Slaveholders Listed on this Page
- Calhoon, Dr. John (Enslaved persons listed: Pheb)
- Calhoon, James (Enslaved persons listed: Sal)
- Callender, Mrs. Frances (Enslaved persons listed: Bill, Jam, Hannah)
- Callender, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: two men, a woman, and several male and female children)
- Campbell, Cassanda (Enslaved persons listed: Jeremiah, Junian)
- Campbell, Francis (Enslaved persons listed: Agee, Dave, Hall, Fany, Un-named child)
- Campbell, Francis, Jr. (Enslaved persons listed: Nell, Nathaniel, Jane, Lucinda, Moll)
- Campbell, Patrick (Enslaved persons listed: Cunk)
- Carmichael, John (Enslaved persons listed: Ned, Molch, Ham)
- Carothers, John, Esq. (Enslaved persons listed: Dick)
- Carothers, Andrew (Enslaved persons listed: Chloe)
- Carothers, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Charles, Ellen, Hannah)
- Carrothers, James (Enslaved persons listed: Bobb, Phill)
- Carrothers, James, Junr. (Enslaved persons listed: Nero, Jack, Sall)
- Carrothers, Nicholas James (Enslaved persons listed: Negro Tom)
- Carson, John (Enslaved persons listed: Rachel)
- Cerfass, Daniel (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah)
- Cessna, John (Enslaved persons listed: Will, Rachel, Pomp, Hannah, Cayroll, Georg, Dina)
- Chambers, Benjamin (Enslaved persons listed: Phebee, Dina, Nell, Tom, Pegg, Fanny)
- Chambers, Col. James (Enslaved persons listed: Pizzarro)
- Chambers, Elianer (Enslaved persons listed: Belinda)
- Chambers, Robert --"Doory" Twp.--(Enslaved persons listed: Dolly, Sampson)
- Chambers, Robert --Middleton Twp.-- (Enslaved persons listed: Sampson)
- Chambers, William (Enslaved persons listed: Leiah, Fann, Kelbuck, female child, Jack, Sophy, Richard)
- Clark, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Jim, Rebecca, Eve, Nell, Eanus)
- Clarke, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Jefferey, James, Ezekiel, Rachel)
- Coldwell, James (Enslaved persons listed: Peach, Fan)
- Colhoon, Andrew (Enslaved persons listed: George)
- Collwell, Agnes (Enslaved persons listed: Ellick, Sal)
- Colwell, James (Enslaved persons listed: Patience, Ab)
- Cooper, Haggai (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named Negro boy)
- Coran, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Davey)
- Corbett, James (Enslaved persons listed: Benn)
- Cowan, William (Enslaved persons listed: Alice)
- Cox, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Ebenezer)
- Craighead, Thomas, Sr. (Enslaved persons listed: Sam, Bobb)
- Crampton, James (Enslaved persons listed: Ben)
- Crawford, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Sam)
- Creigh, Dr. John (Enslaved persons listed: Jean, Vilette)
- Culbertson, Ann (Enslaved persons listed: Thomas)
- Culbertson, Robert --Hopewell, Twp.-- (Enslaved persons listed: Jake, Ben, Jerri, Nell, Dick Richards)
- Culbertson, Robert --Southampton Twp.-- (Enslaved persons listed: Renus)
- Culbertson, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Dick, Bell, George, Thomas)
- Culbertson, William (Enslaved persons listed: Bill)
- Cunningham, Henry (Enslaved persons listed: William Heans, Cato or Philip)
- Davidson, John (Enslaved persons listed: Bill)
- Davidson, Matthew (Enslaved persons listed: Jubo)
- Davis, David (Enslaved persons listed: George)
- Davis, James (Enslaved persons listed: Simon, Grace, "Negro Woman," "Negro Boy")
- Davis, John (Enslaved persons listed: Doll, Dandy, two "Negro Girls")
- Davis, Philip, of Peters Township (Enslaved persons listed: Dolly)
- Davis, Philip (Enslaved persons listed: Jack, George)
- Davis, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Jack)
- Dickson, John (Enslaved persons listed: Joshua Parker)
- Dougal, Rev. Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Clow)
- Douglass, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Rachel)
- Downey, James (Enslaved persons listed: Grace)
- Duncan, Daniel (Enslaved persons listed: Nancy Armstrong, Comfort Armstrong, Sally Armstrong, Batsy Luis, George Luis)
- Duncan, James, Exe. (Enslaved persons listed: Joe)
- Duncan, John (Enslaved persons listed: Rachel)
- Duncan, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah)
- Duncan, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Dick, Amelia, Beth or Bett)
- Duncan, Sarah E. (Enslaved persons listed: Nell)
- Duncan, Stephen (Enslaved persons listed: Phina, Frank, Un-named female)
- Duncan, William (Enslaved persons listed: Tama)
- Dunlop, James (Enslaved persons listed: Fanney, George, Bob, Tom)
- Dunning, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Whitehall, Phillis)
- Edmiston, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Sambo, Pige)
- Ege, Michael (Enslaved persons listed: Bett, Rachel)
- Espey, George (Enslaved persons listed: Isaac)
- Eustine, Dr. James (Enslaved persons listed: Mary)
Enslavement Data
- Slaveholder Name Calhoon, Dr. John
City or Township Chambersburg
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pheb
Age: 15a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Slaveholder Name Calhoon, James
City or Township Hopewell Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sal
Age: 31a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1749 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Slaveholder Name Callender, Mrs. Frances
City or Township Middleton Township
Occupation Widow
Notes Named as executrix of the will of Robert Callender, dated 1776. Frances (Gibson) was the second wife of Robert Callender.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
Age: 04
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Circa 1776
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record September 12, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jam
Age: 40
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record September 12, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Age: 12
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record September 12, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Callender, Robert
City or Township Middleton Township
Notes Died c. 1776. Robert Callender's will was dated July 26, 1776 and probated November 4, 1776. See the notice of public sale of his property to settle the estate, below. The sale included "several very valuable Negroe slaves, viz. two men, a woman, and several male and female children." Callender was married twice. His second wife was Frances Gibson. (Egles Notes and Queries, Annual Volume, 1900, XVIII, p. 91)
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Age: ? (adult in 1776)
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Description: Negro man
Status: Slave for life
Notes: To be sold at public sale on October 29, 1776. Notice of public sale, as part of the estate of Robert Callender: (click here to skip the long property description and view the descriptions of the slaves for sale)
Middletown township, Cumberland county, Sept. 25, 1776.
ALL persons who have any demands against the estate of Robert Callender, late of the township aforesaid, deceased, are requested to bring in their accounts, properly attested, that they may be adjusted and paid as soon as possible; and all those who are indebted to the said estate, by bond, note or otherwise, are requested to pay the same to the subscribers.
