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  A young enslaved Black woman working on a colonial Pennsylvania farm. Image created with the assistance of AI.
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A series of pages exploring
various aspects of enslavement in Pennsylvania

Mifflin County Slaveholders A - Z

Slaveholders Listed on This Page

  1. Good, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Carlos)

Enslavement Data

  • Slaveholder Name: Good, Robert
    City or Township: Hope Furnace, Derry Township
    County: Mifflin
    Occupation: Ironmaster
    Notes: Hope Furnace was built circa 1798 or earlier by Colonel William Lewis of Berks County. It was managed by James Blaine, of Perry County, a son-in-law to Lewis. Robert Good was another son-in-law, marrying Lewis' daughter Jane in April 1809.
    Sources: The Huntingdon Gazette, 21 April 1809; Franklin Ellis, History of That Part of the Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys Embraced in the Counties of Mifflin, Juniata, Perry, Union and Snyder, Philadelphia, 1886, p. 651.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Carlos
      Sex: Male
      Age: "above 23 years of age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1785 or earlier
      Status: Self-emancipated April 1808
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Carlos escaped from Hope Furnace on April 24, 1808. Robert Good published the following escape notice to try to recover him:
      ON Sunday the 24th of April, from Hope furnace, Derry township in Mifflin county, a Negroe man named Carlos, above 23 years of age; about 5 feet, 2 or 3 inches high. He had on when he went away, a fine linen shirt, a nankeen coat, a white dimity jacket, yellow corded pantaloons, a pair of clouded cotton stockings and a pair of fine round-soled shoes. He is very talkative, and fond of spirits. As he is a good workman in a forge, he will probably offer himself for employment, in some other this state. Ten dollars will be given if he is secured in any jail, so that the subscriber may get him again; and if brought home, reasonable charges will be paid, by
      Living at Hope furnace.
      Date of Record: 25 May 1808
      Sources: The Republican Argus (Northumberland), 25 May 1808.


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