Slaveholders Listed on this Page
- Macky, John (Enslaved persons: Isaac)
- Maffett, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Prince, Rachel, Mill)
- Magoogan, Robert (Enslaved persons: Un-named child)
- Maris, Isaac (Enslaved persons: Bet)
- Martin, James (Enslaved persons: Un-named woman, un-named male child)
- Mather, Peter (Enslaved persons: Sally)
- Masewell, Charles (Enslaved persons: James)
- Matthews, Boaz (Enslaved persons: Cesar)
- May, Thomas (Enslaved persons: Bradock, Phillis, Hannah, Adam)
- McAmant, James (Enslaved persons: Hess)
- McAntire, Andrew (Enslaved persons: James)
- McBeth, John (Enslaved persons: Jude)
- McCalla, Alexander (Enslaved persons: James)
- McCaraher, Alexander (Enslaved persons: Debb, Simon)
- McClenachan, John F. (Enslaved persons: Lydia)
- McClure, Arthur (Enslaved persons: Dinah, Tom)
- McDowell, Andrew (Enslaved persons: "several Negroes")
- McDowell, James (Enslaved persons: Tom, Cloe, Rachel, Hannah, Flora, Debbi)
- McDowell, John (Enslaved persons: Backus, Philis)
- McDowell, Joshua (Enslaved persons: Un-named man, Coco, Jack)
- McDowell, Sarah (Enslaved persons: Un-named female child)
- McIlhenny, George (Enslaved persons: Stephen, Dinah)
- McKinley, Alexander (Enslaved persons: Hannah, Poll, Jack, Hannah)
- McPherson, Agness (Enslaved persons: Jack)
- Menough, John (Enslaved persons: Ameliah)
- Miller, Benjamin (Enslaved persons: Un-named young man)
- Miller, John (Enslaved persons: Jesse)
- Mitchell, Joseph (Enslaved persons: Un-named woman and child, other un-named slaves, Cato)
- Moore, David (Enslaved persons: Jude)
- Moore, Hannah (Enslaved persons: Teen)
- Moore, James (Enslaved persons: Laurance, Phillis, Julio, Ceasar, Andy, un-named "wench")
- Moore, John (Enslaved persons: Jo)
- Moore, Joseph, Doctor (Enslaved persons: Face, Jehu, Essea)
- Moore, Samuel (Enslaved persons: Cato, Poll, Betts)
- Moore, William, Schuylkill Twp. (Enslaved persons: Jack, un-named man)
- Moore, William, Charlestown Twp. (Enslaved persons: George, Betty, Leith, Solomon, George, Rachel, Ceaser, Mary, Leith, Nanny)
- Morrison, Alexander (Enslaved persons: Andrew, Lydia, Adam, Chanie, Francis)
- Morrison, Gavin (Enslaved persons: Un-named girl)
- Morton, John (Enslaved persons: George, Dinah, Hannah, un-named female child)
- Morton, Morton (Enslaved persons: Ceaser, Liz, Annias, Samuel, John, Jacob, Sarah, Peter)
- Morton, Sketchley (Enslaved persons: Jeffrey)
- Murry, Bryan (Enslaved persons: Isaac)
- Neally, John (Enslaved persons: Un-named woman)
- Nice, John (Enslaved persons: Rachel)
- Noblit, William (Enslaved persons: Un-named woman)
- Nutt, Anna (Enslaved persons: Un-named iron forge workers)
- Nutt, Samuel (Enslaved persons: Cudjo, George)
- Odenheimer, John (Enslaved persons: Anthony Welsh)
- Ogden, John (Enslaved persons: Poll)
Enslavement Data
- Slaveholder Name: Macky, John
City or Township: New London Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Esquire
Notes: Macky's slave was listed on page 15 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Isaac aged Twenty years a slave for life." Isaac ran away in April 1781 with a woman named Nancy or Nettie and Macky ran the following ad to recover him:
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, in New London township, Chester county, on the 7th instant, about 10 at night, A NEGROE Man, named ISAAC, a well countenanced fellow, speaks soft, and appears modest, is about 20 or 21 years of age, country born, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, one of his legs almost twice as thick as the other, and bends a little, though he does not appear very lame: Had on, when he went away, a country cloth coat of a light colour, with metal buttons, old brick coloured jacket, old breeches of a light colour, patched; yarn stockings, mixed black and white; coarse shoes, half soaled; took with him two Indian blankets, about half work; he also took with him a black horse, about 14 hands high, 5 years old, paces and trots, branded, the letters forgot; some white hairs on his forehead, short bodied, no shoes on. It is alleged that the said negroe went off in company with negroe woman, named Nancy, who says she is free, and that she'd been in New York and Baltimore town; she is impudent hussey, and lived about seven weeks in the house with said negroe, and it is alledged she enticed him away. Whoever will take up and secures said negroe man and horse, so as the owner may have them again, shall have a REWARD of TWELVE DOLLARS SPECIE, and reasonable charges, if brought home, paid by JOHN MACKY.
