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  A young enslaved Black woman working on a colonial Pennsylvania farm.
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A series of pages exploring
various aspects of enslavement in Pennsylvania

Chester County, Pennsylvania Slaveholders S - Y

Slaveholders Listed on this Page

  1. Sanderson, Richard (Enslaved persons: John Cherry)
  2. Scott, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Dinah)
  3. Sharp, James (Enslaved persons: Jacob)
  4. Shaw, Samuel (Enslaved persons: Peter, Buff)
  5. Shearer, William (Enslaved persons: Beck, Joe, Jack)
  6. Shippen, Joseph Jr. (Enslaved persons: Doll, Hannah, Antrim)
  7. Sidwell, Lydia (Enslaved persons: Rose)
  8. Skyles, Hermon (Enslaved persons: Glasco)
  9. Smedley, Sarah Baker (Enslaved persons: Nell, Hannah, Rachel)
  10. Smedley, Thomas  (Enslaved persons: Nelly and child, James)
  11. Smith, Elizabeth (Enslaved persons: Bett)
  12. Smith, Isaac (Enslaved persons: Perry Miller)
  13. Smith, James (Enslaved persons: Tom)
  14. Smith, John (Enslaved persons: Dinah)
  15. Smith, Margaret (Enslaved persons: Scimbo)
  16. Smith, Samuel (Enslaved persons: Milford, Tom)
  17. Smith, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Jim, Cato, Phebe, Hannah)
  18. Smith, William (Enslaved persons: Nance, Eamy, Andrew)
  19. Starrett, John (Enslaved persons: Thomas Bucher)
  20. Starrett, William (Enslaved persons: Cate, Phebe, George, Ceaser)
  21. Starrett, William, Oxford Township (Enslaved persons: Ceaser)
  22. Steel, William (Enslaved persons: Leet, Simon)
  23. Strawbridge, Joseph (Enslaved persons: George)
  24. Strawbridge, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Ned, Flora, Hannah)
  25. Tanner, Philip (Enslaved persons: Joe, Leah)
  26. Taylor, Isaac (Enslaved persons: Christopher, Un-named man)
  27. Taylor, John (Enslaved persons: Jude, Un-named man)
  28. Taylor, John, Doctor (Enslaved persons: Un-named slaves)
  29. Telles, John (Enslaved persons: Francis, Frank)
  30. Templen, Richard (Enslaved persons: Cesar)
  31. Thomas, Benjamin (Enslaved persons: Ishmael)
  32. Thompson, Hugh (Enslaved persons: Peter)
  33. Thompson, William (Enslaved persons: Bacchus)
  34. Todd, William A. (Enslaved persons: Jonathan Tim)
  35. Tremble, Lewis (Enslaved persons: Peg, Liz)
  36. Twaddle, William (Enslaved persons: Sam, Tom, Seal, Jesse)
  37. Valeau, Peter (Enslaved persons: Two un-named men)
  38. Vanlasey, John (Enslaved persons: Pheb, Poleck, Pompey, York)
  39. Vanleer, Bernard (Enslaved persons: George)
  40. Vanleer, Branson (Enslaved persons: Meely, Cudgo, Cesar, Will, Edetha, Tester)
  41. Vanleer, Samuel (Enslaved persons: Sambo)
  42. Vernon, Edward (Enslaved persons: Kate, 2 un-named boys, Jym, Jinn, Dann)
  43. Wade, Lydia (Enslaved persons: John, Jane, Jane [child])
  44. Walker, Joseph (Enslaved persons: Jack)
  45. Wallace, Elizabeth (Enslaved persons: Flora, Pere)
  46. Wallers, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Esther, Phillis)
  47. Way, Joshua (Enslaved persons: Phillis)
  48. Wayne, Anthony, General (Enslaved persons: Toby)
  49. Weaver, Rachel (Enslaved persons: Joe, Dinah, Jack, Peter, Violet)
  50. Webb, William and Daniel (Enslaved persons: Glasgow, Frank)
  51. Wells, Enoch (Enslaved persons: Un-named woman)
  52. Wharry, James (Enslaved persons: Cato)
  53. Whelen, Dennis (Enslaved persons: Jess, Unnamed man)
  54. Wherry, David (Enslaved persons: Cuff, Leah)
  55. Whitting, John (Enslaved persons: Nanny, Dinah)
  56. Wilcox, Mark (Enslaved persons: Prince, Ceaser, Pegg, Luke, Tim, Suck)
  57. Wilcox, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Luce)
  58. Wiley, David (Enslaved persons: Sill, George, Dine)
  59. Wiley, John (Enslaved persons: George)
  60. Wiley, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Un-named Boy)
  61. Williams, Hugh (Enslaved persons: Bacchus)
  62. Williams, John (Enslaved persons: Quash)
  63. Willing, Richar (Enslaved persons: Dick, Ishmael, Harry, Molly)
  64. Willis, Joel (Enslaved persons: Ben)
  65. Willson, John (Enslaved persons: Phillis, Cate)
  66. Wilson, David (Enslaved persons: Nance)
  67. Wilson, James (Enslaved persons: Solomon)
  68. Winings, Jacob (Enslaved persons: Isaac Smith)
  69. Withy, Mary (Enslaved persons: Phillis, Sophia)
  70. Worrall, John (Enslaved persons: Philip Brown)
  71. Worrall, Peter (Enslaved persons: Cuff King, Jane Salmon)
  72. Worrall, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Prudence Ford)

Enslavement Data

  • Slaveholder Name: Sanderson, Richard
    City or Township: Concord
    County: Chester County
    Notes: Sanderson died in 1769.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: John Cherry
      Sex: Male
      Age: "man"
      Date of Birth:
      Status: Manumitted by will of Richard Sanderson
      Description: "Mulatto man"
      Notes: The will of Richard Sanderson states: "To my trusty and faithful mulatto man James Cherry 20, also during his life my log house where John Sullan now lives and 30 acres of land adjoining. Executors to set him free by manumission."
      Date of Record: Will written April 3, 1769 and proved October 21, 1769.
      Source: "Wills: Abstracts and Administrations 1713-1825: Chester Co, PA (Proved 1768-9)," USGenWeb Archives.

  • Slaveholder Name: Scott, Thomas
    City or Township:
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slave of Thomas Scott is listed on page 51 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 20
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Slave"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Slave named Dinah aged twenty years."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Sharp, James
    City or Township: Sadsbury Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Iron master

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
      Sex: Male
      Age: 28a
      Date of Birth: 1732 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mulatto Man Slave"
      Notes: Ran away in November 1760. Text of ad placed by James Sharp to recover Jacob:
      Philadelphia, November 27, 1760
      RUN away on the 17th Inst. From the Subscriber, living in Sadsbury Township, in the County of Chester, in Pennsylvania, A Mulatto Man Slave, called Jacob, about 28 Years of Age, born in the Town of Chester, and brought up in the House of Mr. James Mather, Tavernkeeper, in the said Town of Chester; he is pretty fair faced, his Wool black, and much curled, and keeps it close shaved, smooth faced, hollow eyed, and heavy browed, speaks good English, and pretends to dress Hats and shave: had on when he went away, A white Cloth Coat, lines with white Cloth, with broad Metal Buttons, white Cloth Breeches, Check Shirt, blue and white Cotton Jacket, grey Yarn Stockings, good Shoes, large Brass Buckles, and a middling good Fur Hat. He carried with him two Silk Handkerchiefs, one a Flag, and the other a small Stripe, two Caps, one Silk, and the other Cotton. Whoever takes up and secures said Mullato, so as his Master may have him again, shall have Five Pounds Reward, and all reasonable Charges, paid by Mr. John Mather, of the Town of Chester, Shopkeeper, or by me the Subscriber, JAMES SHARP.
      N.B. The Public is forbid to harbour the said Mulatto, and all Masters of Vessels are desired not to carry him off at their Peril.
      Date of Record: November 27, 1760
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, November 27, 1760.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Abel
      Sex: Male
      Age: 24 or 25a
      Date of Birth: 1756 or 1757 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Notes: One of Peter Grubb's slaves, working for James Sharp. Ran away in 1779. Text of ad placed by either Grubb or Sharp in 1781 to recover Abel:
      One Ton of BAR IRON Reward, (or the value thereof in currency) RAN away from James Sharps, in Sadsbury township, Chester county, on the 10th day of April, 1779, a remarkable likely Negroe Man, very black, named ABEL, about 24 or 25 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, with a mole on one of his cheeks, his clothes unknown; it is supposed he harbours between New Castle and St. George, or about Appquinimink, in Delaware State, as he has some friends that are freemen living in a cedar swamp in the neighbourhood. Whoever takes up said Negroe, and secures him in any goal, or brings him to his master, living at Hopewell forge, in Lancaster county, shall have the above reward, paid by PETER GRUBB.
      N.B. It is probable he will pass for a freeman, he having got a pass from a free negroe, named NAT and may pass by that name. March 31, 1781.
      Date of Record: April 25, 1781
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 25, 1781.

