegs and jars, Fall mackarel, New England and Carolina sole leather, Silver watches, German beads, Citrons in boxes, &c
      N.B. They have also a likely young Negro Man to be disposed of.
      Date of Record: 15 June 1771
      Sources: Pennsylvania Packet, 20 April, 15 June 1771.

  • Slaveholder Name: Rush, Widow
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Notes: Front Street

    1. Slave Name: Name not provided in ad
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: Age not provided, but described as "young"
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro wench"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in January 1753. Text of the advertisement placed by Rush: "To be SOLD, A Likely young country Negro wench, fit for either town or country business; very fit for a gentelman's country seat. for terms, enquire of the Widow Rush, in Front-street."
      Date of Record: 30 January 1753
      Sources: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 30 January 1753.

  • Slaveholder Name: Rutter, Thomas
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County

    1. Slave Name: Dick, also called Preaching Dick
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "aged about 27 Years"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1719
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro Man"
      Slave Notes: Dick escaped from Rutter in July 1746. Text of the advertisement placed by Rutter to recover him:
      Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1746.
      RUN away on the 16th of July, from Thomas Rutter, of this City, a Negro Man, named Dick, commonly call'd Preaching Dick, aged about 27 Years; Had on when he went away, a Bearskin Jacket, and a light Duroy Jacket, without Sleeves, Oznabrigs Shirt and Trowsers, and one Pair of brown Linnen Trowsers, blue Stockings, new Shoes, a new Castor Hat, and blue Worsted Cap. Whoever takes up and secures the said Negro, so that his Master may have him again, shall have Thirty Shillings Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by
      Date of Record: 04 September 1746
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 11 September 1746.

  • Slaveholder Name: Schull, Mr.
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Notes: Purchased a young boy named Will, possibly from a commercial slave trader, in Philadelphia in the early 1760s. Sold Will to Patrick Crawford in Virginia about 1762 or 1763.

    1. Slave Name: Will
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "twenty eight years of age"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1750
      Slave Status: Slave for life -- escaped slave
      Slave Description: "Negro man"
      Slave Notes: Born in the West Indies, brought to Philadelphia and sold to a Mr. Schull. Sold by Schull to Patrick Crawford of Virginia about 1762 or 1763. Escaped from a Virginia iron works in July 1778:
      RAN AWAY from Mossy Creek Iron Works, Augusta county, Virginia, on the first of July last, a Negro man named WILL, twenty eight years of age, about five feet eight or nine inches high, of a clear black, has a down look, droop nose, good teeth, cleanly made but stoops a litte in the shoulders, speaks good English, was born in the West-India Islands, and sold in Philadelphia (as he says) to a gentleman of the name of Schull, and then purchased by one Patrick Crawford, who lives in Virginia; this purchase was made about fifteen or sixteen years past. Whoever takes up the said Negro man and secures him in any gaol, shall have the above Reward and reasonable charges, paid by
      Date of Record: 24 December 1778
      Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 24 December 1778

  • Slaveholder Name: Shingle, Frederick
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: skinner, skin dresser (prepared animal fur and hides for processing)
    Notes: Owned several properties in the city
    Sources: "Mapping West Philadelphia; Landowners in October 1777," University of Pennsylvania Archives, accessed online 3 November 2023 at

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "about 16 Years old"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1746
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe Lad"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in July 1748: "To be SOLD, A Likely Negroe Lad, about 16 Years old. Enquire of Frederick Shingle, at the Sign of the Three Gloves and Breeches, near the Indian Queen, in Market-street, Philadelphia."
      Date of Record: 24 June 1762
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 24 June 1762

  • Slaveholder Name: Shippen, Joseph
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: Age not provided, but described as a man
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe man"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in August 1751: "TO BE SOLD, A Likely young Negroe man, a very good Forgeman by trade. Any person inclining to purchase, may apply to Joseph Shippen, in Philadelphia. He has had the small-pox."
      Date of Record: 29 August 1751
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 29 August 1751

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, Clement
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Work House Keeper

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "about 23 years of age"
      Slave Date of Birth: Circa 1762
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe Man"
      Slave Notes: Imprisoned in the Work House and advertised for sale in January 1785:
      TO BE SOLD,
      A LIKELY NEGROE MAN, about 23 years of age, now lying in the Work-house. He has had the small-pox and measles, and is very capable of driving a carriage. For terms of sale, apply to Mr.
      CLEMENT SMITH, Work-house keeper.
      N.B. The terms will be made easy.
      The Work House Keeper, Clement Smith, may or may not be the actual slaveholder. Enslaved persons were imprisoned in the Work House for many reasons, including as captured runaways, persons guilty of minor crimes, or enslaved persons offered for sale who might be at risk of running away.
      Date of Record: 5 January 1785.
      Sources: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 5 January 1785.

