Slaveholders Listed on this Page
- Hains, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named male)
- Hambright, George (Enslaved persons listed: Jule, Sam, Flora)
- Hamilton, Charles (Enslaved persons listed: Phillis, Jack, Pegy)
- Hamilton, James (Enslaved persons listed: Aaron Jackson, Amos Michaels, Daniel)
- Hamilton, Jane (Enslaved persons listed: Nelly, Peter Bates)
- Hamilton, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Paddy)
- Hamilton, William (Enslaved persons listed: Esther, Un-named female, Adam, Ephraim)
- Hand, Edward (Enslaved persons listed: Sue, Bob, Bet, Un-named male, Frank)
- Hare, Abraham, Jr. (Enslaved persons listed: John Turner)
- Harrow, Hegnas (Enslaved persons listed: Issabel, Jack)
- Hart, John (Enslaved persons listed: Esther)
- Hathorn, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Adam, Ann Dames, Rose)
- Hayes, Patrick (Enslaved persons listed: Deb, George)
- Hays, John (Enslaved persons listed: Joe Shirkey, Jack)
- Head, James (Enslaved persons listed: Sharp)
- Heck, Lewis (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah)
- Helm, Henry (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named young man)
- Henderson, Archibald (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female, Rebeckah, Dina, Richard, Nathaniel Smith, Mary Ann)
- Henderson, James (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female, Andrew Boyd)
- Henderson, John Barton (Enslaved persons listed: Charlotte, Robert Meredith, Eli Doaglass Meredith)
- Henderson, Matthew (Enslaved persons listed: Susana, Edward, Un-named female, Venus)
- Henderson, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named male)
- Henry, William--Salisbury Township (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named child)
- Henry, William--Lancaster Borough (Enslaved persons listed: Catharine)
- Herr, Daniel (Enslaved persons listed: Francis Demeno)
- Hess, George (Enslaved persons listed: Edward, Jon, Beck, Abraham Butter)
- Hinkle, George (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named woman)
- Hinkle, John, Sr. (Enslaved persons listed: George Patterson)
- Hoober, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: Jacob)
- Hood, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: John Bringous)
- Holmes, Abraham (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named man)
- Hoofnagle, Peter (Enslaved persons listed: Cripp, Jean, Nants)
- Hopkins, John (Enslaved persons listed: Peter, Jean, un-named teenaged boy)
- Hopkins, John, Esquire (Enslaved persons listed: Julia Myers, Joseph Myers)
- Houston, Daniel (Enslaved persons listed: Friday)
- Houston, John (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah, Caesar)
- Howard, Anne (Enslaved persons listed: Phillis)
- Hubley, Bernard (Enslaved persons listed: Nancy)
- Hubley, John (Enslaved persons listed: Juddy, Tom Al. Jeff, Hannah, Phillis, Frank, Charles, Rachel, Richard, Nelson)
- Hubley, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: William)
- Hudson, Morris (Enslaved persons listed: Dick)
- Hughes, Edward (Enslaved persons listed: Jack Farmer, Heney Cook, Sarah, Ester)
- Hughes, James (Enslaved persons listed: Billander)
- Humes, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: James Clinch)
- Irwin, Isaac (Enslaved persons listed: Dinah)
- Jacks, James, Esquire (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named child, Susannah, Susannah Sr., Anthony)
- Jackson, James (Enslaved persons listed: Joe)
- Jacobs, Cyrus (Enslaved persons listed: 2 Un-named males, Un-named female, Jacob Ray, Caesar, Emanuel, Chance, Frank, Dine, Jerry, Nancy Grey, John, Phillis, Harriett, Sally, Maria, Leah, Isaac, Fan, Susanna, Hester, Leah [born 1825])
- Jacobs, Richard S., at Spring Grove Forge (Enslaved persons:William Ritcheson, George Simmers)
- Jacobs, Samuel, Manager of Colebrook Furnace (Enslaved persons listed: Leah, Charle, Moses)
- James, William (Enslaved persons listed: Cuff, James, Dick)
- Jamison, David (Enslaved persons listed: Jack)
- Jamison, John (Enslaved persons listed: Doll)
- Jefferies, Emmor (Enslaved persons listed: George)
- Jefferies, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Charles Hunt, Charles)
- Jeffers, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: George Lee)
- Jenkins, David (Enslaved persons listed: Bosson, Lonnon, Bell, Jacob, George, Mary)
- Jenkins, John (Enslaved persons listed: Quash, Cooba)
- Jenkins, John, Sr. (Enslaved persons listed: Sam)
- Jenkins, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Jem)