Agreeable to the last will and testament of the said Robert Callender, deceased, about 1200 acres of excellent limestone land, situate in East Pennsborough township, in the county aforesaid, about 10 miles Eastward of Carlisle, on the great road leading from Harris Ferry to the said town of Carlisle, whereon are erected and built, an excellent merchant mill and saw mill adjacent, both in very good repair, and now in the tenure of Mr. Francis Silver, on a never failing stream of water, known by the name of SilverSpring, which abounds with the finest trout, the head of said spring being not a mile distant from the said mills, in a plentiful country for wheat and all kinds of grain; the mill house is built of limestone, two stories high, and has in it two pair of stones, 3 boulting reels and hoisting works, all which go by water, together with a new two story dwelling house and stone barn, now with part of the land in the tenure of John McCurdy, who keeps a public house of entertainment, for which business it is most advantageously situated. Also one other two story stone dwelling house and frame barn, which is, with another part of the said land, in the tenure of another person, This tract may be conveniently divided into three plantations, each getting a sufficiency of water and timber, and sufficient ground to turn into meadow. Several other very valuable tracts of land, in the same neighbourhood, belonging to the said estate, are also to be sold, together with a number of tracts of very valuable unimproved land in the counties of Bedford, Northumberland and Westmoreland. Any person or persons, therefore, inclining to purchase any of said lands, may apply to Mr. Francis Silver, who will shew the boundaries of the first mentioned tract, and for terms of sale of the whole, to the Subscribers, who will make indisputable titles, and treat with any person or persons who may incline to rent the plantation whereon the said Robert Callender lately lived, together with the excellent merchant mill and saw mill thereon erected; the whole of which are in good repair, and may be entered on at any time.
And the 29th of October will be sold by public vendue, on the last mentioned premises, several very valuable Negroe slaves, viz. two men, a woman, and several male and female children; also all the farming utensils and live stock, consisting of very valuable working horses, mares and colts; a large number of horned cattle, sheep and swine; at which time and place attendance and reasonable credit will be given by FRANCIS CALLENDER, Executrix; WILLIAM NIEL, WILLIAM IRVINE, and MATTHIAS SLOUGH, Executors."
Date of Record October 02, 1776
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Age: ? (adult in 1776)
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Description: Negro man
Status: Slave for life
Notes: To be sold at public sale on October 29, 1776. See notice of sale, above.
Date of Record October 02, 1776
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Age: ? (adult in 1776)
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: ?
Description: Negro woman
Status: Slave for life
Notes: To be sold at public sale on October 29,
1776. See notice of sale, above. Also to be sold, but not
listed here, are "several male and female children."
Date of Record October 02, 1776
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette
- Slaveholder Name Campbell, Cassanda
City or Township Landisburg
Notes Residence was in an area of Cumberland County which became Perry County after 1820.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jeremiah
Age: infant
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1822--March 07
Description: Male Child
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Jeremiah's mother, according to the 1822
Registration documents, was "negro woman Junian, the property
of Cassanda Campbell."
Date of Record August 17, 1822
Source: Hain, "History of
Perry County, Pennsylvania"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Junian
Age: ? (adult in 1822)
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: ?
Description: Negro woman
Status: Not determined
Notes: Mother of Jeremiah, born on March 07, 1822 and registered by Cassanda Campbell.
Date of Record August 17, 1822
Source: Hain, "History of
Perry County, Pennsylvania"
- Slaveholder Name Campbell, Francis
City or Township Shippensburg (vicinity of)
Notes Surname also spelled Campble. Campbell's letter of registration for slaves Dave and Agee reads as follows:
"This informs you that the underneath Negroes [letter torn] by a late Law to be recorded which law is [letter torn] is with Some difficulties which are So Surprising that Gentleman who Esteem themselves men of Same and would wish to be in high respected with their Neighbors Should Spend time and load the Inhabitants with Expenses in making their frivolous Laws as respect the Matter in hand, without touching others of little or no importance.
A Negroe boy aged 5 years Named Dave. A Female child aged 3 years Named Agee which I request you to record. Excuse My Freedom. I am your humble servant. Francis Campble."
Letter dated May 26, 1788. Note that Campbell failed to comply with the law by leaving out critical information regarding these slaves--their dates of birth--but which the county clerk supplied by entering their dates of birth as the date upon which the registrations were filed, May 27, for the appropriate year of birth for each slave.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Agee
Age: 03 years
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1785 (calculated)
Description: "Female child"
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Notes: A female child named Agnus is listed in the estate inventory, taken 22 February 1792, of Francis Campbell (Folio C-077). It lists the following slaves: "Negro Hall his wife Fany and breast Child --50.0.0; David 8 years old --37.10.0; Agnus 5 years old --25.0.0; Nell 3 years --18.0.0." Valuations are in pounds/shillings/pence.
Date of Record Registration: 1788/1789; Inventory: 1792.
Sources: Registrations of Children of Slaves | Estate Inventories, Cumberland County, 1750-1850 Roll 03, Folio C-077.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dave
Age: 05 years old
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1783 (calculated)
Description: "Negroe Boy"
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Notes: Source 115, quoting the original registration (see notes for Francis Campble, above), puts Dave's age at registration at 5 years, and makes his year of birth 1783. The source also notes that the actual dates of birth for Dave and Agee are the dates on which the registration was filed by the county clerk. This is confirmed by the estate inventory of Francis Campbell, taken 22 February 1792 (Folio C-077), which lists the slave David as eight years old, and values him at 37 pounds, 10 shillings. Also listed are "Negro Hall his wife Fany and breast Child --50.0.0; Agnus 5 years --25.0.0; Nell 3 years --18.0.0."
Date of Record May 26, 1788
Sources: Alosi, "Slavery in Post Revolutionary Cumberland County, 1780-1810," page 60 | Estate Inventories, Cumberland County, 1750-1850 Roll 03, Folio C-077.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dave
Age: 11
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1778-October
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Late registration.
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hall
Age: ? (adult)
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Husband of Fany, slave to Francis Campbell. Listed as part of the estate inventory of Francis Campbell, dated 22 February 1792, as follows: "Negro Hall his wife Fany and breast Child --50.0.0; David 8 years old --37.10.0; Agnus 5 years --25.0.0; Nell 3 years --18.0.0."
Date of Record February 22, 1792
Source: Estate Inventories, Cumberland County, 1750-1850 Roll 03, Folio C-077.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fany
Age: ? (adult)
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Wife of Hall, slave to Francis Campbell. Listed as part of the estate inventory of Francis Campbell, dated 22 February 1792, as follows: "Negro Hall his wife Fany and breast Child --50.0.0; David 8 years old --37.10.0; Agnus 5 years --25.0.0; Nell 3 years --18.0.0."
Date of Record February 22, 1792
Source: Estate Inventories, Cumberland County, 1750-1850 Roll 03, Folio C-077.
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Age: Infant
Sex: Undetermined
Date of Birth: ?
Description: "breast Child"
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Notes: Child of Fany and Hall, slaves to Francis
Campbell. Listed as part of the estate inventory of Francis Campbell,
dated 22 February 1792, as follows: "Negro Hall his wife Fany
and breast Child --50.0.0; David 8 years old --37.10.0; Agnus
5 years --25.0.0; Nell 3 years --18.0.0."
Date of Record February 22, 1792
Source: Estate Inventories, Cumberland County, 1750-1850 Roll 03, Folio C-077.
- Slaveholder Name Campbell, Francis, Jr.
City or Township
Notes Estate inventories exist for two persons named Francis Campbell, one taken in 1792 and the other in 1805. While this is possibly the same person listed above as "Campbell, Francis" because the slave Nell seems to be the same slave listed in the 1792 inventory for that person, it will be assumed that this is the Francis Campbell who died in 1808. Those slaves whose date of birth and Registration falls after 1792 will be listed under this slaveholder.