  • Slaveholder Name: Shaw, Samuel
    City or Township: Borough of Chester
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Miller
    Notes: The slaves of Samuel Shaw are listed on page 33 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
      Sex: Male
      Age: 36
      Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Peter aged thirty six years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Buff
      Sex: Male
      Age: 23
      Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Buff aged twenty three years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Shearer, William
    City or Township:
    County: Chester County
    Notes: The slaves of William Shearer are listed on page 44 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Beck
      Sex: Female
      Age: 18
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Beck aged eighteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Joe aged sixteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 11
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro named Jack aged eleven years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Shippen, Joseph Jr.
    City or Township: Kennett Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: The slaves of Joseph Shippen Junior are listed on page 15 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Doll
      Sex: Female
      Age: 50
      Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Doll aged fifty years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Hannah aged sixteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Antrim
      Sex: Male
      Age: 15
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Lad"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Lad named Antrim aged fifteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Sidwell, Lydia
    City or Township: East Nottingham Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Seamstress
    Notes: The slave of Lydia Sidwell is listed on page 9 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
      Sex: Female
      Age: 2
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of thirty-one years
      Description: "Mulatto Servant Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto Servant Girl till she attains the age of thirty one years named Rose aged two years."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Skyles, Hermon
    City or Township: West Caln Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: The slave of Hermon Skyles is listed on page 35 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Glasco
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Glasco aged ten years a Slave for Life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Smedley, Sarah (Baker)
    City or Township: Willistown Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Widow
    Notes:Widow of Thomas Smedley (see biographical information, below)
    1. Slave Name: Nell
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not determined, but she was an adult with a child by 1757.
      Date of Birth: Not known.
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mullato"
      Notes: Partial text of the will of Thomas Smedley, bequeathing Nell and her child to his wife Sarah Baker:
      "Also I Give my Molluto wench named Nelly and her Child to the Disposal of my Loving Wife."  In her will, dated "2 mo. 25, 1765," Sarah directed that Nell and her two children were to be manumitted:
      "We have seen that Thomas Smedley, by will, devised to his wife, a mulatto woman, Nelly, and her child; and Sarah Smedley, by will, gave their freedom to Nelly and her children, Hannah and Rachel. As a further sequel to the case, the following appears among the family papers:
      'Whereas a Dispute hath for some time Existed amongst the Smedleys Respecting the Maintenance of a Molato woman Called Nelley and the Disputants having mutually agreed that we the subscribers shall settle said Dispute between or amongst them, We do therefore ajudge and award that the said Nelley shall be supported and Maintained by and Equally between the Estates of John Smedley and George Smedley (Deceased) as long as a Certain sum of money Called reversions (left to them by their Mother) shall last for that use if so long the said Nelley should live; As witness our hands the 21st Day of July 1803.
      Isaac Haines, Peter Osborne, Nath'l Grubb' " (p. 85)
      Date of Record: Date of will of Thomas Smedley: "30th day of the seventh month," 1757; Date of will of Sarah Smedley: "2 mo. 25, 1765."
      Source: Genealogy of the Smedley Family, compiled by Gilbert Cope, published 1901. Contributed by Fred Kelso.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name:  Hannah
      Sex:  Female
      Age: Not determined, but a child prior to 1757.
      Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1757.
      Status: Slave for life--possibly manumitted circa 1765
      Description: "child"
      Notes: Child of Nelly, who was bequeathed to Sarah by her husband Thomas in 1757, along with this child.  Sarah's will, dated 1765, directs that Nell and her (by that time) two children were to be manumitted.
      Date of Record: Date of will of Thomas Smedley: "30th day of the seventh month," 1757; Date of will of Sarah Smedley: "2 mo. 25, 1765."
      Source: Genealogy of the Smedley Family, compiled by Gilbert Cope, published 1901. Contributed by Fred Kelso.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not determined, but a child prior to 1765.
      Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1765.
      Status: Slave for life--possibly manumitted circa 1765
      Description: "child"
      Notes: Child of Nelly, who was bequeathed to Sarah by her husband Thomas in 1757.  Sarah's will, dated 1765, directs that Nell and her (by that time) two children were to be manumitted.
      Date of Record: Date of will of Sarah Smedley: "2 mo. 25, 1765."
      Source: Genealogy of the Smedley Family, compiled by Gilbert Cope, published 1901. Contributed by Fred Kelso.

  • Slaveholder Name: Smedley, Thomas
    City or Township: Willistown Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: Thomas and Sarah (Baker) Smedley were my 8th great grandparents, and they were Chester County Quakers. Thomas was born in Middletown Twp., Delaware County 2nd month the 15th ,1688 to George and Sarah Smedley, who were members of the Middletown Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). George was a First Purchaser of Pennsylvania land from William Penn; he was born most likely in Derbyshire, England and came to Pennsylvania about 1682. Sarah Baker was born in Edgmont, Shropshire, England 1681-2 to Joseph and Mary Baker, Quakers who came to Pennsylvania in 1684 and settled Edgemont Twp., Delaware County they were also members of Middletown Meeting. The will of George Smedley does not mention slaves, and I have not seen a will for Joseph Baker.

    Thomas Smedley and Sarah Baker were married 8th month the 26th, 1710 at Middletown Meeting. By this time Thomas father George had moved to Willistown Twp., Chester County. Thomas accumulated many hundreds of acres of land in Willistown Twp., and several hundred more in Whiteland Twp. he was probably building up his estate so that each of his four sons could inherit a sizeable farm upon his death. His properties included such industries as fulling mills, tanneries and limestone quarries.

    Thomas and Sarah Smedley were upstanding Quakers; they were active members of their meeting and often appointed on committees or represented their preparative meetings at the monthly sessions. They attended Middletown Meeting until 1722, when they changed their membership to Goshen, on account of its being more convenient [and only recently set off from Middletown].

    As evidenced by his will, sometime while he was acquiring real estate and increasing his farming and industrial operations, Thomas was also acquiring slaves. His will is dated the 30th day of the seventh month, 1757, when he was residing in Willistown Twp. The following excerpt relates to his human property:

