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  A young enslaved Black woman working on a colonial Pennsylvania farm.
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A series of pages exploring
various aspects of enslavement in Pennsylvania

Bucks County, Pennsylvania Slaveholders T - Y

Slaveholders Listed On This Page

  1. Tates, Anthony (Slaves listed: Ann, Will, Tony)
  2. Tenant, Catharine (Slaves listed: Sarah, Euphamy, Nance, Titus, Mary, Jem, Prince)
  3. Thomas, Joseph (Slaves listed: Bill)
  4. Thomas, Martha (Slaves listed: Rose)
  5. Thomas, Richard (Slaves listed: Rose, Felis)
  6. Thompson, William (Slaves listed: Nat, Harry, Sal, Joe, Eve, Cartar)
  7. Thornton, Joseph (Slaves listed: Violet, Rose, Pompey, Cuff)
  8. Tomb, Hugh (Slaves listed: Prince, Joshua, Flora, Jud, Henry (born 1773), Henry (born 1727), Fema, Lena)
  9. Torbert, Lamb (Slaves listed: Sarah)
  10. Vanaisdalen, Elizabeth (Slaves listed: Sarah [born 1735], Phoebe, Sarah [born 1772], Thomas, Levi)
  11. Vanaisdalen, Garret (Slaves listed: Poll, Bill)
  12. Vanaisdalen, James (Slaves listed: Anthony, Mary)
  13. Vanaisdalen, Nicholas (Slaves listed: Sall, Mime, Cate)
  14. Vanaisdalen, Simon (Slaves listed: Thom, Cuffy, Rachel)
  15. Vanartsdalen, Garret (Slaves listed:  Tom)
  16. Vancourt, Cornelius (Slaves listed: Hannah)
  17. Vandegriff, John (Slaves listed: Jude, Silvia, Thom)
  18. Vandegriff, Joseph (Slaves listed: Flora, Hagar)
  19. Vandergriff, Abraham (Slaves listed: Samuel, Hannah, Scippio, Fortunatus)
  20. Vandyke, Jacob (Slaves listed: Will, Aram [born 1796], Ish, Aram [born 1779], Bet, Eff, Jack, Dinah, Pett)
  21. Vandyke, Lambert (Slaves listed: Isaac)
  22. Vanhart, Adam (Slaves listed:  Agness Bent)
  23. Vanhorn, Barnard (Slaves listed: Elijah)
  24. Vanhorn, Barnard, Administrator (Slaves listed: Cupid, Sarah, Betty)
  25. Vanhorne, Abraham (Slaves listed: Caesar, Subiah, unnamed man)
  26. Vanhorne, Isaac (Slaves listed: Caesar)
  27. Vansandt, Nicholas (Slaves listed: Ellen, Audy, Richard)
  28. Vansant, ? (Slaves listed: Lucy Brown [a.k.a. Sukey Brown])
  29. Vansant, Harman (Slaves listed: Isaac Farmer)
  30. Vansant, Jacob (Slaves listed: Jim [born 1770], Jim [born 1750])
  31. Vansant, Nathaniel (Slaves listed: Ishmael)
  32. Vansant, Peter (Slaves listed: Priscilla, Joseph, Richard Gibbs, Mike, William More, James, Peg)
  33. Walker, Richard (Slaves listed: Genn, Bett, Bill, James, Ruth)
  34. Walton, Jonathan (Slaves listed: Peet)
  35. Walton, William (Slaves listed: Nancy, Caesar, Joe, John, Hann, Isaac, Charles)
  36. Warder, Elizabeth (Slaves listed:  Amy Cary)
  37. Watts, Arthur (Slaves listed: Aaron, Daphne)
  38. West, James (Slaves listed: Jean)
  39. Wikoff, Isaac (Slaves listed: Hester, Will, Phoebe, Pompey, Hannah)
  40. Willett, Augustin (Slaves listed: Rachel, Jude, Priam)
  41. Willett, Jonathan (Slaves listed: Lid, Peg, Bell, Jude, Stace, Dine)
  42. Williams, Stephen (Slaves listed: Plymouth, un-named Negro Boy, seven un-named slaves)
  43. Willson, Francis (Slaves listed: Dinah)
  44. Wilson, John (Slaves listed: Samuel West)
  45. Wincke, James (Slaves listed: Dinah, Prudence, Phoebe, Archibald)
  46. Winder, James (Slaves listed: un-named Negro)
  47. Wright, Joshua (Slaves listed: Amanda, Julian)
  48. Wynkoop, Gerandas (Slaves listed: Flora)
  49. Wynkoop, Henry (Slaves listed: Tom, Toney, Belinda, Peter, Phoebe, Issabel, Tom, Oliver, Mary, Jeffery)
  50. Wynkoop, Nicholas (Slaves listed: Rosetta)
  51. Yardley, ? (Slaves listed: Joe, Rose, Jem, Fann)
  52. Yardley, Thomas (Slaves listed: Caesar, Rose, Dinah, Philip, Charles, Dick, Silvia, Andrew, George)
  53. Yeardley, Sarah (Slaves listed: Daniel Cuffy)

About The Data

Each listing represents a record of one Black enslaved person or indentured servant (more on terminology below). The list is sorted alphabetically according to the owner's surname. I felt that this order would be the most useful for several reasons. It groups slaves together who would have lived with the same owner, and increases the likelihood of finding persons related to each other. Records of slave surnames are rare, many being identified only through their given name. You can search this listing for a specific slave given name by using your browser's Find feature.

