From Enslavement
  to Freedom
Black man in colonial clothing chopping wood. Image created with the assistance of AI.

A series of pages exploring
various aspects of enslavement in Pennsylvania

Adams County, Pennsylvania Slaveholders, I - M

Slaveholders Listed on this Page

  1. Ickes, Peter (Enslaved persons listed: one unnamed)
  2. Johnson, Lewis (Enslaved persons listed: Stephen)
  3. Kelleberger, John (Enslaved persons listed: Eliza)
  4. King, Hugh (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named girl)
  5. Kitzmiller, George (Enslaved persons listed: unnamed)
  6. Knox, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Sam Jones)
  7. Lashells, Ralph (Enslaved persons listed: Nat Johnston)
  8. Lilly, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Stephen, Fanny, Rachael, Henry, Benjamin, Mary Ann, Edward, Margaret)
  9. Long, Alexander (Enslaved persons listed: Pheb)
  10. Long, Jannet (Enslaved persons listed: Julian)
  11. Marshall, James  (Enslaved persons listed: unnamed slave)
  12. Maxwell, William  (Enslaved persons listed: unnamed female slave)
  13. McClean, Moses (Enslaved persons listed: Sele, Amy, unnamed woman)
  14. McGiney, Mary (Enslaved persons listed: Venus)
  15. McGinley, Salley (Enslaved persons listed: Letty)
  16. McKasson, William (Enslaved persons listed: Nany)
  17. McKesson, Alexander (Enslaved persons listed: Poll, Sidney, unnamed slave)
  18. McKesson, James Jr. (Enslaved persons listed: Charles, Margaret, unnamed slave)
  19. McPherren, Ann (Enslaved persons listed: Jake, Nell, Juley, Matty, Mint)
  20. McPherson, Agnes (Enslaved persons listed: one unnamed female and one unnamed male)
  21. McPherson, John B. (Enslaved persons listed: one unnamed male)
  22. McPherson, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: one unnamed male)
  23. McPherson, William (Enslaved persons listed: Jim, unnamed male slaves)
  24. McSherry, James (Enslaved persons listed: Four unnamed slaves)
  25. Middleton, Robert W. (Enslaved persons listed: Nancy Smith)
  26. Moore, James, Sr. (Enslaved persons listed: unnamed young slaves)
  27. Moore, James, Jr. (Enslaved persons listed: unnamed young slaves)
  28. Mundorf, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: William, Cesar, Sally)
  29. Murphy, John, Jailor (Enslaved persons listed: Harry Jackson, Will, Bob, Jack, Ned Butler, Charles, John Peck)

Enslavement Data

  • Slaveholder Name: Ickes, Peter
    City or Township: Abbottstown, Berwick Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Innkeeper
    Notes: Assessed for "one negro" in 1790, valued at $25.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known
      Sex: Not specified
      Age: Not specified
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1790
      Status: Not known
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Valued at $25 in 1790
      Date of Record: 1790
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

  • Slaveholder Name: Johnson, Lewis; Surname also spelled Johnston in some records
    City or Township: Gettysburg Borough
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Labourer
    Notes: Lewis Johnson is described in the registration document as "man of colour."
    Research by the Adams County Historical Society and published in their journal Adams County History notes the following on Johnson:
    [Recorded as a "man of colour," this is the only known black slaveholder in Adams county. On December 7, 1814, he and Dolly Wilson, both black and both of Gettysburg, were married by justice of the peace Alexander Russell. Johnston, recorded only as a laborer, was taxed as a resident of Gettysburg 1817-1825. On June 2, 1818, he purchased property in Troxell's Addition (now near Middle and West Streets in the borough). Almost exactly a year later he sold that property; the deed of sale records his wife's name as Dorothy, surely the "Dolly" he married. The 1820 federal census shows him as head of house, black, aged 26-44; with him are two black males and one black female, all under 14 years of age and all likely his children. But no wife is shown, suggesting Dolly's death in the preceding twelve months. By the time of the 1830 census, Johnston was no longer in the county, at least as head of house. The information perhaps hints that Lewis Johnston married a slave, then subsequently freed both her and son Stephen.]
    Source: (2003) "The Slave Birth Register of Adams County," Adams County History: Vol. 9 , Article 6. Available at:

