Slaveholders Listed on this Page
- Alexander, Patrick (Enslaved persons: Alice)
- Alleson, William, Captain (Enslaved persons: Pompey, Hannah, Davey)
- Anderson, James, Reverend (Enslaved persons: Dinah, Cesar, Joe, George)
- Anderson, Patrick (Enslaved persons: Ben)
- Armer, Mr. (Enslaved persons: Cadjo Major Thompson)
- Baker, Richard (Enslaved persons: Kassee, Phineas)
- Bartholomew, Benjamin (Enslaved persons: Un-named woman)
- Bartholomew, Edward (Enslaved persons: Un-named man)
- Bazillion, Peter (Enslaved persons: Betty, Ned, Jo, Nanny, Su, Judy, Prudence, Abigail)
- Bean, William (Enslaved persons: John Richison)
- Bell, John (Enslaved persons: Joseph, Phillis, Kit, Hannah, Sam, Dinah, Hannah, Venus, un-named teenaged boy)
- Bell, Mary (Enslaved persons: Joseph, Phillis, Rachel)
- Bell, Patterson (Slaves listed: Jack, Lid, Harry, Peter, Garshom)
- Bettle, John (Enslaved persons: Charlotte Becket)
- Bishop, Joseph (Enslaved persons: Charles Bendor, Ben)
- Black, James (Enslaved persons: Pompey)
- Blair, Francis (Enslaved persons: Dinah, Ceaser)
- Bodley, William (Enslaved persons: Jane, Charles)
- Bowen, John (Enslaved persons: Philip, Daph, Debb, Dinah, Tom)
- Bowen, Stephen (Enslaved persons: Sambo)
- Boyd, Andrew (Enslaved persons: Adda, Susannah)
- Boyd, Catherine (Enslaved persons: Un-named woman)
- Boyd, George (Enslaved persons: Un-named girl)
- Boyd, James (Enslaved persons: Jack, Han, Jinee, Rose)
- Boyd, Matthew (Enslaved persons: Barney)
- Boyle, Dorington (Enslaved persons: Jack)
- Brinton, John (Enslaved persons: Samuel Brown)
- Brinton, Joseph (Enslaved persons: Cuff)
- Brisbane, Mr. (Enslaved persons: Cato)
- Britain, Richard (Enslaved persons: Freeman, Lilley, Robin, Dinah, Primus)
- Brown, Elias (Enslaved persons: Jack)
- Brown, James (Enslaved persons: Hannah)
- Bull, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Judge, Jem)
Enslavement Data
- Slaveholder Name: Alexander, Patrick
City or Township: Oxford Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Carpenter
Notes: Patrick Alexander's slave is recorded on page 49 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Alice
Sex: Female
Age: 10
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Alice aged ten years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Alleson, William, Captain
City or Township: East Caln Township
County: Chester County
Notes: Captain Alleson's slaves are recorded on page 21 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pompey
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Man named Pompey aged thirty six years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 34
Date of Birth: 1746 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Hannah aged thirty four years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Davey
Sex: Male
Age: 3o
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Davey aged thirty years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Anderson, James, Reverend
City or Township: Middletown Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Minister
Notes: Reverend Anderson's slaves are recorded on page 7 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Dinah aged thirty years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Caesar alias Jacob Holy
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto man"
Notes: Registered as "A mulatto man named Cesar aged twenty years a slave for life." In March 1787, Caesar ran away and Reverend Anderson placed the following ad:
FIVE POUNDS Reward. RAN away on the 31st of March last, from the subscriber, now living in Middletown township, Chester county, state of Pennsylvania, a MULATTO MAN, named Caesar; but some of his associates having formed a pass for him, he has changed his name and calls himself Jacob Holy: to this pass is annexed the subscriber's name and Thomas Levis, Esquire. His clothes cannot well be described, having changes thereof, and in all probability will purchase more, as he was furnished with money, which he procured by disposing of his master's property. He is twenty-five years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, is thick and strong made, walks very straight, with a short quick step, and is very proud. He can read, is a great professor of religion, and has much to say on the subject. Whoever will apprehend said person and secure him, so that the subscriber may get him again, shall receive the above reward. May 22, 1787. JAMES ANDERSON.