- Jenkins, Phoebe (Enslaved persons listed: Charlotte Harriott)
- Jenkins, Rebekah (Enslaved persons listed: Cooba)
- Jenkins, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: James Whipper)
- Johnston, John (Enslaved persons listed: Esther, Phebe, Ben, Ruth, Un-named female child)
- Johnston, Mary (Enslaved persons listed: Fanny, Peter)
- Johnston, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Fanny)
- Jones, Jonathan (Enslaved persons listed: Nathaniel Nixon)
- Jones, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Cato, Mark, John Babtist)
- Jordan, John (Enslaved persons listed: Pompy, Elce)
- Kagey, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: Mary, Hannah)
- Kauffman, Isaac C. (Enslaved persons listed: Henry Johnston)
- Keimer, James (Enslaved persons listed: Jack (born 1743), Jeff, Jo, Venus, Jack (born 1773), Bill, Nell)
- Kendig, Widow (Enslaved persons listed: Dick)
- Kendrick, Francis (Enslaved persons listed: Lewis Rees)
- Kennedy, John (Enslaved persons listed: Bevis, Will, Betty, Rachel, Polly)
- Kerr, John (Enslaved persons listed: Polly James, John Jackson, Un-named man, David James, Bill, George Johnston, Un-named male)
- Keys, Richard (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named male, Un-named female, Hester)
- Kilbough, Frederick (Enslaved persons listed: Sebastian)
- King, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Mintua or Minta, Jonathan, Jack Piper, Ben)
- Kirk, John (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female, Isabella, Rose, Ben)
- Kirkpatrick, William (Enslaved persons listed: Jane, Hannah)
- Kittera, Hannah (Enslaved persons listed: Ester, Caleb)
- Kittera, John Wilkes (Enslaved persons listed: Frank)
- Kittera, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Jack)
- Knox, James--Drumore Township (Enslaved persons listed: Coffe, Rose)
- Knox, James--Leacock Township (Enslaved persons listed: Bob)
- Knudson, Morris (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah Cook, Punch Farmer, Quash, Phillis)
- Krug, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: Thomas)
- Krug, Valentin (Enslaved persons listed: 2 un-named slaves)
- Kuhn, John (Enslaved persons listed: Tom, Anna Maria)
- Kyser, Andrew (Enslaved persons listed: Kean)
- Laverty, Jesse (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah, Ellen)
- Lazarus, Samson (Enslaved persons listed: Sucky, Jack, Sidney, Hannah, Philip)
- Lee, William (Enslaved persons listed: Fane)
- Lefever, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Enslaved family)
- Lefevre, Daniel (Enslaved persons listed: Nancy Brown, Ageline Brown)
- Levy, Andrew (Enslaved persons listed: Sarah, Dinah, Sally, Rachel)
- Lightner, Adam (Enslaved persons listed: Anna Summers)
- Lightner, Joel (Enslaved persons listed: Sophia Mills, Esther Mills)
- Lightner, John, Jr. (Enslaved persons listed: Dinah, Napoleon Bonaparte, Jerome)
- Lightner, Leah (Enslaved persons listed: Miran Summers, Peter, Ellen, Rose, Ruth)
- Lightner, Nathaniel F. (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah, Alexander)
- Little, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Dina, Jack)
- Lockhan, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Mary, Priscilla)
- Lockhart, Josiah (Enslaved persons listed: Addy Dominikin, Molly, Clerah, Mary, Bill, Prissilla)
- Long, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Amos Harris)
- Long, Stephen (Enslaved persons listed: Samuel, Lucia)
- Loudon, John (Enslaved persons listed: Sil)
- Loughead, James (Enslaved persons listed: Jack)
- Low, Cornelius (Enslaved persons listed: Sarah)
- Lowry, Alexander (Enslaved persons listed: Ned, Phebe, Bill, Gin, Sanna, Andrew)
- Lurbat, John (Enslaved persons listed: Jacob)
- Lyon, Adam (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named slave)
- Lytle, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Rachel)
- Lytle, William (Enslaved persons listed: Rosana, Henry Hilton, Harriet Hilton)
About the Information in this List
Each listing represents a record of one Black enslaved person or indentured servant (more on terminology below). The list is sorted alphabetically according to the owner's surname. This order is useful for several reasons. It groups together enslaved persons who would have lived in the same household, farm or industry, and increases the likelihood of finding persons related to each other. Records of slave surnames are rare, many being identified only through their given name. You can search this listing for a specific slave given name by using your browser's Find feature.