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Stephen
      Sex: Male
      Age: Two months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1816, January 04
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: March 08, 1816
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: Kelleberger, John
    City or Township: Hamilton Bann Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Eliza
      Sex: Female
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: June 08, 1807
      Status: Enslaved to age 28
      Description: "Mulattoe"
      Date of Record: November 16, 1807
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: King, Hugh
    City or Township: Tyrone Township
    County: Adams County
    Notes: Died on 21 May 1811
    Source: The Adams Sentinel, 29 May 1811.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not specified, but described as a "girl."
      Date of Birth: Not known; After 1780
      Status: Slave for a term of years
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Advertised to be sold at public auction to settle the estate of Hugh King. Text of auction announcement:
      There will be Sold, on Thursday the 13th of June next,
      ON the Plantation, late of Hugh King, deceased, in Tyrone township, Adams county, the following property, viz. -- Horses, cows, young cattle, sheep, hogs, and goats; desk and book case; one eight day clock, one case drawers, bed, and bedding --
      Also feathers, wool and woolen cloth, a new road waggon, plantation waggon, ploughs & harrows, horse gears, clover machine, grain in the ground and rye by the bushel; with a variety of household and kitchen furniture too tedious to mention. The sale to begin at ten o'clock, and continue from day to day until all is sold. Attendance and reasonable credit will be given by
      Robert McIlhinny, John King, Abraham King, Executors.
      May 28, 1811.
      There will be offered for sale the time of a MULATTO GIRL.
      The sale of this person is described as "the time of," indicating she is a term slave, born after 1780 to an enslaved mother.
      Date of Record: 28 May 1811
      Source: The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), 12 June 1811.

  • Slaveholder Name: Kitzmiller, George
    City or Township: Conowago Township
    County: Adams County
    Notes: In 1801 Kitzmiller was assessed for a "Grist Mill, saw-mill, oil-mill, hominy-mill and slaves valued at $250."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known
      Sex: Not specified
      Age: Not specified
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1801
      Status: Not known
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Included in property assessments for Conowago Township, in 1801.
      Date of Record: 1801
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

  • Slaveholder Name: Knox, Samuel
    City or Township: Hamilton Bann Township
    County: Adams County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sam Jones
      Sex: Male
      Age: "Between 9 and 10 years of age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1818 or 1819
      Status: Self-emancipated in 1828.
      Description: "Mulatto Boy"
      Notes: Sam Jones escaped from Knox on November 4, 1828. Knox placed the following ad in Gettysburg newspapers:
      RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in Hamiltonban township, on the 4th inst. a Mulatto Boy, named
      Sam Jones,
      between 9 and 10 years of age. The above Reward will be given for his apprehension -- but no thanks or charges.
      Nov. 11.
      Two weeks after his first ad, Knox published an updated ad with this additional warning: "All persons are hereby cautioned against harboring said boy -- or the law will be enforced against such as do." Date of Record: 11 November 1828
      Source: The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), 12 November, 26 November 1828.

  • Slaveholder Name: Lashells, Ralph
    City or Township: Gettysburg Borough
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Innkeeper, Sign of the Plough
    Notes: Ralph Lashells served on Gettysburg borough council in 1808, and was also one of the first bank commissioners in the borough (1813). (History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.)

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Nat Johnston
      Sex: Male
      Age: "About 45 years of age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1759
      Status: Not determined, but possibly a slave for life; self-emancipated in 1804.
      Description: "Mulatto"
      Notes: Escaped on 2 June, 1804. Ad placed by Lashells:
      Ten Dollars Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber living in Gettysburg, Adams county, on Saturday the 2d day of June, instant; A Mulatto Servant Man, Named NAT JOHNSTON, about 45 years of age, and about five feet ten inches high. He had on when he went away, a light mix'd coloured broad-cloth coat, a crossbarr'd swansdown jacket, a pair of tow trousers almost new, a flax-linen shirt, and an old roram hat. Whoever takes up said Runaway, and secures him in any gaol, so that I get him again, shall have the above reward, and all reasonable charges if brought home, paid by RALPH LASHELLS, June 8, 1804.
      N.B. All persons are forwarned from harbouring said fellow, at their peril. R.L.
      Date of Record: June 8, 1804
      Source: "Runaway Ads, Gettysburg, PA Newspapers," compiled by Alisha Sanders. Unpublished research collection. Used by permission.