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, George
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Notes: On Arch Street

    1. Slave Name: Jo
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "about 22 Years of Age"
      Slave Date of Birth: Circa 1718
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe Fellow"
      Slave Notes: Born in Bermuda. Ran away from Smith on 8 April 1740.
      RUN away the 8th Instant from George Smith in Arch-Street, Philadelphia, a Negroe Fellow of about 22 Years of Age, of middle Stature, born in Bermuda, and speaks good English; named Jo. Had on a wollen Jacket. It's suppos'd he will endeavor to get off in some Bermudas Vessle. Whoever secures or brings him to the said Smith shall be reasonably rewarded.
      Date of Record: 10 April 1740.
      Sources: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 10 April 1740.

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, Richard
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Notes: Listed in ad as Richard Smith, minor.

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: Not stated, but described as a "woman"
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe woman"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in July 1748: "Philadelphia, July 21, 1748. TO BE SOLD, A Negroe woman, fit for town or country business, that has had the small-pox and meazles. Enquire of Richard Smith, minor, or John Pole, merchant in Philadelphia, and know further."
      Date of Record: 21 July 1748; ad ran through August 1748.
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 21 July 1748.

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, Robert
    City or Township: Southwark
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Sail maker
    Notes: Sail loft on Hamilton's wharf

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: Not stated, but of child-bearing age
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe Wench"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in September 1779 along with her infant daughter and two male children: "TO BE SOLD, A NEGRO WENCH with her child; the child is fifteen months old, and a girl. Likewise two BOYS, one ten years old and the other five, both have had the small pox and measles. Enquire of ROBERT SMITH, in Southwark, near Mr. Thomas Penrose's, or at his Sail-loft on Hamilton's wharf."
      Date of Record: 21 September 1779
      Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 21 September 1779.
    2. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: fifteen months old
      Slave Date of Birth: June 1778
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "child; girl"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in September 1779 along with her mother: "TO BE SOLD, A NEGRO WENCH with her child; the child is fifteen months old, and a girl. Likewise two BOYS, one ten years old and the other five, both have had the small pox and measles. Enquire of ROBERT SMITH, in Southwark, near Mr. Thomas Penrose's, or at his Sail-loft on Hamilton's wharf."
      Date of Record: 21 September 1779
      Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 21 September 1779.
    3. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: Ten years old
      Slave Date of Birth: 1769
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "boy"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in September 1779: "TO BE SOLD, A NEGRO WENCH with her child; the child is fifteen months old, and a girl. Likewise two BOYS, one ten years old and the other five, both have had the small pox and measles. Enquire of ROBERT SMITH, in Southwark, near Mr. Thomas Penrose's, or at his Sail-loft on Hamilton's wharf."
      Date of Record: 21 September 1779
      Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 21 September 1779.
    4. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: five years old
      Slave Date of Birth: 1774
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "boy"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in September 1779: "TO BE SOLD, A NEGRO WENCH with her child; the child is fifteen months old, and a girl. Likewise two BOYS, one ten years old and the other five, both have had the small pox and measles. Enquire of ROBERT SMITH, in Southwark, near Mr. Thomas Penrose's, or at his Sail-loft on Hamilton's wharf."
      Date of Record: 21 September 1779
      Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 21 September 1779.

  • Slaveholder Name: Somersall, Stafford, Capt.
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Ship's captain, 1730s-1750s

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "22 years of age"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1727
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe man"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in August 1749: "To be SOLD, A Likely young Negroe man, 22 years of age, has had the small-pox, and is fit for town or country business. Enquire of Capt. Stafford Somersall, at James Keappock's, instrument-maker, in Front-street."
      Date of Record: 17 August 1749
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 17, 24 August 1749.