Dates of birth for the slaves, unless specified in the original documents, have been calculated by subtracting their given age from the date of the record. Very often, their ages as reported in the original records are given as approximations (such as "about 25 years of age"), which is indicated by a lower case "a" following their age. The term Status refers to the slave's relative freedom. Unless specified otherwise, slaves served "for life" prior to Pennsylvania's Gradual Emancipation Act of 1780. Children born to slave mothers after the passage of that legislation were to serve until age 28, which was much of their productive lives.
The term Description refers to the main description of the slave as given in the original source (including misspellings). This is often a means by which slaves were put into certain categories according to race and relative age. Source numbers correspond to the accompanying list of sources used in compiling this record.
Terminology, and Other Notes
The terms "slave" and "servant" were often used interchangeably, especially in the earliest years of the time period covered in this study. After the Gradual Emancipation Act of 1780 was passed in Pennsylvania, the term "servant" frequently came to mean either someone in indentured servitude or someone employed by the head of the household. The passage from slave to servant was often indistinct for many Blacks, many of whom remained with their former owners after being legally emancipated. For simplicity I have used the term "slave" to represent these people whom I believe were truly in bondage, even though some records list them as "servants." This list does not include white indentured servants, who were an entirely different class of labor from Black slaves and Black "indentured servants."
The locations listed for the owners, especially City or Township are greatly mixed, and represent the location listed in the original record. As township boundaries shifted and new townships and counties were created, the original location may not align with modern boundaries.
Enslavement Data
- Slaveholder Name: Hains, Samuel
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Not given in record
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Slaveholder Name: Hambright, George
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Wagoner
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jule
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Mother of Sam, born in January, 1814, and Flora, born on or about May 14, 1817.
Date of Record: April 15, 1814
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
Sex: Male
Age: About three months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born some time in January last--1814"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: Text of 1814 Registration: "George Hambright of Lancaster Bor., returns a mulatto male child named Sam, who was born some time in January last--1814--, son of his negro woman Jule, his servant till she arrives at the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: April 15, 1814
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Flora
Sex: Female
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about May 14, 1817"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: Text of the 1817 Registration for Flora: "George Hambright of Lancaster Borough, wagoner, returns a negro female child named Flora who was born on or about May 14, 1817. Daughter of his negro woman Jule his servant till she arrives at the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: October 22, 1817
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Hamilton, Charles
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Merchant
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Woman"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
Date of Record: August 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life." On the last day of February, 1781, Jack ran away. Hamilton placed the following ad for his capture:
March 1, 1781.