    Also I Give my Molluto wench named Nelly and her Child to the Disposal of my Loving Wife ALSO I Give and Bequeath Eight Years of the Time of my Molluto Lad Called Jim, or James, (if he shall Live So long) to my Four Sons that is to Say to Serve the first Year after my Decease with my son Thomas Smedley, and the Second Year with my son John, the third Year with my son Francis, and the fourth year with my son George Smedley, and so in the Same Turn Until the sd Eight Years be Expired And then it is my will that he shall be Set Free And it is my Will that he shall Freely have and Enjoy the dwelling House where John Norrey Now liveth with Twenty Acres of Arable Land thereto Adjoyning from the Time of his being so Set Free for and during the Term of his Naturall Life.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Nelly
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not determined, but an adult with child by 1757.
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Slave for life--possibly manumitted circa 1765
      Description: "Molluto"
      Notes: Nelly was bequeathed to Thomas' wife Sarah in 1757, along with her child.  Sarah's will, dated 1765, directs that Nell and her (by that time) two children were to be manumitted.
      Date of Record: Date of will of Thomas Smedley: "30th day of the seventh month," 1757; Date of will of Sarah Smedley: "2 mo. 25, 1765."
      Source: Genealogy of the Smedley Family, compiled by Gilbert Cope, published 1901. Contributed by Fred Kelso.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Not specified
      Sex: Not specified.
      Age: Not determined, but a child prior to 1757.
      Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1757.
      Status: Slave for life--possibly manumitted circa 1765
      Description: "child"
      Notes: Child of Nelly, who was bequeathed to Thomas' wife Sarah in 1757, along with this child.  Sarah's will, dated 1765, directs that Nell and her (by that time) two children were to be manumitted.
      Date of Record: Date of will of Thomas Smedley: "30th day of the seventh month," 1757; Date of will of Sarah Smedley: "2 mo. 25, 1765."
      Source: Genealogy of the Smedley Family, compiled by Gilbert Cope, published 1901. Contributed by Fred Kelso.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jim or James
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not determined, but referred to as a "lad" by 1757.
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Not determined, but possibly manumitted in 1765
      Description: "Molluto Lad"
      Notes: James was bequeathed to Thomas' four sons in 1757, to serve each son in yearly rotations for eight years, after which time he was to be manumitted and given use of a house and twenty acres for the duration of his life.  See the text of the will above.
      Date of Record: Date of will of Thomas Smedley: "30th day of the seventh month," 1757.
      Source: Genealogy of the Smedley Family, compiled by Gilbert Cope, published 1901. Contributed by Fred Kelso.

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, Elizabeth
    City or Township: West Nottingham Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Spinster
    Notes: The slave of Elizabeth Smith is listed on page 38 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Bett
      Sex: Female
      Age: 15
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Bett aged fifteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, Isaac
    City or Township: Sadsbury Township
    County: Chester County


    1. Slave Name: Perry Miller
      Slave Sex: Male
      Slave Age: Not reported, but described as a "boy"
      Slave Date of Birth: c 1800 or later
      Slave Status: Slave for a term of years
      Slave Description: "Negro Boy"
      Slave Notes: Miller ran away in December 1817. Smith ran the following advertisement to recapture him:
      5 Dollars Reward.
      RAN away from the subscriber, living in Sadsbury township, Chester county, on the 8th instant, a negro Boy named Perry Miller, about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, stout made; he has when spoken to a very simple look with his eyes, large mouth and nose and remarkable big lips, and fond of strong drink; his feet are from 13 to 14 inches, and thick in proportion. He had on when he went away a drab coloured roundabout, jacket and pantalets of the same, strong shoes, all which were new and a wool hat about half worn. The last account of him was at Mr. Daniel's mill, near the Bird and Hand in Lancaster county. Any person securing the above described runaway in any jail in this state, so that his master can get him again, shall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges if brought home.
      Isaac Smith.
      December 19
      N.B. All persons are forbid harboring him at their peril.
      Date of Record: Runaway advertisement: 19 December 1817
      Source: Lancaster Journal, 31 December 1817, 2 January 1818.

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, James
    City or Township: New London Township
    County: Chester County
    Notes: Son of John Smith of West Nantmeal

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: "boy"
      Date of Birth:
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Notes: John Smith of West Nantmeal willed a tract of land in East Nottingham containing 260 "whereon I formerly lived" and negro boy Tom to his son James Smith.
      Date of Record: Will dated January 26, 1768 and proved February 11, 1768.
      Source: "Wills: Abstracts and Administrations 1713-1825: Chester Co, PA (Proved 1768-9)," USGenWeb Archives.

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, John
    City or Township: New London Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: The slave of John Smith is listed on page 18 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 32
      Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Woman named Dinah aged thirty two years a slave for life." Dinah ran away in May 1798. Smith ran the following advertisement to recapture her:
      Three Dollars Reward. RAN away from the subscriber, on the 6th inst. A negro woman, named DINAH, about fifty years of age, of a good black colour, her hair or wool somewhat grey with age; had on and took with her a variety of cloathing, amongst which are three long gowns, one white muslin, one dark cotton and one striped linen, several short gowns of different kinds, and stuff petticoats, with a variety not now recollected, old leather shoes with low heels. She was born on the Western shore, Maryland, speaks good English, is expected to be gone towards Philadelphia. Any person apprehending the said reasonable expences if brought home, paid by JOHN SMITH. New London, Chester county, May 22, 1798.
      Date of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780; Runaway advertisement: June 6, 1798
      Source: Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; The Pennsylvania Gazette, June 6, 1798, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, Margaret, Heirs of
    City or Township: West Nottingham Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Deceased
    Notes: The slave of Margaret Smith is listed on page 38 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Scimbo
      Sex: Female
      Age: 45
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Scimbo aged forty five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, Samuel
    City or Township: Darby Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slaves of Samuel Smith are listed on page 40 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Milford
      Sex: Male
      Age: 58
      Date of Birth: 1722 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Milford aged fifty eight years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 23
      Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Tom aged twenty three years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, Thomas
    City or Township: Ridley Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: The slaves of Thomas Smith are listed on page 29 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jim
      Sex: Male
      Age: 20
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Jim aged twenty years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Cato aged ten years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Phebe
      Sex: Female
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Phebe aged fourteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 9
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Hannah aged nine years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, William
    City or Township: Tinicum Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slaves of William Smith are listed on page 34 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Nance
      Sex: Female
      Age: 5
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro girl named Nance aged five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Eamy
      Sex: Female
      Age: 12
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of 31
      Description: "Negro Servant Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Servant Girl till she attains the age of thirty one years named Eamy aged twelve years."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Andrew
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of 31
      Description: "Negro Servant Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Servant Boy till he attains the age of thirty one years named Andrew aged twelve years."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Starrett, John
    City or Township: East Nantmeal Township
    County: Chester County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Thomas Bucher
      Sex: Male
      Age: 35a
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mulattoe man"
      Notes: Ran away on August 25, 1770, with his wife. Starrett waited until November to place a runaway ad:
      RUN away on the 25th day of August last, from the subscriber, living in East Nantmell township, Chester county, a Mulattoe man, named Thomas Bucher, aged 35 years, about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, hath short black curled hair, very large feet, his legs not equal, the one considerably thicker than the other, is pretty much marked with the small pox; had on, and took with him, when he went away, a whitish coloured thick cloth coat, with mohair buttons, one under jacket, without sleeves, one fine linen shirt, one tow ditto, one pair of tow trowsers, one pair of coarse leather shoes, with brass buckles, one new castor hat, and one half worn ditto. Said Mulattoe took with him a white woman, which he says is his wife, she is very remarkable, as all the fingers are cut off her right hand, and is a thickset chunkey, impudent looking, red haired hussey, pretty much given to strong drink. Whoever takes up said Mulattoe man, and secures him in any of his Majestygoals, shall have Eight Dollars reward, and reasonable charges, paid by JOHN STARRETT.
      N.B. It may be supposed some evil designing person hath drawn him a pass.
      Note that Starrett believes Bucher and his wife had a pass to facilitate their escape, which is evidence of early underground railroad activity. Starrett also refused to recognize the legitimacy of the marriage between Bucher and the woman who went with him.
      Date of Record: November 1, 1770
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, November 1, 1770

  • Slaveholder Name: Starrett, William
    City or Township: East Nantmeal Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slaves of William Starrett are listed on page 5 of the 1780 register. See also the William Starrett living in Oxford Township, below.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cate
      Sex: Female
      Age: 40
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Cate aged forty years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Phebe
      Sex: Female
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro girl named Phebe aged thirteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: George Graves
      Sex: Male
      Age: 4
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named George aged four years a slave for life." George ran away in March 1799. Starrett placed the following advertisement in the newspapers to recover him:
      Thirty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscribers, living at Springton forge, in West Nantmill township, Chester county, on the 2d of March last, a Negro man, named GEORGE GRAVES, about 21 or 22 years of age, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, has remarkable big lips, and a scar on his upper lip; had on when he went away a tow shirt, striped flannel waistcoast, striped coating trowsers, a blue double-breasted coat, a pair of new coarse shoes, and wool hat, but it likely he will change his cloaths; he is used to work in the forge. Whoever secures said Negro in any gaol, so that his master may get him again, shall received the above reward from either of the subscribers, and all reasonable charges paid, by WILLIAM STARRETT, Senr. WILLIAM STARRETT, Junr.
      West Nantmill, July 23.
      N.B. Masters of vessels and others are forbid harbouring said run-away at their peril.
      Date of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780; Runaway advertisement: July 24, 1799
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; The Pennsylvania Gazette, July 24, 1799, in Accessible Archives,