The estate inventory for Francis Campbell (Folio C-155), dated 05 September 1808 lists the following slaves: "1 Black Boy & Girl --100.00; 1 Black Girl --20.00." Valuations are in dollars and cents. (Estate Inventories, Cumberland County, 1750-1850)
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nell
Age: ? (child)
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: ?
Description: Child
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Little information supplied in original
registration. This seems to be the child inventoried as part
of the estate of Francis Campbell, 22 February 1792. It lists "Negro
Hall his wife Fany and breast Child --50.0.0; Agnus 5 years
--25.0.0; Nell 3 years --18.0.0."
Date of Record Registration: 1789; Inventory: 1792.
Sources: Registrations of Children of Slaves | Estate Inventories, Cumberland County, 1750-1850 Roll 03, Folio C-077.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nathaniel
Slave Age
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1802-August 23
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Same birthdate as Jane, also registered with this slaveholder.
Date of Record 1803
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jane
Slave Age
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1802-August 23
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Same birthdate as Nathaniel, also registered with this slaveholder.
Date of Record 1803
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lucinda
Age: 01
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1794-October
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1795
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Moll
Age: -
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1796-March 09
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1797
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Campbell, Patrick
City or Township Chamberstown
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cunk
Age: 12a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Description: Negro Boy
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Noted: "Mother not mentioned."
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Slaveholder Name Carmichael, John
City or Township Wayne Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ned
Age: 03
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1786-October
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Molch
Age: 08
Sex: Undetermined
Date of Birth: 1781-April
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ham
Age: 07
Sex: Undetermined
Date of Birth: 1782-October
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Carothers, John, Esq.
City or Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
Age: ? (adult)
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Description: Negro
Status: Undetermined
Notes: Indicted in Cumberland County court in 1800 as follows: "Negro Romeo the slave of James Pollock, Negro Phill the slave of William Blair and Negro Dick the property of John Carothers, Esq. for riot & mayhem, and knocking out one of Jacob Jacob's foreteeth, as he was going to his lodging down Hanover St. at night. (March 17) Tent: William Blair (Mar 17)."
Date of Record March 17, 1800
Source: Indictments, 1750-1800, Item #2163.
- Slaveholder Name Carothers, Andrew
City or Township
Notes: Husband of Mary Carothers.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Chloe
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: December 1782
Status: Registered as a slave to age 28. Hanged for murder in 1801.
Notes: Chloe was arraigned in the March term, 1801, Court of Oyer and Terminar, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, for the murder of two children of Andrew and Mary Carothers. She was accused of drowning one child and killing another, following an argument with Mary Carothers, her owner's wife. She also reportedly threatened the third child in her charge. The trial was heard before Judge John Joseph Henry, and Chloe was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to be hanged in June, 1801. The sentence was carried out at noon on July 18, 1801.
Chloe had been originally registered by William Kelso in
1789 as a seven year-old "Negro child." Upon Kelso's death, possession of Chloe
passed to Kelso's minor daughter Rebeckah. In 1794 Rebeckah transferred Cloe
to Philadelphia merchant John Harland. See Kelso, Rebeckah, for a trancription of the slave transfer document. Chloe was subsequently sold by Harland and a resold by later owners as follows:
- 11 August 1794--John Harland sells Cloe to Peter Gerandan for 118 Spanish milled dollars.
- 25 October 1794--Peter Gerandan sells Cloe to L. Crousillat for 118 Spanish milled dollars.
- 06 March, 1795--L. Crousillat sells Cloe to Oliver Pollack for 118 Spanish milled dollars. Pollack is a resident of Cumberland County, although the transaction is recorded in Philadelphia.
- 21 November 1796--Oliver Pollack sells Cloe to Andrew Carothers for 60 pounds. The location of this transaction is not recorded on the document. All of the above transactions are included on the transfer document, which functioned as ownership papers for the slave Cloe.
Date of Record 1801
Sources: Wing, History of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, page 116. | Slave transfer from Rebeckah Kelso to John Harland | Kline's Carlisle Weekly Gazette, June 24, 1801
- Slaveholder Name Carothers, Thomas
City or Township East Pennsboro Township
Notes Starting with the 1808 Registrations, Thomas Carothers was listed in Carlisle.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1808-April 01
Description: Mulatto
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1808
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ellen
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1813-January 27
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1813
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Age: Infant
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1800-February 11
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1800
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Carrothers, James
City or Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bobb
Age: 01
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1787-December 16
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1788
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phill
Age: 04
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1784-August 6
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1788
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Carrothers, James, Junr.
City or Township East Pennsboro Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nero
Age: 50
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 28,1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection, 1750-1914
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 28, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection,
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sall
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Description: Mulatto
Status: "Slave for years"
Date of Record October 28, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection,
- Slaveholder Name Carrothers, Nicholas James
City or Township
Notes This is possibly James Carrothers, listed elsewhere in this database. The surname is often spelled "Carothers" in old documents.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Negro Tom
Age: ? ("man")
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Description: "Black, Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Cumberland County court Indictments:
Examination of Jared Graham. On Nov. 15, 1787 Richard Wood came to Graham's house and asked him to go to his house to see him hauling some rails from a field. He went along and Wood and several others with him, loaded 4 or 5 wagons, and just as they were starting with the wagons, he saw John Davison and a number with him, coming into the field. They all went along and unloaded their wagons and returned to the field. There he saw John Davison, Sr., John Davison, Jr., Samuel Davison, William Devinport, Philip Murphy, William Carrothers, Sally Lowry, Nancy Henery, George Smith, Negro Bill & Negro Saul, slaves of John Young, and several others with sticks & bludgeons, sleds & wagons, and they were hauling rails from the same field. They asked Davison where Adam Hauk was. They said if he came they would break his head.. . . .Also examined were Richard Wood & Samuel Wood and they included the following names in Davison's group: Margaret Devinport, Matthew Thompson, James Maughen, Hugh Kirkpatrick, Nicholas James Carothers servant man, and his black man Negro Tom. (Indictments, 1750-1800, Item #1322)
Tom ran away in 1789, claiming to be free, and was recaptured by James Carrothers shortly thereafter. Notes from Cumberland County court Indictments: "Complaint of John Patrick of Maryland: That a certain free negro named Tom was arrested and carried off by force by James Carothers & James Rowney. Oath of James Carothers of West Pennsborough Twp.: That his negro man named Tom absconded from his service last night, and supposed to be deluded, in the company with John Patrick from Baltimore (Sept. 4)" (Indictments, 1750-1800, Item #1408)
Date of Record 1788
Source: Indictments, 1750-1800
- Slaveholder Name Carson, John
City or Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Age: 14a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Description: Negro Girl
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Slaveholder Name Cerfass, Daniel
City or Township Dickinson Township
Occupation Innkeeper
Notes Kept the Cumberland Wagon tavern in Dickinson Township from 1794 to his death in 1802. His wife Mary operated it thereafter until 1810 as "The Sign of The Wagon" and "The Sign of Wagon Horses." Daniel was a member of the local militia. (Taverns of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, page 184)
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Age: ?
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: ? Prior to 1780
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Listed on the 1802 inventory of Daniel Cerfass as "a slave for life."