  • Slaveholder Name: Lilly, Samuel
    City or Township: Mount Pleasant Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Stephen
      Sex: Male
      Age: Two months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: December 26, 1800
      Status: Enslaved to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: February 24, 1801
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Fanny
      Sex: Female
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: June 28, 1803
      Status: Enslaved to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: November 19, 1803
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Rachael
      Sex: Female
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: June 01, 1807
      Status: Enslaved to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: October 19, 1807
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Henry
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: July 21, 1809
      Status: Enslaved to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: November 21, 1809
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Benjamin
      Sex: Male
      Age: One month old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: October 04, 1811
      Status: Enslaved to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: November 20, 1811
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Mary Ann
      Sex: Female
      Age: One month old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: November 03, 1813
      Status: Enslaved to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: December 28, 1813
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    7. Enslaved Person's Name: Edward
      Sex: Male
      Age: Three months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: March 11, 1816
      Status: Enslaved to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: June 29, 1816
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    8. Enslaved Person's Name: Margaret
      Sex: Female
      Age: Three weeks old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: August 24, 1818
      Status: Enslaved to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: September 14, 1818
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: Long, Alexander
    City or Township: Straban Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Miller

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Pheb
      Sex: Female
      Age: Three months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1812, May 30
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: August 25, 1812
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: Long, Jannet
    City or Township: Straban Township
    County: Adams County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Julian
      Sex: Female
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1802, March 22
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: July 22, 1802
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: Marshall, James
    City or Township: Hamilton Bann Township
    County: Adams County
    Notes: Assessed for one slave, valued at $30, in 1802.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known
      Sex: Not specified
      Age: Not specified
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1802
      Status: Not determined
      Description: "slave"
      Notes: Valued at $30.
      Date of Record: 1802
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

  • 1810 Gettysburg advertisement for a public sale that was to include the sale of a young Black girl. Slaveholder Name: Maxwell, William
    City or Township:Gettysburg
    County: Adams County
    Notes: One female slave placed for pubic auction in January 1810

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not specified, described as a "Girl"
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1810
      Status: Slave for a term of years
      Description: "Negro Girl"
      Notes: Public auction of William Maxwell's house, property and livestock was advertised by Sheriff Roger Wales and set for January 17, 1810. Included in that public auction was the person listed here. Excerpt from ad: "Also -- at the same time and place, A likely smart Negro Girl, who has a term of years to serve."
      Date of Record: 09 January 1810
      Source: Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), 17 January 1810

  • Slaveholder Name: McClean, Moses
    City or Township: Hamilton Bann Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: In 1805, McClean listed his residence as Franklin Township. His 1807 advertisement to sell some slaves says his residence is in "Carroll's Delight," which refers to the 5,000 acres granted to Charles Carroll in 1732 and encompasses these areas in Adams County.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sele
      Sex: Female
      Age: Six months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1802, November 07
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: May 03, 1803
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    2. 1807 Advertisement from Moses McClean to sell two enslaved persons. Enslaved Person's Name: Amy
      Sex: Female
      Age: Three months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1804, November 27
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: March 01, 1805
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Unnamed woman
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not stated, but described as a "woman"
      Date of Birth: Possibly born circa 1784, based on amount of time remaining to serve if she was enslaved for the 28-year term most common to enslaved persons born in Pennsylvania after 1780.
      Status: Slave for a term of years
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Advertised for sale along with a two-year-old female child in February 1807. The description of the child offered for sale is close to that of "Amy," above. It is likely that this woman is the mother of Amy. Text of ad:
      For Sale,
      The time of a stout, healthy NEGRO WOMAN, Who has about four years and nine months to serve; and a female child upwards of two years old -- both registered according to law. For terms apply to MOSES M'CLEAN.
      Carroll's Delight, Adams County.
      Feb. 3, 1807.
      Date of Record: 03 February 1807
      Source: Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), 04 February 1807.