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Ceaser
      Sex: Male
      Age: 22a
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Status: Not determined
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Notes: Ceaser arrived at William Starrett's house in April 1782, ill and claiming to be a free man who fought with the southern Continental army. Starrett did not believe him and advertised him as a possible fugitive slave:
      CAME to the house of the subscriber, living in East Nantmill, Chester county, some time in April last, A negroe Man, called CAESAR, about 22 years of age, five feet six inches high, marked with the small pox, was born in Guinea, and speaks very much in the dialect; says he came last from the southern army, and that he is a freeman; Had on, a blue regimental coat, faced with red, black worsted breeches, light coloured jacket, tow cloth shirt, and an old hat; has sundry other clothes, such as, one pair buckskin breeches, one tow cloth hunting shirt, and one scollop hat, pretty good; was much indisposed with sickness when he came to my house; is now under a surgeon hands, and is much recovered; therefore as I doubt the truth of his being free, his master, if any he has, is desired to come, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be sold for the same, in three weeks from the date hereof. May 22, 1782. WILLIAM STARRETT.
      Note that, regardless of his military service and free status, Ceaser will not now be freed, facing either being sold into servitude "for charges" if no one claims him as their property, or of being returned to slavery if someone does claim him as their property.
      Date of Record: June 5, 1782
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, June 5, 1782, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Starrett, William
    City or Township: Oxford Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: The slave of William Starrett is listed on page 43 of the 1780 register. See also the William Starrett, living in East Nantmeal Township, above.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ceaser
      Sex: Male
      Age: 12
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named Ceaser aged twelve years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Steel, William
    City or Township:
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slaves of William Steel are listed on page 51 of the 1780 register. William Steel was the last person to register a slave-for-life in Chester County under the 1780 law.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Leet
      Sex: Female
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Leet aged thirteen years a slave for Life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Simon
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named Simon aged ten years a slave for Life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Strawbridge, Joseph
    City or Township: Londonderry Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: The slave of Joseph Strawbridge is listed on page 23 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: George
      Sex: Male
      Age: 22
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named George aged twenty two years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Strawbridge, Thomas
    City or Township: Londonderry Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Tanner
    Notes: The slaves of Thomas Strawbridge are listed on page 3 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ned
      Sex: Male
      Age: 9
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named Ned aged nine years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Flora
      Sex: Female
      Age: 33
      Date of Birth: 1747 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Flora aged thirty three years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 7
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro girl named Hannah aged seven years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Tanner, Philip
    City or Township: East Nottingham Township
    County: Chester County
    Notes: The slaves of Philip Tanner are listed on page 9 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 9
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Joe aged nine years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Leah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 18
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Leah aged eighteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Taylor, Isaac
    City or Township: Thornbury Township
    County: Chester County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Christopher
      Slave Gender: Male
      Age: 20a
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: for life
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Ran away in 1775. Text of runaway ad placed by Isaac Taylor to recover him:
      FOUR DOLLARS Reward.
      RUN away, on Sunday, the 18th of this instant June, from the subscriber, living in Thornbury township, Chester county, a Negroe man, named Christopher, about 20 years old, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, pretty large bodied, with small legs and big feet; had on, when he went away, a nankeen coatee and breeches of the same, an old fine shirt, thread stockings, and old shoes, with one white metal buckle, and the other square steel, and an old beaver hat. Whoever takes up said servant, so that his master may have him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by ISAAC TAYLOR.
      Date of Record: June 28, 1775
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, June 28, 1775, in Accessible Archives,

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
      Slave Gender: Male
      Age: 24a
      Date of Birth: 1751 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Young Negroe Man"
      Notes: Offered for sale, along with several tracts of land, in 1775. Text of ad placed by Isaac Taylor to sell him:
      TO BE SOLD, On the Eighteenth Day of October next, THE following TRACTS of LAND, one of which in Thornbury township, Chester county, being part of the plantation late of Doctor John Taylor, deceased, and where he resided in his life time, pleasantly situated in a very healthy country, containing 308 acres of good land .The other tract situate in West Bradford township, in said county, now in the tenure of Thomas Johnson, near the Sign of the Ship, on Connestogoe road, containing 147 1/2 acres; .For terms (which will be made easy) and other particulars, apply to the subscriber, living on the first mentioned place. ISAAC TAYLOR.
      N.B. The said Isaac Taylor has for sale, a young NEGROE Man, about 24 years of age, fit for town or country, who has had the smallpox and measles. September 25, 1775.
      Date of Record: September 27, 1775
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, September 27, 1775, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Taylor, John
    City or Township: Tinicum Island
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Grazier (a person who raises cattle or sheep for market)
    Notes: Taylor's slave is listed on page 19 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jude
      Slave Gender: Female
      Age: 6
      Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Jude aged six years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
      Slave Gender: Male
      Age: 20a
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Lad"
      Notes: Offered for sale in 1778:
      To be SOLD by the Subscriber, (Who intends to return to town) living in East Town, Chester County, about twenty miles from Philadelphia, on the Lancaster road, A STRONG healthy Negro LAD, about twenty years of age, has had the smallpox and measles, born and bred in the country, and used to farming. For terms apply to JOHN TAYLOR.
      Date of Record: December 1, 1778
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, December 1, 1778, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Taylor, John
    City or Township: Thornbury Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Doctor
    Notes: John Taylor, of Thornbury, died sometime before April 1756, when the following notice of the sale of his estate, including more than one African American slave and white servants, was advertised:
    This is to give notice that there will be exposed to sale by publick vendue, on the 27th inst. at the late dwelling house of John Taylor, of Thornbury, in Chester county, practitioner in physick, deceased, Sundry sorts of household and shop goods, a large library of books, and doctors drugs, and several surveyors instruments, a new four wheel chaise and harness, a large quantity of cyder, horses and horse geers, and milch cows, young cattle, sheep and swine, and carts, waggons, ploughs, harrows, and the crop in the ground, smiths and nailors tools, and sundry other things not herein mentioned. Likewise several white servants and Negroes. The sale to begin at ten on said day, where attendance will be given by Edward Brinton and John Hannums, administrators.
    Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 22, 1756, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Telles, John
    City or Township: East Fallowfield Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: John Telles' slave is listed on page 39 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Francis
      Sex: Male
      Age: 35
      Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
      Status: "A slave for life."
      Description: "Mulatto man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto man named Francis aged thirty five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: (Registration) 1780;
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
      Sex: Male
      Age: 24
      Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
      Status: "A slave for life."
      Description: "Mulatto fellow"
      Notes: Possibly the same person as Francis, registered four years later, however the age difference is about six years. Ran away in 1776 in the company of an Irish indentured servant named James Dolan. Telles ran the following ad to recover both men:
      SIXTEEN DOLLARS Reward. RUN away from the subscriber, living in West Caln township, Chester County, June 13, 1776, two servant men, viz JAMES DOLAN, a native of Ireland, speaks a little on the brogue .The other a Mulatto fellow, named FRANK, aged 24 years, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, stout and strongmade, a little bandy legged: He is well known on the roads, and in Philadelphia; is a native of Portugal, and a slave, but speaks good English: Had on and took with him, a small round hat, a pair of tow trowsers, and a shirt. Whoever takes up and secures said servants in any goal, so that their master may have them again, shall have Eight Dollars for each of them, and reasonable charges, paid by the subscriber, or Mr. Dominick Joyce, in Philadelphia. JOHN TELLES.
      N.B. The white man is a notorious villain, and has attempted to murder his master.