Date of Record After 1802
Source: Taverns of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, page 184
- Slaveholder Name Cessna, John
City or Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Will
Age: 35a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 27, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection, 1750-1914
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Age: 32a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 27, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection, 1750-1914
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pomp
Age: ?
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 27, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection, 1750-1914
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: 1780 Registraton notes: "gown on teen" (going on ten)
Date of Record October 27, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection, 1750-1914
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cayroll
Age: 06a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: 1780 Registraton notes: "gown on seven" (going on seven)
Date of Record October 27, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection, 1750-1914
- Enslaved Person's Name: Georg
Age: 04a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: 1780 Registraton notes: "gown on five Years" (going on five years)
Date of Record October 27, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection, 1750-1914
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dina
Age: "1 month and too weeks old."
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 13 September 1780
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave until age 28
Notes: 1780 Registraton notes her exact age.
Date of Record October 27, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection, 1750-1914
- Slaveholder Name Chambers, Benjamin
City or Township Guilford Township (later Franklin County)
Notes This is Colonel Benjamin Chambers of Chambersburg area. See also his son Captain Benjamin Chambers, in Franklin County.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phebee
Age: 04a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Slave Description
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dina
Age: 30a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Slave Description
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nell
Age: 15a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Slave Description
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Age: 01a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1780 (calculated)
Slave Description
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pegg
Age: 12a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Slave Description
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fanny
Age: 07a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Slave Description
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Slaveholder Name Chambers, Col. James
City or Township Newton Township
Notes Registration signed by Catherine Chambers.
- Enslaved Person's Name Pizzarro
Age: 08
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Chambers, Elianer
City or Township North Middleton
- Enslaved Person's Name: Belinda
Slave Age
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1811-April 11
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1811
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Chambers, Robert
City or Township Doory Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dolly
Age: 09a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Slave Description
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sampson
Age: 30a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Slave Description
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Slaveholder Name Chambers, Robert, (2)
City or Township Middleton Township
Notes The 1798 Tax Assessment for Middleton Township lists Robert Chamber as having one slave under age 45.(Source 70)
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sampson
Slave Age
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1800-July 08
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1800
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Chambers, William
City or Township Middleton Township
Occupation Farmer
Notes Registered in 1780 with James Irwin.
- Enslaved Person's Name Leiah
Age: 40
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fann
Age: 10
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Kelbuck
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Age: 01
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1788-February 20
Description: Child
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: No name is given in registration.
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Age: 12
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sophy
Age: -
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1794-February 22
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: 1794 Registration lists Sophy's mother as "Thina."
Date of Record 1794
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Richard
Age: 01
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Clark, Robert
City or Township Southampton Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Jim
Slave Age
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1807-November 15
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1808
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rebecca
Slave Age
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1803-March 27
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1803
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Eve
Slave Age
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1801-April 30
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1801
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nell
Age: 01
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1792
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: 1793 Registration lists Nell's mother as "Beck."
Date of Record 1793
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Eanus
Age: ? (adult)
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Indicted in Cumberland County court in 1800 as follows: "Negro Eanus, slave of Robert Clark of Southampton Twp. assault & battery on William Kilgore who said he (William) went with Jesse Kilgore to the house of Robert Clark in Southampton Twp. to bring home a Negro boy that had run away from Jesse, and hearing that he was in Clark's kitchen, took him by the shoulder and told him to come along. Robert Clark's slave Eanus, father of the Negro boy, got up and cried and attempted to keep hold of the boy. When Jesse tried to take the boy home, and when he tied him up, Eanus came out with a gun & said if they didn't leave the boy alone he would blow them all up. (April 5)"
Date of Record April 05, 1800
Source: Indictments, 1750-1800, Item #2161.
- Slaveholder Name Clarke, Robert
City or Township Hopewell Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Jeffery
Age: 01
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1788-April 20
Description: Negro Boy
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: James
Age: 03
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1786-March 14
Description: Negro Boy
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ezekiel
Age: 06
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1783-November 04
Description: Negro Boy
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Age: 08
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1781-September 04
Description: Negro Girl
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Coldwell, James
City or Township Hopewell Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Peach
Age: 05
Sex: Undetermined
Date of Birth: 1784-April
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Transcript notes "unknown gender."
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fan
Age: 01
Sex: Undetermined
Date of Birth: 1788-January
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Transcript notes "unknown gender."
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Colhoon, Andrew
City or Township Carlisle
Occupation Carpenter
- Enslaved Person's Name George
Age: 12a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 10, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Collwell, Agnes
City or Township Hopewell Township
Notes 1804 Registration for Sal lists Agnes Colwell of Southampton Twp.
- Enslaved Person's Name Ellick
Slave Age
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1801-April 15
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1801
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sal
Slave Age
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1803-December 18
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1804
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Colwell, James
City or Township Southampton Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Patience
Age: -
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1798-February 01
Slave Description
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1799
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ab
Age: -
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1795-November 23
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: 1796 Registration lists Ab's mother as "Rain."
Date of Record 1796
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Cooper, Haggai
City or Township Lisburn
Occupation Innkeeper
Notes Kept the tavern known as "Sign of Governor Simon Snyder" in Lisburn. Died in 1805. (Source: 98, page 92)
- Enslaved Person's Name ?
Age: ? "boy"
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Description: "Negro boy"
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Found in the inventory of Haggai Cooper after his death in 1805. Listed as "the time of a Negro boy."
Date of Record After 1805
Source: 98, page 92
- Slaveholder Name Coran, Samuel
City or Township Fermanaugh Township
Notes Registered in 1780 with Robert Nelson of Fermanagh Township.
- Enslaved Person's Name Davey
Age: 12
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record September 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Corbett, James
City or Township Allen Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Benn
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 03 November 1810
Description: Mulatto
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1811
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Cowan, William
City or Township Shippensburg
- Enslaved Person's Name Alice
Age: 30a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: circa 1750
Description: "Negro Woman"
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Slaveholder Name Cox, Samuel
City or Township Lurgan Township (later Southampton Township, Franklin County)
Occupation Farmer
Notes See Samuel Cox in Southampton Township, Franklin County for information on additional enslaved persons.
- Enslaved Person's Name Ebenezer
Age: 25a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: circa 1755
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 30, 1780
Source: 70
- Slaveholder Name Craighead, Thomas, Sr.
City or Township Middleton Township
Notes The 1798 Tax Assessment for Middleton Township lists Thomas Craighead as having one enslaved person under age 45.(Source 70)
- Enslaved Person's Name Sam
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 05 December 1803
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1804
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bobb
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 24 September 1815
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1816
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Crampton, James
City or Township Fermanagh Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Ben
Age: 07a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: circa 1773
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Slaveholder Name Crawford, Joseph
City or Township West Pennsboro Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Sam
Age: 05
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1784-January 14
Description: Negro Child
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name: Creigh, Dr. John
City or Township: Carlisle
Occupation: Storekeeper, Doctor
Notes: See also the listings for Dr. John Creigh in Landisburg, Perry County.
- Enslaved Person's Name Jean
Age: 20a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: circa 1760
Description: "Negro Woman"
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record: 21 September 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations; Young, Cory James. "A Just and True Return: Pennsylvania’s Surviving County Slave Registries, 1780-1826." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 3, no. 1 (2022). Accessed 03 February 2025.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Vilette
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 17 February 1824
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: 1824 Registration lists Vilette's mother as "negro Betsy."