  • Slaveholder Name: Stacy, Edmund
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: Not stated, but described as a "man"
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe Man"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in August 1749: "To be SOLD, A Likely Negroe man, fit for town or country business, understands the butcher's business, and has had the small pox. Enquire of Edmund Stacy, at Capt. Child's, in Chestnut-street, Philadelphia."
      Date of Record: 17 August 1749
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 17, 31 August 1749.

  • Slaveholder Name: Stanley, Valentine
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: brewer?
    Notes: Brewery listed on tax records

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: Not stated, but described as a "man"
      Slave Date of Birth: Not known
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro Man"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in November 1743: "To be Sold, A Negro Man, fit for Town or Country Business, by Valentine Stanley."
      Date of Record: 27 October 1743
      Sources: Pennsylvania Gazette, 27 October, 03 November 1743.

  • Slaveholder Name: Stedman, Charles
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Merchant and shipping magnate.
    Notes: Lived 1713-1784. Born in Scotland into a family in the shipping business, Charles Stedman shipped supplies from Rotterdam and made a fortune shipping German immigrants into Philadelphia. He built the Powel House in Philadelphia, but suffered financial setbacks and sold the house to Samuel Powel in 1769. Several years prior, Stedman had purchased half-ownership of Charming Forge in Berks County with his brother Alexander, the other half being owned by Baron Stiegel. Charles bought out Alexander's portion in 1770 to become fully half-owner. Stiegel, experiencing financial troubles, sold his half of the forge in 1773 to an investor who sold it immediately to Stiegel's son-in-law Michael Ege. Stedman wound up in debtor's prison in 1774 and Ege eventually bought Stedman's half in 1781 to become full owner of the forge.
    Sources: Library of Congress, "Historic American Buildings Survey, Charming Forge, Iron Master's House," National Park Service, August 1958. Accessed online on 16 October 2023 at

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "about 27 years of age"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1747
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro Man"
      Slave Notes: Offered for sale in August 1774. Text of the advertisement placed by Stedman:
      TO BE SOLD,
      A STOUT healthy Negro Man, about 27 years of age; he has had the small pox and measles, and is a good farmer. Any person inclined to purchase may be informed of the reasons for his being sold, and the price asked for him, by applying to Mr. CHARLES STEDMAN, merchant, in Philadelphia.
      Date of Record: 22 August 1774
      Sources: Pennsylvania Packet, 22 August 1774.

  • Slaveholder Name: Stewart, Andrew
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Notes: Acting agent for Tapley Gathright.

    1. Slave Name: Elisah
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "20 years of age or thereabouts"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1787
      Slave Status: Slave for life; escaped
      Slave Description: "Negro" and "lightish black man"
      Slave Notes: Virginia slave Elisha escaped by jumping ship while in port in Philadelphia. Local man Andrew Stewart acted as the agent for Virginia slaveholder Tapley Gathright by posting the following ad and offering to handle rewards:
      RAN AWAY,
      FROM on board the sloop Betsey, of Richmond, Henry Dennington master, on the night of the 22d inst. ELISHA, (a slave,) a lightish black man, about 5 feet high, 20 years of age or thereabouts, small hands and feet. Had on when he eloped, a light coloured coarse coatee, made of country cloth, white dimity trowsers and wool hat; he also took with him, a short green jacket and a pair of trowsers, made of coarse country cotton. The above mentioned negro, was born near Richmond, and is the property of Tapley Gathright. The above reward will be paid, for apprehending the said negro, and lodging him in any convenient jail, so that his owner may get him again, and all reasonable charges by applying to
      Corner of Race and Water streets
      N.B. Masters of vessels, and others, are forewarned from harboring the said runaway, otherwise they will be dealt with as the law directs.
      June 26.
      Date of Record: 26 June 1807; ad ran through September 11, 1807.
      Sources: Aurora General Advertiser, 28 July 1807.

  • Slaveholder Name: Stonemetz, Peter
    City or Township: Point-no-Point
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: Placed farming implements, livestock and three enslaved persons up for public auction in August 1774.
    Sources: Pennsylvania Packet, 26 July 1773.

