Slaveholders Listed On This Page
- Parsons, George (Enslaved persons: Tony, Ishmail, Elizabeth, Richard, Isaac, Tom)
- Patterson, Nicholas (Enslaved persons: Tone, Jean, Mark, Eff, Jack)
- Pennington, John (Enslaved persons: Isaac, Fanny)
- Praul, Elizabeth (Enslaved persons: Margaret)
- Praul, John (Enslaved persons: Jude, Jack, Suk, Cato, Sam, Nan)
- Price, Smith (Enslaved persons: Esther)
- Ramsay, Hugh (Enslaved persons: Jupiter)
- Ramsay, John (Enslaved persons: Matt, Patt, Peter, Hannah, Sall)
- Ramsay, Robert (Enslaved persons: Solomon)
- Ramsay, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Bett)
- Ramsay, William (Enslaved persons: Richard, John)
- Richardson, ? (Enslaved persons: Hagar)
- Riche, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Jame, Jane, Chrissy, Silvia, Luce, Isaac, Bell, Clementina, Melora, Amoreh, Peg, Emilia, Matilda, Fidelia, Phill, Jamaica, Jack, Ann, Dinah)
- Roberts, Elizabeth (Enslaved persons: unnamed "Negro boy")
- Roberts, Jonathan (Enslaved persons: Amos)
- Roberts, William (Enslaved persons: Derry)
- Robinson, Bob (Enslaved persons: Nance Cook, Jack)
- Rodman, John (Enslaved persons: Un-named man)
- Rodman, William (Enslaved persons: Rosetta Grant, Edmund Grant, Fanny Grant, Phillis, Leon, Holland, Maria, Rose, Mary, Phillis, Sal, Plymouth, Caesar, Pegg, Rose)
- Ruckman, James (Enslaved persons: Un-named female child)
- Rue, Richard (Enslaved persons: Ishmael, Robert, Hannah, Isaac, Tom, Sarah, Cuffey, Phillip)
- Sackett, Joseph (Enslaved persons: Cornwell)
- Severns, Daniel (Enslaved persons: Nell, Jem, John)
- Severns, Joseph (Enslaved persons: Un-named teenaged boy)
- Shiwell, Robert (Enslaved persons: Jess, Feno, Jamaica)
- Shull, Tobias (Enslaved persons: Tom)
- Siddon, Anthony (Enslaved persons: Pompey)
- Siddon, John (Enslaved persons: Jem)
- Spear, Phebe (Enslaved persons: Tom)
- Stewart, Robert (Enslaved persons: Pero)
- Stewart, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Florence)
- Stillwell, Richard (Enslaved persons: Phoebe, Tom)
- Strickland, Amos (Enslaved persons: Charles, John Cuffee, unnamed woman and child)
- Strickland, Margaret (Enslaved persons: Ish, Nance, Han)
- Swift, John (Enslaved persons: Bell, Lewis, Nell, Brinah, Belinda [born 1720], Juliana, Jack, Belinda [born 1788], Caesar, Charlotte, Isaac)
About The Data
Each listing represents a record of one
Black enslaved person or indentured servant (more on terminology below). The
list is sorted alphabetically according to the owner's surname. I felt
that this order would be the most useful for several reasons. It groups
slaves together who would have lived with the same owner, and increases
the likelihood of finding persons related to each other. Records of
slave surnames are rare, many being identified only through their given
name. You can search this listing for a specific slave given name by
using your browser's Find feature.
Dates of birth for the slaves, unless
specified in the original documents, have been calculated by
subtracting their given age from the date of the record. Very often,
their ages as reported in the original records are given as approximations
(such as "about 25 years of age"), indicated by a lower
case a following their age. The term Status refers to
the slave's relative freedom. Unless specified otherwise, slaves served "for
life" prior to Pennsylvania's Gradual Emancipation
Act of 1780. Children born to slave mothers after the passage of
that legislation were to serve until age 28, which was much of their
productive lives.