Dates of birth for the slaves, unless specified in the original documents, have been calculated by subtracting their given age from the date of the record. Very often, their ages as reported in the original records are given as approximations (such as "about 25 years of age"), indicated by a lower case a following their age. The term Status refers to the slave's relative freedom. Unless specified otherwise, slaves served "for life" prior to Pennsylvania's Gradual Emancipation Act of 1780. Children born to slave mothers after the passage of that legislation were to serve until age 28, which was much of their productive lives.

The term Description refers to the main description of the slave as given in the original source (including misspellings). This is often a means by which enslaved persons were categorized according to race and relative age. Source numbers correspond to the accompanying list of sources used in compiling these records.

Terminology, and Other Notes

The terms "slave" and "servant" were often used interchangeably, especially in the earliest years of the time period covered in this study. After the Gradual Emancipation Act of 1780 was passed in Pennsylvania, the term "servant" frequently came to mean either someone in indentured servitude or someone employed by the head of the household. The passage from slave to servant was often indistinct for many Blacks, many of whom remained with their former owners after being legally emancipated. For simplicity, the term "slave" is used to represent all people who were in bondage, even though some records list them as "servants."

The locations listed for the slaveholders, especially City or Township are greatly mixed, and represent the location listed in the original record. As township boundaries shifted and new townships and counties were created, the original listing may be misleading.

Enslavement Data

  • Slaveholder Name: Tates, Anthony, last name also spelled Tate and Teate
    City or Township: Middletown Township (1780); Newtown (1767 escape ad)
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes: In February 1778, a force of 40 Loyalist troops out of Philadelphia raided Newtown and captured a supply of textiles that was intended to be made into uniforms for the Continental Army then encamped and suffering from the winter cold at Valley Forge. Several Patriot soldiers were killed in a firefight and dozens captured. Among those captured by the Loyalist troops was "Anthony Tate, a Grand Juror."

    Grand Juries, during the American Revolution, were used by colonists as a legal counter-measure against abusive British laws and regulations, making them a thorn in the side of British authorities then occupying Philadelphia.
    Sources: The Pennsylvania Evening Post, 21 February 1778; Richard D. Younger, "Grand Juries and the American Revolution," The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 63, No. 3, Jul., 1955.

    1. Slave Name: Ann
      Sex: Female
      Age: 45
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Will
      Sex: Male
      Age: 11
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Tony
      Sex: Male
      Age: 55 (registration in 1780); 35 or 36 (escape in May 1767)
      Date of Birth: 1725 (calculated from 1780 registration); 1731 or 1731 (calculated from May 1767 escape ad)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Sources: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves; The Pennsylvania Gazette, 21 May 1767 and 10 September 1767.
      Date of Record: 21 May 1767 (first escape ad); 10 September 1767 (second escape ad); 1780 (county registration)
      Notes: Tony escaped from Tate on 30 April 1767. Tate placed an ad in The Pennsylvania Gazette to recover him, which he apparently did, as Tony made a second escape on September 1st that same year. Tate placed another ad with nearly identical wording as the first. At some point he must have recovered Tony again, as the man was registered as a slave by Tate with the county in 1780. Text of the first ad from May 1767, below, gives a good physical description of this man:
      RUN away, on the 30th of last Month, from ANTHONY TEATE, of Newtown, Bucks County, a Negroe Man, named Tony, a stout Fellow, near 6 Feet high, of a very yellow Complexion, smooth faced, has no Beard, except a little on his upper Lip, stoops a good deal, and speaks much in the Dutch Dialect. He is about 35 or 36 Years of Age, and had on a light coloured Coat, with white Metal Buttons, a Frize Jacket, Buckskin Breeches, grey Yarn Stockings, and Shoes without Buckles. He has remarkably long Feet. Whoever takes up said Negroe, and brings him home, or secures him, so that he may be had again, shall have FOUR DOLLARS Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by ANTHONY TEATE.

  • Slaveholder Name: Tenant, Catharine
    City or Township: Northampton
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Sarah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 00 Years and 04 Months
      Date of Birth: 1780 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: Status is presumed from the estimated date of birth, which places this child born after the cut-off date of March 1 1780 for slaves for life. Slave Name: Euphamy
      Sex: Female
      Age: 28
      Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Nance
      Sex: Female
      Age: 08
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Titus
      Sex: Male
      Age: 03
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Mary
      Sex: Female
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Jem
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    6. Slave Name: Prince
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Thomas, Joseph
    City or Township: Plumstead
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Bill
      Sex: Male
      Age: 23
      Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Thomas, Martha
    City or Township: Hilltown
    Slaveholder Notes: Daughter of Richard Thomas, and mentioned in his will as the person to whom he bequeathed his slave Rose.