    1. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: age not given
      Slave Date of Birth:
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro Man"
      Slave Notes: Advertised for public sale in August 1774. Text of the public auction notice:
      To be SOLD at PUBLIC VENDUE,
      At the house of PETER STONEMETZ, on JOHN GIBSON's farm, at Point-no-Point, near the city of Philadelphia, on Saturday the 14th of August, at two o'clock in the afternoon,
      A VALUABLE breeding mare, with two half blooded colts, a milch cow, two broad wheeled carts, shod with iron, a number of farming utensils and a wheat fan. Likewise will be sold at the same time, if not before disposed of at private sale, a valuable negro man, a compleat farmer, who has had the care of a farm for several years. Another valuable strong negro man, about 27 years of age, who hath been used to farming, and can ditch. Also a smart lively negro girl, nine years of age. Credit will be given to the purchasers, on their giving security if required.
      Date of Record: 22 August 1774
      Sources: Pennsylvania Packet, 22 August 1774.


    2. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "about 27 years of age"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1747
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro Man"
      Slave Notes: Advertised for public sale in August 1774. See text of the public auction notice above.
      Date of Record: 22 August 1774
      Sources: Pennsylvania Packet, 22 August 1774.


    3. Slave Name: Not named
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: "nine years of age"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1765
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro Girl"
      Slave Notes: Advertised for public sale in August 1774. See text of the public auction notice above.
      Date of Record: 22 August 1774
      Sources: Pennsylvania Packet, 22 August 1774.

  • Slaveholder Name: Story, Elizabeth
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Widow
    Notes: Elizabeth nee Houlston, widow of Enoch Story II, who died 1747.

    1. Slave Name: Name not stated in record
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: "about 31 years of age"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1722
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Molattoe woman"
      Slave Notes: Scheduled for public auction on May 12, 1753 to settle estate of Elizabeth Story. Text of the advertisement placed by her executors: "TO be sold, the 12th of this instant May, at two a clock in the afternoon, by publick vendue, at the sign of the George, in Second-street, A Molattoe woman, about 31 years of age, by the subscribers, executors of Elizabeth Story deceased. EDWARD EVANS, THOMAS SAY."
      Date of Record: 10 May 1753
      Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 10 May 1753.

  • Slaveholder Name: Stretch, Thomas
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Clockmaker
    Notes: Thomas Stretch built the first clock in the Philadelphia State House (Independence Hall) in 1752.

    1. Slave Name: Jack
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: "aged about 21 Years"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1718
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negro Man"
      Slave Notes: Formerly owned by Joseph England. Upon England's death, Thomas Stretch sued England's estate for a debt and received Jack. Jack was "stolen" from the snow Drake and the ship's owner, Edward Bradley, advertised for his return:
      STOLEN, on the 15th Inst. from on Board the Snow Drake, James White, Master, at Philadelphia, a Negro Man named Jack, aged about 21 Years, very black, with large Lips, wide Mouth, speaks good English, can read and figure a little, formerly belonging to the Estate of Joseph England, taken at the Suit of Thomas Stretch for a Debt of said England's Widow.
      Whoever will inform Messrs. Edward Bradley and Company, Owners of said Snow, where said Negro is, shall have Forty Shillings Reward and reasonable Charges paid by
      Edward Bradley,
      Philad. May 31, 1739.
      Date of Record: 31 May 1739
      Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 21 June 1739.

  • Slaveholder Name: Strickland, Miles
    City or Township: Philadelphia
    County: Philadelphia County
    Occupation: Shop keeper, store on Market Street, "near the courthouse."
    Notes: Residence on Fourth Street; died in 1751

    1. Slave Name: Name not stated in record
      Slave Sex: Female
      Slave Age: "about 17 years of age"
      Slave Date of Birth: circa 1730
      Slave Status: Slave for life
      Slave Description: "Negroe girl"
      Slave Notes: advertised for sale in October 1747. Text of the advertisement: "To be SOLD, A Young likely, Negroe girl, about 17 years of age, fit for town or country business. Enquire of Miles Strickland, or the widow Hilburn, in Fourth-street."
      Date of Record: 29 October 1747
      Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 29 October 1747.



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