Note that Jacob discarded his slave name as soon as he escaped, adopting the name Jacob Holy. He is apparently educated, having learned the profession of slaveholder Reverend Anderson. The ad also betrays evidence of an early underground railroad network in the procurement of a pass for Jacob by his friends, and his rapid acquisition of money and a change of clothes.
Date of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780; Advertisement: May 30, 1787
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; The Pennsylvania Gazette, May 30, 1787 in Accessible Archives,
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
Sex: Male
Age: 5
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Joe aged five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: 3
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named George aged three years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Anderson, Patrick, Esquire
City or Township: Charlestown Township
County: Chester County
Notes: Anderson's slave was recorded on page 3 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Ben aged twenty one years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Armer, Mr.
City or Township:
County: Chester
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cadjo Major Thompson, a.k.a Tim Jenkin
Gender: Male
Age: "about 32 or 33 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1774 or 1775
Status: Runaway from Jacob Gamber in Lancaster.
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Jenkin escaped from Gamber's inn on September 19, 1807. Gamber placed an escape ad and named a Mr. Armer as a previous enslaver. See Jacob Gamber in Lancaster County for the full text of the escape ad.
Date of Record: September 25, 1807
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Baker, Richard
City or Township: Middletown Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Baker's slaves are recorded on page 10 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Kassee
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Kassee aged thirteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phineas
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 31
Description: "Mulatto servant Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto servant Boy till he attains the age of thirty one years named Phineas aged seventeen years."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Bartholomew, Benjamin
City or Township: East Whiteland Township
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 1749 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulattoe Wench"
Notes: Offered for sale by Benjamin Bartholomew in 1770. Text of ad:
East Whiteland, Chester County, March 23, 1770.
TO be SOLD, a Mulattoe Wench, Country born, 21 Years of Age, hath the Small Pox, understand Country Business, in all its Branches, is well calculated for a Farmer. For further particulars, enquire of BENJAMIN BARTHOLOMEW.
Date of Record: March 29, 1770
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 29, 1770
- Slaveholder Name: Bartholomew, Edward
City or Township:
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Male
Age: 27a
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe man"
Notes: Offered for sale by Edward Bartholomew in 1767. Text of ad:
TO BE SOLD, A PLANTATION, of about 200 acres of land, in the township of West Bradford, Chester County, joining the plantation of the Rev. Abel Griffith. . .or of any person inclined to purchase the same, he may consult on the terms, by applying to the subscriber; who likewise has a Negroe man, about 27 years of age, to sell, that understands the tanning trade well, and is an excellent currier. EDWARD BARTHOLOMEW.
Date of Record: May 7, 1767
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, May 7, 1767
- Slaveholder Name: Bazillion, Peter
City or Township: East Caln Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Trader
Notes: Researcher Fred Kelso writes: "Peter [Bazillion, 1662-1742] was a well known Indian Trader & is buried at St. John's Episcopal Church in Compass, West Caln Township, Chester County, PA." Kelso also notes that the total value of all slaves in
Peter Bazillion's inventory is 120 pounds.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Betty
Sex: Female
Age: Not known
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Bequeathed by Peter Bazillion to his wife, Martha, in 1742.
I give to my well Beloved wife Martha Barzallion (whom I likewise Constitute and Ordain my only and sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament) all and singular my Real Estate, Lands and Tenements, to her, her heirs, and assigns forever, as also all the residue & Remainder of my Personal Estate, money, Goods, Chattels, and all of my Negroes, viz: Betty, Ned, Jo, Nanny, Su, Judy, Prudence and Abigail.
Date of Record: January 9, 1742
Source: Peter Bisallion's Will - East Caln Twp. 1741/2 (1662-1742). Will # 805 - Book #2, page #113, Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ned
Sex: Male
Age: Not known
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Bequeathed by Peter Bazillion to his wife, Martha, in 1742. See "Slave Notes," above.
Date of Record: January 9, 1742
Source: Peter Bisallion's Will - East Caln Twp. 1741/2 (1662-1742). Will # 805 - Book #2, page #113, Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jo
Sex: Not determined
Age: Not known
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Bequeathed by Peter Bazillion to his wife, Martha, in 1742. See "Slave Notes," above.
Date of Record: January 9, 1742
Source: Peter Bisallion's Will - East Caln Twp. 1741/2 (1662-1742). Will # 805 - Book #2, page #113, Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nanny
Sex: Female
Age: Not known
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Bequeathed by Peter Bazillion to his wife, Martha, in 1742. See "Slave Notes," above.