N.B. It is found by inquiry that said negroe woman has often changed her name, as Nancy, Netty, & c. and is suspected to be a run away. April 9, 1781.
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 18, 1781, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Maffett, Thomas
City or Township: East Nottingham Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Maffett's enslaved people are listed on page 16 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Prince
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Prince aged fifteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Rachel aged fifteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mill
Sex: Female
Age: 9
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Mill aged nine years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Magoogan, Robert
City or Township: Havorford Township
County: Chester County (now Delaware County)
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Magoogan's enslaved child was listed on page 3 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
Sex: Male
Age: 6 months old
Date of Birth: May 1780 (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 31
Description: "mullatto servant child"
Notes: Registered as "A mullatto servant child till he attains the age of thirty one years named ____ Aged six months."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Maris, Isaac
City or Township: Marlborough Township
County: Chester County (now Delaware County)
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Maris' slave was listed on page 4 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bet
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro wench"
Notes: Registered as "A negro wench named Bet aged seventeen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Martin, James
City or Township: Charlestown
County: Chester County
Notes: Offered for public sale his portion of a plantation in Whiteland Township, and also offered to sell the following slaves:
Said Martin has a likely Negroe Wench to dispose of, she has had the Small-Pox and Measles, is fit for Town or Country Business, sold for no Fault, but being about to leave the Province, has no Occasion for her. Also a Negroe Boy, about three Years old.
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: "wench"
Date of Birth:
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Wench"
Notes: Offered for public sale in 1763 (see advertisement, above).
Date of Record: October 6, 1763
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 06, 13 October 1763.
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Male
Age: "about three Years old"
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Boy"
Notes: Offered for public sale in 1763 (see advertisement, above).
Date of Record: October 6, 1763
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 06, 13 October 1763.
- Slaveholder Name: Masewell, Charles
City or Township: East Whiteland Township
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: James
Sex: Male
Age: 20a
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Captured runaway
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Captured in New Jersey, James told the jailor he was sold by Charles Masewell to Daniel Heath of Middletown about 1786:
Salem county, and state of New Jersey, Nov. 1, 1790.
WAS taken up and committed to the gaol of this county, on the 28th of October last, a Negro Man, on suspicion of being a runaway slave, and being closely examined, said that he did belong to John Thompson, near Dover; on his being examined the second time, said that he did belong to Gabriel Kinsbey, in Baltimore; and the third time said that he came from Kent island, in Maryland, and that his master, Gabriel Kinsbey, did live there, and by trade was a shop joiner. After he had been three days in gaol, he then did declare that he belonged to Daniel Heath, near Middletown. The said Negro calls himself JAMES, and says his master bought him of one Charles Masewell, at Newtown, Chester, about four years since. He is five feet six inches high, well set, appears to be about 20 years of age, is very black, laughs but seldom, talks but little, and appears to be very sulky; he has on a coatee and double breasted jacket, both of light coloured cloth, ozenbrig shirt and trowsers, and wool hat, all much worn. His master is desired to come, prove his property, and pay charges, or he will be sold for the same in four weeks from the date of this advertisement, by
Date of Record: November 10, 1790
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, November 10, 1790, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Mather, Peter
City or Township: East Whiteland Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Tavern keeper
Notes: Mather's slave was listed on page 3 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sally
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Sally aged eighteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Wench"
Notes: This person, who might be the same as Sally, above--Mather says she is "registered aggreeable to law--was offered for sale in 1786. The ages of Sally and this person do not agree exactly, however, there being a three year difference in the calculated years of birth:
TO BE SOLD. A likely NEGRO WENCH, 21 years of age, has had the small-pox and measles, and registered agreeable to law. She is an excellent Cook, and capable of the management of a Dairy, having been long in the practice, and sold for no fault, but for want of employ. Apply to the subscriber, living at the Admiral Warren, in East Whiteland township, Chester county. Feb.27, 1786. PETER MATHER.
Date of Record: March 8, 1786
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 8, 1786, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Matthews, Boaz
City or Township: Upper Darby Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Blacksmith
Notes: Boaz Matthew's slave was listed on page 13 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cesar
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Date of Birth: 1743 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Cesar aged thirty seven years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: May, Thomas
City or Township:
County: Chester County
Notes: Thomas May's slaves are listed on page 12 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bradock
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Man named Bradock aged twenty three years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Woman named Phillis aged thirty five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Woman named Hannah aged eighteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Adam
Sex: Male
Age: 3
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Male Child"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Male Child named Adam aged three years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McAmant, James
City or Township: Township not specified
County: Chester County
Occupation: Blacksmith
Notes: McAmant's slave was listed on page 27 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hess
Sex: Male
Age: 45
Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Hess aged forty five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McAntire, Andrew
City or Township: New Garden Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: McAntire's slave was listed on page 9 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: James
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro Man named James aged twenty five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McBeth, John
City or Township: East Nottingham Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Blacksmith
Notes: John McBeth's slave is listed on page 12 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jude
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A negro Girl named Jude aged sixteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McCalla, Alexander
City or Township: Charlestown Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Innholder
Notes: Alexander McCalla's slave is listed on page 29 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: James
Sex: Male
Age: 9
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named James aged nine years a slave for life." The transcriptionist in 1793 noted "This name appears in a different hand and Ink & probably entered since the original Record was made up and from the space it occupies must have been blank as it does not fit near the place intended for the name."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McCaraher, Alexander, Captain
City or Township: Pikeland
County: Chester County
Notes: Captain Alexander McCaraher's slaves are listed on page 31 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Debb
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Debb aged eighteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Simon
Sex: Male
Age: "aged ten Months"
Date of Birth: January 1780 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto Male Child"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto Male Child named Simon aged ten Months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McClenachan, John F.