The term Description refers to the
main description of the slave as given in the original source (including
misspellings). This is often a means by which enslaved persons were categorized according to race and relative age. Source numbers
correspond to the accompanying list of sources used
in compiling these records.
Terminology, and Other Notes
The terms "slave" and "servant" were often
used interchangeably, especially in the earliest years of the time
period covered in this study. After the Gradual
Emancipation Act of 1780 was passed in Pennsylvania, the term "servant" frequently
came to mean either someone in indentured servitude or someone employed
by the head of the household. The passage from slave to servant was
often indistinct for many Blacks, many of whom remained with their
former owners after being legally emancipated. For simplicity, the term "slave" is used to represent all people who were
in bondage, even though some records list them as "servants."
The locations listed for the slaveholders, especially City
or Township are greatly mixed, and represent the location listed
in the original record. As township boundaries shifted and new townships
and counties were created, the original listing may be misleading.
Enslavement Data
- Slaveholder Name: Parsons, George
City or Township: Northampton
Slaveholder Notes: The property of George Parsons was advertised for sale by the Bucks County Sheriff. The description of the estate includes "a negroe man:"
Newtown, Bucks county, April 7, 1786.
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to me directed, will be exposed to public Sale, on the premises, on TUESDAY, the second day of May next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, a certain Messuage, Plantation, and Tract of Land, situate in Northampton township, containing about 180 acres, be the same more or less; having thereon a good two story stone house, good barn, &c. Also will be sold at the same time and place, winter grain in the ground, horses, cows, waggon and gears, feather beds, case of drawers, tables, chairs, plough and harrow, two copper stills; also a negroe man. All late the property of George Parsons. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold, by
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 12, 1786
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tony
Sex: Male
Age: 9 Months old at Registration
Date of Birth: 1779 or 1780 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ishmail
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Date of Birth: 1749 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Elizabeth
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Richard
Sex: Male
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: 03
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: 05
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Patterson, Nicholas
City or Township: Tinicum
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tone
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 1754 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jean
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 1756 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mark
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Eff
Sex: Female
Age: 04
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 02
Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Pennington, John
City or Township: New Britain
Occupation: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: 02
Date of Birth: 1787-January 11
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: January 20, 1789
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fanny
Sex: Female
Age: -
Date of Birth: 1789-January 20
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: January 20, 1789
- Slaveholder Name: Praul, Elizabeth
City or Township:
Slaveholder Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "Wife of Peter Praul. Returned by her on Account of the Incapacity of her Husband, He being struck with the Palsy."
- Slave Name: Margaret
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Praul, John
City or Township:
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jude
Sex: Female
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Suk
Sex: Female
Age: 00 Years and 03 Months
Date of Birth: 1780 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
Notes: Status is not specified in registration, but due to her age, should be as listed, until age 28.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
Sex: Male
Age: 38
Date of Birth: 1742 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
Sex: Male
Age: 03
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nan
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Price, Smith
City or Township: Plumstead
Occupation: "Store keeper"
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Esther
Sex: Female
Age: "about twenty three years of Age"
Date of Birth: circa 1764
Status: Manumitted in 1787
Description: "Negro"
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: May 23, 1787
Notes: Partial text of manumission papers: "Manumate and set free my Negroe Slave Named Esther about twenty three years of Age."
- Slaveholder Name: Ramsay, Hugh
City or Township: Warwick
Occupation: Mill operator. In 1790 removed to Chester County and in 1791 became a Tavern owner (Stone Tavern).
Slaveholder Notes: Husband of Jane Ramsey. Died 1825.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jupiter
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Date of Birth: 1747 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Ramsay, John
City or Township: Warwick
Occupation: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Matt
Sex: Female
Age: 44
Date of Birth: 1736 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Patt
Sex: Female
Age: 08
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
Sex: Male
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 02
Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sall
Sex: Female
Age: -
Date of Birth: 1789-January 07
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: June 09, 1789
- Slaveholder Name: Ramsay, Robert
City or Township: Tinicum
Occupation:: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Solomon
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Ramsay, Thomas
City or Township: Tinicum
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Bett
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Ramsay, William
City or Township: Warwick
Occupation:: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Richard
Sex: Male
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1782-August 01
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: March 31, 1789
- Enslaved Person's Name: John
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Richardson, ?