Date of Record: January 9, 1742
Source: Peter Bisallion's Will - East Caln Twp. 1741/2 (1662-1742). Will # 805 - Book #2, page #113, Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Enslaved Person's Name: Su
Sex: Female
Age: Not known
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Bequeathed by Peter Bazillion to his wife, Martha, in 1742. See "Slave Notes," above.
Date of Record: January 9, 1742
Source: Peter Bisallion's Will - East Caln Twp. 1741/2 (1662-1742). Will # 805 - Book #2, page #113, Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Enslaved Person's Name: Judy
Sex: Female
Age: Not known
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Bequeathed by Peter Bazillion to his wife, Martha, in 1742. See "Slave Notes," above.
Date of Record: January 9, 1742
Source: Peter Bisallion's Will - East Caln Twp. 1741/2 (1662-1742). Will # 805 - Book #2, page #113, Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Enslaved Person's Name: Prudence
Sex: Female
Age: Not known
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Bequeathed by Peter Bazillion to his wife, Martha, in 1742. See "Slave Notes," above.
Date of Record: January 9, 1742
Source: Peter Bisallion's Will - East Caln Twp. 1741/2 (1662-1742). Will # 805 - Book #2, page #113, Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Enslaved Person's Name: Abigail
Sex: Female
Age: Not known
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Bequeathed by Peter Bazillion to his wife, Martha, in 1742. See "Slave Notes," above.
Date of Record: January 9, 1742
Source: Peter Bisallion's Will - East Caln Twp. 1741/2 (1662-1742). Will # 805 - Book #2, page #113, Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Slaveholder Name: Bean, William
City or Township: East Nottingham Township
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: John Richardson, also known as Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 30a
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe man"
Notes: In November 1770, Richardson ran away and William Bean placed the following advertisement to recover him:
RUN away from the subscriber, in East Nottingham, Chester county, on the 18th of this instant November, a Negroe man, known by the name of Jack, or John Richison, about 5 feet 7 inches high, a well set fellow, about 30 years of age, and speaks good English; he is supposed to have on a short brown coat, and buckskin breeches, or black stocking pattern breeches; he is marked on the forehead, and one of his feet frost bitten, and has a lump on one of his wrists; he is a smart active fellow, and will endeavour to pass for a free man, and has a letter for that purpose, which he reports he got from Ireland, and probably a forged pass, supposed to be given him by some of my honest neighbours, and will pretend he is going to Philadelphia for justice, as some of his confederates persuaded him the letter will set him free. Whoever secures the said Negroe in any goal or workhouse, so as his master may have him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by WILLIAM BEAN.
N.B. It is supposed he may endeavour to get to sea, all masters of vessels are forbid to carry him off at their peril.
Note that Bean believes Richison has a forged pass, "given him by some of my honest neighbours," who told Richardson to head for Philadelphia. This is evidence of early localized underground railroad activity. Richardson escaped to Maryland with the help of James Rigbee, who employed Richardson in that state, but Rigbee was forced to send Richardson back to William Bean in East Nottingham by August, 1771. Richardson was there for only four day before he escaped again. Bean placed this ad to attempt to recover him this second time:
Chester county, August 21, 1771.
RUN away last night, from the subscriber, living in East Nottingham township, a Negroe man, known by the name of Jack, or John Richardson, he is a smart likely fellow, about 5 feet 6 inches high, and about 30 years of age, had on, when he went away, a dark coloured cloth jacket or coat, a white linen shirt, ozenbrigs trowsers, grey yarn stockings, good shoes, and an old hat; he has a lump on the under part of one of his wrists, and wants the first joint of one of his great toes; he is well known about Chester, by a trial he had for his freedom, but being disappointed of his expectations, he was sent home, and continued till about the 13 of November last, when he absconded from his master, and was put in the public gazettes; but a few days before they came from the press, he was met by a certain public friend, known by the name of James Rigbee, who took him into Maryland, and kept him in his employ for near 9 months, but finding he could no longer keep him without being put to trouble, or his ungenerous actions appearing more in the public, he delivered him up to his master, on the 17th of this instant,---Whoever takes up said Negroe, and secures him so as his master may have him again, shall have SIX DOLLARS reward, and reasonable charges, paid by me WILLIAM BEAN.