  • Slaveholder Name: McGiney, Mary
    City or Township: Liberty Township
    County: Adams County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Venus
      Sex: Female
      Age: Six months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1801, April 10
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Mulatto"
      Date of Record: October 05, 1801
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: McGinley, Salley
    City or Township: Hamilton Bann Township
    County: Adams County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Letty
      Sex: Female
      Age: Six months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1801, August 21
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: February 08, 1802
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: McKasson, William
    City or Township: Cumberland Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Nany
      Sex: Female
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1803, April 12
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: August 18, 1803
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: McKesson, Alexander
    City or Township: Hamilton Bann Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: With the registration of Sidney, McKesson listed his residence as Liberty Township. In 1801, McKesson was assessed in Liberty Township for three slaves, with a total value of $306.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Poll
      Sex: Female
      Age: Six months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1799, December 24
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: June 16, 1800
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Sidney
      Sex: Female
      Age: Five months old at
      Date of Birth: 1800, December
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: May 09, 1801
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known
      Sex: Not specified
      Age: Not specified, but assessments were only levied on enslaved persons between the ages of 12 and 50.
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1789
      Status: Not determined
      Description: "Slave"
      Notes: One of three enslaved persons for which McKesson was assessed in 1801.
      Date of Record: 1801
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

  • Slaveholder Name: McKesson, James Jr.
    City or Township: Hamilton Bann Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
      Sex: Male
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1810, November 15
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: April 19, 1811
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Margaret
      Sex: Female
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1812, December 03
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: May 11, 1813
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves
    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given in record
      Sex: Not specified
      Age: Not specified but taxes were assessed only on slaves between 12 and 50 years of age.
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1790
      Status: Not determined
      Description: "slave"
      Notes: Valued as $100 in the 1802 township assessment.
      Date of Record: 1802
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

  • Slaveholder Name: McPherren, Ann
    City or Township: Hamilton Bann Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Widow
    Notes: Surname is also spelled "McFarren" in the slave register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jake
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1803, September 18 (a)
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: February 02, 1804
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves
    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Nell
      Sex: Female
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1806, April 07 or 08
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: August 22, 1806
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Juley
      Sex: Female
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1809, July 20
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: November 15, 1809
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Matty
      Sex: Female
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1811, June 01
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: October 01, 1811
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Mint
      Sex: Female
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1814, April 13
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: September 27, 1814
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: McPherson, Agnes
    City or Township: Cumberland Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Widow
    Notes: Assessed for one female slave in 1799, valued at $25.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not specified, but described as a "woman."
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1787
      Status: Not determined
      Description: "female slave"
      Notes: Valued at $25 in 1799
      Date of Record: 1799
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not specified, but described as a "man."
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1787
      Status: Not determined
      Description: "man slave"
      Notes: Valued at $150 in 1799
      Date of Record: 1799
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

  • Slaveholder Name: McPherson, John B.
    City or Township: Gettysburg Borough
    County: Adams County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not specified, but described as a "boy." (see notes)
      Date of Birth: Not known (see notes)
      Status: Enslaved for a term of years; seven years remaining.
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: McPherson advertised this person for sale in 1832: "FOR SALE, THE UNEXPIRED TIME OF A NEGRO BOY, Who has about seven years to serve. Inquire of J. B. McPHERSON. Gettysburg, Feb. 14."
      The children of enslaved mothers could be held to a term of enslavement of 28 years under Pennsylvania law. If this person were enslaved to age 28, he would be 21 years old as of the date of this ad, and born circa 1811. It would not be unusual to apply the descriptive term "boy" to a young man of that age.
      Date of Record: 14 February 1832
      Source: Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), 14 February 1832.

  • Slaveholder Name: McPherson, Robert
    City or Township: Cumberland Township
    County: Adams County

    1. 1810 advertisement from Robert McPherson in Cumberland Township, Adams County, to sell an enslaved young Black man. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not known.
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not specified, but described as a young man
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1810; possibly 1790 if he was held to the typical 28-year-term of enslavement.
      Status: Slave for a term of years; eight years remaining to serve
      Description: "Young Negro Man"
      Notes: Offered for sale in May 1810. Text of advertiement placed by McPherson:
      FOR SALE,
      The time of an active, healthy YOUNG NEGRO MAN, who has about eight years to serve -- is a good worker, and understands all kinds of farming business -- Enquire of ROBERT M'PHERSON.
      Cumberland township, May 28, 1810.
      Date of Record: 28 May 1810
      Source: Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), 06 June 1810.