City or Township: London Derry Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Cooper
Notes: John F. McClenachan's slave is listed on page 50 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lydia
Sex: Female
Age: 14
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Lydia aged fourteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McClure, Arthur
City or Township: New London Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Arthur McClure's slaves are listed on page 41 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Dinah aged eighteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: age not recorded
Date of Birth: not recorded
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named Tom aged _____ a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McDowell, Andrew
City or Township: West Nottingham Township
County: Chester County
- Slaves Names: No names recorded
Date of Birth:
Status: Slaves for life
Description: "Several Negroes"
Notes: Text of announcement of the public auction of "several Negroes" and other property of Andrew McDowell by the sheriff of Chester County:
BY Virtue of a Writ of Venditioni Exponas, to be directed, on Friday, the 25th Day of this instant August, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the Premises, will be sold by Vendue, a certain Messuage or Tenement, Plantation and Tract, Pierce or Parcel of Land thereto belonging, with a Water Corn Grist mill thereon erected, containing 87 Acres, more or less, situate in West Nottingham Township, Chester County, bounded by Lands of Isaac Brown, John Hamilton, and Octorara Creek. Also at the same Time and Place will be sold, several Negroes, Horses and Cattle, Implements of Husbandry, a Variety of Household Furnigure, & c. & c. late the Property of ANDREW McDOWELL; seized in Execution, and to be sold by JOHN MORTON, Sheriff.
Date of Record: August 10, 1769
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, August 10, 1769
- Slaveholder Name: McDowell, James
City or Township: Oxford Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Storekeeper
Notes: James McDowell's slaves are listed on page 24 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Date of Birth: 1746 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Tom aged thirty four years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cloe
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Cloe aged twenty seven years a slave for life." Mother of Debbi, a female child registered in 1788.
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: 5
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Girl named Rachel aged five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 3
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A negro girl named Hannah aged three years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Flora
Sex: Female
Age: "aged one year and two months"
Date of Birth: August 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Flora aged one year and two months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Debbi
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: after 1780
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Notes: Registered as "Debbi, the Daughter of Cloe ______ Registered by Jno McDowel or James McDowel of Chester Co under Law of 1788."
Date of Record: 1788
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, supplemental note attached to register.
- Slaveholder Name: McDowell, John
City or Township: New London Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Doctor
Notes: John McDowell's slaves are listed on page 42 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Backus
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Backus aged thirty five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Philis
Sex: Female
Age: 4
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto girl named Philis aged four years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McDowell, Joshua
City or Township: London Britain Township
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Male
Age: "Man"
Date of Birth:
Status: Slave for life, captured and imprisoned as fugitive slave
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: Runaway slave captured and jailed in New Castle, Delaware:
New Castle, May 22, 1764
NOW in the Goal of this County, A Negroe Man, says he belongs to Mr. Perry Frisbey, in Newtown, Maryland. Also a Negroe Man, belonging to Joshua McDowell, in Chester County. Their Masters are desired to come or send for them. ALEXANDER HARVEY, Goaler.
Date of Record: June 14, 1764
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, June 14 and 28, 1764.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Coco
Sex: Male
Age: 28a
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe"
Notes: Ran away on September 8, 1768, in the company of white servant William Read:
RUN away the 8th of this instant, from the subscriber, living in London Britain township, Chester county, the following servant and Negroe, viz. WILLIAM READ, an Englishman, about 25 years of age. . .
The Negroe, named COCO, is about 28 years of age, 6 feet high, a likely fellow, very red eyed, speaks but indifferent English, has two or three lumps on each temple, is a sugar maker, lived with John Edwards in Philadelphia, and understands plantation work: Had on when he went away, a light coloured fly coat, of country cloth, lined with coarse linsey, with brass and white metal buttons, a half worn racoon hat, old coarse petticoat trowsers, new tow shirt, and old shoes. They took with them a pair of square silver bukles, a new eight hundred shirt, a half worn ticken bolster, with a yard and half of ticken, and some coarse Leather, which, it is supposed, Read will make up in shoes, as he is very handy that way. It is thought they will change their clothers. Said Read ran away before. Whoever takes them up, and secures them, so as their master may get them again, shall have FOUR POUNDS Reward, or FORTY SHILLINGS, for either, paid by JOSHUA McDOWELL.