N.B. It is possible the Negroe may endeavour to pass for a freeman, by some writings he may have for that purpose; therefore, all masters of vessels are forbid to carry him off, at their peril.
Date of Record: November 22, 1770, September 5, 1771
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, November 22, 1770 and September 5, 1771, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Bell, John
City or Township: West Fallowfield Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: John Bell's slaves were recorded on page 36 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joseph
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life, manumitted in the will of Mary Bell, 1804.
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Formerly owned by Nathan Hayes. Registered by Bell as "A Negro man named Joseph aged thirty six years a slave for life." In March 1761, Joseph ran away and Bell placed the following advertisement to recover him:
RUN away from the Subscriber, living in West Fallowfield Township, Chester County, on the 17th of March, a Negro Man, about 17 Years of Age: Had on when he went away a red Worsted Cap, no Hat, a yellowish coloured Coat, with Metal Buttons, Sheeps black Stockings. Buckskin Breeches, and old Shoes with Buckles; he goes by the Name of Black Joe, and formerly belonged to Nathan Hayes. Whoever takes up said Negroe, and secures him, so as his Master may have him again, shall have Twenty Shillings Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by JOHN BELL.
Joseph ran away again in 1786 and Bell (spelled "Ball" in the ad) placed the following ad:
West Fallowfield township, Chester county, Feb. 3, 1786.
SIX DOLLARS Reward. RAN AWAY, on the 31st ult. A negroe MAN, named JOSEPH, aged about 40 years, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high; had on and took with him, when he went away, a white home spun coat and jacket, one blue nap cloth coat, with a red cape to it, one pair of good leather breeches with plain buttons on them, one pair of white, and one ditto grey yarn stockings, three coarse white shirts, one felt hat, a pair of good shoes, and one pair of white trowsers. Any person apprehending said Negroe, so that his master may have him again, shall have the above reward, and if brought home, reasonable charges paid by JOHN BALL.
Date of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780; Advertisements: March 26, 1761, February 8, 1786
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 26, 1761, February 8, 1786, in Accessible Archives,
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: 39
Date of Birth: 1741 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life, manumitted in the will of Mary Bell, 1804.
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Phillis aged thirty nine years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Kit
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Kit aged sixteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 12
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Hannah aged twelve years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Sam aged eleven years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 9
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Dinah aged nine years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 10
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Hannah aged ten years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Venus
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Venus aged eighteen years a slave for life." Venus is named in the will of John Bell, written January 12, 1796 and proved February 22, 1797. In it, Bell leaves his "negro named Venus" to his grandson John Williams. Venus would have been about 35 years old when this occurred. She is the only slave mentioned in the will. Bell, after providing for his wife Mary, left the balance of his property to his son Zachariah. This probably would have included any slaves that were not left with Mary. (Source: "Bell,",, accessed November 11, 2005)
Date of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780; Will: January 12, 1796.
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given in notice
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Date of Birth: circa 1782
Status: Enslaved until age 28
Description: "Negro Lad"
Notes: Advertised for sale in 1798 to settle the estate of John Bell, who died in late 1796 or 1797. Text of ad placed by estate executor, his son Zachariah Bell:
The Time of a Negro Lad,
LATE the Property of JOHN BELL, deceased. He is now 16 years of age, and has twelve years to serve. He is very healthy, bears a good character, and understands every kind of Farming. Any person desirous to purchase, may see the lad, with a copy of his record, and know the terms by applying to the subsriber living near Cochran's tavern, in West Fallowfield township Chester County.
April 14, 1798.
Date of Record: 14 April 1798
Source: Lancaster Intelligencer and Journal, 28 April 1798
- Slaveholder Name: Bell, Mary
City or Township: West Fallowfield Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Widow of John Bell
Notes: John Bell died in 1797. Mary apparently inherited some of his slaves, listed above. She died in 1804. In her will she leaves the "Negro girl" Rachel to her daughter Elizabeth, and manumits the "old negroes Joseph and Phillis," (see John Bell, above) setting aside $100.00 for their support.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: Less than 28 years of age in 1801
Date of Birth: After 1780 but before 1801
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro girl"
Slave Notes: Mentioned in the will of Mary Bell, dated December 22, 1801 and proved January 13, 1804. Mary Bell leaves to her daughter Elizabeth "my negro girl Rachel, - to be free at age of 28." Rachel's current age is not specified in the will.