  • Slaveholder Name: McPherson, William
    City or Township: Cumberland Township
    County: Adams County
    Notes: Assessed for several male slaves in 1799, valued at $800.

    1. Enslaved Person's Names: Names not known (multiple slaves)
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not specified, but described as "men."
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1787 and most likely prior to 1780
      Status: Not determined
      Description: "men slaves"
      Notes: Valued at $800 in 1799
      Date of Record: 1799
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jim
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 19 years of age"
      Date of Birth: Circa 1786
      Status: Slave for a term of years; Escaped in March 1805.
      Description: "Negro servant"
      Notes: This person may or may not be one of those noted in tax records, above. Jim ran away on Friday, March 29, 1805, taking only his everyday clothes, described below. Text of runaway advertisement placed by McPherson:
      Twenty Dollars REWARD.
      RANAWAY from the subscriber, living in Adams county, Pennsylvania, on the 29th day of March last, a Negro servant for years, named JIM, about 19 years of age, five feet eight inches high, slim made, remarkably knock-kneed, especially the right knee, which stands very much in, and the foot out, has a long wart or mole on one of his ears; took with him only his common wearing apparel, consisting of a short coattee and overalls of home made cloth, winestone coloured, and jacket of the same, only striped in the weaving, and lighter coloured, a half worn wool hat, gray yarn stockings, and shoes lately soled and patched. Whoever takes up said servant, and secures him in any jail, so that his master may get him again, shall receive the above reward', and reasonable charges, if brought home, from
      May 1, 1805.
      Date of Record: 01 May 1805
      Source: Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), 26 June 1805.

  • Slaveholder Name: McSherry, James
    City or Township: Germany Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Merchant
    Notes: In 1799, James McSherry was assessed by the county for "two negro slaves for life, $266, and two small negro children, $20." In 1800 he was taxed for one male slave, aged 23, one female slave aged 20 and one female slave aged 48. The "two small negro children" valued at $20 in 1799 would not have been listed because they were too young to be taxable under the state Septennial Census. The two slaves who were in their twenties in 1800 may be the two slaves manumitted in 1817, as noted below.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Not reported
      Sex: Male
      Age: about 38 years old
      Date of Birth: c1779 (calculated)
      Status: Manumitted in 1817
      Notes: Manumitted by McSherry in 1817.
      Date of Record: 1817
      Source: "Slavery in ‘upper end’ dying out by 1800," Adams County Bicentennial Committee, April 16, 2000, published on the internet at, accessed September 29, 2004.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Not reported
      Sex: Female
      Age: about 38 years old
      Date of Birth: c1779
      Status: Manumitted in 1817
      Notes: Manumitted by McSherry in 1817.
      Date of Record: 1817
      Source: "Slavery in ‘upper end’ dying out by 1800," Adams County Bicentennial Committee, April 16, 2000, published on the internet at, accessed September 29, 2004.

  • Slaveholder Name: Middleton, Robert W.
    City or Township:
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Printer, publisher of the Star and Republican Banner newspaper,

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Nancy Smith
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not specified in record, but probably a teen or young adult.
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Bound servant
      Description: "Colored girl"
      Notes: Smith escaped from Middleton, probably in early 1832. Text of notice published by Middleton:
      I DEEM it my duty to caution the citizens of Gettysburg against employing a colored girl, named NANCY SMITH. She was bound to me for a certain time, by her mother, but has ran away before the expiration of the time for which she was bound.
      R. W. MIDDLETON.
      March 20, 1832.
      Date of Record: 20 March 1832
      Source: The Star and Republican Banner (Gettysburg, PA), 20 March 1832.

  • Slaveholder Name: Moore, James, Sr.
    City or Township: Huntingdon Township
    County: Adams County
    Notes: Assessed for several "Young slaves" in 1799.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Names not given in record (multiple slaves)
      Sex: Not specified in record
      Age: Not specified in record
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1799
      Status: Not determined from available data
      Description: "young slaves"
      Notes:1799 assessment placed no value on these slaves (probably under age 12)
      Date of Record: 1799
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

  • Slaveholder Name: Moore, James, Jr.
    City or Township: Huntingdon Township
    County: Adams County
    Notes: Assessed for "Young slaves" in 1799.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Names not known (multiple slaves)
      Sex: Not specified in record
      Age: Not specified in record (see notes)
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1799
      Status: Not determined from available data
      Description: "young slaves"
      Notes: 1799 assessment placed no value on these slaves (probably under age 12)
      Date of Record: 1799
      Source: History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania, Part III, History of Adams County, Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1886.

