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  A young enslaved Black woman working on a colonial Pennsylvania farm.
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A series of pages exploring
various aspects of enslavement in Pennsylvania

Northampton County, Pennsylvania Slaveholders

Slaveholders Listed on this Page

  1. Arndt, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: Sam, Katy, Gifford)
  2. Backman, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: James or Jack, unnamed elderly man, Spencer Lake)
  3. Barnes, Henry (Enslaved persons listed: Japh)
  4. Barthold, Frederick (Enslaved persons listed: Boaz)
  5. Berry, Walter (Enslaved persons listed: Ellick)
  6. Brodhead, Daniel (Enslaved persons listed: Multiple enslaved persons)
  7. Brodhead, Garret (Enslaved persons listed: John)
  8. Buchanan, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Dick, Lack, Tony)
  9. Cruikshank, James (Enslaved persons listed: George Lux, a.k.a. Chubb or Chubby)
  10. Currie, John (Enslaved persons listed: Jane, Sarah, Margaret)
  11. DeLyon, Esther (Enslaved persons listed: Lucy)
  12. Duche, Morgan (Enslaved persons listed: Frank, Abby, Ben, Dinah, Quamine)
  13. Dupuy, Nicholas (Enslaved persons listed: Abraham, Thomas)
  14. Ealer, Peter (Enslaved persons listed: Jack, Ben, Ned)
  15. Gaston, Isabel (Enslaved persons listed: Cato)
  16. Hart, Michael (Enslaved persons listed: Phillis)
  17. Hart, Myer (Enslaved persons listed: Rose, Fanny, Cato, Thanase, Jack)
  18. Horsfield, Timothy (Enslaved persons listed: Joshua, Cornelia)
  19. Jones, Jesse (Enslaved persons listed: Amity or Amy)
  20. Jones, John (Enslaved persons listed: Susanna, Dick)
  21. Kuchlein, Peter (Enslaved persons listed: Joe)
  22. Martin, Ann (Enslaved persons listed: Sambo)
  23. McDonel, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Dick)
  24. McNair, William (Enslaved persons listed: Robert)
  25. Mulhollon, John (Enslaved persons listed: Benjamin)
  26. Okely, John (Enslaved persons listed: Venus, James)
  27. Ruckman, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Dick)
  28. Shannon, Theophilus (Enslaved persons listed: Cudjo)
  29. Shoemaker, Jane (Enslaved persons listed: James)
  30. Smith, William (Enslaved persons listed: Joseph, Bythinia)
  31. Spearing, John (Enslaved persons listed: Charles Hamilton)
  32. Stecher, Melchoir (Enslaved persons listed: Dick)
  33. Stroud, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: Jack, Briss, Robin, Isaac)
  34. Taylor, George (Enslaved persons listed: Tom, Sam)
  35. VanCampen, Benjamin (Enslaved persons listed: Dyan, Pompey, Roger, Judah, Leah)
  36. VanCampen, John (Enslaved persons listed: Dick, Peter, Joseph, Sallkey)

Enslavement Data

  • Slaveholder Name: Arndt, Jacob
    City or Township: Forks Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Miller
    Notes: Esquire