Date of Record: December 22, 1801
Source: "Bell," PA-Roots,, accessed November 11, 2005
- Slaveholder Name: Bell, Patterson
City or Township: West Fallowfield Township
County: Chester
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: No explanation is given as to why Bell registered his slaves in Lancaster.
- Slave Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Slave Notes: 1780 Slave Registration notes "in Sussex County on Delaware, a slave during life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780
- Slave Name: Lid
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro wench"
Slave Notes: 1780 Slave Registration notes "in Colerain twp, a slave during life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780
- Slave Name: Harry
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negro man"
Slave Notes: 1780 Slave Registration notes "slave during life, Runaway."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780
- Slave Name: Peter
Sex: Male
Age: 03
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Slave Notes: 1780 Slave Registration notes "in same [Colerain] twp, a slave during life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780
- Slave Name: Garshom
Sex: Male
Age: "about 22 years of age" when he ran away from John McDonald
Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life -- Runaway in 1779 from another slaveholder
Description: "Negro man"
Slave Notes: At some point in his life, Garshom was held by Patterson Bell, as well as a Mr. Parks, also in Chester County. He was sold or transferred to John McDonald, of Washington County, from whom he ran away in June 1779. The text of the runaway ad is below.
Two Hundred Dollars Reward.
RUN away the 26th of June last, from the subscriber, living on Robinson Run, within 15 miles of Fort Pitt, a Negroe man, named GARSHOM, about 22 years of age, about 3 feet 8 inches high, the white of his eyes remarkably yellow, he makes a dent or hollow in one of his cheeks when he laughes; had on, when he went away, a lincey hunting shirt, tow body shirt, a felt hat with a pewter button; he lived some time with Mr. Patterson Bell, and one Mr. Parks, in Chester county, and with Mr. Jonathan Meredith, in Philadelphia; he understands something of tanning and currying, and has drove a team. Whoever takes up said Negroe, and delivers him to the subscriber, or to Mr. Edward Justice, in Caecil county, Maryland, or to Mr. John Bedin, in Prince George county, Maryland, or secures him so that the subscriber may get him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges
March 28, 1780.JOHN McDONNALD.
Date of Record: March 29, 1780
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 29, 1780, in Accessible Archives
- Slaveholder Name: Bettle, John
City or Township: Goshen Township
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charlotte Becket
Sex: Female
Age: "aged about seventeen years and six months"
Date of Birth: February 1782 (calculated)
Status: Slave for term
Description: "Mulattoe girl"
Notes: Ran away in August 1799 with her infant child. Bettle placed the following ad to recover her:
RAN away from the subscriber, on the 12th inst. A mulattoe girl, named CHARLOTTE BECKET, aged about seventeen years and six months, had a young child with her about five months old. Whoever apprehends said run-away, and secures her, so that her master may have her again, shall receive Two Cents reward, but no charges paid. JOHN BETTLE. Goshen township, Chester county, August 12, 1799.
Date of Record: August 21, 1799
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, August 21, 1799, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Bishop, Joseph
City or Township: West Caln Township
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charles Bendor
Sex: Male
Age: Not known--adult
Date of Birth: Not known, but an adult prior to 1781
Status: Slave for life--manumitted in 1781 by will of Joseph Bishop (see notes)
Description: "Negro man"
...Testament give my Negro Charles his freedom at my decease, upon Conditions that the Negro do give to my Exetr.s Sufficient Security for the payment of fifteen pounds in three Severall payments vz in twelve months after my Decease the sum of four pounds, the second year the sum of five pounds, the third & last year the sum of six pounds, But if sd. Negro should die before the Expiration of sd. Three years that his Security shall not pay any more than Ratable to his time of Life, Likewise I do will to my Exetr's or to their heirs my Negro boy (Ben) to serve one or Either of them fifteen years from this Date. No Longer at which time he Shall be free...
Executors: Sons Thomas and George
Proven 16th day of April 1781
Two years later, the will of Joseph Bishop, Junior provides money for Charles as follows: "Except the sum of Five Pounds which I give & bequeath to my Fathers Negro man Charles Bendor."