  • >Slaveholder Name: Mundorf, Jacob
    City or Township: Liberty Township
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: William
      Sex: Male
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1801, December 12
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Mulattoe"
      Date of Record: May 08, 1802
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Cesar
      Sex: Male
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1805, July 10
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: December 02, 1805
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Sally
      Sex: Female
      Age: Two months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: 1807, March 06
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Black"
      Date of Record: May 28, 1807
      Source: Adams County Record of Children Born to Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: Murphy, John
    City or Township: Borough of Gettysburg
    County: Adams County
    Occupation: County Jailer
    Notes: As county jailer, Murphy had control of those persons captured in the county as suspected escaped slaves who were brought to his jail until their owner, if any, could be found. He also had the responsibility of placing runaway ads.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 30 years of age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1771 (estimated)
      Status: Suspected runaway slave--escaped from jail
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Jack escaped from the Adams County jail, where he had been imprisoned on suspicion of being a runaway slave. He got away with fellow escapee William Hershberger, who was jailed for stealing. Escape ad placed by jailor Murphy (excerpt):
      12 Dollars Reward. BROKE out of the Jail of Adams county, Pennsylvania, on Thursday night last, William Hershberger, a Mulatto man, about 40 years of age, stout made--he was committed for stealing--Likewise--Negro JACK, a low, stout set fellow, about 30 years of age, had on a blue broad cloth coat, and an old blue great coat; he was committed on suspicion of being a runaway. Whoever takes up said runaways, and brings them to the jail in Gettysburg, shall have the above reward, or Six Dollars for either of them.
      JOHN MURPHY, Jailor.
      Nov. 3, 1801.
      Date of Record: November, 1801
      Source: "Runaway Ads, Gettysburg, PA Newspapers," compiled by Alisha Sanders. Unpublished research collection. Used by permission.
    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Harry Jackson
      Sex: Male
      Age: "About 24 years of age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1778, estimated from description below.
      Status: Suspected escaped slave
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Notes: Runaway ad placed by jailer Murphy:
      A RUNAWAY. WAS committed to the jail of Adams county, on the 12th of January last, on suspicion of being a Runaway, a Negro Man who calls himself Harry Jackson, About 24 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high; he wants one for tooth, and has a remarkable scar on his left eye brow--says he is a freeman, and came from Annapolis. His master may have him again by applying and paying charges.
      JOHN MURPHY, jailor.
      Gettysburg, March 9, 1802.
      Date of Record: March, 1802
      Source: "Runaway Ads, Gettysburg, PA Newspapers," compiled by Alisha Sanders. Unpublished research collection. Used by permission.
    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Will
      Sex: Male
      Age: Age not specified, but described as a "man."
      Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1803.
      Status: Suspected escaped slave
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Notes: Runaway ad placed by jailer Murphy:
      A Runaway. WAS committed to the jail, in Gettysburg, Adams county, on the 14th inst.--A NEGRO MAN, who calls himself WILL, says he belongs to WILLIAM MARLIN of Fairfax county (Virginia)--His master is desired to come and take him away, otherwise he will be discharged.
      October 25th, 1803.
      Date of Record: October, 1803
      Source: "Runaway Ads, Gettysburg, PA Newspapers," compiled by Alisha Sanders. Unpublished research collection. Used by permission.
    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not specified, but described as a "man."
      Date of Birth: Not known--late 1700's
      Status: Suspected escaped slave
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Notes: Imprisoned in the Adams County jail on suspicion of being a runaway slave. Ad placed by jailer Murphy:
      A RUNAWAY NEGRO. WAS committed to the Jail in Gettysburg, Adams county, Pennsylvania, on the 10th day of September last, a Negro Man, by the name of CHARLES, with an iron collar about his neck, says he is a slave the property of MR. William Campbell, near Lexington, Kentucky, and that he ran away about the 1st of August last. His Master is desired to come and take him away, otherwise, he will be discharged.
      Nov. 19, 1805.
      Date of Record: November, 1805
      Source: The Centinel (Gettysburg, PA), 20 November 1805.