    1. Slave Name: Rose
      Sex: Female
      Age: ?
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: To be manumitted at age 30
      Description: "Little Negro Girl"
      Source: Will of Richard Thomas, 1772: Hilltown, Bucks County, PA
      Date of Record: May 08, 1776
      Notes: Will of Richard Thomas, dated 1772 and proved 1776, bequeaths Rose to his daughter Martha, and stipulates that Rose is to be freed at age 30. Partial text of will: "I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Martha the full and Just Sume of fifty Pounds of like money as affore said, and also my little Negroe Girl Called Rose Untill She attains to the age of thirty years, and my will is that then, if She lives to the age of thirty years, She Shall from thence forward be a free Negroe as although She had never been a slave."


  • Slaveholder Name: Thomas, Richard
    City or Township: Hilltown
    Occupation: Yeoman
    Slaveholder Notes: The will of Richard Thomas, dated 1772, bequeaths and provides for the manumission of two slaves, Rose and Felis.

    1. Slave Name: Felis
      Sex: Female
      Age: ?
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: To be manumitted at age 30
      Description: Negro
      Source: Will of Richard Thomas, 1772: Hilltown, Bucks County, PA
      Date of Record: May 08, 1776
      Notes: Will of Richard Thomas, dated 1772 and proved in 1776, stipulates that Felis is to be freed at age 30. Partial text of will: " I give and bequeath unto my Negroe Felis her freedom when she Attains to the age of thirty years and that She shall from thence forward to a free woman."

    2. Slave Name: Rose
      Sex: Female
      Age: ?
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: To be manumitted at age 30
      Description: "Little Negro Girl"
      Source: Will of Richard Thomas, 1772: Hilltown, Bucks County, PA
      Date of Record: May 08, 1776
      Notes: Will of Richard Thomas, dated 1772 and proved 1776, bequeaths Rose to his daughter Martha, and stipulates that Rose is to be freed at age 30. Partial text of will: "I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Martha the full and Just Sume of fifty Pounds of like money as affore said, and also my little Negroe Girl Called Rose Untill She attains to the age of thirty years, and my will is that then, if She lives to the age of thirty years, She Shall from thence forward be a free Negroe as although She had never been a slave."


  • Slaveholder Name: Thompson, William
    City or Township: Wrightstown
    Occupation: Miller
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Nat
      Sex: Male
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Harry
      Sex: Male
      Age: 01 Year and 02 Months
      Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Sal
      Sex: Female
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 33
      Date of Birth: 1747 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Eve
      Sex: Female
      Age: 27
      Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    6. Slave Name: Cartar
      Sex: Male
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Thornton, Joseph
    City or Township:
    Slaveholder Notes: Slave ownership mentioned in Quaker Middletown Monthly Meeting Minutes, July 08, 1777: "The following Friends still persist in hold slaves: Jonathan Willett, Joseph Thornton, John Jenks, and William Rodman [the latter having it under consideration]"
    And in September 10, 1777 minutes: "Joseph Thornton has set two of his Negroes free." (Source: Middletown Monthly Meeting, Men's Minutes, Bucks County)   The is apparently the son of Joseph Thornton, Sr., owner of the Court Inn in Newtown.

    1. Slave Name: Violet
      Sex: Female
      Age: 06
      Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Rose
      Sex: Female
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Mulatto
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Pompey
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "bound in the Jerseys."

    4. Slave Name: Cuff
      Sex: Male
      Age: 35
      Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Tomb, Hugh
    City or Township:
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Prince
      Sex: Male
      Age: 20
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Joshua
      Sex: Male
      Age: 02
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Flora
      Sex: Female
      Age: 45
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Jud
      Sex: Female
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Henry
      Sex: Male
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    6. Slave Name: Henry
      Sex: Male
      Age: 53
      Date of Birth: 1727 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    7. Slave Name: Fema
      Sex: Female
      Age: 04
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    8. Slave Name: Lena
      Sex: Female
      Age: 06
      Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Torbert, Lamb
    City or Township:
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Sarah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 12
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanaisdalen, Elizabeth
    City or Township: Northampton
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Sarah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 45
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Phoebe
      Sex: Female
      Age: 11
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Sarah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 08
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Thomas
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Levi
      Sex: Male
      Age: 01
      Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanaisdalen, Garret
    City or Township: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Poll
      Sex: Female
      Age: 01
      Date of Birth: 1787-September 05
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: February 10, 1789

    2. Slave Name: Bill
      Sex: Male
      Age: -
      Date of Birth: 1797-September 24
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: December 16, 1797


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanaisdalen, James
    City or Township: Bensalem
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Anthony
      Sex: Male
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Mary
      Sex: Female
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanaisdalen, Nicholas
    City or Township: Southampton
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Sall
      Sex: Female
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Mime
      Sex: Female
      Age: 02
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Cate
      Sex: Female
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanaisdalen, Simon
    City or Township: Southampton
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Thom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Cuffy
      Sex: Male
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life -- ran away in 1792
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes:  Ran away in 1792.  Simon Vanaisdalen (spelled Vanartsdalen in the advertisement) placed the following ad in the Pennsylvania Gazette to recover Cuff:
      RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in Southampton township, Bucks county, on the 1st of September instant, a Negroe Man, named CUFF, about 27 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, remarkable large feet and hands, and has lost several of his upper teeth; had on when he went away, a full'd lightish brown colour linsey coat, shirt, tow trowsers, and an old hat. Whoever takes up said Negroe and brings him to his master, or secures him so that he may get him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by