Date of Records: Will of Joseph Bishop: proven April 16, 1781; Will of Joseph Bishop, Jr.: proven April 8, 1783
Sources: Contributed by Fred Kelso. Will of Joseph Bishop, Will # 3313 Book 6 Page 391; Will of Joseph Bishop, Jr., Will # 3465 Book # 7 Page 743 - Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Age: Not determined, but described as "Negro boy"
Date of Birth: Not known, but born before 1781
Status: Slave for life--to be manumitted 1796
Description: "Negro boy"
...Likewise I do will to my Exetr's or to their heirs my Negro boy (Ben) to serve one or Either of them fifteen years from this Date. No Longer at which time he Shall be free...
Executors: Sons Thomas and George
Proven 16th day of April 1781
Date of Record: April 16, 1781
Source: Contributed by Fred Kelso. Will of Joseph Bishop, Will # 3313 Book 6 Page 391 - Chester County Archives, West Chester, PA
- Slaveholder Name: Black, James
City or Township: Westtown Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Black's slave was recorded on page 7 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pompey
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 1754 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Man named Pompey aged twenty six years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Blair, Francis
City or Township: Londonderry Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Blair's slaves were recorded on page 7 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 51
Date of Birth: 1729 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Dinah aged fifty one years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ceaser
Sex: Male
Age: "aged twenty one years and seven months"
Date of Birth: April 1759 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Man named Ceaser aged twenty one years and seven months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Bodley, William, Esquire
City or Township: Charlestown Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Bodley's slaves were recorded on page 5 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jane
Sex: Female
Age: 50
Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Jane aged fifty years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named Charles aged seventeen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Bowen, John
City or Township: Goshen Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Innholder
Notes: Bowen's slaves were recorded on page 18 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Philip
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Date of Birth: 1747 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Philip aged thirty three years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Daph
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Date of Birth: 1751 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Daph aged twenty nine years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Debb
Sex: Female
Age: 3
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Debb aged three years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: "aged eighteen months"
Date of Birth: May 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Dinah aged eighteen months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: "aged one months"
Date of Birth: September 1780 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life (see notes)
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Tom aged one months a slave for life." Note that if Tom were actually only one month old when he was registered, that he would have been born after the March 1, 1780 cut-off date for holding slaves for life, and should have been legally considered a slave only until his twenty-eighth birthday.
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Bowen, Stephen
City or Township: East Whiteland Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Stephen Bowen's slave was recorded on page 31 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sambo
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Sambo aged thirty years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Boyd, Andrew
City or Township: Sadsbury Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Andrew Boyd's slaves are recorded on page 35 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Adda
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Adda aged thirty two years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Susannah
Sex: Female
Age: "aged ten months"
Date of Birth: January 1780 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro female Child"
Notes: Registered as "A negro female Child named Susannah aged ten months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Boyd, Catherine
City or Township: Sadsbury Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Catherine Boyd's slave is recorded on page 23 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: 33
Date of Birth: 1747 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto woman named _____ aged thirty three years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Boyd, George
City or Township:
County: Chester County
Notes: George Boyd's slave is recorded on page 51 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Female slave"
Notes: Registered as "A Female slave aged eleven years."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Boyd, James
City or Township:
County: Chester County
Occupation: Esquire
Notes: Boyd's slaves were recorded on page 20 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Jack aged fifteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Han
Sex: Female
Age: 12
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Han aged twelve years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jinee
Sex: Female
Age: 9
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Jinee aged nine years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
Sex: Female
Age: "aged four years and a half"
Date of Birth: May 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Rose aged four years and a half a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Boyd, Matthew
City or Township: Sadsbury Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Matthew Boyd's slave is recorded on page 24 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Barney
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A mulatto Boy named Barney aged eleven years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Boyle, Dorington, also "Dorinton"
City or Township: West Fallowfield Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Tanner
Notes: In 1768 tax records for West Fallowfield Township, Chester County, Dorington Boyle is enumerated with a tan house, 250 acres, 4 horses, 6 cattle, 10 sheep and 2 servants. Dorington Boyle died at about age 40 in 1772 and is buried in Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church Graveyard.
