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A series of pages exploring
various aspects of enslavement in Pennsylvania

Cumberland County, PA Slaveholders F - I

Slaveholders Listed on this Page

  1. Farney, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: Dick)
  2. Findley, James (Enslaved persons listed: Jack, Tom, Luce)
  3. Finlay, James (Enslaved persons listed: Sampson, Beck, Doll, Cuff, Will)
  4. Fisher, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Letty, John, Harry Collins, David, unnamed child)
  5. Fleming, John (Enslaved persons listed: Mary, Sharlott)
  6. Fleming, William (Enslaved persons listed: Charlotte, Jacob, Violet, Doll)
  7. Forney, George (Enslaved persons listed: Nance)
  8. Gaddis, William (Enslaved persons listed: Ham)
  9. Galbraith, Andrew (Enslaved persons listed: Ann, Luce)
  10. Galbraith, Barbara (Enslaved persons listed: George, Isaac)
  11. Galbraith, John (Enslaved persons listed: Ruth)
  12. Galbraith, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named man)
  13. Galbreath, James (Enslaved persons listed: Violet, Sharper, Luce, Rachell, Hercules, Chloe)
  14. Galloway, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah, Abraham, Rachel, Israel)
  15. Gemmill, John (Enslaved persons listed: Flora, York, Abraham)
  16. Gibson, Ann (Enslaved persons listed: Sall or Sarah)
  17. Gibson, Col. George (Enslaved persons listed: James, Nathaniel, Hannah)
  18. Gibson, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Poll, Phillis, Nance, Margaret)
  19. Gibson, William (Enslaved persons listed: Bob)
  20. Gillespy, George (Enslaved persons listed: Jack, Frank, Violet, Dinah)
  21. Goodman, Simon (Enslaved persons listed: Elmer George)
  22. Greason, James (Enslaved persons listed: Kissia)
  23. Greason, William (Enslaved persons listed: Betsey)
  24. Gregory, James (Enslaved persons listed: Mingo)
  25. Hammil (Enslaved persons listed: Will)
  26. Hammill, James (Enslaved persons listed: Bett, Kesiah)
  27. Harkness, William (Enslaved persons listed: Betsy, Peggy, Richard, Hannah, Cuffee)
  28. Harris, John (Enslaved persons listed: Meeld, Amee)
  29. Harwick, Anthony (Enslaved persons listed: Harry)
  30. Hawthorn, James (Enslaved persons listed: Betsey, John, Jane, George)
  31. Hays, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Rachel)
  32. Henderson, Steel (Enslaved persons listed: Colhoon Bennet)
  33. Hendle, Bernard (Enslaved persons listed: Jenny McClintock)
  34. Hendricks, Tobias (Enslaved persons listed: David, Prince, Betty, Charity, Violet)
  35. Henry, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Cynthia)
  36. Herron, James (Enslaved persons listed: Cuff, Richard, Jerry, Sall)
  37. Holiday, Adam (Enslaved persons listed: Bill, Paris, Hannah, Nell)
  38. Holmes, Andrew (Enslaved persons listed: Tim, Arthur, Jude)
  39. Holmes, Daniel (Enslaved persons listed: Hall)
  40. Holmes, William (Enslaved persons listed: Jim, Bill, George, Bett)
  41. Hook, George (Enslaved persons listed: Juk)
  42. Hughes, Daniel (Enslaved persons listed: James)
  43. Hughes, John (Carlisle) (Enslaved persons listed: Foederal, Jack Robison)
  44. Hughes, John (Middleton Twp.) (Enslaved persons listed: Jo)
  45. Hunter, John (Enslaved persons listed: Tom)
  46. Hurwick, Anthony (Enslaved persons listed: Hardy)
  47. Huston, David (Enslaved persons listed: Sam)
  48. Huston, William (Enslaved persons listed: Phillis, Hannah, Jacob, Rachell, Dinah, Tom, Toncy)
  49. Irvin, John (Enslaved persons listed: Julia, Sharlet)
  50. Irwin, Archibald (Enslaved persons listed: Thomas, Eneas, Hannah)
  51. Irwin, Gen. William (Enslaved persons listed: Tom)
  52. Irwin, James (Enslaved persons listed: Leah)
  53. Irwine, Matthew (Enslaved persons listed: Jack Harris, Harry Hill)

Enslavement Data

  • Slaveholder Name Farney, Jacob
    City or Township East Pennsboro Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1800-June 06
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1800
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Findley, James
    City or Township Peter's Township
    Notes Registered in 1780 with Robert McFarland.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Age: 18
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 12, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Age: 10
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 12, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Luce
      Age: 13
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 12, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Finlay, James
    City or Township Letterkenny