Coco was captured but his companion Read evaded capture. Some details of thier journey are related in the follow-up ad placed by McDowell:
RUN away, the 8th of last September, from the subscriber, in London Britain township, Chester county, an English ervant man, named WILLIAM READ, but calls himself THOMPSON; He went off with my Negroe who is now taken up; and who tells me that the above servant, though he is a good waggon maker, pretends to be a shoe maker. The Negroe parted from him at the sign of the BULL in Chester county. Whoever secures said servant properly, shall have the reward of Three pounds, paid by JOSHUA McDOWELL
Date of Record: September 22, 1768; November 17, 1768
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, September 22, 1768, November 17, 1768
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 36a
Date of Birth: 1734 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: Jack ran away, in 1770, in company with a white boy named James Griffin:
RUN away from the subscriber, living in Londonderry township, Chester county a NEGROE man, named JACK, about 5 feet 8 inches high, and about 36 years of age, a clumsy made fellow; had on, when he went away, a blanket jacket and breeches, and delights much in playing on the fiddle. Also a white boy, names James Griffin, wears brownish hair, a smart lively lad .Whoever secures said boy, and negroe, in any of his Majesty goals, or brings them home, shall have Twenty Shillings reward for each paid by JOSHUA McDOWELL.
N.B. All masters of vessels, shallops or boats, are forewarned not to carry them off, at their peril, or they will be prosecuted according to law. June 11, 1770.
Date of Record: June 21, 1770
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, June 21, 1770, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: McDowell, Sarah
City or Township: London Britain Township
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: 7
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Wench"
Notes: Offered for private sale in 1773:
London Britain Township, Chester County, February 19, 1773. To be SOLD at PRIVATE SALE, A YOUNG NEGROE WENCH, aged seven Years, she has had the Smallpox and Measles, and is a likely Girl. I intend to dispose of a new STILL to any Person that wants a large One. SARAH McDOWELL.
Date of Record: March 3, 1773
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 3, 1773, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: McIlhenny, George
City or Township: Charlestown Township
County: Chester County
Notes: George McIlhenny's slaves are listed on page 30 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Stephen
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Stephen aged twenty one years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Dinah aged twenty years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McKinley, Alexander
City or Township: Pikeland Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Alexander McKinley's slaves are listed on page 38 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 31 years
Description: "Mulatto woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto woman named Hannah aged twenty five years a servant till she attain the age of thirty one years."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Poll
Sex: Female
Age: 5
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 31 years
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Poll aged five years a servant till she attain the age of thirty one years."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 4
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 31 years
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Jack aged four years a servant till he attain the age of thirty one years."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 3
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 31 years
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Hannah aged three years a servant till she attain the age of thirty one years."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: McPherson, Agness
City or Township: Sadsbury Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Agness McPherson's slave is listed on page 20 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 33
Description: "Negro servant Man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro servant Man till he attains the age of thirty three years named Jack aged twenty five years." If the terms given in his registration were followed, Jack would have been given his freedom in 1788. The 1790 census for Sadsbury Township shows no slaves enumerated with Agnes McPherson.
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; 1790 Federal Census, Chester County, Pennsylvania, USGenWeb Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Menough, John
City or Township: New London Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: John Menough's slave is listed on page 18 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ameliah
Sex: Female
Age: 14
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A negro girl named Ameliah aged fourteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Miller, Benjamin
City or Township: West Chester borough
County: Chester County
Occupation: Innkeeper
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given in ad
Sex: Male
Age: Age not specified in ad, but described as a "young man."
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Young Negro Man"
Notes: Offered for sale in March 1815: "For Sale. FOR a number of years a smart active young NEGRO MAN, an excellent waggoner and plow man. For the terms enquire in West-Chester, to BENJAMIN MILLER. March 22d 1815."
Date of Record: 22 March 1815
Source: The Record (West Chester), 05 April 1815.
- Slaveholder Name: Miller, John
City or Township: Tinicum Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: John Miller's slave is listed on page 34 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jesse
Sex: Male
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A negro Boy named Jesse aged thirteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Mitchell, Joseph
City or Township: Tredyffrin Township
County: Chester County
Notes: In 1761, Joseph Mitchell offered for sale "Two Negroe Boys," offering no descriptive details about the boys. (source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 12, 1761, in Accessible Archives, Two years later, Mitchell advertised to sell several more slaves, along with a mill and other farm items:
Likewise, on said Day, one Team of Horses, one Waggon, one Cart and Gears, two Saddle Horses, Hogs, Sheep, and sundry Utensils of Husbandry, with the greatest part of the Household Furniture, and 5 or 6 Negroes. Any Person inclining to purchase before the Day of Sale, may know the Terms by applying to JOSEPH MITCHELL
(Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 28, 1763, in Accessible Archives, This is the same Joseph Mitchell who maintained a residence in Blockley Township, Philadelphia County. See that page for additional enslavement data.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 1727 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Offered for sale in 1752. Text of advertisement:
"To be sold, by JOSEPH MITCHELL, of the township of Treduffryn, in Chester county, A likely Negroe woman, 25 years of age, and a boy; both have had the Smallpox."