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
      Sex: Male
      Age: 35
      Date of Birth: circa 1745
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 23 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Katy
      Sex: Female
      Age: 24
      Date of Birth: circa 1756
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 23 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Gifford
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10 months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: circa January 1780
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Molattoe"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 23 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Backman (Bachmann), Jacob
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Gaoler (Jailor); Innkeeper
    Notes: As county jailor, Backman was responsible for keeping suspected fugitive slaves locked up, until their true status could be determined, or, having had no one lay claim to them, releasing them after they paid for the charges associated with their own confinement. If a jailed suspected runaway had no money, it was usual custom for them to be "sold for charges," or sold to someone who would pay the jail costs. They were generally indentured to that person for a length of time equal to the sum total of fees charged against them.
    Jacob Bachmann also owned the tavern in Easton that continued to bear his name even after being sold to George Taylor and later to Theophilus Shannon. Bachmann died in 1770.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: James or Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 30 Years of Age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1735
      Status: Slave for life, escaped multiple times
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Notes: Was originally captured in June 1764 and gave his name as James. He was claimed and taken away by Thomas Rigbie of "Lebaon, in Maryland" although no such place exists. James escaped from Rigbie but was again captured and jailed in July 1765, giving the name of his owner as Thomas Ridgely of Marsh Creek Forge in Maryland. Charles Ridgely operated the Northampton Furnace about ten miles from Baltimore at this time, but no record of a Thomas Ridgely, or of a Marsh Creek Forge is known.
      Easton, Northampton County, July 25, 1765.
      THIS is to give Notice, that on the 23d Instant was committed to the Goal of this County, a certain Negroe Man, names James; he speaks English and Dutch well, is about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, and about 30 Years of Age, being the same that was committed here the 23d of June 1764, and soon after was claimed and taken away by Thomas Rigbie, of Lebanon, in Maryland. But the Slave says that he now belongs to Thomas Ridgely, at Marsh Creek Forge. His Master is desired to come, pay Charges, and take him away, otherwise he will be sold out for the same, by JACOB BACKMAN, Goal keeper.
      A follow-up ad, placed nearly three months after the one above, now identifies him as Jack, and gives an alternate spelling of his owner's name.
      Northampton County.
      THERE was committed to this Goal, on the 23d of July last, a Negroe, who calls himself Jack; he is very remarkable as he is burned under his Left eye, which makes it look bigger; he says he ran away from Maryland from one Thomas Ritchley. Whoever is the Owner of said Negroe, is hereby desired to come and fetch him away, and pay the Cost, before the First of December next, otherwise he will be sold for the same. JACOB BACKMAN, Goaler.
      N.B. This is the second Advertisement.
      Dates of Records: 25 July, 31 October 1765
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 08 August 1765, 31 October 1765

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Not stated
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not stated, but described as "elderly"
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Suspected runaway slave
      Description: "Elderly Negroe Man"
      Notes: Was captured in April 1764 and jailed as a suspected runaway slave:
      Easton, Northampton County, April 8, 1764.
      THIS Day was brought to the Goal on this County, an elderly Negroe Man, about five Feet nine or ten Inches high, slender built, out Mouth, and grey on his Crown; his Cloathing a good new Jacket, of a dark Colour, with black Mohair Buttons, made Sailor Fashion, with three Buttons on each Sleeve, check Woollen Shirt, with a Linen Collar, old Leather Breeches, with Brass Buttons on one Side, and flat ones on the other, whitish Stockings, dark grey Leggings, old Shoes, with Strings, and his Cap the Top of an old grey Stocking; has two small Scars on his Right Cheek. The Owner is desired to come and take him away. JACOB BACHMAN.
      Date of Record: 26 April 1764
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 26 April 1764

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Spencer Lake
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 28 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1734 (calculated)
      Status: Suspected runaway slave
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Notes: Was captured in September 1762 and jailed as a suspected runaway slave:
      Committed to Easton Goal, in Northampton County, on the 21st of September last, a Negroe Man, named Spencer Lake, about 28 years of Age, says he was born on Muskmelon creek in Sussex County, Maryland, and that he is free. The Master or Owner of said Negroe is desired to come, pay Charges, and take him out, otherwise he will be discharged in December next, by JOHN JENNINGS, Sheriff. (ad dated 7 October 1762)

      NOTICE is hereby once more given, That there are in Easton Goal, in the County of Northampton, Two Negroe Men, and one Woman, with a Male child, of about 3 Years old. One of said Men gives himself the Name of Spencer Lake, and says he run away from one John Pennel, in Maryland, who had hired him of his Master Col. Palmer. The others name unknown, being New Negroes, and speaking little or no English. It is supposed, by what can be learned from them, that they run away from Schenectady, or thereabouts. The Masters or Owners of said Negroes are desired to come and pay their Charges, and take them away, otherwise they will be sold for the same, by the Sixteenth of May next, without further Notice by JACOB BACHMAN, Jail keeper. (ad dated 21 April 1763)
      For more information on the other mentioned man, woman and child from Schenectady, see below.