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sampson
      Age: 30a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Beck
      Age: 05a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Doll
      Age: 15a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Cuff
      Age: 16a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Will
      Age: 24a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1756 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

  • Slaveholder Name Fisher, Thomas
    City or Township "East Pennsboro Township"

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Letty
      Age: 23
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1783 (calculated)
      Description: Negro, "Very Black"
      Status: Runaway
      Notes: Letty ran away on the night of October 25, 1806 with slaves Harry Collins and an unnamed 14 month-old child. She is described in the runaway ad as follows: "5 feet, 6 or 7 inches high, stout made, very active, good countenance, and walks very straight."
      Date of Record October 28, 1806
      Source: Dauphin Guardian, October 28, 1806

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: John
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1805-September 01
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1805
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Collins, Harry, also known as William Powel
      Age: 40
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Description: Negro, "Very Black"
      Status: Runaway
      Notes: Ran away on October 25, 1806. He ran away with a slave named Letty, and a 14 month-old child, all slaves of Thomas Fisher. Text of runaway advertisement:
      "40 Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY form the subscriber, living in East Pennsboro township, Cumberland county, and state of Pennsylvania, on the night of the 25th inst. A NEGRO MAN, named HARRY COLLINS, aged 40 years; 5 feet, 5 inches high, out mouthed, his teeth black, and decayed before. Had on, and took with him, a grey mixed cloth Coat, almost new; a drab coloured sailor's Jacket; one swansdown, and one marsailles waistcoat; and an old fur Hat.
      "A Negro Woman, named LETTY, aged 23 years; 5 feet, 6 or 7 inches high, stout made, very active, good countenance, and walks very straight. Had on, and took with her, one white muslin, and one callico Gown; a number of Short-gowns, white, striped, and callico; a dark muslin bonnet, trimmed with black; a brown stuff'd Petticoat, one dimmity ditto, and two of striped linsey, red and blue. The above Negroes are very black--they took with them a mulatto child, aged 14 months, good countenance, and can walk alone.
      "Whoever secures the above described Negroes, in any Jail, so that their master may get them again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, if bro't home, paid by me, Thomas Fisher. October 28, 1806."
      A similar ad ran in the Franklin Repository, in Chambersburg, on November 4, increasing the reward to $80, and adding some additional information on Collins, describing him as "a Negro man, who calls himself Harry Collins, supposed to be the property of John Hershey, of Hagerstown, Maryland, and if so, whose real name is Wm. Powel." The updated advertisement also notes that he "artfully seduced, a Negro woman, named Letty, the property of the subscriber to go with him."
      Date of Record October 28, 1806 (Note: this advertisement also ran in the Bedford Gazette (Bedford County, PA) November 10, 1806.
      Source: Dauphin Guardian, October 28, 1806; The Franklin Repository, November 4, 1806.

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: David
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1807-February 26
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1807
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Age: 01
      Sex: Undetermined
      Date of Birth: 1805 (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Runaway
      Notes: This 14 month-old child was taken with Harry Collins and Letty when they ran away from Thomas Fisher. The child is described in the runaway ad as follows: "good countenance, and can walk alone."
      Date of Record October 28, 1806
      Source: Dauphin Guardian, October 28, 1806

  • Slaveholder Name Fleming, John
    City or Township North Middleton Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Mary
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1811-September 09
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1811
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Sharlott
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1813-November 05
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1814
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Fleming, William
    City or Township Middleton Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Charlotte
      Age: -
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1795-July 13
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1795 Registration lists Charlotte's mother as "Dinah."
      Date of Record 1795
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
      Age: 05
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1784-May
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Violet
      Age: 01
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1788-June
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Doll
      Age: 06
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1783-June
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Forney, George
    City or Township East Pennsboro Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Nance
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1802-July 21
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1802
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Gaddis, William
    City or Township West Pennsboro Township
    Occupation Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ham
      Age: 45a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: This person was registered after the deadline, and legally should have been freed.
      Date of Record December 12, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Galbraith, Andrew
    City or Township East Pennsboro Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ann
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1800-October 27
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1801
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Luce
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1802-June 01
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1802
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Galbraith, Barbara
    City or Township Carlisle

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: George
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1808-September 10
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1809
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1810-January 26
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1810
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Galbraith, John
    City or Township East Pennsboro Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ruth
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1799-December 23
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1800
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name: Galbraith, Robert
    City or Township: Allen Township
    Notes: Died 1795

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given in ad
      Age: "Twenty-one or Twenty-two years of age"
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: circa 1774 or 1775
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Scheduled to be sold by the administrators of the estate of Robert Galbraith. Text of sale announcement:
      To be Sold,
      BY the Administrators to the Estate of ROBERT GALBRAITH, (deceased) on the first day of April ensuing, at Lisburn, in Allan township, Cumberland county,
      Twenty-one or Twenty-two years of age, REGISTERED. Attendance will be given by
      March 1st, 1796.
      Date of Record 01 March 1796
      Source: Kline's Carlisle Weekly Gazette, 16 March 1796.