    3. Slave Name: Rachel
      Sex: Female
      Age: 17
      Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanartsdalen, Garret
    City or Township:  Northampton
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age:  Age not reported, but described as a "man."
      Date of Birth:  Not known.  Adult in 1799
      Status: Slave for life--runaway
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Source:  Advertisement in The Pennsylvania Gazette, 16 January 1799
      Date of Record: 1799
      Notes:  Ran away:
      One Dollar Reward.
      RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in Northampton township, on the 17th of December last, a Negro Man named TOM, about six feet high; had on when he went away an ash coloured coat, of fulled linsey, and brown cloth trowsers. Whoever takes up said negro, and delivers him to his master, shall have the above reward, but no charges paid.
      N.B. All persons are hereby forbid harbouring said Negro at their peril.
      Jan. 7, 1799.


  • Slaveholder Name: Vancourt, Cornelius
    City or Township: Bristol
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 06
      Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vandegriff, John
    City or Township: Bensalem
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Jude
      Sex: Female
      Age: 18
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Silvia
      Sex: Female
      Age: 22
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Thom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 37
      Date of Birth: 1743 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vandegriff, Joseph
    City or Township: Bensalem
    Occupation: Innholder
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Flora
      Sex: Female
      Age: 03
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Hagar
      Sex: Female
      Age: 44
      Date of Birth: 1736 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vandergriff, Abraham
    City or Township: Bensalem
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Samuel
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 08
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Scippio
      Sex: Male
      Age: 19
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Fortunatus
      Sex: Male
      Age: 65
      Date of Birth: 1715 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vandyke, Jacob
    City or Township: Southampton
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes: Surname spelled "Vandike" on 1780 Registrations.

    1. Slave Name: Will
      Sex: Male
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro (Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, December 12, 1787)
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: Sold to Alexander Allair in Philadelphia, who in turn sold him to Tench Coxe.  Will ran away in December 1787 from Coxe. Described in the runaway ad as: "stout built, has good teeth, is rather thin, speaks good English and Low Dutch, swears often. He was born in Bucks county, in the family of Mr. Jacob Vandike, since a slave to Mr. Alexander Allair, in this city. He has been seen in Southampton township, and in this city since he went away, when his eyes were sore from a cold he caught lately, he has a cough of some standing, but it is not very violent."

    2. Slave Name: Aram
      Sex: Male
      Age: -
      Date of Birth: 1796-September 20
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: December 03, 1796

    3. Slave Name: Ish
      Sex: Male
      Age: 06
      Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Aram
      Sex: Male
      Age: 01
      Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Bet
      Sex: Female
      Age: 11
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    6. Slave Name: Eff
      Sex: Female
      Age: 04
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    7. Slave Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 38
      Date of Birth: 1742 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    8. Slave Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 32
      Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    9. Slave Name: Pett
      Sex: Female
      Age: 08
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vandyke, Lambert
    City or Township: Northampton
    Occupation: Carpenter
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Isaac
      Sex: Male
      Age: -
      Date of Birth: 1796-July 10a
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: September 10, 1796


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanhart, Adam
    City or Township:
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Agness Bent
      Sex: Female
      Age:  Not reported, but described as a "girl."
      Date of Birth:  Prior to 1781.
      Status: Probably slave for life
      Description: "Mulatto Girl"
      Source:  New Jersey Gazette, 1781
      Date of Record:  January 31, 1781
      Notes:   Agness ran away in late January, 1781.  Text of runaway ad placed by Vanhart:
      Bucks County, January 31, 1781;
      RAN AWAY, from the subscriber, on the 29th ult, a MULATTO GIRL named Agness Bent, had on when she went away, a dark linsey gown and petticoat, light coloured cloak, black bonnet, low heel'd shoes; and as she has taken with her sundry other clothes, she may alter her dress. Whoever takes up said Mulatto shall have Three Hundred Dollars reward, and reasonable charges, paid by me ADAM VANHART. N.B. All persons are hereby forbid to harbour her; if they do, they shall be prosecuted according to law.
  • Slaveholder Name: Vanhorn, Barnard
    City or Township: Upper Makefield
    Slaveholder Notes: See next slaveholder entry: "Vanhorn, Barnard, Administrator."

    1. Slave Name: Elijah
      Sex: Male
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Mulatto
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanhorn, Barnard, Administrator
    City or Township: Upper Makefield
    Slaveholder Notes: 1780 Registration includes this note: "Admr. To the Estate of John Earles of Warminster decd."

    1. Slave Name: Cupid
      Sex: Male
      Age: 40
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration includes this note: "Admr. To the Estate of John Earles of Warminster decd."

    2. Slave Name: Sarah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 04
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration includes this note: "Admr. To the Estate of John Earles of Warminster decd."

    3. Slave Name: Betty
      Sex: Female
      Age: 48
      Date of Birth: 1732 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration includes this note: "Admr. To the Estate of John Earles of Warminster decd."