      Date of Record: June 19, 1776
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, June 19, 1776, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Templen, Richard
    City or Township: East Nantmeal Township
    County: Chester County
    Notes: The slave of Richard Templen is listed on page 5 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cesar
      Sex: Male
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named Cesar aged sixteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Thomas, Benjamin
    City or Township: Charlestown Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: The slaves of Benjamin Thomas are listed on page 3 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ishmael
      Sex: Male
      Age: 25
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Ishmael aged twenty five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Thompson, Hugh
    City or Township: East Nottingham Township
    County: Chester County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
      Sex: Male
      Age: 26a
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Notes: Ran away 1761. On October 12, Hugh Thompson placed the following ad to recover Peter:
      RUN away this Morning from the Subscriber, living in East Nottingham, Chester County, A Negroe Man, named Peter, about 26 Years of Age, a well set Fellow, about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, pitted very much with the Small Pox, talks broad Scotch: Had on when he went away, A light coloured Cloth Coat, with Brass Buttons, lines with Linsey, Olive coloured Thickset Jacket and Breeches, with White metal Buttons, coarse Linen Shirt, white Cap, a Fur Hat, almost new, blue and white Thread Stockings, and old Shoes, with Brass Buckles. He also took with him a Militia Gun, Brass mounted, and about Forty Shillings in Money, most Part in Dollars. Whoever takes up and secures said Negroe, so as his Master may have him again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by me HUGH THOMPSON.
      October 12, 1761.
      Date of Record: October 22, 1761
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, October 22, 1761, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Thompson, William
    City or Township: Halfway House, Chatham
    County: Chester County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Bacchus
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 37 years of age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1745
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Notes: Escaped in December 1781. William Thompson placed the following ad to recover Bacchus:
      EIGHT DOLLARS Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, about the middle of December last, A Negroe Man, named BAcCHUS, about 37 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, is blind of one eye, born in Guiney, and speaks bad English; he stoops in his shoulders, and walks badly. Had on when he went away, a grey cloth coat, old buckskin breeches, with yarn stockings, and brass buckles in his shoes; took with him a knapsack full of different sorts of cloathing, which it is likely he may have parted with; also took with him a flail, and has attempted to pass for a free man. Whoever secures the said fellow so that his master may have him again, shall have the above reward, paid by WILLIAM THOMPSON, living at the Halfway House, Chatham district, in Chester county.
      Date of Record: May 1, 1782
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, May 1, 1782, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name Todd, William A.
    City or Township Downingtown

    1. Enslaved Person's Name Jonathan Tim
      Age "about 28 years of age"
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: circa 1778
      Description: "Negro man"
      Status: Slave for life; Escaped
      Notes: Escaped from Todd on July 20, 1806. Previously enslaved in Cumberland County, by a Mr. Smith of Carlisle. Text of runaway ad:
      "Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from the subscriber, on Sunday the 20th ult. a negro man who passes by the name of Jonathan Tim, about 6 feet high, walks erect, with his hat inclined to one side of his head, handsomely made for a negro, is about 28 years of age; he is fond of driving a team, a great talker and liar, as well as a great braggadochio; his clothes were a swansdown jacket, striped home-spun trowsers, and home-spun linen shirt. He was bred by Mr. Smith of Carlisle, (Penn.) and has been owned by many persons in Cumberland county.
      Whoever takes up and secures said servant, so that I get him again, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges. WILLIAM A. TODD.
      Downingstown, Chester county, August 6, 1806."
      Date of Record August 08, 1806
      Source: Lancaster Journal

  • Slaveholder Name: Tremble, Lewis
    City or Township: Ridley Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slaves of Lewis Tremble are listed on page 48 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Peg
      Sex: Female
      Age: 23
      Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mulatto woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A mulatto woman named Peg aged twenty three years a slave for Life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Liz
      Sex: Female
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Liz aged thirteen years a slave for Life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Twaddle, William
    City or Township: Asheton Township, near Chadds Ford
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Forge Master
    Notes: The slaves of William Twaddle are listed on page 4 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
      Sex: Male
      Age: 35
      Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Sam aged thirty five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 6
      Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "mulatto Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A mulatto Boy named Tom aged six years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Seal (possibly mistranscribed from "Sal")
      Sex: Female
      Age: 19
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "negro Wench"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Wench named Seal aged nineteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Jesse
      Sex: Male
      Age: 25a
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mulatto man"
      Notes: Ran away in January 1789 in the company of an un-named white girl. Twaddell's ad to recapture him is below:
      Eight Dollars Reward. RAN away from the subscriber, living near Chad's Ford, on Brandywine, a Mulatto man, named JESSE, about 25 years of age, a sour looking fellow, with grey eyes, about 5 feet 8 inches high; had on, when he went away, a blue sailor jacket, a new castor hat, a fine shirt with ruffles at the breast, one pair of red striped trowsers, new shoes, with large buckles. He was seen to have five or six pounds cash, therefore may change his cloaths. He went in company with a white girl, and was seen going through Darby. She is of a law stature, about 18 years of age, with a remarkable large mole on her cheek. It is expected they have gone for the Jerseys, and will likely go to work at some of the iron works, as he has worked this last summer at Mr. Piersol's furniture. He can work at cooling, drive team, and work a little in the forge, and is tolerably handy at any farming business. Whoever takes up the said runaway, and lodges him in any goal, so that his master may get him again, shall receive the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by W. TWADDELL. Chester county, January 12, 1789.
      Date of Record: January 14, 1789
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, January 14, 1789, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Valeau, Peter
    City or Township: "the old Blue Ball tavern, in Lower Chichester township." Slaves sold in East Caln Township.
    County: Chester County
    Notes: Valeau's two slaves were sold by Sheriff John Morton at public auction.

    1. Enslaved Person's Names: No names recorded
      Sex: Male
      Age: "men"
      Date of Birth:
      Status: Slaves for life
      Description: "Two Negro Men"
      Notes: Sold at public auction by the county sheriff:
      "On Monday, the 27th Instant, at John Downing Tavern, in East Caln Township, Chester County, at Three o'Clock, will be sold by Vendue, two likely, young, able Negroe MEN, both excellent Farmers; late the Property of PETER VALEAU, seized in Execution, and to be sold by JOHN MORTON, Sheriff." The previous December, the sheriff advertised the public aucion of Valeau's estate (see below), including the two men. It is possible the two men were not sold that day, and were later placed up for public sale as noted above:
      BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, on Saturday, the 9th day of January next, at one o, at the house of Peter Valleau, the old Blue Ball tavern, in Lower Chichester township, Chester county, will be sold, by vendue, a certain messuage or tenement, plantation and tract or parcel of land thereunto belonging, containing 58 acres, situate in the said township, bounded by lands of John Marshall, John Price, John Peters, and the river Delaware. As also one other messuage or tenement, plantation and tract or parcel of land thereunto belonging, containing 120 acres, more or less, situate in Chichester township aforesaid, bounded by lands of Benjamin Ford, Thomas Perkins, Thomas Robinson, deceased, and William Lindsay. Also at the same time and place will be sold, two lusty strong Negroe men, good farmers; likewise wheat in the ground, &c. late the estate and effects of said Peter Valleau, seized in execution, and to be sold by JOHN MORTON, Sheriff.
      Date of Record: December 24, 1767; June 23, 1768
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, December 24, 1767, June 23, 1768

  • Slaveholder Name: Vanlasey, John
    City or Township: Township not specified
    County: Chester County
    Notes: The slaves of John Vanlasey are listed on page 27 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Pheb
      Sex: Female
      Age: 22
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Pheb aged twenty two years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Poleck
      Sex: Male
      Age: 7
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "mulatto Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A mulatto Boy named Poleck aged seven years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Pompey
      Sex: Male
      Age: 5
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Pompey aged five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: York
      Sex: Male
      Age: 3
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named York aged three years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Vanleer, Bernard, Doctor
    City or Township: Marple Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Physician
    Notes: The slave of Doctor Vanleer is listed on page 25 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: George
      Sex: Male
      Age: 15
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named George aged fifteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Vanleer, Branson, Doctor
    City or Township: East Nantmeal Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Physician
    Notes: The slaves of Doctor Vanleer are listed on page 19 of the 1780 register.  Dr. Vanleer died in 1798 during the Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Meely
      Sex: Female
      Age: 35
      Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Meely aged thirty five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Cudgo or Cudjoe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 24 or 26 (Registered as 24, but age given in the runaway ad, a year earlier, was 25)
      Date of Birth: 1756 or 1754 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Cudgo aged twenty four years a slave for life." Cudgo ran away in 1779 and Vanleer ran the following ad to find him (note the reward amount of one hundred dollars, which is very high compared to the average of eight dollars in other ads of a few years earlier, evidence of the inflationary pressures during the war):
      East Nantmill Township, Chester County, June 22, 1779.
      One Hundred Dollars Reward. RAN away last Sunday night, a Negroe man named Cudjoe, about 5 feet 8 inches high, 25 years old, very black smooth face, and speaks good English; had on a pair of striped linen trowsers, a white shirt, a redish brown cloth coatee, and a small castor hat. Whoever secures said Negroe, so that his master may have him again, shall have the above reward, paid by BRANSON VANLEER.
      Date of Record: June 23, 1779
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, June 23, 1779, in Accessible Archives,