Date of Record 12 July 1824
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves; Young, Cory James. "A Just and True Return: Pennsylvania’s Surviving County Slave Registries, 1780-1826." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 3, no. 1 (2022). Accessed 03 February 2025.
- Slaveholder Name Culbertson, Ann
City or Township Shippensburg
- Enslaved Person's Name Thomas
Slave Age
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1814-September 11
Description: Mulatto
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1815
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Culbertson, Robert
City or Township Hopewell Township
Occupation Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name Jake
Age: 01
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: circa 1779
Description: "Boy"
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 10, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Age: 07
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: circa 1773
Description: "Boy"
Status: Slave for life--Runaway
Notes: Ben and another slave, Dick Richards, ran away on April 13, 1793. It is not known if he was recovered. For the text of the runaway advertisement placed by Culbertson, see the entry for Richards, Dick, below.
Date of Record October 10, 1780
Sources: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves | Accessible Archives--Pennsylvania Gazette, Item #78943.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jerri
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: circa 1769
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 10, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nell
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: circ 1760
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 10, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dick Richards
Age: "upwards of 20 years of age"
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: circa 1773
Description: "Negro" man
Status: Escaped Indentured Servant
Notes: Dick escaped on April 13, 1793 with the enslaved man Ben. Text of runaway advertisement placed by Culbertson:
Eight Dollars Reward.
RAN away on the 13th inst. from the subscriber near Shippensburg, Cumberland county Pennsylvania, two Negro Men, one of then named Dick Richards, upwards of 20 years of age, is tall and well made, very talkative: Had on when he went away, an old felt hat, an old brown great coat, jacket unknown, blue overalls, old shoes, but may supply himself with other clothes, and perhaps change his name. He is an indented servant for the term of four years and a half. The other named Ben, is a slave for life, and is near twenty years of age, has a slouching walk, with his knees turned inwards: has on when he went away, an old fine hat, a coat and overalls of spotted coating, and old shoes. Whoever takes up and secures said negroes, so as their master may get them again, shall have the above reward of eight dollars, or four dollars for either of them, and reasonable charges, paid by
April 16.
Date of Record April 24, 1793
Source: Accessible Archives--Pennsylvania Gazette, Item #78943
- Slaveholder Name Culbertson, Robert, (2)
City or Township Southampton Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Renus
Age: -
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1795-March 5/6
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1795
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Culbertson, Samuel
City or Township East Pennsboro Township
Notes Son of William Culbertson, and executor of his estate.
- Enslaved Person's Name Dick
Age: Age not specified in record
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Not known
Description: Negro
Status: Undetermined
Notes: Indicted in Cumberland County court, along with John Morrison, as follows: "John Morrison & Negro Dick of Samuel Culbertson's, at East Pennsborough, broke the glass windows (amounting to 36 lights) and forced down a tenplate stove with a brick chimney, of a school house near Stoney Ridge, of Robert Skinner, schoolmaster. Mentions as the property of, John & Matthew Miller, Thomas Urie, Thomas Williamson, Samuel Irwin & Samuel Marlin. Test: James Hurley, Henry Eberly. (April 1)"
Date of Record 01 April 1800
Source: 94, Item #2162.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bell
Age: Not stated, but an adult in 1805
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: Not known
Description: "Negro Woman"
Status: Not determined
Notes: Bell and her two sons, George and Thomas, were transferred to Henry Downs by Samuel Culbertson in a document dated 14 November 1805. This document was put into effect via another document filed 19 September 1807 by Thomas Urie, executor of the estate of Samuel Culbertson, who was the executor for his father, William Culbertson. A copy of the document was filed with the Bedford County Clerk. The document reads as follows:
Know all men that I Thomas Urie of Middleton township in Cumberland County & State of Pennsylvania Executor to the late Samuel Culberson of East pennsborough township County & State aforesaid who I do certify was Executor to his late Father Wm Culberson Senr, decd, of East pennsborough township & County and State aforesaid, Do by these presents agreeable to a Deed bearing date the fourteenth day of November in the Year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and five, between the late Samuel Culberson decd Executor to the late William Culberson decd and Henry Downs Transfer and make over a Negro Woman named Bell and two Children both Sons, the one named George and the other named Thomas unto the said Henry Downs, who intermarried with Margaret Johnston one of the daughters of Fanny Johnston decd & one of the daughters of the said William Culberson decd to serve him the said Henry Downs & his Heirs that he now has, or hereafter may have by the said Margaret Johnston & Wife of him the said Henry Downs as aforesaid, then & in that case the said Negro Woman and two Children & heirs of the said Henry Downs and his said Wife aforesaid afreeable to the Laws & Customs of the Country in such cases made & provided in as full and Ample a manner as the[y] would have had to serve the said Decd or his Representatives, but the said Negro Woman and her Children is not to be sold or transferred over to any Strangers or other Persons but always to remain as the property of the said children & heirs of them the said Henry Downs & his Wife aforesaid,--& they Henry Downs & his Wife aforesaid is to have full power to give over the Service of the said Negro Woman and her Children to their Children and heirs aforesaid in such manner as the[y] may think proper, only not to be sold or transferred out of the Family, but always to remain as the joint Property of the heirs of them the said Henry Downs & his Wife aforesaid as they shall direct--And in Consideration of which Transfer the said late Samuel Culberson decd Executor of the late William Culberson decd acknowledgeth by deed as aforesaid mentioned, to have received of the said Henry Downs the sum of one dollar which sum with the love & Affection he the said Samuel Culberson decd Executor to the said late Wm Culberson decd acknowledgeth by said Deed to have had to the said Henry Downs & his Wife aforesaid as a full Consideration for said Negro Woman & Children aforesaid. In Witness hereof I have set my hand and Seal this 19th day of September in Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & Seven.
[signed] Tho Urie
Date of Record 19 September 1807
Source: Bedford County Misc Slave Records Circa 1780-1834
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Age: Not stated, but a child in 1805
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Not known
Description: "Son"
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Bell and her two sons, George and Thomas, were transferred to Henry Downs by Samuel Culbertson in a document dated 14 November 1805. This document was put into effect via another document filed 19 September 1807 by Thomas Urie, executor of the estate of Samuel Culbertson, who was the executor for his father, William Culbertson. A copy of the document was filed with the Bedford County Clerk.
Date of Record 19 September 1807
Source: Bedford County Misc Slave Records Circa 1780-1834
- Enslaved Person's Name: Thomas
Age: Not stated in record, but a child in 1805
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Not known
Description: "Son"
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Bell and her two sons, George and Thomas, were transferred to Henry Downs by Samuel Culbertson in a document dated 14 November 1805. This document was put into effect via another document filed 19 September 1807 by Thomas Urie, executor of the estate of Samuel Culbertson, who was the executor for his father, William Culbertson. A copy of the document was filed with the Bedford County Clerk.
Date of Record 19 September 1807
Source: Bedford County Misc Slave Records Circa 1780-1834
- Slaveholder Name Culbertson, William
City or Township East Pennsboro Township
Occupation Farmer
Notes Father of Samuel Culbertson.