Date of Record: February 11, 1752
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, February 11, 1752
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
Sex: Male
Age: "boy"
Date of Birth: Not specified
Status: Slave for life
Description: "boy"
Notes: Offered for sale in 1752. Text of advertisement:
"To be sold, by JOSEPH MITCHELL, of the township of Treduffryn, in Chester county, A likely Negroe woman, 25 years of age, and a boy; both have had the Smallpox."
Date of Record: February 11, 1752
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, February 11, 1752
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
Sex: Male
Age: 23a
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Ran away and joined the British Army when it was occupying Philadelphia. Text of advertisement placed by Mitchell to recapture him:
WENT with the British army, when they left the Valley in September last, a Negro man named CATO. I found him in the possession of Lieutenant Nesbit of the 17th regiment, took with him to Philadelphia, where not being able to get a master, he ran away in the evening and went to the British army again; it is said he left Philadelphia, before the army did. He is about 23 years of age, was bought of Mr. McCall about three months before, is a handy fellow about a house, and a good waiter, but sometimes saucy, and is knock kneed: he can play on the violin and fife. Whoever takes up and secures said Negro so that his master may have him again, shall have Twenty Dollars, but if brought to the Work house of Philadelphia, shall have the above reward and all reasonable charges, paid by the subscriber, living in the Great Valley in Chester county, who has a Plantation and Ferry to let, whereon Henry Lott now lives, three miles above Coryell, to be entered on the fifth of April next. None need apply but such who are able and willing to keep a good house and take proper care of the whole. JOSEPH MITCHELL.
Date of Record: September 1, 1778
Source: The Pennsylvania Packet, September 1, 1778
- Slaveholder Name: Moore, Hannah
City or Township: Goshen Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Gentlewoman
Notes: Hannah Moore's enslaved person is listed on page 45 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Teen
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Teen aged thirty two years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Moore, David
City or Township: West Nottingham Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: David Moore's slave is listed on page 15 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jude
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A negro Girl named Jude aged fifteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Moore, James
City or Township: West Nantmeal Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Esquire; owned several mills and Springton Forge, in
West Nantmeal, on the Brandywine Creek. Notes: James Moore's slaves are listed on page 20 of the 1780 register. In 1785, James Moore offered for public sale on October 25, "the whole of the subscriber's estate in Chester county." This sale included several plantations and "Several old and young Negroes." Names and other details about the slaves were not listed. Moore appeared to be liquidated all of his assets, "on easier terms, for the advanced age, and different pursuits of his children." Earlier the previous year, Moore advertised a single "Negroe Wench to be sold for want of employ." (22 December 1784 through 20 April 1785)
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, September 21, 1785 in Accessible Archives,
- Enslaved Person's Name: Laurance
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Laurance aged twenty eight years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Date of Birth: 1751 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Phillis aged twenty nine years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Julio
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Julio aged eleven years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ceasar
Sex: Male
Age: 9
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Ceasar aged nine years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Andy
Sex: Male
Age: 1
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Any aged one year a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: "wench"
Date of Birth:
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Wench"
Notes: Offered for sale in 1785: "N.B. A likely NEGROE WENCH to be sold for want of employ. Enquire as above Dec. 18."
Date of Record: April 20, 1785
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 20, 1785 in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Moore, John
City or Township: Caln
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jo
Sex: Male
Age: ? (adult in 1726)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Moore bequeathed Jo to his sister and brother in law, Mathias and Susanna Kerlin, in 1726. Text of will abstract:
Moore, John. Caln.
November 12, 1726/7. April 10, 1727. A. 229.
To mother 8 per annum during life. To sister Mary Fleming 5. To
brother in law Mathias Kerlin and my sister Susanna his wife, my negro
man Jo, to my brother Joseph Cloud 5. To sister Mary Kerlin 5. To
sister Ann Engle 5. To brother Benjamin Moore 7. To cousin Stacy
Moore 2 when 12. To Thomas Cook a new blanket. To Wm. Orson a new hat.
To brother Thomas Moore all remainder of estate real and personal, also
executor. Witnessed by Richard Hughs, Thomas Jones.
Date of Record: Will dated November 12, 1726, proved April 10, 1727.