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Cesar
      Sex: Male
      Age: 3
      Date of Birth: 31 March 1777
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Cesar aged three years a slave for life."  In 1784, Dr. Van Leer filed paperwork to manumit Caesar at age 21.  The document sets the date of manumission as 31 March 1798.  This document helps fix Caesar's date of birth as 31 March 1777.
      Date of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780; Manumission papers: 16 March 1784
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; "Vanleer Papers," at Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, PA, cited online at "Vanleer (Van Leer) Family History,",  October 17, 2002, accessed 27 August 2006.

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Will
      Sex: Male
      Age: "aged eleven months"
      Date of Birth: January 1780 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Will aged eleven months a slave for life." 
      Dates of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Edetha
      Sex: Female
      Age: 5
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Edetha aged five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Tester
      Sex: Male
      Age: "man"
      Date of Birth: before 1772
      Status: Captured runaway
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Not on registration list.  Dr. Van Leer may have sold or otherwise transferred ownership of Tester by the time of registration, in 1780. Tester ran away in 1772 and was captured near Lancaster and placed in the Lancaster jail.  The jailor placed the following advertisement in the Pennsylvania Gazette (partial advertisement shown):
      Also was committed to my custody, on the 25th instant, a Negroe man, who calls himself by the name of TESTER, and on his own confession, says he belongs to Dr. Vanlier, senior, of Chester county, but now the said Dr. Vanlier is removed to Reading Furnace. The masters of the said Negroes are desired to come, pay charges, and take them away, in three weeks from the date hereof, otherwise they will be discharged, by me
      GEORGE EBERLY, Goaler.
      Editor's note:  Reading Furnace, mentioned in the ad above, was in Chester County.  This location should not be confused with Robesonia Furnace, Berks County, which was later sometimes called Reading Furnace.
      Date of Record: 7 October 1772
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 7 October 1772; online as item #51913, Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Vanleer, Samuel
    City or Township: East Nantmeal Township
    County: Chester County
    Notes: For an excellent and extensive biography of Samuel Vanleer and his family, go to

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sambo
      Sex: Male
      Age: 17a
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Ran away in 1794. Vanleer placed the following ad to recapture him:
      Six Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in East Nantmill township, Chester county, a Negroe BOY, named SAMBO, about 17 years of age, and about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, and is of a downish look; had on when he went away, a dark sailor jacket and tow shirt and trowsers, and an old wool hat; but it is likely he may change his name, and pretend to sweep chimnies, as he has done something at that business before, in Philadelphia, and it is probable he may go that way, as his mother lives in the city. Whoever takes up said Negro, and secures him in any jail, so that I may get him again, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges, paid by SAMUEL VANLEER. October 10, 1794
      Date of Record: October 15, 1794
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, October 15, 1794, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Vernon, Edward, Captain
    City or Township: Chester Borough
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Innholder
    Notes: The slaves of Captain Edward Vernon are listed on page 14 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Kate
      Sex: Female
      Age: 25
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Kate aged twenty five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
      Sex: Male
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mulatto Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto Boy named _____ aged sixteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jym
      Sex: Male
      Age: 65
      Date of Birth: 1715 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Jym aged sixty five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Jinn
      Sex: Female
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Woman named Jinn aged twenty one years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Dann
      Sex: Male
      Age: "aged nine months"
      Date of Birth: January or February 1780 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Male Negro Child"
      Notes: Registered as "A Male Negro Child aged nine months named Dann a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
      Sex: Male
      Age: 12
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of 24
      Description: "Mulatto servant Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto servant boy till he attains the age of twenty four years named _____ aged twelve years."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Wade, Lydia
    City or Township:
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Widow of Robert Wade
    Notes: Died probably in July, 1701.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: John
      Sex: Male
      Age: adult
      Date of Birth: not stated
      Status: Manumitted after the death of the slaveholder
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Manumitted circa 1701. Historian Henry Ashmead excerpts the will of Lydia Wade, dated 30th of the fourth month, 1701: "My will is that my negroes John and Jane his wife shall be sett free one month after my decease...My will Is that my negro child called Jane shall be sett free after it have lived with my negro John twelve years and after that with my kinsman John Wade five years."
      Date of Record: 30 April 1701
      Source: Henry Graham Ashmead, History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1884, p. 203.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jane
      Sex: Female
      Age: adult
      Date of Birth: not stated
      Status: Manumitted after the death of the slaveholder
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Wife of John. Manumitted circa 1701. See the notes for John, above.
      Date of Record: 30 April 1701
      Source: Henry Graham Ashmead, History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1884, p. 203.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jane
      Sex: Female
      Age: child
      Date of Birth: not stated
      Status: Manumitted several years after the death of the slaveholder in 1701
      Description: "Negro child"
      Notes: Probably the child of John and Jane, above, although parentage is not explicitly stated in the surviving record. Historian Henry Ashmead excerpts the will of Lydia Wade, dated 30th of the fourth month, 1701: "My will Is that my negro child called Jane shall be sett free after it have lived with my negro John twelve years and after that with my kinsman John Wade five years."
      Date of Record: 30 April 1701
      Source: Henry Graham Ashmead, History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1884, p. 203.

  • Slaveholder Name: Walker, Joseph
    City or Township: Lower Chichester Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slave of Joseph Walker is listed on page 30 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Jack aged ten years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Wallace, Elizabeth
    City or Township: West Caln Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Seamstress
    Notes: The slaves of Elizabeth Wallace are listed on page 43 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Flora
      Sex: Female
      Age: 22
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Flora aged twenty two years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Pere
      Sex: Female
      Age: 2
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro female Child"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro female Child named Pere aged two years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Wallers, Thomas
    City or Township: Tredyffrin Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slaves of Thomas Wallers are listed on page 30 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Esther
      Sex: Female
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Esther aged twenty one years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
      Sex: Female
      Age: "aged Eighteen months"
      Date of Birth: May 1779 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mulatto female Child"
      Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto female Child named Phillis aged Eighteen months a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Way, Joshua
    City or Township: Thornbury Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slave of Joshua Way is listed on page 48 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
      Sex: Female
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Phillis aged twenty one years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Wayne, Anthony, General
    City or Township: East Town Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: General
    Notes: The slave of General Anthony Wayne is listed on page 42 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Toby
      Sex: Male
      Age: 40
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Toby aged forty years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Weaver, Rachel, "Administratrix of the Estate of Valentine Weaver deceased"
    City or Township: Borough of Chester
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Innholder
    Notes: The slaves of Rachel Weaver are listed on page 17 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 60
      Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Man named Joe aged sixty years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 60
      Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Woman named Dinah aged sixty years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 15
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Jack aged fifteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
      Sex: Male
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Peter aged thirteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Violet
      Sex: Female
      Age: 11
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Violet aged eleven years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Webb, William and Daniel
    City or Township: Kennett Township
    County: Chester County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Glasgow
      Sex: Male
      Age: 27a
      Date of Birth: 1728 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life--Runaway
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Ran away in September 1755 along with an Irish servant man. Text of runaway ad placed by Webb:
      Philadelphia, September 18, 1755
      RUN away from the subscribers, living in Kennet township, Chester county on the 15th instant, an Irish servant man, names Richard Jose Run away at the same time a Negroe man, about 27 years of age, of middle stature, and pretty will fat, named Glasgow; he took with him a home made jacket, good linen shirt, check trowsers and calfskin pumps. They took with them a brownish bay horse branded I G on the near shoulder and buttock; and a small black mare, with neither brand nor ear mark, as the mark of the mad itch on her Back, has been drawn, and has the mark of the collar. Whoever takes up and secures said servants, so as their masters may have them again, shall have Four Pounds reward for both, or Forty Shillings for each; and if the horses are taken reasonable charges, paid by
      Date of Record: September 18, 1755
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, September 18, 1755