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanhorne, Abraham
    City or Township:
    Slaveholder Notes: Father of Isaac Vanhorne. See Isaac Vanhorne for mention of the estate inventory and last will of Abraham Vanhorne.

    1. Slave Name: Caesar
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Estate Inventory of Abraham Vanhorne. See Isaac Vanhorne, below.
      Date of Record: 1770

    2. Slave Name: Subiah (not sure of spelling)
      Sex: Female
      Age: "woman"
      Date of Birth: No data available
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: None available
      Source: Estate Inventory of Abraham Vanhorne. See Isaac Vanhorne, below.
      Date of Record: 1770

    3. Slave Name: Not named
      Sex: Male
      Age: "man"
      Date of Birth: No data available
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: None available
      Source: Estate Inventory of Abraham Vanhorne. See Isaac Vanhorne, below.
      Date of Record: 1770


  • Slaveholder Name: Vanhorne, Isaac
    City or Township: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes: Son of Abraham Vanhorne. Isaac probably gained ownership of Ceasar from his father's will, dated 1770, probated 1773. Though the will does not mention the disposition of any slaves, three slaves are counted in the estate inventory. Those slaves are Ceasar, another unnamed man, and a woman named Subiah (not sure of spelling). Isaac Vanhorne registered only Caesar in 1780. The fate of the other two slaves is not known at this time.

    The 1790 Federal census appears to show a single slave for Isaac Vanhorne. No slaves are enumerated in his household by the time of the 1800 Federal census, nor does he show up in the list of slaveholders in the 1800 Septennial Census for Bucks County. (E-mail correspondence, Tim Conrad to Afrolumens Editor, December 16, 2002:

    Caesar would likely be the slave of his father, Abraham Vanhorn. In the estate records for Abraham (will dated 7 Feb 1770, probated 7 Apr 1773), there is an inventory that lists 3 slaves:  man called Caesar, woman called Subiah (? difficult to read), and another slave man (not named).

    I would think that Caesar was probably passed on to his son Isaac who inherited part of the estate in the will (there is no mention of slaves in the will).  I didn't see anything that looked like "Subiah" in your PA listings.

    Isaac Vanhorn married his second (maybe third) in 1786 at a Presbyterian Church, but he later became a Quaker at the Friend's Meetinghouse in Wrightstown (and is to be buried there). So I'm guessing that he wouldn't have been able to keep a slave while there. In the 1790 census, there's a couple of entries for Isaac Vanhorn, but I'm pretty sure the one for this Isaac has numbers "2-2-4-1-0", the last one indicating one slave. In the entry for 1800, he doesn't have a slave.

    Feel free to pass this on to anyone researching slaves in Bucks County.

    Tim Conrad, tconrad"at"

    1. Slave Name: Caesar
      Sex: Male
      Age: 50
      Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vansandt, Nicholas
    City or Township: Southampton
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Ellen
      Sex: Female
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Audy
      Sex: Female
      Age: 10 years old
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Richard
      Sex: Male
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vansant, ?
    City or Township:
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Brown, Lucy (a.k.a. Sukey)
      Sex: Female
      Age: ? (adult, married)
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Runaway
      Description: "Negro Wench"
      Source: The Pennsylvania Packet, July 18 and September 08, 1778
      Date of Record: July 18, 1778
      Notes: Ran away from a new owner, Philip Moser of Philadelphia, in mid-1778. scaped with her husband, James Brown, a free Black. Lucy (also called Sukey) is described in the runaway ad as "tall. stutters when she speaks in a hurry." The ad also notes that she was "born and bred in Bucks County."


  • Slaveholder Name: Vansant, Harman
    City or Township: Bensalem
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Farmer, Isaac
      Sex: Male
      Age: 50
      Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vansant, Jacob
    City or Township: Southampton
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Jim
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Jim
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Vansant, Nathaniel
    City or Township: Bensalem
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Ishmael
      Sex: Male
      Age: 38
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Runaway
      Description: Negro
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 20, 1796
      Date of Record: April 20, 1796
      Notes: Ran away April 12, 1796. Described in the runaway ad as "well set, about five feet eight inches high, very sensible, and of a genteel behaviour, something of a scholar, about thirty-eight years of age, his sight somewhat bad, a blemish in one eye, if not both, but scarcely perceivable, the little finger on his right hand lays flat, the others on the same hand somewhat stiff, with a cut near his elbow, which left a scar; he is subject to drink."


  • Slaveholder Name: Vansant, Peter
    City or Township: Lower Makefield
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Priscilla
      Sex: Female
      Age: -
      Date of Birth: 1796-April 30
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: August 30, 1796

    2. Slave Name: Joseph
      Sex: Male
      Age: -
      Date of Birth: 1799-October 04
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: March 07, 1800

    3. Slave Name: Gibbs, Richard
      Sex: Male
      Age: 82
      Date of Birth: 1698 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes:  Richard Gibbs is the oldest slave to be registered in 1780 in Bucks County. 