Six Hundred Dollars Reward. RUN away yesterday morning, from the subscriber, living in Lancaster, a Negroe MAN named Jack, about 25 years of age, a short thick made fellow, with a broad face and sulky look, much addicted to strong drink; he had on, when he went away, an old blanket coat, faced with red shaloon, blue plush breeches, grey coating jacket, coloured worsted stockings, new shoes, with iron buckles, and round hat. Whoever secures said slave in any goal, so that his master may have him again, shall have FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS, if taken in the county, if out of the county, the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by
Date of Record: Registration: August 27, 1780; Advertisement: March 14, 1781
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"; The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 14, 1781
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pegy
Sex: Female
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulato Child"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
Date of Record: August 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Hamilton, James
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jackson, Aaron
Sex: Male
Age: ? "man"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: not determined (see notes)
Description: "Black man"
Notes: Source 110 gives the text of an indentured servitude agreement between this person and James Hamilton. It notes that the servant, Aaron Jackson, was "a slave made free by law again indenturing himself to an owner." No documentation to prove that Jackson was previously a slave is given. The text of the servitude agreement is as follows:
"Know all men by these presents, that I, Aaron Jackson, a black man, for various good considerations moving me hereunto, do promise and engage to serve James Hamilton of the township of Salisbury and County of Lancaster, as hired servant, the full term of five months from date hereof and the said James Hamilton, shall and will find and provide for the said Aaron sufficient drink, apparel, washing and lodging during said term, and at the expiration thereof give him two complete suits of apparel, one of them to be new.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal April 28, in the year of our Lord, 1807. his
Witness Present: WILLIAM BOYD, JOHN BOYD."
Date of Record: April 28, 1807
Source: Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Amos Michaels
Sex: Male
Age: Not given in record
Date of Birth: ? Pre-1795
Status: Not determined
Notes: Source number 110 records the sale of "the services of a slave called Amos Michaels." It notes that "Baron de Beelen Bertholff on November 17, 1795, for 9 pounds and 10 shillings, transferred [Michaels] to James Hamilton." Hamilton then "transferred him to John Bicking" on July 21, 1799, and Bicking, on September 04, 1800, "re-assigned him to James Hamilton." It gives the source of this information as "Hist. Of Gazzam and de Beelen Families, p. 67."
Date of Record: November 17, 1795
Source: Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Daniel
Sex: Male
Age: "about eleven years old"
Date of Birth: circa 1766
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: This person is mention in source 110 as part of an "early slave contract in Lancaster county." It gives the text of the contract as such:
"Know all men by these presents that I, Jarvis Bloomfield of Woodbridge, do bargain, sell and make over all my right, title, and interest in a Negro boy named Daniel about eleven years old, which was my father's property left with me, disposed of at forty pounds, York money, do by these presents, bargain, sell and make over, all my right, title and interest in the above mentioned boy to James Hamilton, in consideration of the above sum of Forty pounds York money, which boy I do hereby warrant and defend as my property against my father and all others. And do hereby acknowledge full satisfaction for the above boy.
As witness my hand this 4th day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven.
Witness Present: SAMUEL STONE."
Date of Record: April 04, 1777
Source: Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery"
- Slaveholder Name: Hamilton, Jane
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nelly
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Mother of Peter Bates, born November 07, 1814. (see below)
Date of Record: April 20, 1815
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Peter Bates
Sex: Male
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: November 07, 1814
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: Text of 1815 Registration: "Jane Hamilton of Donegal Township, returns a mulatto male child named Peter Bates, son of her negro woman Nelly, her servant till she arrives at the age of 28 years, said child was born November 7, 1814."
Date of Record: April 20, 1815
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Hamilton, Robert
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Brother to William Hamilton, below.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Paddy
Sex: Male
Age: About six months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: October 01, 1803
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1804 Registration notes "son of negro Sal."
Date of Record: March 30, 1804
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Hamilton, William
City or Township: Leacock Township (Source 102)
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer (Source 102)
Notes: Brother to Robert Hamilton, above.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Esther
Sex: Female
Age: 14a
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Sex: Female
Age: 14a
Date of Birth: 1789 (calculated)
Status: Escaped from Hamilton in December 1803.