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
      Sex: Male
      Age: 50a
      Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life--Runaway
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Ran away in 1770. Text of runaway ad placed by William Webb (note the stern warning against helping the fugitive, at the end):
      Kennet township, Chester county, May 10, 1770.
      ABSCONDED from the subscriber, living in Kennet aforesaid, a Negroe man, named Frank, about 50 years of age; carried with him a violin, and can play tolerable well theron, a light coloured cloth coat, two brown jackets, black stockings, wool hat, sheepskin breeches, & c. --- These are to forewarn all persons from harbouring or entertaining said Negroe at their peril, as I am determined to prosecute any that do, as the law in such cases directs. WILLIAM WEBB.
      Date of Record: May 24, 1770
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, May 24, 1770

  • Slaveholder Name: Wharry, James
    City or Township: East Nottingham Township
    County: Chester County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
      Sex: Male
      Age: 26
      Date of Birth: 1739 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Notes: Ran away on April 2, 1765. James Wharry placed the following ad to recover Cato:
      RUN away from the Subscriber, living in East Nottingham Township, Chester County, on the 2d of April instant, a Negroe Man, named Cato, 26 Years of Age, about 5 Feet 7 Inches high, has a down Look, smooth Face, very flat Nose, thick Lips, and is very bow legged; had on, when he went away, a new Fur hat, Linen Shirt, black Handkerchief about his Neck, light coloured Coat, with large white Metal Buttons, red lapelled jacket, brown Stuff Breeches, light blue Stockings, and old Shoes, with steel Buckles. Whoever takes up said Negroe, and secures him, so as his Owner may have him again, if taken in this Province, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, and if out of the Province, Four Pounds Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by JAMES WHARRY.
      Date of Record: April 11, 1765
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 11, 1765, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Wells, Enoch
    City or Township:
    County: Chester County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
      Sex: Female
      Age: "woman"
      Date of Birth:
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negroe woman"
      Notes: Offered for public sale by Henry Hayes, sheriff of Chester County:
      Chester, July 20, 1773
      BY virtue of several writs to me directed, will be exposed to sale, by public vendue, on the premises the 11th day of August next, at two in the afternoon, ... Also, at the same time and place, will be exposed to sale, horses, cows, a variety of household furniture, and a Negroe woman. All late the estate and property of Enoch Wells; seized and taken in execution by HENRY HAYES, Sheriff.
      Date of Record: July 21, 1773
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, July 21, 1773, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Whelen, Dennis
    City or Township: Uwchlan Township
    County: Chester County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jess
      Sex: Male
      Age: 18 or 19
      Date of Birth: 1766 or 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mulattoe boy"
      Notes: Ran away in December 1785. Text of ad placed by Whelen to recover Jess:
      Uwchland, Chester county, December 29, 1785.
      SIX DOLLARS Reward. RAN away, on the evening of the 18th inst; a Mulattoe boy, named JESS, aged 18 or 19 years, has 2 years to serve, is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, stoops in his walk, and is much inclined to keep his hands in his bosom' had on, when he went away, a half worn hat, a good home made cloth coatee, lines with green baize, double breasted, and double rows of japanned buttons with a star on them, an under jacket of dark green broadcloth, much worn; buckskin breeches, a pair of new stockings of blue and white yarn, a pair of shoes almost new, with buckles of the French mode; he likewise took with him a blue and white striped linen coatee, with buttons covered with the same, nankeen waist coat and breeches, with the same kind of buttons. Any person apprehending said fellow, so that his master may have him again, shall have the above reward, and, if brought home, reasonable charges, paid by DENNIS WHELEN.
      Date of Record: January 4, 1786
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, January 4, 1786, in Accessible Archives,

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Not recorded
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not recorded, but described in 1764 as a "Negro Man."
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1752
      Status: Not recorded, but probably a slave for life
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Notes: In 1764, Dennis Whelen was taxed six shillings for ownership of this "Negro Man."
      Date of Record: 1764
      Source: "Landowners in Uwchlan taxed for owning 'Negro slaves,' ",, accessed November 11, 2005.

  • Slaveholder Name: Wherry, David
    City or Township: East Nottingham Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slaves of David Wherry are listed on page 9 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cuff
      Sex: Male
      Age: 26
      Date of Birth: 1754 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Man named Cuff aged twenty six years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Leah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 22
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Leah aged twenty two years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Whitting, John
    City or Township: London Britain Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slaves of John Whitting are listed on page 46 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Nanny
      Sex: Female
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Nanny aged twenty one years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 4
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Dinah aged four years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Wilcox, Mark
    City or Township: Concord Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Papermaker
    Notes: The slaves of Mark Wilcox are listed on page 26 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Prince
      Sex: Male
      Age: 55
      Date of Birth: 1725 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Prince aged fifty five years a slave for life." In 1809, Margery Dougherty of Chester County left twenty shillings to "an old negro man named Prince, belonging to Mark Wilcox." Her will was dated October 21, 1809 and proved January 3, 1814. Prince would have been about 84 years old when the will was written. Dougherty also left forty shillings each to "2 mulatto servant girls of Mark Wilcox." (Source: "Dougherty,",, accessed November 11, 2005)
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Ceaser
      Sex: Male
      Age: 25
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Ceaser aged twenty five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Pegg
      Sex: Female
      Age: 35
      Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Pegg aged thirty five years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Luke
      Sex: Male
      Age: 8
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named Luke aged eight years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Tim
      Sex: Male
      Age: 8
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named Tim aged eight years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Suck
      Sex: Female
      Age: 3
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro girl named Suck aged three years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Wilcox, Thomas
    City or Township: Concord Township
    County: Chester County
    Notes: The slave of Thomas Wilcox is listed on page 26 of the 1780 register, being registered by "Mark Wikcocks of Concord township Executor of the Estate of Thomas Wilcocks late of same township deceased."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Luce
      Sex: Female
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro girl named Luce aged fourteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Wiley, David
    City or Township: London Grove
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: The slaves of David Wiley are listed on page 47 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sill
      Sex: Female
      Age: 40
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Sill aged forty years a slave for Life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: George
      Sex: Male
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named George aged fourteen years a slave for Life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Dine
      Sex: Female
      Age: 9
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "mulatto Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A mulatto Girl named Dine aged nine years a slave for Life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Wiley, John
    City or Township: London Grove
    County: Chester County