City or Township: Falls
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Hagar
Sex: Female
Age: 08 Years and 05 Months
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Riche, Thomas In some records as Thomas Ricke)
City or Township: Falls Township
Occupation:: Merchant
Slaveholder Notes: Largest slaveholder, by number of slaves registered, in Bucks County. Riche was a merchant who sold slaves as part of his inventory (see Pennsylvania Slave Merchants)/ See also his list of persons enslaved in Philadelphia.
- Slave Name: Jame
Sex: Male
Age: 60
Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jane
Sex: Female
Age: 10
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Chrissy
Sex: Female
Age: 00 Years and 06 Months
Date of Birth: 1780 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
Status: is presumed from the registered age, which indicates she was probably born after the March 01 1780 cut-off date for slaves for life.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Silvia
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Luce
Sex: Female
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: 12
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bell
Sex: Female
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Clementina
Sex: Female
Age: 02
Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Melora
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 1754 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Amoreh
Sex: Female
Age: 01 Year and 06 Months
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Peg
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Emilia
Sex: Female
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Matilda
Sex: Female
Age: 05
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fidelia
Sex: Female
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phill a.k.a. Philip Potter
Sex: Male
Age: 40 (Note: the age reported in the runaway ad may be more accurate)
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated from registration); or 1743 (calculated from runaway ad)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves | New Jersey Gazetteer, April 1779
Date of Record: Registration: 1780; reported run away: 2 April 1779
Notes: Ran away in March 1778, but was apparently recovered by the time of registration in 1780. Text of runaway ad:
RAN AWAY the 6th of March last, from the subscriber living in Bucks county, in the state of Pennsylvania, a negro man, who calls himself Philip Potter; a likely well set fellow, about 36 years old, has a remarkable mole on the corner of his right eye. Had on when he went off, a dark homespun coattee, red waistcoat and buckskin breeches, dark homespun stockings; but having others with him may change them. Whoever takes up the said negro and secures him in Newtown gaol, or delivers him to his master, shall receive One Hundred Dollars reward, as witness my hand this 2d of April, 1779, THOMAS RICHE.
N.B. Whoever apprehends the above described fellow, must be upon their guard, or he will escape from them.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jamaica
Sex: Male
Age: 40
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ann
Sex: Female
Age: 53
Date of Birth: 1727 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Roberts, Elizabeth
City or Township: Attleborough, or Four Lanes End (modern day Langhorne)
Slaveholder Notes: Placed advertisement to sell a house and four acres in Attleborough, also "The Time of a healthy stout NEGRO BOY for sale," with directions to inquire on the premises.
- Slave Name: Not named
Sex: Male
Age: Age not given, described as "Negro Boy"
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Term slave
Description: "Negro Boy"
Source: Gazette of the United States (Philadelphia), 07 August 1800, page 1.
Date of Record: Advertisement dated 28 July 1800
Notes: Offered for sale in July 1800 as follows: "N.B. The Time of a healthy stout NEGRO BOY for sale--Enquire as above."
- Slaveholder Name: Roberts, Jonathan
City or Township: Warwick
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Amos
Sex: Male
Age: 19a
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: Negro Man
Source: 86
Date of Record: May 07, 1794
Notes: Escaped April 29, 1794. Described in the runaway ad as "five feet eight inches high, a well set stout made fellow, a little stoop shouldered when he walks." His status was described as "indented," which may or may not refer to the status "slave to age 28."
- Slaveholder Name: Roberts, William
City or Township: New Britain
Occupation:: Yeoman
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Derry
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Date of Birth: 1746 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Robinson, Bob
City or Township: Bedminster
Occupation:: Yeoman
Slaveholder Notes: Slave Jack registered in 1789 by Thomas Wright, attorney of Bob Robinson. In the 1780 Registration, he is listed as Robert Robinson.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nance Cook
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 31
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to serve till 31 Years of Age."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 10
Date of Birth: 1779-October
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: March 10, 1789
Notes: Late registration. By law this slave probably should have been emancipated after the deadline in 1780.
