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  An African American woman in period 1920s clothing sits at a desk composing a letter.



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"Colored Man Is No Slacker"

World War One Recruiting Poster

From Calobe Jackson, Jr., March 11, 2005

George, I saw your list of posters for Sci Tech and thought of this one. I have an original.

"Slacker" was a popular slang word for those who were opposed to fighting. My father was a member of the Pioneer Infantry and I have a picture of him in uniform. He often talked about songs of WW1...."My Buddy," and "Lili Marlene." In the Korean War we still marched to "Dixie" and "Lili Marlene," both songs of our enemies, but popular among our troops. Marlene Dietrich and Hildegarde were especially great on the vocal of "Lili Marlene."

Calobe Jackson

World War I recruiting poster, "Colored Man is no Slacker."

Reply from Pauline Ferraro:

I have no story but today I was in a barn that had booths for many dealers. I did not see much that took my interest until I saw an old oval frame with the picture named above , in. It is an old frame with curved glass. When I got home I typed up the title and immediately came up with information. My picture shows man and lady and marching black soldiers in the background. A small portion of our Beloved Flag is showing. Also only part of the pillar is showing as the poster has been cut to fit the frame. The picture is magnificent and I fell in love with it immediately and bought it. I truly wish the entire picture was there and had not been cut but it is beautiful as it is. Thanks for reading. (September 14, 2006)

Editor's Note

The artist is E. G. Renesch, and it was published in Chicago, in 1918.  Renesch painted many patriotic posters during this time, including at least one other poster with an African American theme.  It was called "True Blue," and depicted an African American family gazing at the portrait of the father, in an American army uniform, on the living room mantle.  The father was serving in Europe and the wife and young children awaited his return at home.

See the educational feature from the Gilder-Lehrman Institute on this and other posters promoting recruitment of African American soldiers for World War I at this link: Recruiting Posters for African American Soldiers, 1918.

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