- Enslaved Person's Name Bill
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: circa 1765
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 30 October 1780
Source: 70
- Slaveholder Name Cunningham, Henry
City or Township Carlisle
Occupation County jailer
Notes The county jailer acted as an agent for the county in selling suspected runaway slaves to cover the cost of keeping them, as seen in the advertisements below. Note that the slave is in a no-win situation. If indeed he is a free person, as he claims, then no one will show up to claim him, forcing his sale by the jailer.
- Enslaved Person's Name Heans, William
Age: "about 25 Years of Age"
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: circa 1740
Description: "Negro Fellow"
Status: Suspected Runaway--imprisoned in Carlisle Jail
Notes: Text of jailer's ad:
"WAS Committed to Carlisle Goal, in Cumberland County, the 28th of January last, on Suspicion of being a Runaway, a likely Negroe Fellow, about 25 Years of Age, very thick and strong built, about 6 Feet high, calls himself William Heans, says he is a free Man, and that he was born in St. Mary, in Maryland. His Master (if any) is desired to come and take him away, otherwise he will be sold for his Fees, by HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Goaler."
Date of Record 07 March 1765
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cato or Philip
Age: Age not specified in ad, but desribed as a "young fellow"
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Not known
Description: "Young Negro Fellow"
Status: Suspected Runaway--imprisoned in Carlisle Jail
Notes: Text of jailer's ad:
"Carlisle goal, in Cumberland county, August 27, 1766.
WAS committed to the said goal, the 23d of this instant, on suspicion of being a runaway, Thomas Christopher, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, red complexion, very thin fleshed; wears a wig, and ragged cloathing; says he is acquainted in Baltimore Town, and neighbourhood. Also Edward Kelly, who confesses he belongs to, and run away from, John Starland, of Derry township, Lancaster county. Also a young Negroe fellow, called Cato, or Philip, says he belongs to John Elliot of the Path Valley. Their Masters (if any there by) are hereby desired to come forthwith, pay charges, and take them away; otherwise they will be sold for the same, 4 weeks after the date hereof, by
Date of Record 11 September 11 1766
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 11 September 1766
- Slaveholder Name Davidson, John
City or Township West Pennsboro Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
Age: 25a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Description: Man
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record 1780
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations
- Slaveholder Name Davidson, Matthew
City or Township West Pennsboro Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jubo
Age: Not stated, but described as a "man."
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Not known
Description: "Negroe Man"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Escaped on Monday, December 26, 1796. Text of advertisement placed by Davidson to recover him:
Detect the Runaway!
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in West Pennsborough township, Cumberland county, on Monday night, the 26th inst. A NEGROE MAN, named JUBO, about 5 feet 10 inches high; had on when he went away a drab colored coat of home made cloth, with metal buttons, a stripped jacket, linsey overhalls, a good fur hat, a pair of shoes with broad brass buckles in them; he is an active negro, speaks good English, and plays upon the fiddle, which he took with him in a cloth case. Whoever takes up and secures said negroe, so that his master may get him again, shall have ten dollars if taken in the county aforesaid, twenty dollars if taken out of it, and if taken out of the state the above reward.
December 29, 1796.
Date of Record 29 December 1796
Source: Franklin Repository (Chambersburg, PA), 19 January 1797.
- Slaveholder Name Davis, David
City or Township
Notes Son of Philip Davis, who died in 1760.
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Age: Not stated in source.
Slave Sex Male
Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1753.
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: According to the will of Philip Davis, George was bequeathed to his son Samuel. Text of abstract:
Philip Davis, husbandman, advanced in years (wife Sarah)
Cumberland Co. Will, Liber A., pp. 71-4
Written 15 May 1753, Proved 6 Nov 1760
To son Samuel: 350a. and Negro Jack
To son David: 250a. and Negro George.
Date of Record 06 November, 1760
Source: Email correspondence with Fred Kelso
- Slaveholder Name Davis, James
City or Township Carlisle
- Enslaved Person's Name Simon
Age: 45a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 7, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Grace
Age: 03
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 7, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Age: 38a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Description: Negro Wench
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Offered for sale in February, 1806
Date of Record March 07, 1806
Source: 52
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Age: 07a
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1799 (calculated)
Description: Negro Boy
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Offered for sale in February, 1806
Date of Record March 07, 1806
Source: 52
- Slaveholder Name Davis, John
City or Township
- Enslaved Person's Name ???
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Description: Negro Girl
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Name not mentioned in registration.
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Doll
Age: 10
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Description: Mulatto Girl
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dandy
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
Description: Negro Girl
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Name not listed in records.
Date of Record October 13, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Davis, Philip
City or Township Peters Township (Franklin County as of 1784)
Occupation Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dolly
Age: 12a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 30, 1780
Source: 70
- Slaveholder Name Davis, Philip
City or Township
Occupation "Husbandman" (farmer)
Notes Died in 1760. Husband of Sarah. Father of Samuel Davis and David Davis.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Age: Not stated in source.
Sex Male
Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1753.
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: According to the will of Philip Davis, Jack was bequeathed to Davis' son Samuel. Text of abstract:
Philip Davis, husbandman, advanced in years (wife Sarah)
Cumberland Co. Will, Liber A., pp. 71-4
Written 15 May 1753, Proved 6 Nov 1760
To son Samuel: 350a. and Negro Jack
To son David: 250a. and Negro George.
Date of Record 06 November, 1760
Source: Email correspondence with Fred Kelso
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Age: Not stated in source.
Slave Sex Male
Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1753.
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: According to the will of Philip Davis, George was bequeathed to Davis' son David. See notes for Jack, above.
Date of Record 06 November, 1760
Source: Email correspondence with Fred Kelso
- Slaveholder Name Davis, Samuel
City or Township
Notes Son of Philip Davis, who died in 1760.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Age: Not stated in source.
Slave Sex Male
Date of Birth: Not known, but prior to 1753.
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: According to the will of Philip Davis, Jack was bequeathed to his son Samuel. Text of abstract:
Philip Davis, husbandman, advanced in years (wife Sarah)
Cumberland Co. Will, Liber A., pp. 71-4
Written 15 May 1753, Proved 6 Nov 1760
To son Samuel: 350a. and Negro Jack
To son David: 250a. and Negro George.
Date of Record 06 November, 1760
Source: Email correspondence with Fred Kelso
- Slaveholder Name Dickson, John
City or Township Dickinson Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Parker, Joshua
Age: -
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1798-December 11
Description: Mulatto
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1798
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Dougal, Rev. Samuel
City or Township Fannet Township
Occupation Clergyman
- Enslaved Person's Name Clow (Chloe?)
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Description: Negro Woman
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 23, 1780
Source: John R. Miller Collection,
- Slaveholder Name Douglass, Joseph
City or Township East Pennsboro Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Rachel
Slave Age
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1805-October 03
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1805
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Duncan, Daniel
City or Township Shippensburg
- Enslaved Person's Name Nancy Armstrong
Age: 08
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1781-May
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Name could be "Hancy;" Gender is presumed.
Date of Record March 23, 1789
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name Comfort Armstrong
Age: 06
Sex: Undetermined
Date of Birth: 1783-January
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record March 23, 1789
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sally Armstrong
Age: 03
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1785-December
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record March 23, 1789
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Batsy Luis
Age: 01
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1787-May
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Name could be a misspelling of Betsy. Gender is presumed.
Date of Record March 23, 1789
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: George Luis
Age: .2
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1789-January
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Actual slave age at registration was two months.