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: George
      Sex: Male
      Age: 27
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered by David Wiley in 1780 as "A negro Boy named George aged fourteen years a slave for Life." In 1793 George escaped from John Wiley, who placed the following ad to recapture him:
      Eight Dollars Reward. RAN away, on the third inst. From the subscriber, living in London grove township, Chester county, a Negroe man, named George, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, 23 or 24 years of age, has such a remarkable defect in his ankles that when he walks they make a cracking noise, which may be heard at some distance, also a scar on one of his legs, occasioned by the cut of a scythe, and a number of lumps on his under jaw, is a strong thick set fellow; had on and took with him, a black fur hat, almost new, with a band and buckle on it, a white handkerchief, neck ribbon, linen coat, striped jacket, a half worn shirt of eight hundred linen, a pair of nankeen breeches, a pair of cross barred trowsers, torn in the knees, two pair of stockings, one thread and the other cotton, a pair of shoes and large buckles. Any person apprehending the aforesaid Negroe, so that his master may get him again, shall have the above reward, and all reasonable charges, paid by JOHN WILEY. London Grove, July 5, 1793.
      Note that John Wiley underestimated George's age by several years.
      Date of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780; Runaway advertisement: July 10, 1793
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; The Pennsylvania Gazette, July 10, 1793, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Wiley, Thomas, Captain
    City or Township:
    County: Chester County
    Notes: The slave of Captain Thomas Wiley is listed on page 33 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
      Sex: Male
      Age: 18
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named _____ aged eighteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Williams, Hugh
    City or Township: East Nantmeal Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slave of Hugh Williams is listed on page 5 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Bacchus
      Sex: Male
      Age: 19
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Bacchus aged nineteen years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Williams, John
    City or Township: Tredyffrin Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slave of John Williams is listed on page 31 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Quash
      Sex: Male
      Age: 20
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Quash aged twenty years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Willing, Richard
    City or Township: Haverford Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: The slaves of Richard Willing are listed on page 21 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
      Sex: Male
      Age: 40
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Dick aged forty years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Ishmael
      Sex: Male
      Age: 28
      Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Ishmael aged twenty eight years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Harry
      Sex: Male
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Harry aged twenty one years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Molly
      Sex: Female
      Age: 42
      Date of Birth: 1738 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Molly aged forty two years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Willis, Joel
    City or Township: Chester Borough
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Jailer
    Notes: This is now Delware County.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
      Sex: Male
      Age: Age not given in advertisement
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Escaped from New Jersey
      Description: "Negroe"
      Notes: Escaped from John Taylor in New Jersey and captured in Chester County. Imprisoned in Chester Jail. Jailer Joel Willis placed the following advertisement to alert Ben's enslaver:
      Chester, July 15, 1776
      WAS committed to my custody, a certain Negroe, named BEN, about 5 feet 4 inches high, and he saith he is the slave of John Taylor, in New-Germantown, West New-Jersey, and is advertised as such. His master is desired to come, in three weeks from this date, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be discharged, on paying his fees, by
      JOEL WILLIS, Goaler.
      Date of Record: 15 July 1776
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 24 July 1776

  • Slaveholder Name: Willson, John. Surname also spelled "Wilson."
    City or Township: Tredyffrin Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slaves of John Willson are listed on page 28 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
      Sex: Female
      Age: 27
      Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "negro woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Phillis aged twenty seven years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Cate
      Sex: Female
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "mulatto Girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A mulatto Girl named Cate aged thirteen years a slave for life." Cate, or Kate, ran away in August 1790 in company with a man named Charles:
      Eight Dollars Reward. RAN away, in the night of the 23d of August, from the subscriber, living in Tredyffrin township, Chester county, a Mulatto Girl, named Kate, about 21 years of age; had on, and took with her,an old black bonnet a long gown striped red, blue and white, two short ditto striped blue, copperas and white, a red petticoat, a lincey ditto striped blue, red and white, a large white shawl, and Russina sheeting for two shifts, one part made up, and the other not made; also three or four good sheets, a fine shift and a check apron.

      It is supposed she went off with a black man, named Charles, who served his time with Dr. Vanleer, and stole and took with him a jean coattee, and a pair of overhalls and jacket, with small white metal buttons. Said Charles has a pass or recommendation, signed by Dr. Vanleer and John Bartholomew, Esquire.

      Whoever secures said girl in any goal, or bring her home to her master, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by JOHN WILSON. October 16, 1790

      Date of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780; Escape notice: October 20, 1790
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; The Pennsylvania Gazette, October 20, 1790, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Wilson, David
    City or Township: Tredyffrin Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slave of David Wilson is listed on page 29 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Nance
      Sex: Female
      Age: 6
      Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "negro girl"
      Notes: Registered as "A negro girl named Nance aged six years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Wilson, James
    City or Township: East Nottingham Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slave of James Wilson is listed on page 9 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Solomon
      Sex: Male
      Age: 28
      Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mulatto man"
      Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto man named Solomon aged twenty eight years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Winings, Jacob
    City or Township: Springton Forge, West Nantmeal Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Iron master
    Notes: Springton Forge was located in present day Wallace Township. The Wallace Township Historical Commission records: "In the south-central part of the Township, Robert McConaghey, an important early settler, began operating a forge in 1769. Springton Forge, located adjacent to what is now the County-owned Springton Manor Farm, was operated by a succession of owners for more than one hundred years; the Forge turned out superior-grade iron during the Revolutionary War and produced first-quality bars for blacksmiths and rolling mills well into the nineteenth century." (Source: "Wallace Township," Wallace Township Historical Commission,

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac Smith
      Sex: Male
      Age: 22 or 23a
      Date of Birth: 1771 or 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Mulatto Fellow"
      Notes: Ran away in July 1794. Jacob Winings ran the following ad to find him:
      Eight Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from his Master, on Friday evening, the 11th instant, a Mulatto FELLOW, named ISAAC SMITH, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high: had on when he went away, cotton striped trowsers, and an old shirt; he is about 22 or 23 years of age, and given to strong liquor; perhaps he may offer himself to drive team, or work in a forge, the latter he followed with his master. Whoever takes up said Apprentice, and secures him, so that his master shall get him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by JACOB WININGS, junr. Springton Forge, Chester county, July 15, 1794.

      Date of Record: July 23, 1794
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, July 23, 1794, in Accessible Archives,

  • Slaveholder Name: Withy, Mary
    City or Township: Chester Borough
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: "Gentlewoman"
    Notes: Widow of John Withy, who died in 1765. At one time, Mary Withy owned the Columbia House Tavern. The slaves of Mary Withy are listed on page 13 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
      Sex: Female
      Age: 58
      Date of Birth: 1722 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Woman named Phillis aged fifty eight years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Sophia
      Sex: Female
      Age: 32
      Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Woman"
      Notes: Registered as "A Negro Woman named Sophia aged thirty two years a slave for life."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Worrall, John
    City or Township: Ridley Township
    County: Chester County
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Notes: The slave of John Worrall is listed on page 49 of the 1780 register.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Philip Brown
      Sex: Male
      Age: "aged three years and nine months"
      Date of Birth: February 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of thirty one years old
      Description: "Mulatto Servant Boy"
      Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto Servant Boy till he attains the age of thirty one years named Philip Brown aged three years and nine months."
      Date of Record: November 1, 1780
      Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Worrall, Peter
    City or Township: Middletown
    County: Chester County
    Notes: References to the bondage of Cuff King and Jane Salmon are provided in their respective wills.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cuff King
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not known, but an adult prior to 1778.
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Manumitted prior to 1778
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: In his will, King notes his former bondage to Peter Worrall, and notes that he was manumitted by Worrall. King bequeathes money to his sisters Peggy, Prudence and Jane. ("KING, CUFF [Negro].")
      Date of Record: October 14, 1778 (proven) September 11, 1786
      Source: Chester County Wills, "Wills: Abstracts and Administrations 1713-1825: Chester Co, PA (Proved 1786-7)" in USGenWeb Archives (contributor Thera [email protected]);

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jane Salmon
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not known, but an adult prior to 1779.
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Manumitted prior to 1779
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: In her will, Jane notes her former bondage to Peter Worrall, and notes that she was manumitted by Worrall. Jane bequeathes her estate to her son Bildad Salmon. ("SALMON, JANE [Negro].") Jane was the sister of Cuff King (see above) and Prudence Ford, who was manumitted by Thomas Worrall at about the same time.
      Date of Record: September 20, 1779 (proven) September 11, 1786
      Source: Chester County Wills, "Wills: Abstracts and Administrations 1713-1825: Chester Co, PA (Proved 1786-7)" in USGenWeb Archives (contributor Thera [email protected]);

  • Slaveholder Name: Worrall, Thomas
    City or Township: Middletown
    County: Chester County
    Notes: Reference to the bondage of Prudence Ford in provided in her will, dated 1779.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Prudence Ford
      Sex: Female
      Age: Not known, but an adult with children prior to 1779.
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Manumitted prior to 1779
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: In her will, Prudence notes her former bondage as follows: "Having been a servant to Thomas Worrall of Middletown and by him set free with my children." She lists her children as Rebecca Ford, to whom she bequeathes her estate upon her turning 18, and Charles Mullen, who should inherit the estate in the case Rebecca should die before turning 18. ("FORD, PRUDENCE [Negro]. Middletown.") Prudence is the sister of Cuff King and Jane Salmon, who were manumitted by Peter Worrall at about the same time.
      Date of Record: September 26, 1779 (proven) September 11, 1786
      Source: Chester County Wills, "Wills: Abstracts and Administrations 1713-1825: Chester Co, PA (Proved 1786-7)" in USGenWeb Archives (contributor Thera;

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