Sources: Pennsylvania Archives, Samuel Hazard, John Blair Linn, William Henry Egle, et al, 1852, p. 490.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 17a
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulattoe Boy"
Notes: Jack escaped from Boyle in 1770. Text of ad placed by Dorington Boyle to recover Jack:
RUN away from the subscriber, of West Fallowfield township Chester county, a Mulattoe boy, named Jack, about 17 years of age, well set; had on, and took with him, when he went away, a light coloured jacket, new castor hat, shoes and buckles, sundry shirts, two of them check, the others white linen, several pair of stockings, linen and woolen, two pair ditto not fellows, one pair silver buckles, Sterling stamp, weight 58 penny weight, one silk handkerchief, and many other things not mentioned; he also took with him a black horse, middle sized, with a small star in his forehead, and paces. Whoever takes up and secures said servant, so that his master may have him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by DORINGTON BOYLE.
Jack left Boyle's estate very well equipped for travelling. He took an unusually large quantity of clothing, including several changes of shirts, shoes, hat and outer wear. He also took a horse, which is only mentioned at the end of the description. A horse that paces moves the legs on one side forward at the same time. The sterling silver buckles were probably the most valuable item taken, other than the horse, and may have been worth about four shillings.
Date of Record: October 18, 1770
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, October 18, 1770
- Slaveholder Name: Brinton, John
City or Township: West Chester
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: Samuel Brown
Sex: Male
Age: "about 17 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1798
Status: Slave to age 28; self emancipated
Description: "Mulatto boy"
Notes: Brown escaped from Brinton in September 1815. Text of ad placed by Brinton to recover him:
10 Dollars Reward.
RANAWAY from the subscriber living in West-Chester, Chester county, Penn on the 10th inst. a mulatto boy named SAMUEL BROWN, about 17 years of age, about five feet five or six inches high, took with him one pair domestic pantaloons of cotton, striped, one pair of tow ditto, two flax and tow shirts, one nankeen coatee, one pair new thread stockings, one pair new fashionable shoes, each tied with two strings, one half worn fur hat, and a new Madrass handkerchief, had several dollars in notes and also several in specie. Whoever takes up said boy and will deliver him to his master or secure him in any jail so that his master may get him again, shall receive the above reward.
West Chester, Sept 13, 1815.
Date of Record: 13 September 1815
Source: The Record (West Chester), 20 September 1815.
- Slaveholder Name: Brinton, Joseph
City or Township: Thornbury
County: Chester County
Occupation: Justice of the Peace; represented Chester County in the Pennsylvania General Assembly
Notes: Died 1752
Sources: Mary Sue Boyle and Company, "HRP # 135, Caleb Brinton Farmstead, 476 Brinton Lake Road, Thornbury Township, Delaware County, PA," 2022, online at, accessed 22 December 2024.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cuff
Sex: Male
Age: Described as a "man."
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life;
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Per will of Joseph Brinton:His “negro man Cuff who shall support my loving wife for four years and also for the support of my young children, George, Hannah and Phoebe and at the expiration of four years he shall be set free and the sum of 10 pounds lawful money of the Province shall be paid him.” If the terms of the will were carried out, Cuff would have been manumitted circa 1756.
Date of Record: 1752
Source: Mary Sue Boyle and Company, "HRP # 135, Caleb Brinton Farmstead, 476 Brinton Lake Road, Thornbury Township, Delaware County, PA," 2022, online at, accessed 22 December 2024.
- Slaveholder Name: Brisbane, Mr.
City or Township:
County: Chester County
Notes: Identified as a former owner of Cato by David Jameson, merchant, of York. Dates of ownership of Cato not known.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
Slave Gender: Male
Age: ? (adult in 1772)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Runaway from Jameson in 1772.
Description: "Negroe slave"
Notes: Formerly owned by Brisbane, Chester County, and Hieronimus Echman, Lancaster County. Escaped from Jamison on August 20, 1772. Text of runaway ad placed by Jamison:
"RUN AWAY from the subscriber, the 20th day of August last, a NEGROE slave, called CATO, middle sized, bow legged, and speaks good English. The said Negroe was formerly in the possession of ---- Brisbane, of Chester county, and afterwards of Hieronimus Echman, of Lancaster county, and is a great rogue, having committed several daring burglaries. He is supposed to have broke into the shop of the subscriber since he absconded, and to have stolen from thence 3 Half Johannes, and other money, a silver watch seal, and several paste or stone buttons, set in silver. Whoever apprehends the said Negroe, and delivers him to the Goaler of York county, shall receive FOUR POUNDS reward, and reasonable charges, and One Third the value of the money or things stolen, as they shall secure for the owner.