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Bob
      Sex: Male
      Age: Age not specified, but described as a "man."
      Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1803.
      Status: Suspected escaped slave
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Notes: Runaway ad placed by jailer Murphy:
      A Runaway. WAS committed to the jail, in Gettysburg, Adams county, on the 17th December last.--A negro man who calls himself BOB, says he came from near Fredericksburg (Virginia)--His master is desired to come and take him away, otherwise he will be discharged.
      January 9th, 1804.
      Date of Record: January, 1804
      Source: "Runaway Ads, Gettysburg, PA Newspapers," compiled by Alisha Sanders. Unpublished research collection. Used by permission.
    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Ned Butler
      Sex: Male
      Age: "22 years of age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1783 (estimated from description in ad)
      Status: Suspected escaped slave
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Imprisoned in the Adams County jail on suspicion of being an escaped slave. Ad placed by jailer Murphy:
      WAS committed to the jail in Gettysburg, Adams county, on the 25th of May last, a Negro man, by the name of NED BUTLER, on suspicion of being a runaway; he says that he is free, and lived in and about Greensburg. He is a stout fellow, five feet nine or ten inches high, says he is 22 years of age, a good countenance, stammers in his speech; he had with him a mixd broad cloth coat, with gilt yellow buttons, the name and likeness of Thomas Jefferson on each button. The owner is desired to come, and take him away before the 2d of July next, otherwise he will be discharged.
      JOHN MURPHY, Jailor.
      June 11th, 1805.
      Date of Record: 11 June, 1805
      Source: "Runaway Ads, Gettysburg, PA Newspapers," compiled by Alisha Sanders. Unpublished research collection. Used by permission.
    7. Enslaved Person's Name: John Peck 1806 Adams County jailer ad for suspected escaped slave John Peck.
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 20 years of age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1786 (estimated from description in ad)
      Status: Suspected escaped slave
      Description: "Mulatto Boy"
      Notes: Imprisoned in the Adams County jail on suspicion of being an escaped slave. Ad placed by jailer Murphy:
      Was Committed
      TO the Jail, in Gettysburg, Adams county, on suspicion of being a Runaway, on the 19th of June last,
      who calls himself John Peck -- about 20 years of age, five feet five or six inches high -- says he is free, that he has lived two years past with Mrs. Carrel, two miles from Baltimore, and that he is the son of a Lidia Peck, near Howard street. His master is desired to come and take him away, otherwise he will be discharged.
      July 22, 1806.
      John Peck was re-enslaved at some point after this imprisonment. He appears ten years later in court records in New Orleans, enslaved by Burton & Gorham of New Orleans. Peck filed a petition with the District Court of Orleans Parish, Louisiana on September 24, 1816, suing for his freedom as a free-born man illegally enslaved. An abstract of his petition and related documents appears on the Digital Library of American Slavery, Slavery Petitions website:
      John Peck claims that he is a free mulatto illegally held as a slave. According to Peck, he was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to a free mulatto woman named Lidia Peck. In 1813, Dennis Darling of the Mississippi Territory, "pretending” to be his owner, “made a bill of sale of him to Abele & Shambleton of Pensacola," who then sold him to Burton & Gorham of New Orleans. Peck prays for his freedom and asks that Burton & Gorham be condemned to pay him one dollar for every day of his imprisonment. In a related document, a witness testifying for the defense states that he owned a runaway slave by the name of William "answering very much to the description of the person now claiming his freedom." According to the witness, William's parents, named Jim Young and Priscilla, were both slaves; the latter still his property. Since the witness's identification of John Peck as William is in direct contradiction to that of another witness who knew both John and his mother Lidia in Baltimore, this may have been a case of mistaken identify. (, accessed 10 June 2024)
      The petition from Peck was denied by the court.
      Date of Record: 22 July 1806 (Jailer Murphy's ad); 24 September 1816 (Petition for freedom)
      Source: The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), 23 July 1806; Records of the First Judicial District Court, Record group: Case Records, Microfilm: Reel #2, Louisiana Collection, New Orleans Public Library, New Orleans, Louisiana.

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