Date of Record March 23, 1789
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Duncan, James, executor of Stephen Duncan, dec.
City or Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Joe
Age: -
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1794-October 01
Description: Mulatto
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1795
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Duncan, John
City or Township: Carlisle
Occupation: Merchant
Notes Husband of Sarah E. Duncan. Son of Stephen Duncan; Died 1793.
- Enslaved Person's Name Rachel, Rachael
Age: Nine years old at Registration
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 15 November 1780
Description: "Negro"
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: Text of registration: "Negro Rachael, the property of John Duncan, born about the 15th November, 1780." Rachel is the mother of "Nell," born 19 March 1795 and registered in 1796 as a term slave by John Duncan's widow, Sarah E. Duncan.
Date of Record 27 March 1789 (Registration)
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves;
- Slaveholder Name Duncan, Joseph
City or Township Shippensburg Township
Notes In 1811, Joseph Duncan is recorded as registering the slave child Claressa for William Rippey, Sr., of Shippensburg.
- Enslaved Person's Name Hannah
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1804-January 13
Description: Mulatto
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1804
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Duncan, Samuel
City or Township Shippensburg
- Enslaved Person's Name Dick
Age: Age not specified in record
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Not known
Description: "Negro"
Status: Undetermined
Notes: It hasn't been determined if Dick is enslaved or a hired man. He is mentioned in the following Cumberland County court Indictment from 1794: "An iron gray mare, about 14 hands high, a natural trotter, her 2 hind feet white (one more so than the other), a midling switch tail lightly marked, with a collar, 3 yrs. old last Spring, no brand & never shod, was taken out of the meadow of John Swaggart of Hamilton Twp., Franklin Co. Swaggart & Jacob Frymyre were shown the mare in the stable of Patrick Cochran in Shippensburg. Billy Jackson, negro, is accused of taking the horse. Examination of Billy (William) Jackson, cooper of Shippensburg: He said he got the mare about 2 miles from Keezler Town in Rockingham Co., Virginia from William Ireland for $10. Upon further examination he said he bought the mare of Negro Dick at Samuel Duncan's in Shippensburg for $5. Test: Alexander Stuart (Nov. 4, 1793)"
Date of Record 04 November 1793
Source: Indictments, 1750-1800, Item #1631.
- Enslaved Person's Name Amelia
Age: Age not specified in record but described as a "woman; Is married and of childbearing age.
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: Not known
Description: "negro woman"
Status: Undetermined; The description of "slave" indicates Amelia is enslaved for life.
Notes: Mentioned along with her daughter Bett (Beth) in the following Cumberland County court Indictments: "Deposition of John Campble. That mid Nov. last, coming up the Main St. in Shippensburg, he met a negro woman which he knew had formerly been the property of Samuel Duncan in Shippensburg; and just following her was William Tate's wagon. He heard William Tate had purchased her from Samuel Duncan and believes he took her out of state. Test: James Kelso, William McConnell, John Campble, all of Shippensburg.
"William Tate is indicted for taking a negro Slave called Amelia and a negro child named Bett out of the county Dec. 1. Deposition of James Kelso: that on Nov. 12 he drew a bill of sale wherein Samuel Duncan conveyed to William Tate, who said he was a resident of North Carolina, Burk Co., Morgan Town; a negro woman named Amelia and her child Bett, the refuted wife and child of negro Quary...that Tate intended to take them out of the state." (Source 94, item 1661)
And the following from 1798: "About the middle of November, William Tate seduced and carried away from Shippensburg, Negro Amelia wife of Negro Quary & their 3 year old child named Beth (Bett) Test: James Kelso, William McConnell (Dec. 19)" (Source 94, item 1964)
We have not yet discovered a record of any enslaved man named "Quary." Perhaps he was a free person of color.-editor
Date of Record 1794
Source: Indictments, 1750-1800, Items #1661 and 1964.
- Enslaved Person's Name Beth or Bett
Age: 03
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1794 (calculated)
Description: "Negro child"
Status: Undetermined. Possibly sold South.
Notes: Daughter of "Negro Amelia" and "Negro Quary." Mentioned in Cumberland County court Indictments in 1794 and 1798 (see record for previous enslaved person "Amelia.")
Date of Record 19 December 1798
Source: Indictments, 1750-1800, Items #1661 and 1964.
- Slaveholder Name Duncan, Sarah E.
City or Township Carlisle
Occupation Widow of John Duncan
Notes Nee Postlethwaite. In 1797 remarried to Col. Ephraim Blaine. See Sarah Eliza Blain, Cumberland County, for additional listings.
- Enslaved Person's Name Nell
Age: One year old at Registration
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 19 March 1795
Description: "Mulatto"
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: 1796 Registration by Sarah Duncan lists Nell's mother as "Rachel." This is the same woman "Rachel" registered as a term slave by John Duncan in 1789. Ownership of Nell was subsequently transferred to Edward Stiles of Carlisle. Nelly sued for her freedom in the Court of Common Pleas, claiming that the initial registration of her mother, Rachel, was faulty because Duncan's original written letter of registration omitted an exact date of birth for Rachel, her sex, and Duncan's occupation, all as stipulated by law. In recording Duncan's registration of Rachel, Cumberland County clerk John Agnew added the missing information to the registry upon having Duncan swear to the validity of Rachel's registration. The judge found in favor of Nelly.
Edward Stiles appealed to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and in in 1823, Judge William Tilghman overturned the lower court ruling, stating that when the clerk inserted the information missing from Duncan's original return -- exact date of birth of Rachel, her sex, and Duncan's occupation -- into the official registry, he had cured the defects, and he ruled for the plaintiff, Edward Stiles.
Note that, per Pennsylvania law, holding the child of a term slave to a period of term enslavement was in itself contrary to the intent of the 1788 Act, and illegal.
Dates of Records 1796 (Registration); 1823 (PA Supreme Court ruling affirming her servitude to Stiles)
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves; Stiles v. Nelly (1823), in Reports of Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, ed. Thomas Sergeant and William Rawle Jr., 17 vols. (Philadelphia, 1818–1829), 10:366–72.
- Slaveholder Name Duncan, Stephen
City or Township Carlisle
Occupation Farmer
Notes See listing for James Duncan, as executor of Stephen Duncan's estate in 1795. After his death, Stephen Duncan's possessions, including three enslaved persons, were sold by public auction on September 16, 1794. The auction ad descriptions of the three enslaved persons to be sold very closely match the three persons listed below.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
Age: about 22 (at time of registration)
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: circa 1758
Description: "Negro" (registration); "Negro Man" (auction ad)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Placed up for public auction after the death of Stephen Duncan. See auction announcement below:
Public Vendue.
On Tuesday the 16th of September next, will be sold at public vendue agreeable to the last Will and Testament of Stephen Duncan, deceased.
Horses, Cows and Sheep, two Waggons, Geers &c. a Cart, Plows, Harrows, and a variety of Farming utensils:
A Waggon and five Horse Team with Geers complete, can be had together or separate as may be found best to answer the purchasers:
Also a variety of houshold and kitchen Furniture. The vendue to be held at the late dwelling house of said deceased -- and to begin at 10 o'clock of the day, and continue from day to day till ended:
The terms of Sale are one years credit without interest on good security for all articles exceeding £5 and cash for all under.