    4. Slave Name: Mike
      Sex: Male
      Age: 02
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: More, William
      Sex: Male
      Age: 34
      Date of Birth: 1746 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    6. Slave Name: James
      Sex: Male
      Age: 04
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    7. Slave Name: Peg
      Sex: Female
      Age: 26
      Date of Birth: 1754 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Walker, Richard
    City or Township: Warrington
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Genn
      Sex: Female
      Age: 23
      Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Bett
      Sex: Female
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Bill
      Sex: Male
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: James
      Sex: Male
      Age: 15
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Ruth
      Sex: Female
      Age: 56
      Date of Birth: 1724 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Walton, Jonathan
    City or Township: Warminster Township
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Peet
      Sex: Male
      Age: 20a
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Runaway
      Description: Negro Man
      Source: The Pennsylvania Packet, September 03, 1778
      Date of Record: September 03, 1778
      Notes: Ran away in August, 1778. Described in the runaway ad as "five feet ten or eleven inches high."


  • Slaveholder Name: Walton, William
    City or Township: Bristol
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Nancy
      Sex: Female
      Age: 22
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Caesar
      Sex: Male
      Age: 40
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Mulatto
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "A Mollattoe Slave for Life."

    3. Slave Name: Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: John
      Sex: Male
      Age: 03
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Hann
      Sex: Female
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: slave to age 31
      Description: Mulatto
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to be free at the age of 31 Years a Mollattoe."

    6. Slave Name: Isaac
      Sex: Male
      Age: 01
      Date of Birth: 1779-December 25
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration gives exact date of birth for this person.

    7. Slave Name: Charles
      Sex: Male
      Age: 27
      Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Warder, Elizabeth
    City or Township: Lower Makefield
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Amy Cary
      Sex: Female
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: May 2, 1766
      Status: Slave for life, apparently manumitted at age 18
      Description: "Negroe girl"
      Source: Manumission document, recorded in the (Lower Makefield) Quarterly Meeting book, page 28, 15 January, 1781. Document came up for public auction on eBay in April, 2004.
      Date of Record: 15 January, 1781
      Notes: Partial text of document: "I, Elizabeth Warder, of the Township of Lower Makefield, in the county of Bucks in Pennsylvania, do hereby set free from bondage, my Negroe girl named Amy Carey when she shall arrive at the age of eighteen years which will be on the second day of the fifth month, ano domini, one thousand seven hundred and eighty four." The document further states at the bottom: "Memorandum: that ye above named Amy was born ye 2 day of ye 5th month, 1766."


  • Slaveholder Name: Watts, Arthur
    City or Township: Southampton
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Aaron
      Sex: Male
      Age: 02
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Daphne
      Sex: Female
      Age: 25
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: West, James
    City or Township: Warwick
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Jean
      Sex: Female
      Age: 04
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Wikoff, Isaac
    City or Township: Bristol
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Hester
      Sex: Female
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Will
      Sex: Male
      Age: 45
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Phoebe
      Sex: Female
      Age: 19
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Pompey
      Sex: Male
      Age: 36
      Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 45
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Willett, Augustin (General)
    City or Township: Bristol
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes: The 1780 Registration for "Jude" lists Willet's township as Bensalem, and his occupation as yeoman. I believe this is the same person as listed here, though.

    1. Slave Name: Rachel
      Sex: Female
      Age: -
      Date of Birth: 1781-August 14
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: n. d.
      Notes: Registration is not dated.

    2. Slave Name: Jude
      Sex: Female
      Age: 25
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


    3. Slave Name:  Priam
      Sex: Male
      Age:  Not recorded
      Date of Birth:  Pre-1776
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "old slave"
      Source:  THE HISTORY OF BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, CHAPTERS L & LI, MANORS AND LARGE LAND GRANTS; NEGRO SLAVERY IN BUCKS COUNTY. From the discovery of the Delaware to the present time by W. W. H. Davis, A.M., 1876 and 1905 editions. Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Donna Bluemink. [email protected]
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: From Davis, History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, "General Augustin Willett, of Bensalem, had a favorite old slave who bore the high-sounding name of Priam, who was with his master in the Revolutionary army, and accompanied him in all his goings. The general's estate was charged with his support."


  • Slaveholder Name: Willett, Jonathan
    City or Township: Southampton
    Slaveholder Notes: Slave ownership mentioned in Quaker Middletown Monthly Meeting Minutes, July 08, 1777: "The following Friends still persist in hold slaves: Jonathan Willett, Joseph Thornton, John Jenks, and William Rodman [the latter having it under consideration]"
    And in April 12, 1778 minutes: "Jonathan Willett has set one Negro free since last meeting." (Source: Middletown Monthly Meeting, Men's Minutes, Bucks County)

    1. Slave Name: Lid
      Sex: Female
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Peg
      Sex: Female
      Age: 11
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Bell
      Sex: Female
      Age: 19
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Jude
      Sex: Female
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Stace
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    6. Slave Name: Dine
      Sex: Female
      Age: 25
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Williams, Stephen
    City or Township: Milford Mills
    Occupation: Miller
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Plymouth
      Sex: Male
      Age: "27 years of age"
      Date of Birth: circa 1735
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 26 February 1756
      Date of Record:
      Notes: Plymouth escaped from Williams in the winter of 1755-1756. Text of advertisement placed by Williams to recover him:
      Went away from the subscriber, at Milford mills, on Neshaminey-creek, in Bucks county, a Negroe man, named Plymouth, 27 years of age, five feet nine inches high, square shoulder'd, smooth face, speaks good English, plays on the fiddle, and is well acquainted in Philadelphia; Had on, a hat whitened with meal, Germantown cap, a cloth colour'd frize waistcoat, whitened with meal, a linsey under waistcoat, with red, white and green stripes, leather breeches, grey yarn stockings, and peeked toed shoes. Whoever will take the said negroe to the Workhouse, or bring him to his master, shall have Forty Shillings reward, paid by the master of the workhouse, or STEPHEN WILLIAMS.