York Town, Sept. 30, 1772.DAVID JAMESON.
*** The said Negroe broke into a house in York Town, an stole from thence upwards of Ninety Pounds, belonging to Nicholas Shaffer, who has offered a very considerable reward for apprehending him."
Date of Record: October 14, 1772
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 28 October 1772.
- Slaveholder Name: Britain, Richard
City or Township: Tredyffrin Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Britain's slaves were recorded on page 23 of the 1780 register. By 1789, Britain/Britton was reporting his location as Newtown Square, which is modern day Delaware County.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Freeman
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Freeman aged thirty five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lilley
Sex: Female
Age: 34
Date of Birth: 1746 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Lilley aged thirty four years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Robin
Sex: Male
Age: 5
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Robin aged five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 7 years old
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Dinah aged seven years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Primus
Sex: Male
Age: "about 26 or 27 years of age," (reported in May 1789) and "about 25 or 26 years of age" (reported in August 1789)
Date of Birth: circa 1762-1764
Status: Slave for life, escaped
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Primus does not appear on the Chester County records of enslaved persons registered in 1780 by Britton. He escaped on May 3, 1789 and Britton placed the following advertisement to try to recover him:
Four Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from the subscriber, living at the Newtown Square tavern, in Chester county, state of Pennsylvania, on the 3d instant, a certain Negro MAN, named Primus, about 26 or 27 years of age, a thick well set fellow, yellow complexion, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, round shouldered and stoops when he walks pretty much, has a bold confident look and is very talkative, is fond of strong liquor, and values himself much as a carter, hostler or waiter, at which offices he is handy: had on when he went away, a dark grey linsey coat, a blue cloth jacket, a pair of linen breeches dyed a copperas colour, white thread stockings, a pair of strong shoes about half worn, tied with leather strings, a new wool hat with a broad band. Whoever takes up said Negro, and secures him so that his master may have him again, shall have the above Reward, and reasonable charges if brought home. All masters of vessels are forbid carrying him off at their peril.
The ad above ran through June 1789. Sometime during the early summer, Britton recovered Primus, but he escaped again on August 18th. Britton again ran an ad, which ran through September 1789:
Four Dollars Reward.
RUN away on Tuesday the 18th instant, from the subscriber, living at the Newtown Square Tavern, in Chester county, a Negro Man, named Primus, about 25 or 26 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, a stout, well set fellow, stoops when he walks, is a bold, forward fellow, very talkative, and values himself much as a carter, which business its likely he will endeavor to fall into, is a great chewer of tobacco and very fond of strong liquor: had on when he went away, a black grey linsey jacket or coatee, pretty much worn; a coarse tow shirt and trowsers; a strong pair of shoes, thought to be tied with strings, and a felt hat about half worn. Whoever takes up said negro and secures him, so that his master shall have him again, shall receive the above reward and reasonable charges if brought home.
Dates of Records: 09 May 1789; 22 August 1789.
Source: The Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser, 13 May 1789, 22 August 1789.
- Slaveholder Name: Brown, Elias
City or Township: Charlestown Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Innholder
Notes: Brown's slave is recorded on page 44 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 60
Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Jack aged Sixty years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Brown, James
City or Township: Nottingham Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: Not determined, but described as "girl."
Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1715.
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Partial text of the will of James Brown, bequeathing Hannah to his daughter Mary Brown:
I do give and bequeath unto my daughter MARY BROWN twenty pounds to be pay'd unto her at the age of twenty years. Also I give and bequeath unto her, my Negro girl Hannah after her mothers decease but if her mother dyes before my daughter Mary arrives to the age of twenty, ye surviving time until ye twenty years be expired, to be served unto my son JAMES BROWN.
Date of Record: Date of will: January 11, 1715; Date will was recorded in Chester County: January 15, 1715.
Source: Will of James Brown, Chester County, 1715
- Slaveholder Name: Bull, Thomas
City or Township: East Nantmeal Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Iron Master
Notes: Bull's slaves were recorded on page 4 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Judge
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Judge aged nineteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jem
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Registered as "A negro boy named Jem aged sixteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
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