  • Slaveholder Name Galbreath, James
    City or Township East Pennsboro Township
    Notes The 1780 registration paper is signed by Andrew Galbreath. In his will, dated 27 May 1782 and proved 3 August 1786, James Galbraith leaves all of the slaves to his wife Elizabeth. (Cumberland County Will Book EF, page 117, cited on "James Galbreath and Elizabeth Bartram," by Walter Gilbert at

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Violet
      Age: 06
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Sharper
      Age: 70
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1710 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Luce
      Age: 05
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Rachell
      Age: 08
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Hercules
      Age: 16
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Chloe
      Age: 60
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Galloway, Samuel
    City or Township Wayne Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Age: 08
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1781-March
      Description: Negro Girl
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Abraham
      Age: 04
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1785-September
      Description: Negro Boy
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: Actual name on 1789 Registration was listed as "Abm." Translation of this into "Abraham" is based upon other slave names with this slaveholder, all of which are Biblical names.
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
      Age: 02
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1787-September
      Description: Negro Girl
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Israel
      Age: 06
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1783-March
      Description: Negro Boy
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Gemmill, John
    City or Township Derry Township; A 1764 runaway ad lists John Gemmil's location as Carlisle (number 3, below).
    Occupation Clock and Watchmaker
    Notes Excerpt from 1780 registrations for slaves York and Flora: "both of which Negroes he holds as Slaves for Life, and desires they may be registered by the Clerk of the Peace for Cumberland County, having heard only this Day of the Law requiring such registry to be made, given under my hand this 14th Day of Decr 1780."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Flora
      Age: 42a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1738 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: This person was registered after the deadline and legally should have been freed.
      Date of Record December 14, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: York
      Age: 40a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: This person was registered after the deadline and legally should have been freed.
      Date of Record December14, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Abraham
      Age: 19a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
      Description: Negroe Lad
      Status: Runaway
      Notes: Text of Advertisement:
      "FIVE POUNDS Reward. RUN away from the Subscriber, living in Carlisle, in Cumberland County, on the 24th of September last, a Negroe Lad, named Abraham, about 19 Years of Age, 5 Feet high, this Country born, can do a little in Silver Work, is active in any Kind of Farming Business, cut in both Ears; had on an Iron Collar, Blanket Coat, Buckskin Breeches, Stockings, and Shoes with Whitemetal Buckles. Supposed to have gone with a Deserter, as the same Night the Shop of John McKee, Taylor, was broken, and the following Goods taken, viz. a blue Coat, with white lining, much worn, a Soldier's light coloured coat, with Horn buttons, a scarlet Jacket newly turned, tow pair of Breeches, one black cloth, the other Nankeen, supposed by a Deserter, as next Day an old Soldier Coat, with some other Goods taken out of said Shop, were found in the Woods. Whoever takes up said Negroe and Thief, and secures them in any County Goal, so as his Master may have the Negroe, and the Thief brought to Justice, shall have Five Pounds for either of them Fifty Shillings paid by JOHN GEMMIL."
      Several items stand out in this ad. Note the mention of an iron collar, worn by the slave Abraham. The ad also notes in the physical description that Abraham is "this Country born," indicating that slaves born in Africa or the Caribbean were distinguishable by their nativity. The "cut in both Ears" is probably a tribal scarification mark. The owner, John Gemmil, in 1780 Slave Registration papers listed his occupation as "clock and watchmaker" which probably explains the silversmith skills noted for Abraham.
      Date of Record October 11, 1764
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, October 11, 1764