Description: "mulatto girl"
Notes: Text of escape ad: "RAN-AWAY, SOME days ago a mulatto girl, about 14 years of age, small stature, very black strait hair. Her dress is not recollected. Whoever brings her to the subscriber shall receive one cent reward. WILLIAM HAMILTON."
Date of Record: December 20, 1803
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: Adam
Sex: Male
Age: "about 36 years old"
Date of Birth: circa 1769
Status: Escaped from Hamilton in September 1804.
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Adam escaped from Hamilton mulitiple times, the latest being in September 1804 along with the much younger Ephraim. Hamilton advertised for their September 1804 escape in June 1805 with the following ad:
200 Dollars Reward
FOR taking up and securing in goal, the following negroes who ran-away in the latter part of September last, viz.
ADAM, about 36 years old, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, small legs and thighs, but very stout about the breast and arms, has large hands, and his skin is between a yellow and a black colour: and, for his former villainy has been branded on the right cheek with an R; but the R is much grown together, yet there is a large scar still be be seen, and shews the R, if well observed; he generally wears his beard very long in order to hide the scar; is very artful: and can read very well -- he has several marks of the switch on his back, and a very bold, staring look, when questioned or spoken to -- he can do very good carpetner's or cooper's work.
EPHRAIM, a lad of about 17 or 18 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, well grown for his age, large feet and hands, his skin is very black, and never had the mark of a switch on him before he run off, has a down look when questioned or spoken to; he was raised under the above Adam, and it is tho't they will not part, unless obliged to do it. Their cloathing I don't think worth while to mention, as I suppose they can easily change them, as they can also their names. I have heard that Ephraim has passed by the name of Billy. Whoever takes the said negroes and confines them as above, so that I get them, shall receive the above reward, or 100 dollars for either of them, paid by
Wm. HAMILTON. June 14.
Adam has been horribly physically abused by his enslaver, suffering branding on the cheek with an "R" for "runaway." In addition, his back bears scars from whippings. Hamilton deems it important to note that this man returns a "very bold, staring look, when questioneed or spoken to," indicating an unbroken spirit.
Date of Record: June 14, 1805.
Source: Lancaster Intelligencer and Journal, 21 June 1805.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ephraim, a.k.a. Billy
Sex: Male
Age: "a lad of about 17 or 18 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1787 or 1788
Status: Escaped from Hamilton in September 1804.
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Ephraim escaped from Hamilton in September 1804 along with Adam, listed above. Hamilton advertised for their September 1804 escape in June 1805 with a highly descriptive advertisement. The portion dealing with Ephraim is below. For the full text of ad, see Adam, above:
EPHRAIM, a lad of about 17 or 18 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, well grown for his age, large feet and hands, his skin is very black, and never had the mark of a switch on him before he run off, has a down look when questioned or spoken to; he was raised under the above Adam, and it is tho't they will not part, unless obliged to do it. Their cloathing I don't think worth while to mention, as I suppose they can easily change them, as they can also their names. I have heard that Ephraim has passed by the name of Billy.
Date of Record: June 14, 1805.
Source: Lancaster Intelligencer and Journal, 21 June 1805.
- Slaveholder Name: Hand, Edward, General
City or Township: Lancaster Borough; Lampeter Township; Rock Ford Mansion
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Doctor, surgeon, Brigadier General
Notes: Lived 1744-1802. Edward Hand studied medicine at Trinity College, Dublin and enlisted as a surgeon's mate with the 18th Royal Regiment of Foot, shipping to Fort Pitt with his regiment. He began his medical practice in Lancaster in 1774, and married Katherine Ewing, niece of Jasper Yeates. Hand enlisted with American forces and commanded troops in the northern theater. His distinguished service led to an appointment as Adjutant General to George Washington in 1781. Hand entered politics in Lancaster after the war and served in Congress. He moved to the Rock Ford Estate in 1794. In his 1780 Slave Registrations, Hand listed his residence as Lancaster Borough, and his occupation as "Brigadier General."
