Dauphin County, Pennsylvania
Dauphin County Slaveholders in 1790 Census
(Excluding Present-Day Lebanon County)
Table of Contents
- Harrisburg
- Remainder of County
- All Names, Sorted Alphabetically
- Statistics
Extract of Enslavement Data
The first Federal Census, taken in 1790, identified slaveholders and the number of enslaved persons in each household. The following listings are extracts of the names of slaveholders in Dauphin County and the number of enslaved persons associated with each. In the original census listings, only persons living in Harrisburg were identified with a place name. The names of persons living in the rest of the county were grouped together. Spellings have been preserved from the originals. The first two categories list names in the order that they appear on the census sheets. The last category is a compilation of the first two categories, sorted alphabetically for easier name searches. No names were recorded for those enslaved persons appearing in the 1790 census listings.
- Harris, John--6
- Elder, Joshua--4
- Smith, Mary--1
- Crabb, Wm.--3
- Cap, Micael--1
- Patterson, Galbreath--2
- Hamilton, John--1
- Elder, John--1
- Hannah, John A.--2
- Berryhill, Alex.--1
- Montgomery, Jos. Esqu.--2
- Graydon, Wm.--1
- Stewart, John--2
- Young, Wm.--1
- Harrison, Isaac--1
- Ainsworth, John--1
- Andrew, Hugh--4
- Kearsley, Sam'l--1
- Young, John--3
- Bradley, Daniel--4
- Bole, Robt.--2
- Stewart, Wm.--1
- Campbell, Wm.--2
- Shoufler, Valen.--1
- Clinch, Robt. (a free Negro)--1
- McQuown, John--1
- Snodgrass, Revd. James--1
- Wallace, Benj. Esq.--1
- Byers, James--1
- Allen, Jos.--3
- Green, Timothy, Esq.--3
- Johnston, Sam'l.--1
- Allen, Major Wm.--4
- Willson, James--1
- Spangle, Valen.--1
- Cox, Cornel.--8
- Cooper, Joshua--1
- Sturgeon, Sam'l.--1
- Rodgers, John--1
- Stewart, Sam'l.--1
- Simonton, Dr. Wm.--1
- Harbison, Adam--1
- Snodgrass, John--1
- Gilchrist, John--6
- Cowdon, James--2
- Gilchrist, John--1
- Wiggons, John--2
- Galloher, Wm.--2
- Montgomery, Hugh--3
- Rodgers, Flora--1
- Montgomery, David--2
- Johnson, James--1
- Duncan, Benj.--1
- Awl, Jacob--5
- Wiley, Thos.--1
- Calhoon, Wm.--1
- Duncan, James--1
- Ritchey, David--6
- Walker, Barbra--1
- Fulton, Richd.--1
- Chambers, Arthur--3
- Karr, Wm.--4
- Burd, Col. James--4
- McClure, Jonth. Esq.--2
- Croutch, James--10
- Riddle, Geo.--2
- Harper, Wm.--1
- Job, Mary--1
- King, Thos.--1
- Eversole, Peter--1
- Scott, James--1
- Candon, Josiah--2
- Hays, Patric--4
- Hays, Robt.--2
- Stover, Henry--2
- Brisben, John--2
- Dermond, Richd.--5
- Foster, Mary--1
- Bradley, Agness--1
- Bell, Sam'l.--1
- Ferguson, David--1
- Rodgers, Wm.--1
- Crain, Geo.--4
- Marshall, David--1
- St. Clair, Sam'l.--16
- Overfield, Conrad--1
- Murry, John, Esq.--1
- Gross, John--2
- Cochran, John--3
- Carson, John--3
- McAllister, A.--6
- Brown, Wm.--1
- Ainsworth, John--1
- Allen, Jos.--3
- Allen, Major Wm.--4
- Andrew, Hugh--4
- Awl, Jacob--5
- Bell, Sam'l.--1
- Berryhill, Alex.--1
- Bole, Robt.--2
- Bradley, Agness--1
- Bradley, Daniel--4
- Brisben, John--2
- Brown, Wm.--1
- Burd, Col. James--4
- Byers, James--1
- Calhoon, Wm.--1
- Campbell, Wm.--2
- Candon, Josiah--2
- Cap, Micael--1
- Carson, John--3
- Chambers, Arthur--3
- Clinch, Robt. (a free negro)--1
- Cochran, John--3
- Cooper, Joshua--1
- Cowdon, James--2
- Cox, Cornel.--8
- Crabb, Wm.--3
- Crain, Geo.--4
- Croutch, James--10
- Dermond, Richd.--5
- Duncan, Benj.--1
- Duncan, James--1
- Elder, John--1
- Elder, Joshua--4
- Eversole, Peter--1
- Ferguson, David--1
- Foster, Mary--1
- Fulton, Richd.--1
- Galloher, Wm.--2
- Gilchrist, John--1
- Gilchrist, John--6
- Graydon, Wm.--1
- Green, Timothy, Esq.--3
- Gross, John--2
- Hamilton, John--1
- Hannah, John A.--2
- Harbison, Adam--1
- Harper, Wm.--1
- Harris, John--6
- Harrison, Isaac--1
- Hays, Patric--4
- Hays, Robt.--2
- Job, Mary--1
- Johnson, James--1
- Johnston, Sam'l.--1
- Karr, Wm.--4
- Kearsley, Sam'l--1
- King, Thos.--1
- Marshall, David--1
- McAllister, A.--6
- McClure, Jonth. Esq.--2
- McQuown, John--1
- Montgomery, David--2
- Montgomery, Hugh--3
- Montgomery, Jos. Esqu.--2
- Murry, John, Esq.--1
- Overfield, Conrad--1
- Patterson, Galbreath--2
- Riddle, Geo.--2
- Ritchey, David--6
- Rodgers, Flora--1
- Rodgers, John--1
- Rodgers, Wm.--1
- Scott, James--1
- Shoufler, Valen.--1
- Simonton, Dr. Wm.--1
- Smith, Mary--1
- Snodgrass, John--1
- Snodgrass, Revd. James--1
- Spangle, Valen.--1
- St. Clair, Sam'l.--16
- Stewart, John--2
- Stewart, Sam'l.--1
- Stewart, Wm.--1
- Stover, Henry--2
- Sturgeon, Sam'l.--1
- Walker, Barbra--1
- Wallace, Benj. Esq.--1
- Wiggons, John--2
- Wiley, Thos.--1
- Willson, James--1
- Young, John--3
- Young, Wm.--1
Total Number of Slaveholders Enumerated: 92
Total Number of Enslaved Persons Enumerated: 208
Average Number of Enslaved Persons Per Slaveholder: 2.26
Largest Number of Enslaved Persons Held: Samuel St. Clair--16 enslaved persons enumerated.
Female Slaveholders: 6 (Agnes Bradley, Mary Foster, Mary Job, Flora Rodgers, Mary Smith, Barbara Walker), all with 1 slave each.
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