  • Slaveholder Name Gibson, Ann
    City or Township Tyrone Township (modern day Perry County)
    Occupation Daughter of Francis West. Widow of Col. George Gibson.
    Notes See "Gibson, Col. George," for the children Hannah and Nathaniel of the slave Sall (Sarah). Ann Gibson is cross-posted on the Perry County pages.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sall or Sarah
      Age:? (adult)
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: "Mulatto girl"
      Status: "Indentured servant"
      Notes: Mentioned in Cumberland County court Indictments as follows: "Michael Boys (Buoy) of Tyrone Twp. F&B (fornication and bastardy) with a mulatto girl named Sall, indentured servant to Mrs. Ann Gibson of Tyrone Twp. Sall said that on Aug. 20, 1787 she was delivered of a girl named Hannah; on June 14, 1789 she gave birth to a boy named Nathaniel; on Nov. 26, 1790 she had a daughter named Maria; and on Nov. 24, 1792 she had a daughter named Isabella. She says Michael Buoy is the father of all 4 children. Test: Samuel Laird, John Holmes."
      (I have been unable to determine what happened to the child Isabella. She was not registered by Col. Gibson, below, as were the other three children. --Afrolumens Project editor)
      Date of Record 1794
      Source: Schaumann, "Indictments--1750-1800, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.", Item #1619.

  • Slaveholder Name Gibson, Col. George
    City or Township Rye Township (1789); Tyrone Township (1789-1791); modern day Perry County
    Occupation Farmer, Colonel
    Notes Col. George Gibson is cross-posted on the Perry County pages.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: James
      Age: Four years old at time of Registration
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 26 February 1785
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1789 Registration identifies James' mother as "Sarah."
      Date of Record 20 March 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves; Young, Cory James. "A Just and True Return: Pennsylvania’s Surviving County Slave Registries, 1780-1826." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 3, no. 1 (2022). Accessed 04 February 2025.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Age: Two years old at time of Registration
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 20 August 1787 (per Court document; Col. Gibson reported 30 August 1787)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1789 Registration identifies Hannah's mother as "Sarah." A Cumberland County court indictment charges Michael Buoy of Tyrone Township as being the father of Hannah and three other children to Sall.
      Date of Record 20 March 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves; Young, Cory James. "A Just and True Return: Pennsylvania’s Surviving County Slave Registries, 1780-1826." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 3, no. 1 (2022). Accessed 04 February 2025.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Nathaniel
      Age: Six months old at Registration
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 14 June 1789 (per Court document; Col. Gibson reported 15 June 1789)
      Description: Mulatto Boy
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1789 Registration identifies Nathaniel's mother as "mulatto mother Sarah." A Cumberland County court indictment charges Michael Buoy of Tyrone Township as being the father of Nathaniel and three other children to Sall.
      Date of Record 12 December 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves; Young, Cory James. "A Just and True Return: Pennsylvania’s Surviving County Slave Registries, 1780-1826." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 3, no. 1 (2022). Accessed 04 February 2025.

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Maria
      Age: Five months old at Registration
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 26 November 1790 (per Court document; Col. Gibson reported 08 November 1790)
      Description: Mulatto Girl
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: A Cumberland County court indictment charges Michael Buoy of Tyrone Township as being the father of Maria and three other children to Sall.
      Date of Record 22 April 1791
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves; Young, Cory James. "A Just and True Return: Pennsylvania’s Surviving County Slave Registries, 1780-1826." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 3, no. 1 (2022). Accessed 04 February 2025.

  • Slaveholder Name Gibson, Robert
    City or Township Middleton Township
    Notes See also the runaway ad placed by John Steel in 1765. In 1768, Robert Gibson was assessed for owning one Negro while living in Carlisle Borough (History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Chicago: Warner & Beers & Co. 1886, p. 221.)

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Poll
      Age: ?
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Mulatto Girl
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Philllis
      Age: 25a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: 1780 Registration notes "blind in both eyes."
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Nance
      Age: 03
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1785-November 06
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1788
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Margaret
      Age: -
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1796-August 14
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1796
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Gibson, William
    City or Township East Pennsboro Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Bob
      Age: 01
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1791-May 23
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1792 Registration lists Bob's mother as "Hannah."
      Date of Record 1792
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Gillespy, George
    City or Township West Pennsboro Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Age: 02
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1787-April
      Description: Twins
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: Twin brother to Frank, according to 1789 registration. See also note with slave Dinah, listed with this same slaveholder.
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
      Age: 02
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1787-April
      Description: "Twins"
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: Twin brother to Jack, according to 1789 registration. See also note with slave Dinah, listed with this same slaveholder.
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Violet
      Age: 04
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1785-April
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: See note with slave "Dinah," listed with this same slaveholder.
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Age: ?
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro Mother
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: It is unclear from the transcripts if this person is actually the mother of the three children listed with her in the 1789 registrations. That situation seems to make the most sense, given the existing data.
      Date of Record 1789
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Goodman, Simon
    City or Township
    Notes The Dauphin County Registration paper of his slave Elmer George notes that Simon Goodman is a "former resident of Harrisburg."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: George, Elmer
      Sex: Male
      Slave Date of Birth
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: Elmer George's birth was registered in Dauphin County, even though his owner was a resident of Cumberland County It is possible that Elmer was born in Dauphin County.
      Date of Record
      Source: Children of Previously Registered Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Greason, James
    City or Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Kissia
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1820-October 04
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1821 Registration lists Kissia's mother as "mulatto Issabell Gaw."
      Date of Record 1821
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Greason, William
    City or Township East Pennsboro Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Betsey
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1801-January 03
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1801
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Gregory, James
    City or Township Allen
    Occupation Farmer
    Notes Born about 1732; died about 1818. Married Agnes Trindle, daughter of William Trindle. Property owned: 1778--170 acres; 1779--470 acres. (Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 20).