      Easton Goal, in Northampton County, October 6, 1763.
      WHEREAS a certain Negroe Man, who calls himself Spencer Lake, and says he belongs to Colonel Palmer, of Virginia, and was by him hired to John Pennel, of Maryland, from whom he ran away, was committed to this Goal upwards of a Year ago, and advertised in the Pennsylvania Gazette, and particular Notice of his being here given to said Pennel: Now this is to give public Notice to the Master or Owner of said Negroe, that unless they send or come and pay the Charges, and take him away, before the first Day of November next, he will on that Day be sold out, for Payment thereof. JACOB BAUCHMAN, Goaler.
      Date of Record: 7 October 1762; 21 April, 13 October 1763
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 7 October 1762; 21 April,13 October 1763

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Not stated
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 35 Years of Age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1727
      Status: Suspected runaway slave
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Notes: Was captured in September 1762 along with a woman and male child and jailed as suspected runaway slaves:
      Northampton County, October 27, 1762.
      THIS is to give Notice, that there were taken up, about a Month ago, and put into Easton Goal, three Negroes, a Man, a Woman, and a Child; the Man and Woman are about 35 Years of Age, and the Child about three Years old; they can speak little or no English. The Owner is desired to come and pay the Charges, and take them away. JOHN JENINS, Sheriff.
      A follow up ad six months later, in April 1763, gives additional details on this family, who were being held along with another man named Spencer Lake (see his entry above):
      NOTICE is hereby once more given, That there are in Easton Goal, in the County of Northampton, Two Negroe Men, and one Woman, with a Male child, of about 3 Years old. One of said Men gives himself the Name of Spencer Lake, and says he run away from one John Pennel, in Maryland, who had hired him of his Master Col. Palmer. The others name unknown, being New Negroes, and speaking little or no English. It is supposed, by what can be learned from them, that they run away from Schenectady, or thereabouts. The Masters or Owners of said Negroes are desired to come and pay their Charges, and take them away, otherwise they will be sold for the same, by the Sixteenth of May next, without further Notice by JACOB BACHMAN, Jail keeper.
      Date of Record: October 27, 1762 (first ad), 21 April 1763 (second ad);
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 04 November 1762, 21 April 1763.

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Not stated
      Sex: Female
      Age: "about 35 Years of Age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1727
      Status: Suspected runaway slave
      Description: "Negroe Woman"
      Notes: Was captured in September 1762 along with a man and a male child and jailed as suspected runaway slaves. See above for two advertisements giving details on this family.
      Date of Record: October 27, 1762 (first ad), 21 April 1763 (second ad);
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 04 November 1762, 21 April 1763.

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Not stated
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 3 Years old"
      Date of Birth: circa 1760
      Status: Suspected runaway slave
      Description: "Negroe Woman"
      Notes: Was captured in September 1762 along with an adult man and woman, and all jailed as suspected runaway slaves. See above for two advertisements giving details on this family.
      Date of Record: October 27, 1762 (first ad), 21 April 1763 (second ad);
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 04 November 1762, 21 April 1763.

  • Slaveholder Name: Barnes, Henry
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Tanner

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Japh
      Sex: Male
      Age: 12
      Date of Birth: circa 1768
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton by the county clerk
      Date of Record: 24 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Barthold, Frederick
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Jailer
    Notes: See Backman, Jacob, for the role of the county jailor in detaining suspected runaway slaves.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Boaz
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 25 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Status: Suspected runaway slave--claiming to be a free person
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Was captured in September 1785 and jailed as a suspected runaway slave:
      Easton, Northampton county, Nov. 14, 1785.
      WAS committed to the goal of this county, the 27th day of September last, a Negroe Man, who calls himself BOAZ, says he is a freeman, about 25 years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high. The owner, if any he has, is desired to come, pay charges, and take him away in five weeks from the date hereof, otherwise he will be discharged, by paying his fees, according to law. FREDERICK BARTHOLD, Goaler.
      Date of Record: 2 November 1785
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 2 November 1785