- Slaveholder Name: Rodman, John
City or Township:
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Name not provided in ad
Sex: Male
Age: "about 50 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1706
Status: Slave for life -- captured runaway
Description: "Negroe man"
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 23 September 1756
Date of Record: 24 August 1756
Notes: Captured and jailed in Lancaster County. Jailer John Clark placed the following ad:
Lancaster, August 24, 1756.
NOW in the goal of this county, a Negroe man, who says he belongs to Mr. John Rodman, in Bucks county, he is a little short fellow, about 50 years of age. These are to desire his master to come or send for him, otherwise he will be sold for his fees in four weeks after the above date, by
JOHN CLARK, goaler.
- Slaveholder Name: Rodman, William
City or Township: Bensalem
Occupation: Yeoman
Slaveholder Notes: Rodman also lists his occupation as "gentleman" on some registrations and "farmer" on others.
Rodman's slave ownership is mentioned in Quaker Middletown Monthly Meeting Minutes, July 08, 1777:
"The following Friends still persist in hold slaves: Jonathan Willett, Joseph Thornton, John Jenks, and William Rodman [the latter having it under consideration]"
And: "5/3/1778 - William Rodman disowned for holding slaves and participating as a judge in matters relating to War." (Source: 90)
- Slave Name: Rosetta Grant
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years old at registration.
Date of Birth: 1786-February 10
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Woman" (from manumission document)
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: Registration: January 21, 1789; Manumission: June 24, 1809
Notes: Partial text of manumission papers: "Manumit and set free, discharge from my service and abandon agreeably to law a Negro Woman Named Rosetta Grant aged between twenty three and twenty four years and also her female child Fanny and her Male child Edmund."
- Slave Name: Edmund Grant
Sex: Male
Age: Age not specified in manumission papers; described as a "child"
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Manumitted in 1809
Description: "Male Child"
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: June 24, 1809
Notes: Partial text of manumission papers: "Manumit and set free, discharge from my service and abandon agreeably to law a Negro Woman Named Rosetta Grant aged between twenty three and twenty four years and also her female child Fanny and her Male child Edmund."
- Slave Name: Fanny Grant
Sex: Female
Age: Age not specified in manumission papers; described as a "child"
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Manumitted in 1809
Description: "Female Child"
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: June 24, 1809
Notes: Partial text of manumission papers: "Manumit and set free, discharge from my service and abandon agreeably to law a Negro Woman Named Rosetta Grant aged between twenty three and twenty four years and also her female child Fanny and her Male child Edmund."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: -
Date of Birth: 1792-May 31
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: September 17, 1792
- Enslaved Person's Name: Leon
Sex: Male
Age: 10
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Holland
Sex: Male
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1781-December 06
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: January 21, 1789
- Enslaved Person's Name: Maria
Sex: Female
Age: 04
Date of Birth: 1784-March 22
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: January 21, 1789
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
Sex: Female
Age: 75
Date of Birth: 1705 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mary
Sex: Female
Age: 50
Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sall
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Plymouth
Sex: Male
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Caesar
Sex: Male
Age: 01
Date of Birth: 1779-December 06
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
Notes: Exact date of birth is noted in 1780 Registration.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pegg
Sex: Female
Age: 01
Date of Birth: 1788-February 27
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: January 21, 1789
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Ruckman, James
City or Township: Plumstead
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Sex: Female
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
Notes: No name returned on 1780 Registration.