Source: Correspondence, Fred Kelso to Afrolumens, December 30, 2003. From
- Slaveholder Name: Moore, Joseph, Doctor
City or Township: Goshen Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Doctor
Notes: Doctor Moore's slaves are listed on page 45 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Face
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Face aged eleven years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jehu
Sex: Male
Age: 9
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Jehu aged nine years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Essea
Sex: Male
Age: 2
Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Essea aged two years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Moore, Samuel
City or Township: Goshen Township
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
Sex: Male
Age: 28a
Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
Status: Status not known
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Named in Habeas Corpus papers relating to Samuel Moore of Goshen. The entry reads
"On[e] Negro man Named Cato about 28 years of age, on Negro Woman about 23 years Named Poll on female Child about 10 months old Named Betts belong to Saml Moore Goshen october the 25 1780."
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Papers of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Habeas Corpus Papers for Negro Slaves, 1786-1787." Pennsylvania State Archives, RG-33, Negative microfilm roll #3403.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Poll
Sex: Female
Age: 23a
Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
Status: Status not known
Description: "Negro Woman"
Notes: Named in Habeas Corpus papers relating to Samuel Moore of Goshen. See notes for Cato, above.
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Papers of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Habeas Corpus Papers for Negro Slaves, 1786-1787." Pennsylvania State Archives, RG-33, Negative microfilm roll #3403.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Betts
Sex: Female
Age: 10 months old
Date of Birth: January 1780 (calculated)
Status: Status not known
Description: "Female Child"
Notes: Named in Habeas Corpus papers relating to Samuel Moore of Goshen. See notes for Cato, above.
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Papers of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Habeas Corpus Papers for Negro Slaves, 1786-1787." Pennsylvania State Archives, RG-33, Negative microfilm roll #3403.
- Slaveholder Name: Moore, William
City or Township: Moore Hall in Schuylkill Township
County: Chester County
Notes: From Historical and Biographical Sketches, Samuel W. Pennypacker, (Philadelphia) 1883, page 231:
William Moore was a son of John Moore, collector of the port of Philadelphia, and was born in that city on the 6th day of May, 1699. In his early youth he was sent to England to be educated, and he graduated at the University of Oxford in 1719. His wife is said to have been a descendant of the Earl of Wemyss, and this tradition receives support from the fact that in his will he refers to the noble and honorable family from which she sprang. His father having become interested in the Pickering tract in Charlestown township, Chester Co. Pa., in 1729, gave him a lot of 240 acres on the Pickering creek, adjacent to the Schuylkill, on which he had been living for some years, and there he passed the remainder of his long and eventful life. On it he erected a frame house which was later superseded by a stone mansion overlooking the river. The latter is still standing and has ever since borne the name of Moore Hall. He also built a saw mill and the Bull tavern, a famous hostelry in the colonial days. He lived in considerable style, and had a number of slaves and other servants.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: ? ("young man" in 1730)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave for life--ran away in 1730
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Jack ran away sometime in the summer of 1730. Moore advertised for his return in the Pennsylvania Gazette:
RUN away from William Moore of Moore-hall in Chester County, a likely young Negro Man named Jack, speaks but indifferent English, and had on when he went away a new ozenburg Shirt, a pair of strip'd ticking Wastecoat, an old dimity Coat of his Master's with Buttons of Horse teeth set in Brass, and Cloth Sleeves, a Felt Hat almost new. Whoever Secures the said Negro, and will bring him to his Master, or to John Moore, Esq; in Philadelphia, shall receive Twenty Shillings Reward and reasonable Charges. August 10, 1730. William Moore.
Date of Record: August 13, 1730
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, August 13, 1730. Accessible Archives,
- Enslaved Person's Name: Not identified by name
Sex: Male
Age: "aged about 22"
Date of Birth: 1718 (estimated)
Status: Slave for life--ran away in 1740
Description: "Mulatto Man Slave"
Notes: This person ran away in July 1740. Moore advertised for his return in the Pennsylvania Gazette:
RUN away on Saturday Night last, from Moorhall in Chester County, a Mulatto Man Slave, aged about 22, has a likely whitish Countenance, of a middle Stature; having on a Chocolate colour'd Cloth Coat, Linnen Wastcoat, Leather Breeches, grey Stockings, a Piss burnt Wig, and a good Hat; has with him several white Shirts, and some Money: He speaks Swede and English well. Whoever secures the said Slave, so that his Master may have him again, shall be very handsomely Rewarded, and all reasonable Charges paid, by William Moore.