Source: "Edward Hand," Historic Rock Ford, Rock Ford Foundation,
The Historic Rock Ford website linked above has en excellent collection of data and documentation on the people enslaved by General Hand.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sue
Sex: Female
Age: "about thirty years of age," or "twenty-five or twenty-six years of age"
Date of Birth: between 1749 and 1754, in Long Island, New York
Status: Slave for life; escaped and recaptured
Description: "Negro woman," "Mulatto wench"
Notes: Purchased by Hand in New York circa July 1776 for £43 and sent to Lancaster. Escaped from Hand on 16 June 1779. Hand placed the following ad to recover her:
One Hundred Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on the 16th day of June last, a Negro Woman named SUE; she is about thirty years of age, about five feet two or three inches high, is big with child; she is more darkly coloured than a Mulatto, though not so black as Negroes are in general. She wears high caps, and was dressed in a blue and white short gown and petticoat. It is suspected she went to camp with a white woman commonly called Captain Molly, who has a husband in the 4th regiment of Light Dragoons. Whoever apprehends the said Negro woman and secures her so that the owner may have her again, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges, paid by
The above ad was published in early July, less than one month after Sue's escape. Hand, as a Brigadier General in the Continental Army, was in the field when he placed the first ad. In August Hand had not yet found Sue, and placed a follow-up ad. This ad includes some additional details about her personality, changes her description from "Negro" to "Mulatto," changes her age from about 30 to about 23 or 24, and notes that she and "Captain Molly" are likely headed to join the Continental Army as camp followers, or possibly that Sue will head to Long Island:
One Hundred Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in Lancaster, a Mulatto wench named SUE, about five feet six inches high, and twenty-five or twenty-six years of age, big with child; had on when she went away, a blue and white stamped linen short gown and petticoat. She is a very talkative likely hussey, and very fond of dress, which 'tis probable she may change as she took with her a great variety. It is supposed she is gone towards camp with a white woman commonly called Capt. Molly, or may endeavor to get to Long-Island, as she came from thence. Whoever takes up said wench and secures her in some proper place so that her master may get her again, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges, paid by
Hand did eventually regain possession of Sue, who it appears had gone toward Philadelphia. She had been captured and placed in the Work House, still very pregnant. Hand intended to sell her upon her capture, but a friend of the family working on their behalf in Philadelphia, Edward Burd, hesitated because, in early December, she went into labor in the Work House. A midwife was called but determined that her child was not alive. Sue endured a difficult labor to deliver the stillborn child and there was some worry that she would not recover. She did, however, and Hand directed that she be sent back to Lancaster in the early months of 1780.
Edward Hand registered her, per Pennsylvania's new Gradual Abolition Act, with the clerk in Lancaster along with his other enslaved persons on October 25, 1780. In the registration, Hand described her as a "Negro Woman," and a "slave during life," estimating her age as about 30 years old. A complete account of Sue's enslavement, escape, confinement and childbirth experiences in the Philadelphia Work House may be found at the Historic Rock Ford website:
Date of Record: 15 July, 21 September 1779; 25 October 1780.
Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 10, 15 July, 21 August, 09, 21 September 1779; "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"; "Sue or Susan," Historic Rock Ford, Rock Ford Foundation,
- Enslaved Person's Name: Robert or Bob
Sex: Male
Age: 14a
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Purchased by Hand in Long Island, New York, June 1776. 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Sources: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"; "Bob," Historic Rock Ford, Rock Ford Foundation,
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bet
Sex: Female
Age: 12a
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census. This could be "Frank," who ran away in April, 1802, or "Bob," who was born about 1766.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
Sex: Male
Age: 30a
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "negro man"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
Thiry Dollars Reward. RAN away from the subscriber, living in Lampeter township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, on the night of Sunday the twenty-eighth inst. Frank, a negro man, a native of Lancaster county, (Penn.) about thirty years of age, and about five feet eight inches high, stout made but not corpulent, perfectly black, has a pleasing countenance, his speech is mild and his voice rather effeminate when sober, but he is very noisy & impertinent when in liquor; he was bred to the farming business, and drives a waggon or carriage well--he had on or carried away with him a green broad-cloth coat, a dark brown coat patched on the sleeves, a pair of buckskin breeches almost new a pair ditto dirty and much worn, a double-breasted striped swans-down vest, two fine and two coarse shirts, some pairs sheeps-gray yarn stockings, a silk neck handkerchief, coarse leather shoes tied with strings, a round beaver hat somewhat worn, and other articles not recollected--It is supposed that he carried with him the bottom part of a twilled tow-yarn sack to use as a wallet or knapsack. Whoever apprehands the said negro man and lodges him in any goal in the United States, so that his master may get him again, shall receive the above reward and reasonable charges if brought home. EDWARD HAND.