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Mingo
      Age: 16
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 10, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Hammil
    City or Township
    Notes Identified by the Philadelphia Workhouse keeper as the owner of Will, who was imprisoned there as a suspected escaped slave. Will was traveling with James, who escaped from Daniel Hughes in Cumberland County. Slaveholder Hammil was probably also located in Cumberland County, particularly as that surname is found there.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Will
      Age: Age not specifed in ad, but described as "an old Negroe."
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Description: "Negroes"
      Status: Suspected escaped slave; slave for life
      Notes: Imprisoned in the Philadelphia Workhouse along with another man named Will, both suspected of having escaped from Cumberland County. Text of the ad placed by Workhouse keeper James Whitehead:
      WAS committed to the Work-house, two Negroes, who call themselves by the Name of James and Will; James says he belongs to Daniel Hughes, in Cumberland County; Will is an old Negroe, and says he belongs to Hammil or Hamilton, and speaks so bad English, I cannot find where he belongs. Their Masters are desired to come or send for them, and pay Charges to JAMES WHITEHEAD, Keeper of the Work-house in Philadelphia.
      Date of Record 17 September 1767
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 17 September 1767

  • Slaveholder Name Hammill, James
    City or Township Shippensburg

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Bett
      Sex: Undetermined
      Date of Birth: 1801-November 25
      Description: "Mustee"
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: Registered in 1802 by Robert Shannon. Bought by James Hammill that same year.
      Date of Record 1802
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Kesiah
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1801-November 25
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: Registered in 1802 by Robert Shannon. Bought by James Hammill that same year.
      Date of Record 1802
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Harkness, William
    City or Township Allen Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Betsy
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1813-February 28
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1813
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Peggy
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1804-April 01
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1804
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Richard
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1808-September 03
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1809
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1813-Februrary 28
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1813
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Cuffee
      Age: ?
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro
      Status: Undetermined
      Notes: Indicted in Cumberland County court as follows: "Negro Cuffee, slave of William Harkness stole 1 cow from Michael Hauk and a cow from Jacob Cosh. Test: Jacob Weiser, John Clark, Jacob Cosh, George Logue, Esq. (July 2)"
      And as follows: "Negro Cuffee, the slave of William Harkness, stole 1 cow & 2 steers from James Orr, laborer, who is indicted for receiving stolen goods (July 2)" (Source 94, item 1552)
      Date of Record July 02, 1792
      Source: Schaumann, "Indictments--1750-1800, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.", Items #1531 and 1552.

  • Slaveholder Name Harris, John
    City or Township Fermanagh
    Notes This is not the John Harris who founded Harrisburg. This Harris was a member of the 1779 Pennsylvania Assembly, and voted in favor of the Gradual Emancipation Act. He owned 375 acres in Fermanagh Township (modern Mifflintown, Juniata County).
    In 1780 he was assessed for 1 slave, 6 horses, and 7 cows in Fermanagh; 150 acres, 2 horses and 2 cows in Milford Township. (Alosi, page 17

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Meeld
      Age: 14a
      Sex: Undetermined
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Amee
      Age: 11a
      Sex: Undetermined
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

  • Slaveholder Name Harwick, Anthony
    City or Township Carlisle

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Harry
      Age: 22a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1756 (calculated)
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Text of runaway advertisement placed by Harwick in the Pennsylvania Gazette:
      "Carlisle, May 21, 1778.
      THIRTY DOLLARS Reward.
      RUN away last night from the subscriber, a Negroe man, named Harry, country born, about 22 years of age, a stout well made fellow, about five feet 6 or 7 inches high, talks both English and Dutch, can do all sorts of farming work, and something at baking: Had on when he went away, a dark coloured coat, with black buttons, lined with an Indian blanket, a pair of two trowsers and a pair of half worn shoes, his other clothes unknown. Whoever apprehends said Negroe and secures him in any goal, so that his master may get him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges if brought home, paid by
      Date of Record May 30, 1778
      Source: Accessible Archives--Pennsylvania Gazette, May 30, 1778; ITEM #62035.