  • Slaveholder Name: Berry, Walter
    City or Township: Hamilton Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: Berry's enslaved man Ellick was registered in 1780 on his behalf by the county clerk with the notation "Entered October 10th 1780 as above of William Smith’s from my own knowledge & c."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ellick
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: circa 1750
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton by the county clerk
      Date of Record: 19 September 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Brodhead, Daniel
    City or Township:
    County: Northampton County
    Notes: His enslaved persons were sold at public auction in 1759 after his death to settle his estate. See below for advertisement.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Names not provide
      Sex: Sex not mentioned in ad
      Age: Ages not provided
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Slaves for life
      Description: "Negroes"
      Notes: Notice of estate sale public auction:
      On Tuesday, the 27th Day of March, 1759, will be sold at the House of Samuel Dupui, to the highest Bidder, for ready Money, all the moveable Estate of the late Daniel Brodhead, Esq; deceased, viz. Negroes, Horses, Mares, Colts, and sundry other things, too tedious to mention. The Sale will begin at 8 o'Clock in the Morning, where due Attendance will be given by DANIEL BRODHEAD, Administrator.
      Date of Record: 22 March 1759
      Sources: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 22 March 1759.

  • Slaveholder Name: Brodhead, Garret
    City or Township: Lower Smithfield Township
    County: Northampton County
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: John
      Sex: Male
      Age: 75
      Date of Birth: circa 1705
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 27 November 1780
      Sources: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Buchanan, Thomas
    City or Township: Mount Bethel
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
      Sex: Male
      Age: 25
      Date of Birth: circa 1755
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 12 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Lack
      Sex: Female
      Age: 20
      Date of Birth: circa 1760
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 12 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Tony
      Sex: Male
      Age: 3 years old
      Date of Birth: circa 1777
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 12 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Cruikshank, James
    City or Township: Bethlehem
    County: Northampton

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: George Lux, a.k.a. Chubb or Chubby
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 40 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life -- runaway
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Ran away in April, 1775:
      RUN away, on the first day of this instant April, from the subscriber, living near Bethlehem, Northampton county, a Negroe man, named George Lux, but commonly known by the name of Chubb or Chubby, about 40 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, stout, active and will made, can shave and bleed well; took with him, a case of spring lancets, he was seen in several parts of New Jersey, had a forged pass, said he was free, and was going to New York, from thence to London; had on, when he went away, a blue cloth upper, and a spotted swanskin double breasted under jacket, without sleeves, a white linen shirt, leather breeches, white yarn stockings, good shoes, with silver buckles in them, and a half worn castor hat. Whoever takes up the said slave, and secures him in any of his Majesty's goals in America, or in the work house in Philadelphia, shall have the above reward, paid by
      Date of Record: 26 April 1775
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 26 April 1775

  • Slaveholder Name: Currie, John, Esquire
    City or Township: Lower Saucon Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Lawyer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jane
      Sex: Female
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: circa 1759
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton with the notation: "Application made for Entry Novr 2d. 1780."
      Date of Record: 02 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Sarah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: circa 1770
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton with the notation: "Application made for Entry Novr 2d. 1780."
      Date of Record: 02 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Margaret
      Sex: Female
      Age: 6
      Date of Birth: circa 1774
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton with the notation: "Application made for Entry Novr 2d. 1780."
      Date of Record: 02 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: DeLyon, Esther
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Notes: Widow of Abraham DeLyon