- Slaveholder Name: Rue, Richard
City or Township: Bensalem
Occupation:: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ishmael
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Robert
Sex: Male
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1782-November 10
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: March 16, 1789
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 44
Date of Birth: 1736 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: 50
Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sarah
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cuffey
Sex: Male
Age: 12
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillip
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Sackett, Joseph
City or Township: Wrightstown
Occupation:: Yeoman
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cornwell
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Severns, Daniel
City or Township: Bensalem
Occupation: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nell
Sex: Female
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jem
Sex: Male
Age: -
Date of Birth: 1792-February 25
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: August 14, 1792
- Enslaved Person's Name: John
Sex: Male
Age: -
Date of Birth: 1794-February 13
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: Mulatto
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: August 11, 1794
- Slaveholder Name: Severns, Joseph
City or Township: Bensalem
Occupation: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes: Enslaved teenaged boy sold as part of his estate.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given in ad
Sex: Male
Age: "between 14 and 15 years of age"
Date of Birth: 1761 or 1762
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Boy"
Notes: Offered for sale in September 1776 to settle the estate of Joseph Severns. Text of ad:
TO BE SOLD by the subscribers, a likely Negroe BOY, between 14 and 15 years of age, is a compleat farmer for his age, remarkable strong and healthy and has had the small pox; he is sold for no fault whatsoever, but is a part of the estate of Joseph Severns deceas'd, for further particulars enquire of Benjamin Severns in Bensalem, Bucks county, near the new Presbyterian Church.
JOHN and BENJAMIN SEVERNS, Administrators.
Bucks County, September 14, 1776.
Date of Record: 14 September 1776
Source: The Pennsylvania Ledger, or the Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey Weekly Advertiser, 28 September 1776.
- Slaveholder Name: Shiwell, Robert
City or Township: New Britain
Occupation:: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jess
Sex: Male
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Feno
Sex: Male
Age: -
Date of Birth: 1794-October 15
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: April 14, 1795
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jamaica
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Shull, Tobias
City or Township: New Britain
Slaveholder Notes: Shull was a "Bucks County Associator," serving in the New Britain Company during the Revolution.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: ? "man"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Runaway
Description: Negro Man
Source: 77 (full text of two different ads)
Date of Record: December 31, 1778
Notes: Ran away on December 20, 1778. Described in the runaway ad as "well made, about six feet high...He has a fiddle with him, and plays with his left hand." He had been recently bought from William Brown of Ten Mile Run in New Jersey.
- Slaveholder Name: Siddon, Anthony
City or Township: Newtown Township
Occupation:: Jailer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Pompey
Sex: Male
Age: ? "man"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Captured Runaway
Description: "Negroe Fellow"
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 23 May 1765.
Date of Record: May 14, 1765
Notes: Captured and jailed in Newtown jail as a suspected runaway slave. Jailer Siddon placed the following ad to notify his owner:
NOW in Newtown Goal, Bucks County, a certain Negroe Fellow, who calls himself Pompey, and says he belongs to Ebenezer Applegate, near Allen Town, in East New-Jersey. His Master is desired to fetch him away in two Weeks from the Date hereof, or he will be sold for his Charges.
May 14, 1765, ANTHONY SIDDON, Goaler.
- Slaveholder Name: Siddon, John
City or Township: Newtown Township
Occupation:: Jailer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Jem
Sex: Male
Age: Age not mentioned in ad
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Captured Runaway
Description: "Negroe"
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 27 July 1769.
Date of Record: 22 July 1769
Notes: Captured and jailed in Newtown jail as a suspected runaway slave. Jailer Siddon placed the following ad to notify his owner:
Newtown, Bucks County, July 22, 1769.
WAS committed to the goal of this county, a certain Negroe, named JEM, and says he belongs to one Daniel Hughes of Frederick county, Maryland; his master is hereby desired to come, pay his charges, and take him away.