Also a Negro Man aged about 34 years, used to all kind of plantation work -- a Mulatto Wench about 22 years old, and her child of 5 years -- duly registered will then be sold on the above terms if not sold before that time at private sale.
Carlisle August 6th, 1794.
Date of Record 1780 (registration); August 6, 1794 (auction ad)
Source: 1780 Slave Registrations; Kline's Carlisle Weekly Gazette, 06 August 1794.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phobe
Age: "about 22 years old" (at time of auction)
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: circa 1772
Description: "Mulatto Wench" (auction ad); "woman" (Runaway ad for Harry)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Mother of Phina, below. Phobe appears to be "the woman [a Mullato Slave Named Harry] calls his wife [living] with Mr. Stephen Duncan" of Carlisle. Harry was a former slave of Colonel Blaine, of Carlisle. Apparantly Harry was sold or assigned to William Amberson of Pittsburgh, from whom he ran away in October 1793. The runaway ad also noted that one of Harry's brothers "lives with Dr. M'Coskry," also of Carlisle. (See the entire text of the runaway ad under "Blaine, Colonel," of Cumberland County. Phobe, her daughter Phina, and fellow enslaved worker Frank, were all placed up for public auction after the death of Stephen Duncan. See the text of the auction announcement above.
Date of Record October 01, 1793 (Runaway ad for Harry); August 6, 1794 (auction announcement)
Source: Carlisle Gazette, December 04, 1793; Kline's Carlisle Weekly Gazette, 06 August 1794.
- Enslaved Person's Name Phina
Age: Six months old at registration
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1790-January 29
Description: "Mulatto"
Status: Slave to age 28
Notes: 1790 Registration identifies Phina's mother as "mulatto Phobe." Phina, her mother Phobe, and fellow enslaved worker Frank, were all placed up for public auction after the death of Stephen Duncan. See the text of the auction announcement above.
Date of Record 1790 (registration); August 6, 1794 (auction announcement)
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves; Kline's Carlisle Weekly Gazette, 06 August 1794.
- Slaveholder Name Duncan, William
City or Township Hopewell Township
Occupation Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name Tama
Age: about 22
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: circa 1758
Description: Negro
Status: Slave for life
Date of Record October 11, 1780
Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Dunlop, James
City or Township Hopewell Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Fanney
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: July 1763
Description: Negro
Status: Undetermined (see notes below)
Notes: If the date of birth is correct as stated in her registration papers, this person was a slave for life, registered late.
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Age: 5 years old at time of Registration
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: August 1784
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bob
Age: 07 years old at time of Registration
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: November 1782
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Age: 09 years old at time of Registration
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: December 1780
Description: Negro
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Dunning, Robert, Esquire
City or Township
Occupation Indian Trader, Judge (1749-1750)
Notes Died 1750.
Source: William H. Egle, Notes and Queries, II, page 218.
- Enslaved Person's Name Whitehall
Age: Age not recorded in source
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Not known
Description "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Bequeathed upon death to wife Mary
Date of Record 09 April 1750, 24 July 1750
Source: Will of Robert Dunning, Esq., 24 July 1750, MidAtlantic Roots,, accessed 02 August 2024.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Age: Age not recorded in source
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: Not known
Description "Negro"
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Bequeathed upon death to wife Mary
Date of Record 09 April 1750, 24 July 1750
Source: Will of Robert Dunning, Esq., 24 July 1750, MidAtlantic Roots,, accessed 02 August 2024.
- Slaveholder Name Edmiston, Samuel
City or Township Middleton Township
- Enslaved Person's Name Sambo
Age: 7 years old at time of Registration
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: February 1782
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pige (Peggy?)
Age: About six months old at time of Registration
Sex: Undetermined
Date of Birth: 01 February 1789
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Ege, Michael, Sr.
City or Township Boiling Springs, Middleton Township
Occupation Ironmaster, Carlisle Iron Works
Notes Born in Philadelphia in 1753. Raised by an uncle, Baron Von Steigel, the ironmaster and glassmaker. Moved to Cumberland County in 1772 to work at the iron works at Boiling Springs. In 1775 he became a partner in the Carlisle Iron Works, gaining complete control in 1792. Died in 1815 and passed the ironworks on to his son, Michael Ege, Jr., who died in 1827, passing the works on to his son, Peter Ege, who ran the works until 1859.
In his article "Boiling Springs Landmarks," Richard L. Tritt notes "From the 1780s to the 1820s, the Eges owned quite a number of slaves. Michael Ege, Sr. had a reputation for being mean and cruel to his slaves. Some were chained or even shot in cold blood if they did not keep in line." (Source At a Place Called the Boiling Springs)
Additional Slaveholding Notes The 1798 Tax Assessment for Middleton Township lists Michael Ege as having two slaves under age 45.(Source John R. Miller Collection, 1750-1914)
In 1834, the Iron Works were placed up for sale, following the death of Micheal Ege:
The Carlisle Iron Works,
For Sale.
This valuable property, late the estate of Michael Ege, deceased, consists of about 3,000 acres of land, including three Farms, on which are a Furnace, Forge, Grist Mill, Saw Mill and Rolling and Slitting Mill; with all necessary Barns, Stables, coal houses, outhouses, and dwellings for the families of workmen, in the most complete and permanent state. The water power being derived principally from a large limestone spring, to which the stream of the Yellow Breeches has been added, is more than adequate to the purpose of the works; and has besides the uncommon advantage of being unaffected by ice or backwater. An unexhaustible bank of mountain ore of the best quality for bar iron, is found on the estate two miles from the furnace, & limestone ore may be had in a situation equally convenient. The woodland and meadow are amply sufficient for the supply of the works, which are advantageously situated as respects a market, being but seventy miles from Baltimore, five from Carlisle, and sixteen from the Susquehanna.
This desireable property will remain for private sale till the first of April next, when it will be offered at vendue if not sooner disposed of. For terms apply to the subscribers, either at Carlisle or Philadelphia.
Mary Ege, Executrix.
J. B. Gibson, Executor.
Jan 10
(Source: Lancaster Journal, 10 January 1834)
Additionally, Michael Ege is possibly the forgemaster mentioned by a Virginia slaveholder whose escaped man was reportedly working for him. See York jailer Ignatius Leitner's listing for him.
Enslaved Person's Name: Bett
Age: 40a
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1749 (calculated)
Description: "Negroe woman"
Status: Runaway. Escaped from Ege in late July, 1789.
Notes: Described in the runaway ad as "between five and six feet high, speaks good English and German." The ad also notes "It is supposed she will make for the city of Philadelphia, as she was seen on the road between Lancaster and the city."
Date of Record August 18, 1789
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Date of Birth:
Description: "Negroe woman"
Notes: Mentioned only briefly in the source book, page 67. Michael Ege went to court to obtain restitution for this slave who frequently ran away and refused to work due to the birth of her child.
Date of Record
Source: At a Place Called the Boiling Springs
- Slaveholder Name Espey, George
City or Township
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Age: ? (Boy)
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: ?
Description: Negro Boy
Status: Undetermined
Notes: No birthdate is given in the transcripts.
Date of Record 1789
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
- Slaveholder Name Eustine, Dr. James
City or Township Carlisle
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mary
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 1817-September 19
Description: Mulatto
Status: Slave to age 28
Date of Record 1817
Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves
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