    2. Slave Name: Name not given in ad
      Sex: Male
      Age: Not stated, described as a "boy"
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro Boy"
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, May 06, 1756
      Date of Record: May 06, 1756
      Notes: Offered for sale in May, 1756. Ad text: "TO be sold by the subscriber, at Milford mills, on Neshaminy creek, in Bucks county, A very likely Negro boy; has had the small-pox, this country born; six months credit will be allowed the buyer, giving security. STEPHEN WILLIAMS."

    3. Slave Names: Not stated (seven slaves in all)
      Sex: Male/Female
      Ages: Various
      Dates of Birth: Not stated
      Status: Slaves for life
      Description: "Negroe Man." "Negroe Woman," "Negroe Boy"
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, September 28, 1758
      Date of Record: September 28, 1758
      Notes: Offered for sale in 1758 along with the premises of the mill. See the ad, below:
      Millford Mills, Bucks County, September 14, 1758.
      To be SOLD or LETT, for a Term of Years, by the Subscriber, living on the Premises.

      THE Mills, known by the Name of Millford Mills, situated on Neshaminy Creek, in Bucks County, one Mile from Lawrence Growdon, Esq; nineteen Miles by Land from Philadelphia, and seventeen by Water from the Landing, which is two Miles from the said Mills; on which there is a good Storehouse and Wharff, where a Vessel may come with 1000 Bushels of Wheat in her. Also a Piece of Meadow Ground, that generally produces 15 or 20 Tons of the best Hay yearly. Likewise a decked Flat, capable of taking down all the Flour, Stuff, &c. made in the said Mills, and bringing up any Quantity of Wheat,
      with a careful Negroe Man, that has constantly gone in her; and a Negroe Man, by Trade a Miller, who perfectly understands the Business, and something of a Cooper And Carter. Also another Negroe Man, by Trade a Dry Cooper, and a good Workman.
      A Negroe Woman, a compleat Cook, can sew, wash, and iron well, and is a compleat Servant in a Family. The Remainder of a Servant's Time, who has done all my Carting Business, and is very careful.
      And a Negroe Boy or two. The Mills are as well watered as any in the Country. There is a good Dwelling house, Stable, Barracks, Cooper Shop, and every other Necessary to compleat the same, and lies on the high Road, the nearest from Philadelphia to Trenton of any use, and without crossing Neshaminy Ferry, being a convenient Situation for a Merchant, where any Quantity of Pork may be taken in to barrel, or other Tradesmen. For further Particulars, enquire of the Subscriber, living on the Premises.


  • Slaveholder Name: Willson, Francis
    City or Township:
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: March 12, 1783
      Notes: Late registration. This slave probably should have been set free.


  • Slaveholder Name: Wilson, John
    City or Township: Buckingham
    Occupation: Esquire
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Samuel West
      Sex: Male
      Age: 27
      Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
      Status: Manumitted
      Description: Negro Man
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: December 04, 1806
      Notes: Partial text of manumission papers: (The owner, John Wilson of Buckingham Township, does) "set free from Bondage and at liberty a certain Negroe Man named Sam or Samuel West duly registered a Slave in November 1780 then aged one year."


  • Slaveholder Name: Wincke, James
    City or Township: Lower Makefield
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Prudence
      Sex: Female
      Age: 02 Years and 06 Months
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Phoebe
      Sex: Female
      Age: 20
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Archibald
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10 Months
      Date of Birth: 1779 or 1780 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Winder, James
    City or Township: Falls
    Slaveholder Notes: Slave ownership mentioned in Quaker Monthly Meeting Minutes, Falls Meeting, July 11, 1764

    1. Slave Name: ?
      Sex: ?
      Age: ?
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro
      Source: Falls Monthly Meeting, Men's Minutes, Bucks County
      Date of Record: July 11, 1764
      Notes: Mentioned in Quaker Monthly Meeting Minutes, Falls Meeting: "7/11/1764 - Reported that James Winder is evasive and unclear as to the Negro he had purchased and he had been concerned in horse racing and at another time quarreling and fighting. [ disowned ]"


  • Slaveholder Name: Wright, Joshua
    City or Township: Bristol Borough
    Occupation: Innkeeper
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Amanda
      Sex: Female
      Age: 01 Year and 06 Months
      Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Julian
      Sex: Not Determined
      Age: 18
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Wynkoop, Gerandas
    City or Township: Northampton
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Flora
      Sex: Female
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Wynkoop, Henry
    City or Township: Northampton Township
    Occupation: Judge, farmer
    Slaveholder Notes: For a complete Wynkoop family history, visit the website "The Wynkoop Family Research Library." The life, family, and times of Henry Wynkoop are described in an old, somewhat romanticized but still valuable, account, found in "John Beatty's 3rd Record Book," at that site.