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Lucy
      Sex: Female
      Age: 55
      Date of Birth: circa 1725
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 24 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Duche, Morgan
    City or Township: Delaware Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
      Sex: Male
      Age: 26
      Date of Birth: circa 1754
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 27 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Abby
      Sex: Female
      Age: 25
      Date of Birth: circa 1755
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 27 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
      Sex: Male
      Age: 7
      Date of Birth: circa 1773
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 27 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 5
      Date of Birth: circa 1775
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 27 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Quamine
      Sex: Male
      Age: 2
      Date of Birth: circa 1778
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 27 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Dupuy, Nicholas
    City or Township: Lower Smithfield Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Abraham
      Sex: Male
      Age: 28
      Date of Birth: circa 1752
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 31 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Thomas
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: circa 1750
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 31 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Ealer, Peter
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Gaoler (Jailor)
    Notes: See Backman, Jacob, for the role of the county jailor in detaining suspected runaway slaves.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 24 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Status: Suspected runaway slave--claiming to be a free person
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Ealer advertised several recently jailed inmates, including two runaway slaves from Virginia:
      Also two Negroe Men; the one calls himself JACK, about 24 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, marked with the small-pox; the other calls himself BEN, about the same age, and about 5 feet 7 inches high, and of a yellow complexion: Both say that they belong to Henry Miller, of Rockingham county, in New Virginia, who owns a furnace, forge, grist-mill and saw-mill there. They were brought to these parts by a certain Constantine McMahone and Daniel Leacock, who offered them for sale. The Negroes also say that they left their master on a Saturday evening, about four or five weeks ago, by the persuasion of the said McMahone and Leacock. Ben says he formerly lived in Jersey, and was taken to New Virginia by one Mr. Logan, and hired or sold to the said Henry Miller.
      Note that Jack and Ben claim to have been lured away from Henry Miller "by the persuasion of the said (Constantine) McMahone and (Daniel) Leacock," which constituted kidnapping. McMahone and Leacock intended to sell these two men in Pennsylvania. The kidnapping of free and enslaved Blacks was a common problem at this time, although it typically involved kidnapping people in Pennsylvania and selling them below the Mason-Dixon line, unlike this episode which appears to have occurred in reverse.
      Date of Record: 11 August 1784
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 11 August 1784

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 24 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Status: Suspected runaway slave--claiming to be a free person
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Captured and jailed in Easton. See notes on Jack, above.
      Date of Record: 11 August 1784
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 11 August 1784

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Ned, a.k.a Ben
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 34 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1742 (calculated)
      Status: Suspected runaway slave
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Captured and jailed in Easton. "WAS committed to the goal of this county, about three weeks ago, a certain Negroe man, who calls himself NED, but was committed by the name of BEN, is about 34 years of age, and says he belongs to Mr. Samuel Moore, of Hopewell township, near Penny Town, in New Jersey. His said master is therefore hereby required to come, pay charges, and take him away."
      Date of Record: 31 July 1776
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 31 July 1776

  • Slaveholder Name: Gaston, Isabel
    City or Township: Mount Bethel
    County: Northampton
    Notes: Widow of Joseph Gaston

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
      Sex: Male
      Age: 23
      Date of Birth: circa 1757
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 12 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Hart, Michael
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Storekeeper

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
      Sex: Female
      Age: 18
      Date of Birth: circa 1762
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 21 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Hart, Myer
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Storekeeper

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
      Sex: Female
      Age: 27
      Date of Birth: circa 1753
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 24 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Fanny
      Sex: Female
      Age: 17
      Date of Birth: circa 1763
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 24 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
      Sex: Male
      Age: 6
      Date of Birth: circa 1774
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 24 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Thanase
      Sex: Female
      Age: 5
      Date of Birth: circa 1775
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 24 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 3
      Date of Birth: circa 1777
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 24 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name:Horsfield, Timothy
    City or Township: Bethlehem
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Butcher, Justice of the Peace
    Notes: Historian William Henry Egle writes "'Squire Horsfield lived in what was known to the present generation as the Oerter house, which stood on Market street opposite the grave-yard." He came to Bethlehem in 1749, from New York city. In 1741, Egle notes, several of his slaves were executed "for being implicated in the 'Great Negro Plot.'" (Notes and Queries, Third Series, Volume III, CXCVII, page 167.)