Date of Record: July 31, 1740
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, July 31, 1740. Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Moore, William, Esquire
City or Township: Charlestown Township
County: Chester County
Notes: William Moore's ten slaves were recorded on page 8 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: 75
Date of Birth: 1705 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named George aged seventy five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Betty
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Betty aged thirty years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Leith
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro man named Leith aged thirty years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Solomon
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto man"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto man named Solomon aged twenty five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto man"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto man named George aged twenty three years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto girl named Rachel aged nineteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ceaser
Sex: Male
Age: 8
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Ceaser aged eight years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mary
Sex: Female
Age: 6
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Mary aged six years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Leith
Sex: Male
Age: 3
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Male Child"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Male Child named Leith aged three years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nanny
Sex: Female
Age: "aged one year" (at time of registration)
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Female Child"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Female Child named Nanny aged one year a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Morrison, Alexander
City or Township: New London Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Blacksmith
Notes: Alexander Morrison's slaves are recorded on page 12 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Andrew
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Andrew aged seventeen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lydia
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro woman named Lydia aged nineteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Adam
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Adam aged eighteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Chanie
Sex: Male
Age: 4
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Chanie aged four years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Francis
Sex: Male
Age: "aged eight months"
Date of Birth: February 1780 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Male Child named Francis aged eight months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Morrison, Gavin
City or Township: East Nottingham Township
County: Chester County
Notes: Gavin Morrison "removed from East Nottingham, in Chester county, Penn., and settled on a tract of land on the waters of Chartiers creek, within the limits of Chartiers township, in Washington county, of the same State, prior to the war of the Revolution." This move seems related to the Sheriff's Sale of his property in 1769, noted below. Our Washington County listings do not show any enslaved persons held by Gavin Morrison in that county, although his brother James Morrison is listed with one enslaved woman in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Sources: Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania, Chicago, J. H. Beers Co., 1893, p. 658.
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: "about 12 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1757
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe girl"
Notes: Adverised for public sale by the Chester County Sheriff:
Chester, January 9, 1769.
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, on Thursday, the 2d day of February next, on the premises, at 10 o, will be sold by vendue, a certain messuage or tenement, plantation and tract or parcel of land thereunto belonging, containing 300 acres, more or less, situate in the township of East Nottingham, in the county of Chester; bounded by lands of Hugh Thomson, Finley McGrew, Robert Wilson, James Huthers, and others. Likewise will be sold at the same time and place, horses, cows, sheep and swine, wheat in the sheaf, and in the ground, a Negroe girl, about 12 years of age, and a variety of houshold goods, and sundry other articles, too tedious to mention; late the estate and effects of Gavin Morrison, seized in execution, and to be sold by JOHN MORTON, Sheriff.
Date of Record: January 12, 1769
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 12 January 1769
- Slaveholder Name: Morton, John
City or Township: Ridley Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: John Morton's slaves are recorded on page 24 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: 52
Date of Birth: 1728 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro man named George aged fifty two years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 47
Date of Birth: 1733 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Dinah aged forty seven years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 7
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Girl named Hannah aged seven years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: 1
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Female negro Child"
Notes: Registered as "A female negro Child named _____ aged one year a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Morton, Morton
City or Township: Ridley Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Morton Morton's slaves are recorded on page 46 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ceaser
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Registered as "A negro man named Ceaser aged twenty eight years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Liz
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Registered as "A negro woman named Liz aged thirty years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Annias
Sex: Male
Age: 8
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Annias aged eight years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Samuel
Sex: Male
Age: "aged eight years and seven months"
Date of Birth: March 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Samuel aged eight years and seven months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: John
Sex: Male
Age: "aged six years and four months"
Date of Birth: June 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A mulatto Boy named John aged six years and four months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
Sex: Male
Age: "aged six years and four months"
Date of Birth: June 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A mulatto Boy named Jacob aged six years and four months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sarah
Sex: Female
Age: "aged three years and three months"
Date of Birth: July 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto Girl named Sarah aged three years and three months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
Sex: Male
Age: "aged one years and ten months"
Date of Birth: January 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A mulatto boy named Peter aged one years and ten months a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Morton, Sketchley
City or Township: Ridley Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Grazier
Notes: Sketchley Morton's slave is recorded on page 24 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jeffrey
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Boy named Jeffrey aged fourteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Murry, Bryan
City or Township: East Nantmeal Township/Warwick Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Collier, Reading Furnace
Notes: Reading Furnace was built in 1736 by Philadelphia ironmaker William Branson. It supplied iron to colonial Pennsylvania and was an earlier manufacturer of the Franklin Stove. During the Revolutionary War, the furnace made cannons and cannonballs for the Continental Army.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: "aged about 26 Years"
Date of Birth: circa 1718
Status: Slave for life; escaped
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Isaac formerly lived in New England prior to being enslaved at Reading Furnace. He escaped from collier Bryan Murry in mid 1744.
RUN away, from Bryan Murry, of Reading Furnace, Collier, a Negro Man, named Isaac, aged about 26 Years, a squat well set likely Fellow, with crooked Shins, talks good English, and plays on the Fiddle; the Cloaths that he had on, are unknown, but it is thought he has with him, a shaggy Portugal Jacket, and Leather Jockey Cap. Its supposed he is gone towards New-England, he having formerly liv'd there. Whoever takes up and secures the said Negroe so that William Branson in Philadelphia, or his said Master, may have him again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, reasonable Charges, paid by William Branson, or
Bryan Murry.
Date of Record: 12 July 1744
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette (Philadelphia), 12 July 1744.