  • Slaveholder Name Hawthorn, James
    City or Township Newton Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Betsey
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1802-March 08
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1802
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: John
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1804-November 17
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1804
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jane
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1809-April 13
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1809
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: George
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1806-October 29
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1807
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Hays, Robert
    City or Township Shippensburg Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1814-June 04
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1814
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Henderson, Steel
    City or Township West Pennsboro Township/ South Middleton Township
    Notes Died late 1814 or early 1815

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Colhoon Bennet
      Age: "about 15 years of age"
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: circa 1798
      Description: "A MULATTO Apprentice Boy," and "of a Mustee colour"
      Status: Either a term slave or indentured as an apprentice
      Notes: Bennet escaped from Henderson in the spring of 1813. Henderson placed the following ad in a Carlisle newspaper:
      Five Dollars Reward.
      RANAWAY from the subscriber living in West Pennsborough Township, Cumberland County, A MULATTO Apprentice Boy, about 15 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, of a Mustee colour, named, COLHOON BENNET. Whoever will take up said Ranaway, and secure him in Jail so that his master can get him again, shall receive the above reward, with reasonable charges if brought home, paid by
      April 14th, 1813.

      Date of Record 14 April 1813
      Source: Kline's Weekly Carlisle Gazette, 16 April 1813.

  • Slaveholder Name Hendle, Bernard
    City or Township Carlisle
    Occupation Clock and Watchmaker
    Notes Hendle's occupation is noted from Egle's Notes and Queries, XLI, 1898 Annual Volume, page 251, "Cumberland Valley Marriages." The entry reads:
    Hendel, Barnhard, clock and watchmaker, of Carlisle, m. May 13, 1813, Rebecca Kline, daughter of George Kline, Editor of "Gazette."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: McClintock, Jenny
      Age: 15
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1813 (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Runaway
      Notes: Jenny ran away on June 30, 1828. Text of runaway ad: "Bernard Hendle offers 6c reward for Jenny McClintock, age 15 a mulatto. Ran away June 30 from Carlisle."
      Date of Record July 26, 1828
      Source: Harrisburg Argus, July 26, 1828

  • Slaveholder Name Hendricks, Tobias, Jr.
    City or Township East Pennsborough Township
    Occupation Innkeeper
    Notes "The tavern of Tobias Hendricks, Jr. was an early landmark on the Great Road from Harris's Ferry to Carlisle. It stood on what became Market Street in Camp Hill." Hendricks kept his tavern from the 1740's to his death in 1779. (Schaumann, "Taverns of Cumberland County Pennsylvania, 1750-1840" page 121)

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: David
      Age: ?
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: From the inventory of Tobias Hendricks, dated 1779, David was valued at 100 Pounds, the same as Prince, but less than either Betty, Charity or Violet.
      Date of Record 1779
      Source: Schaumann, "Taverns of Cumberland County Pennsylvania, 1750-1840" page 13.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Prince
      Age: ?
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: From the inventory of Tobias Hendricks, dated 1779, Prince was valued at 100 Pounds, the same as David, but less than either Betty, Charity or Violet.
      Date of Record 1779
      Source: Schaumann, "Taverns of Cumberland County Pennsylvania, 1750-1840" page 13.

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Betty
      Age: ?
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: From the inventory of Tobias Hendricks, dated 1779, Betty was valued at between 300 and 500 Pounds, the same as Charity and Violet, and more than the value of 100 Pounds for either David or Prince.
      Date of Record 1779
      Source: Schaumann, "Taverns of Cumberland County Pennsylvania, 1750-1840" page 13.

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Charity
      Age: ?
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: From the inventory of Tobias Hendricks, dated 1779, Charity was valued at between 300 and 500 Pounds, the same as Betty and Violet, and more than the value of 100 Pounds for either David or Prince.
      Date of Record 1779
      Source: Schaumann, "Taverns of Cumberland County Pennsylvania, 1750-1840" page 13.

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Violet
      Age: ?
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: From the inventory of Tobias Hendricks, dated 1779, Violet was valued at between 300 and 500 Pounds, the same as Betty and Charity, and more than the value of 100 Pounds for either David or Prince.
      Date of Record 1779
      Source: Schaumann, "Taverns of Cumberland County Pennsylvania, 1750-1840" page 13.