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Joshua, aka Horsfield's Tony
      Sex: Male
      Age: Enslaved at age 14, in Africa
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1729.
      Status: Slave for life.
      Description: "slave"
      Notes: Egle: "A native of Ibo, Africa, and in his fourteenth year was taken prisoner and sold into slavery. After passing through the hands of several owners he was finally sold to go to Jamaica. Accompanying his master to New York, in 1743, he was sold to Timothy Horsfield. In 1750 Tony was baptized by Bishop Cammerhoff, and subsequently sent to Christian's Spring, where the experience he had gained in the Old Slip Market secured for him the position of 'butcher general in the Upper Places."
      Date of Record:
      Source: William Henry Egle, Notes and Queries, Third Series, Volume III, CXCVII, pages 167-8.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Cornelia
      Sex: Female
      Age: About twenty-one years old when she was brought to Bethlehem. Died at age 29.
      Date of Birth: 1728
      Status: Slave for life.
      Description: "negress"
      Notes: Egle: "Horsfield's negress was named Cornelia, born in 1728 at Red Hook, New York, and died at Bethlehem in April, 1757."
      Date of Record:
      Source: William Henry Egle, Notes and Queries, Third Series, Volume III, CXCVII, pages 167-8.

  • Slaveholder Name: Jones, Jesse
    City or Township: Lower Saucon Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: "Amity or Amy"
      Sex: Female
      Age: 11
      Date of Birth: circa 1769
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 05 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Jones, John
    City or Township: Bethlehem
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Susanna
      Sex: Female
      Age: 20
      Date of Birth: circa 1760
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 23 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
      Sex: Male
      Age: 2 months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: circa August 1780
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Molattoe"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 23 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Kuchlein, Peter
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Miller
    Notes: Esquire

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 11
      Date of Birth: circa 1769
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 24 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Martin, Ann
    City or Township: Mount Bethel
    County: Northampton

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sambo
      Sex: Male
      Age: 34
      Date of Birth: circa 1746
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 12 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: McDonel, Robert
    City or Township: Hamilton Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: circa 1770
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 31 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: McNair, William
    City or Township: Allen Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer, Justice of the Peace

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Robert
      Sex: Male
      Age: 29
      Date of Birth: circa 1752
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 03 March 1781
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Mulhollon, John
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Notes: Esquire

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Benjamin
      Sex: Male
      Age: 5 months and 25 days old at Registration
      Date of Birth: 20 June 1797
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 13 November 1797
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Okely, John
    City or Township: Bethlehem
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Esquire; Scrivener

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Venus
      Sex: Female
      Age: 7
      Date of Birth: circa 1773
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 19 September 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: James
      Sex: Male
      Age: 17
      Date of Birth: circa 1763
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Molattoe"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 19 September 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Ruckman, Thomas
    City or Township: Mount Bethel
    County: Northampton

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1784. Described as a man in 1784.
      Status: Slave for life--runaway
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Notes: Sold to Thomas Barber, in New Jersey. Dick ran away in March 1784:
      RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in Greenwich township, Sussex county, West New Jersey, on the night of the 5th day of March last, a Negroe Man, named DICK, of a yellow complexion, thick lips, and about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high; the fingers of his right had are bent so that he cannot straighten them. Had on, and took away with him, a blue cloth coat with white lining, old buckskin breeches, a pair of striped cotton overalls, a new linsey jacket not milled, and an old wool hat. The said Negroe lately belonged to Thomas Ruckman, in Mount-Bethel, Northampton county, Pennsylvania, but now to the subscriber. It has been reported since he went away that he passes for a free Negroe. All persons are hereby forbid to harbour or employ him. It is supposed that said Dick is harboured in or about Easton. Whoever takes up said Negroe and secures him in any county goal, so that his master may have him again, shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable charges paid, by THOMAS BARBER. April 17, 1784.
      Date of Record: 21 April 1784
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 21 April 1784.

  • Slaveholder Name: Shannon, Theophilus
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Innkeeper, the Bachmann Tavern
    Notes: Shannon purchases the Bachmann Tavern from George Taylor in 1779.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cudjo
      Sex: Male
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: circa 1761
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton by the county clerk
      Date of Record: 29 November 1782
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Shoemaker, Jane
    City or Township: Hamilton Township
    County: Northampton