- Slaveholder Name: Neally, John
City or Township: East Caln Township
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: 18a
Date of Birth: 1743 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Wench"
Notes: Offered for sale in 1761:
To be SOLD,
A Likely Negroe Wench, about 18 Years old, has been two Years in the Province, and is fit for any kind of Country Work, Enquire of John Neally, in East Caln, or of John Kerlin at the Sign of the Waggon, in West Caln, Chester County.
Date of Record: April 30, 1761
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 30, 1761, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Nice, John
City or Township: East Nantmeal Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Tanner
Notes: John Nice's slave is recorded on page 19 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro girl named Rachel aged fifteen years a slave for life." Rachel ran away in August 1788. In April 1789, Nice placed the following ad to recapture her:
Three Pounds Reward. RAN away from the subscriber, living in East Nantmill township, Chester county, on the 16th of August, 1788, a Negroe woman, named Rachael, about 23 years of age, middling size, is smart and active, and shews her teeth much when she laughs. Her apparel cannot be particularly described, as she carried off none but what was on her back. Whoever secures said negroe, so that her master may have her again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, if brought home, paid by JOHN NICE. April 1, 1789.
Date of Record: Registration: November 1, 1780; Runaway advertisement: April 8, 1789
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780; The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 8, 1789, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Noblit, William
City or Township: Middletown/ Ashton
County: Chester County
- Enslaved Person's Name: No name recorded
Sex: Female
Age: 12a
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulattoe Girl"
Notes: Offered for sale in 1765:
To be SOLD or LETT by the Subscriber, A Valuable Plantation, lying in Middletown, Chester County, 6 Miles from Chester, and 17 from Philadelphia, containing 150 Acres of good land, one Half therof cleared, and within good Fence, with 10 Acres of good meadow, and more may be made, the rest well timbered; Also to be sold or lett, a Plantation in Ashton Township, 3 Miles from the above, containing 124 Acres of good Land, .Likewise to be sold, a likely Mulattoe Girl, about 12 Years of Age; a neat Assortment of Houshold Furniture, such as Feather beds and Bedding, a Desk, a good Clock .The Purchasers may have a reasonable Time to pay the Purchase Money, giving good security, if required. WILLIAM NOBLIT.
Date of Record: February 28, 1765
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, February 28, 1765, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Nutt, Anna
City or Township: Warwick Furnace/ French Creek Iron Forge
County: Chester County
Occupation: Iron Forge Owner/Widow
Notes: Widow of Samuel Nutt. Part owner of Warwick Furnace and Coventry Forge.
- Enslaved Person's Name: No names recorded
Sex: Male
Age: "men"
Date of Birth:
Status: Slaves for life
Description: "Negroes"
Notes: Offered for rent or sale in 1744:
a Term of Years, ONE fourth part of French Creek Iron Forge, with the Lands thereto belonging, there being about 35 Acres of good Meadow, already cleared, together with a Stock of Pig iron, Cord Wood, and Coal, the fourth Part of two able Negroes, good Workmen, one a Hammer man, the other a Finer, also Half of a good Team. Any Person inclinable to purchase or rent, may apply to the Subscriber, at the said Forge, and know the Terms, Anna Nutt.
Documentation of the use of slaves in the early iron industry in Pennsylvania.
Date of Record: July 19, 1744
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, July 19, 1744, in Accessible Archives,
- Slaveholder Name: Nutt, Samuel
City or Township: Coventry Forge, Warwick Furnace/ French Creek Iron Forge
County: Chester County
Occupation: Iron Forge Owner
Notes: Husband of Anna Nutt. Part owner, along with William Branson, of Warwick Furnace. Died 1738.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cudjo
Sex: Male
Age: Age not specified in document, described as a "boy"
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Inventoried as part of the personal estate of Samuel Nutt, May 1738: "A negro boy named Cudjo, £30.0.0"
Date of Record: May 1738
Source: Forges and Furnaces in the Province of Pennsylvania, The Committee on Historical Research, Mrs. James M. Longacre, Chair, The Society of Colonial Dames, Philadelphia, 1914, p. 33.
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: Age not specified in document, described as a "boy"
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Inventoried as part of the personal estate of Samuel Nutt, May 1738: "A negro boy named Cudjo, £15.0.0"
Date of Record: May 1738
Source: Forges and Furnaces in the Province of Pennsylvania, The Committee on Historical Research, Mrs. James M. Longacre, Chair, The Society of Colonial Dames, Philadelphia, 1914, p. 33.
- Slaveholder Name: Odenheimer, John
City or Township: Chester Borough
County: Chester County
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: John Odenheimer's slave is recorded on page 13 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Anthony Welsh
Sex: Male
Age: 45
Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Registered as "A Negro Man named Anthony Welsh aged forty five years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
- Slaveholder Name: Ogden, John
City or Township: Springfield Township
County: Chester County
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: John Ogden's slave is recorded on page 50 of the 1780 register.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Poll
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto Girl"
Notes: Registered as "A Mulatto Girl named Poll aged fifteen years a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 1, 1780
Source: Slave Register, Chester County, November 1, 1780
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