  • Slaveholder Name Henry, Robert
    City or Township Hopewell Township
    Occupation Physician
    Notes Occupation noted on 1780 registrations as "Practitioner of Physic." Registered together with Kezia Bainbridge.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cynthia
      Age: 11
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Description: Negro Girl
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 10, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Herron, James
    City or Township Lurgan Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cuff
      Age: 07a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Description: Boy
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Richard
      Age: 18a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Description: Man
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jerry
      Age: 15a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Description: Man
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Sall
      Age: 12a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Description: Girl
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

  • Slaveholder Name Holiday, Adam
    City or Township Peter's Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
      Age: 40
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 12, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Paris
      Age: 20
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 12, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Age: 12
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 12, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Nell
      Age: 43
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1737 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 12, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Holmes, Andrew
    City or Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Tim
      Age: 24a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1754 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Arthur
      Age: 37a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1743 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jude
      Age: 30a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

  • Slaveholder Name Holmes, Daniel
    City or Township Middleton Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Hall
      Age: -
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1796-February 01
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1796 Registration lists Hall's mother as "mulatto mother- Lucie."
      Date of Record 1796
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Holmes, William
    City or Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jim
      Age: 10a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Description: Negro Boy
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Original 1780 registration reads: "A Negroe Boy named Jim, about ten Years of Age, a Slave for Life."
      Date of Record October 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
      Age: 26a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1754 (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 31
      Notes: Original 1780 registration reads: "A Mullattoe Man named Bill about twenty-six Years of Age, about five Years to Serve."
      Date of Record October 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: George
      Age: 02
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1778-December (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto Boy
      Status: Slave to age 31
      Notes: Original 1780 registration reads: "A Mullattoe Boy one Year and ten Months Old named George, Servant to the Age of thirty one years ."
      Date of Record October 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Bett
      Age: 18a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 31
      Notes: Original 1780 registration reads: "A Mullattoe Girl named Bett about eighteen Years of Age, about thirteen years to Serve."
      Date of Record October 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Hook, George
    City or Township Carlisle
    Occupation Innkeeper
    Notes Hook's tavern was located at the Southeast corner of Pomfret and Bedford streets in Carlisle. It is now demolished. Hook moved to Carlisle in 1759 after being indicted the previous year in York for keeping a disorderly public house. He died in 1762, deeply in debt. (Schaumann, Taverns, page 56)

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Juk
      Age: -
      Sex: Undetermined
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Listed on the 1762 inventory of George Hook. Two white indentured servants, Charles Gill and John Gorel, were also listed in the inventory as having 3 1/2 years to serve each.
      Date of Record 1762
      Source:Schaumann, Taverns of Cumberland County Pennsylvania, 1750-1840, page 56

  • Slaveholder Name Hughes, Daniel
    City or Township
    Notes Identified by the Philadelphia Workhouse keeper as the owner of James, who was imprisoned there as a suspected escaped slave.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: James
      Age: Age not specifed in ad, but likely an adult
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Description: "Negroes"
      Status: Suspected escaped slave; slave for life
      Notes: Imprisoned in the Philadelphia Workhouse along with another man named Will, both suspected of having escaped from Cumberland County. Text of the ad placed by Workhouse keeper James Whitehead:
      WAS committed to the Work-house, two Negroes, who call themselves by the Name of James and Will; James says he belongs to Daniel Hughes, in Cumberland County; Will is an old Negroe, and says he belongs to Hammil or Hamilton, and speaks so bad English, I cannot find where he belongs. Their Masters are desired to come or send for them, and pay Charges to JAMES WHITEHEAD, Keeper of the Work-house in Philadelphia.
      Date of Record 17 September 1767
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 17 September 1767

  • Slaveholder Name Hughes, John, Esq.
    City or Township Carlisle
    Notes Died September 7, 1804 (Egles Notes and Queries, Annual Volume 1900, XXXII, p. 172).

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Foederal
      Age: -
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1796-December 21
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1797
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack Robison
      Age: ? (adult)
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: ?
      Description: Negro
      Status: Undetermined. Given in document as "servant."
      Notes: Indicted in 1798 in Cumberland County as follows: "Negro Jack Robison, servant of John Hughes, Esq. of Carlisle, stole 1 gelding from Samuel Cuswell (Creswell). Long deposition about where he rode with the horse, etc. (Feb. 1)"
      Date of Record February 01, 1798
      Source: 94, Item #1951.