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: James
      Sex: Male
      Age: 8
      Date of Birth: circa 1772
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton by the county clerk
      Date of Record: 31 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Smith, William
    City or Township: Delaware Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: Smith's two enslaved people were registered on his behalf by the county clerk, with the notation "Entered October 10, 1780 from Knowledge of the Possession of such Negroes tho no Application has been hitherto made perhaps neglected from the Troubles of the Times."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Joseph
      Sex: Male
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: circa 1767
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton by the county clerk
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Bythinia
      Sex: Female
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: circa 1770
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton by the county clerk
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Spearing, John
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Jailer
    Notes: See Backman, Jacob, for the role of the county jailor in detaining suspected runaway slaves.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Charles Hamilton
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 30 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Suspected runaway slave
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Spearing advertised to find the owner of Charles Hamilton:
      Easton Goal, in Northampton County, July 2, 1770.
      COMMITTED to my custody, on Saturday, the 30th day of June last, a certain Negroe man, who calls himself Charles Hamilton, says he belongs to Joseph Garrison, of Newberry township, New Castle county; he is about 30 years of age, and about 5 feet 5 inches high; these are therefore to desire his said master to come, or send for the said Negroe, and pay what reasonable charges are accrued on him. JOHN SPEARING, Goaler.
      Date of Record: 19 July 1770
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 19 July 1770

  • Slaveholder Name: Stecher, Melchoir
    City or Township: Forks Township
    County: Northampton

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
      Sex: Male
      Age: "26 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life--runaway
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Dick escaped from Stecher, who placed the following ad to recover him::
      FOUR POUNDS Reward.
      RUN away from the subscriber, living in Forks township, Northampton county, 3 miles from Nazareth, on the 13th of this instant May, a Negroe man, named DICK, 26 years of age, about 6 feet high, well set; had on, when he went away, a light grey linsey jacket, and another black one under it, a new felt hat, a pair of pretty good leather breeches, without any seam between the legs, with brass buttons, light grey yarn stockings, good shoes, with two sorts of buckles, both of brass. Whoever takes up and secures the said Negroe, or gives such Information about him, that his master may have him again, shall have the above reward of Four Pounds, and reasonable charges, paid by me
      Date of Record: 24 May 1770
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 24 May 1770

  • Slaveholder Name: Stroud, Jacob
    City or Township: Lower Smithfield Township
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Tavernkeeper

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 35
      Date of Birth: circa 1745
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton with the note "Application made for the Entry on the 2d. November 1780."
      Date of Record: 02 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Briss (or possibly Brisco)
      Sex: Male
      Age: 32
      Date of Birth: circa 1748
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton with the note "Application made for the Entry on the 2d. November 1780."
      Date of Record: 02 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Robin
      Sex: Male
      Age: 26
      Date of Birth: circa 1754
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton with the note "Application made for the Entry on the 2d. November 1780."
      Date of Record: 02 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
      Sex: Male
      Age: 6
      Date of Birth: circa 1774
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton with the note "Application made for the Entry on the 2d. November 1780."
      Date of Record: 02 November 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: Taylor, George
    City or Township: Easton
    County: Northampton
    Notes: Esquire

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: circa 1750
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 23 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: circa 1750
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 23 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: VanCampen, Benjamin
    City or Township: Lower Smithfield
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dyan
      Sex: Female
      Age: 29 years and 8 months at Registration
      Date of Birth: circa January 1751
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Pompey
      Sex: Male
      Age: 33
      Date of Birth: circa January 1747
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Roger
      Sex: Male
      Age: 9 years and 4 months at Registration
      Date of Birth: circa June 1771
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Judah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 2 years and 11 months at Registration
      Date of Birth: circa November 1777
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Leah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 10 months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: circa December 1779
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

  • Slaveholder Name: VanCampen, John
    City or Township: Lower Smithfield
    County: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: Esquire

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
      Sex: Male
      Age: 36
      Date of Birth: circa 1744
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
      Sex: Male
      Age: 32
      Date of Birth: circa 1748
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Joseph
      Sex: Male
      Age: 8 years and 9 months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: circa January 1772
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Sallkey
      Sex: Female
      Age: 4 years and 10 months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: circa December 1776
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: Registered at Easton
      Date of Record: 10 October 1780
      Source: "Register of Negroes or Slaves in the County of Northampton made in Pursuance of An Act of Assembly entituled [sic] an Act for the gradual Abolition of Slavery passed the First Day of March 1780," Manuscript in Historical Society of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia.

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