- Slaveholder Name: Spear, Phebe
City or Township: Northampton
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Stewart, Robert
City or Township: Tinicum
Occupation:: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pero
Sex: Male
Age: 11 Years and 6 Months
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Stewart, Thomas
City or Township: Tinicum
Occupation:: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Florence
Sex: Female
Age: 12
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Mulatto
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Stillwell, Richard
City or Township: Lower Makefield
Occupation:: Farmer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phoebe
Sex: Female
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Mulatto
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "A Mollattoe Slave for Life."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Strickland, Amos
City or Township: Newtown
Occupation:: Jailer
Slaveholder Notes:
- Slave Name: Charles
Sex: Male
Age: 24a
Date of Birth: 1716 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Man"
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 20, May 11, 1738
Date of Record: April 20, 1738
Notes: Ran away in April 1738. Text of runaway ad placed by Amos Strickland to recover him:
RUN away on the 18th Inst. from Amos Strickland, of Newtown in Bucks County, a Negro Man, named Charles, aged about 24 Years, of middle Stature, well set, does not talk good English, on one of his Ankles is a large Scar, and his Feet having been frozen he walks a little crippling: Had on an old Castor Hat, a linnen Cap with Callico Border, a dirty colour'd Kersey Jacket, Leather Breeches stitch'd with 3 Seams along the Knees, a homespun Shirt, yarn Stockings footed, strong Shoes with Hobnails in them. He pretends to be a Tanner. Whoever takes up and secures the said Negro, so that he may be had again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward and reasonable Charges paid by Amos Strickland.
- Slave Name: John Cuffee
Sex: Male
Age: "aged about Twenty-six years"
Date of Birth: circa 1721
Status: Suspected runaway slave
Description: "Negroe Man"
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 29 October 1747.
Date of Record: 29 October 1747
Notes: Captured and jailed in Newtown, Bucks County. Text of runaway ad placed by Sheriff Amos Strickland to find his owner:
Philadelphia, Octob. 29, 1747.
TAken up and committed to Newtown-goal in Bucks county, on suspicion of running away, a Negroe man nam'd John Cuffee, aged about Twenty-six years, has a blemish in the right eye, mark'd very much with scars on each side his face, and all over his forehead, has a light colour'd broadcloth surtout coat, with mohair buttons. He says he did belong to one John Harding, master of a ship from Madeira to Patapsco in Maryland, and that his master was shot in the voyage by a Spanish Privateer. Any person that can claim a property to the said Negroe, is hereby desir'd to come and pay charges, and take him away.
John Cuffee is described by Strickland as having substantial tribal scarification markings: "Mark'd very much with scars on each side his face, and all over his forehead." The description matches that of a fugitive slave from Maryland, as in the ad below. The below ad states Cuffee ran away on November 27, 1747, a month after he was jailed in Newtown. He may have been returned to Smith and escaped again:
Philadelphia, December 3, 1747.
RUN away on 27th of November, from David Smith, living in Worcester county, Maryland, a Negro man, named Cuffee, is much scarrifi'd on each side of his face, and all over his forehead, has a blemish over his right eye, and aged about 26 years; Had on when he went away, a scarlet broadcloth greatcoat, and a lightish brown coloured surtout coat, a blue pair of broad cloth breeches, new shoes, Thread stockings, with large clocks, and an old felt hat. Whoever takes up and secures said Negro, so that his master, Thomas Muir, or the subscriber may have him again, shall have Ten-shillings reward, besides what the law allows, paid by
- Enslaved Person's Name: Not named in ad
Sex: Female
Age: "woman"
Date of Birth: prior to 1751
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe woman"
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 1 August 1751
Date of Record: 01 August 1751
Notes: Offered for sale, along with her child, in August 1751: "To be sold by said Strickland, a lusty Negroe woman and child."
- Slaveholder Name: Strickland, Margaret
City or Township: Newtown
Slaveholder Notes:
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ish
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 1756 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nance
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Han
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Swift, John
City or Township: Bensalem
Occupation:: Gentleman
Slaveholder Notes: Also lists his occupation as farmer on some registrations.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lewis
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nell
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Brinah
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Belinda
Sex: Female
Age: 60
Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Juliana
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years old
Date of Birth: 1786-October 20
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: January 23, 1789
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Belinda
Sex: Female
Age: about 6 months old
Date of Birth: 1788-June 25
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record: January 23, 1789
- Enslaved Person's Name: Caesar
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charlotte
Sex: Female
Age: about three months old at registration -
Date of Birth: 1794-December 04
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: 72>
Date of Record: March 12, 1795
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: about one month old at registration
Date of Birth: 1791-October 20
Status: Slave to age 28
Source: Bucks County Register of Slaves
Date of Record: November 16, 1791
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