  • Slaveholder Name Hughes, John (2)
    City or Township Middleton Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jo
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1803-March 03
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1803
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Hunter, John
    City or Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Age: ?
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1781
      Status: ?
      Notes: This person was listed along with the 1780 registrations. Date of birth may be a typo.
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

  • Slaveholder Name Hurwick, Anthony
    City or Township Carlisle Borough
    Occupation Baker

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Hardy
      Age: 25
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 30, 1780
      Source: 70

  • Slaveholder Name Huston, David
    City or Township Peter's Township
    Notes Registered in 1780 with William Huston and Henry Work.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
      Age: 20
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 11, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Huston, William
    City or Township Peter's Township
    Occupation Farmer
    Notes Registered in 1780 with David Huston and Henry Work.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
      Age: 29
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1751 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 11, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Age: 01a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1779-July (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Registration lists "aged about 14 months."
      Date of Record September 11, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
      Age: 04a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 11, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Rachell
      Age: 07a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 11, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Age: 10a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 11, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Age: 20
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record September 11, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

    7. Enslaved Person's Name: Toncy (Tony?)
      Age: 12a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: A slave "during life."
      Date of Record September 11, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Irvin (Irwin), John
    City or Township Rye Township (modern Perry County)
    Occupation Tavernkeeper
    Notes Surname also spelled Irwin. Cross-posted on the Perry County pages.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Julia
      Age: Two weeks old at time of Registration
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 19 January 1807
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: Registered in Cumberland County
      Date of Record 30 January 1807
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves; Young, Cory James. "A Just and True Return: Pennsylvania’s Surviving County Slave Registries, 1780-1826." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 3, no. 1 (2022). Accessed 05 February 2025.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Sharlet
      Age: Two months old at time of Registration
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 20 January 1810
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: Registered in Cumberland County
      Date of Record 16 March 1810
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves; Young, Cory James. "A Just and True Return: Pennsylvania’s Surviving County Slave Registries, 1780-1826." Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 3, no. 1 (2022). Accessed 05 February 2025.

  • Slaveholder Name Irwin, Archibald
    City or Township Peter's Township

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Thomas
      Age: 35a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Eneas
      Age: 27a
      Sex: Undetermined
      Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Age: 12a
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record 1780
      Source: "Slave Returns Listings"

  • Slaveholder Name Irwin (Irvine), Gen. William
    City or Township Carlisle
    Occupation Physician
    Notes Surname is also spelled Irvine. Registration paper for Tom was signed by Isabella Irwin. William Irvine was born in Ireland and attended the University of Dublin. He became a surgeon in the Royal Navy, serving from 1754 to 1763, when he resigned his commission. He lived in Carlisle and practiced medicine, and joined the Continental Army in 1776, serving as a Colonel. He was captured by the British at Quebec in June 1776, exchanged in 1777, and was promoted to Brigadier General in 1779. Irvine settled border disputes between Pennsylvania and Virginia in southwestern Pennsylvania.
    His 1776 tax record shows a lot, 2 slaves, 2 horses and 2 cows.
    Irvine's 1779 tax records shows 1 slave (a man) and 2 cows. (Alosi, page 17)

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Age: 40a
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Date of Record October 13, 1780
      Source: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves

  • Slaveholder Name Irwin, James
    City or Township Middleton Township
    Occupation Farmer
    Notes Registered his slave Leah in 1780 along with William Chambers.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Leah
      Age: 20
      Sex: Female
      Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
      Description: Negro
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: The possible public sale of Leah is suggested by this advertisement placed in the Carlisle Gazette in April, 1787: "By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias to me directed, will be exposed to public sale on Friday the 20th of this instant April, at the Court House in the Borough of Carlisle, one Negroe Wench and horses. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James Irwin, and be sold by Charles Leeper, Sheriff. April 10, 1787"
      Date of Registration October 13, 1780
      Sources: Register of Negro and Mulatto Slaves | Carlisle Gazette, April 10, 1787

  • Slaveholder Name Irwine, Matthew
    City or Township East Pennsboro Township
    Notes Surname also spelled Irwin.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack Harris
      Age: 15
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1800 (calculated)
      Description: Negro "Very Black"
      Status: Runaway
      Notes: Jack ran away on June 20th, 1815. It is unknown if Matthew Irwin ever recovered him. Text of runaway ad:
      "20 Dollars Reward. Ran away from the subscriber, residing in East Pennsborough township, Cumberland County, about 7 miles from Harrisburg and 8 from Carlisle, on the 20th inst. a Negro boy, named Jack Harris, aged 15 years, about 4 feet 5 or 6 inches high, very black, and flat featured...
      Matthew Irwin. June 26th, 1815."
      Date of Record June 26, 1815
      Source: The Oracle of Dauphin, and Harrisburgh Advertiser, July 1, 1815

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Harry Hill
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1816-September 01
      Description: Mulatto
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record 1816
      Source: Registrations of Children of Slaves

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