    1. Slave Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 68
      Date of Birth: 1712 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Toney, or Tony
      Sex: Male
      Age: 31
      Date of Birth: 1749 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life; Manumitted 1793
      Description: Negro Man
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: Manumitted by Henry Wynkoop in December, 1793 (Manumission papers of Henry Wynkoop of Bucks County). A partial text of Henry Wynkoop's manumission papers reads: "Know all then by these presents that I Henry Wynkoop of Northampton Township in the County of Bucks Esquire for divers good causes and considerations me thereunto moving and of my own motion without any pecuniary consideration have manumitted and set free my Negro Woman Slave named and registered by the Name of Phebe, also my Negro Man named and Registered by the Name of Tony (both above the age of twenty eight years) and also my Negro Man Tom registered by the Same Name and under the age of Twenty eight years and by these presents do manumit and set free the said three Slaves, Phebe Tony and Tom for ever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this sixteenth day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety three." (Printed by permission of, and with thanks to, "The Wynkoop Family Research Library.") )

    3. Slave Name: Belinda
      Sex: Female
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Peter
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    5. Slave Name: Phoebe
      Sex: Female
      Age: 17
      Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life; Manumitted 1793
      Description: Negro
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: Manumitted by Henry Wynkoop in December, 1793 (Manumission papers of Henry Wynkoop of Bucks County). See a partial text of the manumission papers under slave "Toney," above.

    6. Slave Name: Issabel
      Sex: Female
      Age: 39
      Date of Birth: 1741 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    7. Slave Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life; Manumitted in 1793
      Description: Negro
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: Manumitted by Henry Wynkoop in December, 1793 (Manumission papers of Henry Wynkoop of Bucks County). See a partial text of the manumission papers under slave "Toney," above.

    8. Slave Name: Oliver
      Sex: Male
      Age: 11
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    9. Slave Name: Mary
      Sex: Female
      Age: 58
      Date of Birth: 1722 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    10. Slave Name: Jeffery
      Sex: Male
      Age: 41
      Date of Birth: 1739 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Wynkoop, Nicholas
    City or Township: Newtown
    Occupation: Physician
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Rosetta
      Sex: Female
      Age: -
      Date of Birth: 1796-October 25
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: January 13, 1797


  • Slaveholder Name: Yardley, ?
    City or Township: Newtown Township
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 34
      Date of Birth: 1746 (Calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    2. Slave Name: Rose
      Sex: Female
      Age: 02
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Jem
      Sex: Male
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    4. Slave Name: Fann
      Sex: Female
      Age: 17
      Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780


  • Slaveholder Name: Yardley, Thomas
    City or Township: Lower Makefield
    Occupation: Farmer
    Slaveholder Notes: Slave ownership mentioned in Quaker Men's Monthly Meeting Minutes, July 01, 1767: "Makefield reports that Thomas Yeardley of Newtown hath purchased a Negro." (Source: 91)

    1. Slave Name: Caesar
      Sex: Male
      Age: 02
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 30
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to be free at 30"

    2. Slave Name: Rose
      Sex: Female
      Age: 45
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780

    3. Slave Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 23
      Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
      Status: slave to age 25
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to be free at 25."

    4. Slave Name: Philip
      Sex: Male
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 30
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to be free at 30"

    5. Slave Name: Charles
      Sex: Male
      Age: 19
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 30
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to be free at 30"

    6. Slave Name: Dick
      Sex: Male
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 30
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to be free at 30"

    7. Slave Name: Silvia
      Sex: Female
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 25
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to be free at 25"

    8. Slave Name: Andrew
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 30
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to be free at 30"

    9. Slave Name: George
      Sex: Male
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 30
      Source: Bucks County Prothonotary Records; Register of Slaves
      Date of Record: 1780
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes: "to be free at 30"


  • Slaveholder Name: Yeardley, Sarah
    City or Township: Lower Makefield
    Occupation: Widow
    Slaveholder Notes:

    1. Slave Name: Daniel Cuffy
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about fifty five years"
      Date of Birth: circa 1722
      Status: Slave for life, apparently manumitted at age 55
      Description: "Negroe Man"
      Source: Manumission document, recorded in the (Lower Makefield) Quarterly Meeting book, page 12, 28 January, 1777. Document came up for public auction on eBay in February 2005.
      Date of Record: 28 January, 1777.
      Notes: Partial text of document: "I Sarah Yeardley, Widow, of the Township of Lower Makefield, in Bucks County & Province of Pennsylvania do hereby set free from bondage, my Negroe Man Named Daniel Cuffy, aged about fifty five years, and do, for myself, my executors and administrators, release unto the said Negro Man Called Daniel Cuffy all my right, and all my claim whatsoever as to his person, or to any estate he may acquire, hereby declaring the said Negro Man Named Daniel Cuffy absolutely free, without any interruption from me, or any person claiming under me."


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