March 31, 1802.
N.B. I am well informed that Frank is possessed of a sealed certificate which belongs to a free negro man called Prince, or Prince Wheel, now dead, and that he intends passing by that name--I also learn that he has changed most if not all his cloathing, and that he had on a light coloured pair of pantaloons when he went off.
Researchers at Historic Rock Ford have found no evidence that Frank was ever recovered by the Hand family.
Date of Record: April 03, 1802
Sources: Lancaster Intelligencer, 03 April 1802; "Frank," Historic Rock Ford, Rock Ford Foundation,
- Slaveholder Name: Hare, Abraham, Jr.
City or Township: Manor Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: John Turner
Sex: Male
Age: "about 18 years of age"
Date of Birth: 1802 (calculated)
Status: Slave for a term of years
Notes: Turner ran away from Hare in December 1819. Hare placed the following advertisement to recover him:
Thirty Dollars REWARD.
Ran away on Monday morning the 20th ult. from the subscriber, living in Manor township, Lancaster county, a Negro man named John Turner, about 18 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, and stout built. Had on an old fur hat, half worn, coatee of white striped domestic cotton, the colors of which have become feint by washing, tow trowsers, black stockings and torn shoes. Whoever will apprehend said runaway and deliver him in the Lancaster county jail, shall receive the above reward, or a proportionate reward for any information so that his master may get him again.
ABRAHAM HARE, jr. January 14
In February 1820, Hare had not yet recoverd Turner so he republished his advertisement above with the following addition: "The Editor of the New-York Evening Post is requested to publish the above advertisement three times and send the account to this office for payment." (Lancaster Journal, 25 February 1820)
Date of Record: 14 January 1820, 18 February 1820.
Source: Lancaster Journal, 21 January 1820, 25 February 1820.
- Slaveholder Name: Harrow, Hegnas
City or Township: Drumore Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Issabel
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro man
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Hart, John
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Esther
Sex: Female
Age: 08
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specified status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Hathorn, Samuel
City or Township: Strasburg Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Surname is spelled "Hawthorn" in an 1817 slave registration.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Adam
Sex: Male
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about August 4 1800"
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1801 Registration notes "son of Dinah."
Date of Record: January 31, 1801
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dames, Ann
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negress"
Notes: Mother of Rose, born September 30, 1816."
Date of Record: February 17, 1817
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
Sex: Female
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: September 30, 1816
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Mulatto female child"
Notes: Text of 1817 Regitration: "Samuel Hawthorn of Strasburg Township, farmer, returns a mulatto female child named Rose, daughter of negress Ann Dames, his servant till she arrives at the age of 28 years. Said child was born September 30, 1816."
Date of Record: February 17, 1817
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Hayes, Patrick
City or Township: Rapho Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Deb
Sex: Female
Age: Twelve days old at Registration
Date of Birth: May 05, 1796
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1796 Registration notes "daughter of negro Adda," a female slave.
Date of Record: May 17, 1796
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: Nine days old at Registration
Date of Birth: September 20, 1797
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1797 Registration notes "son of negro Adda," a female slave.
Date of Record: September 29, 1797
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Hays, John
City or Township: Rapho Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joe Shirkey
Sex: Male
Age: "about 20 years of age" (From escape ad, 1807)
Date of Birth: 1787--August 10 (From Registration document)
Status: Runaway
Description: "Mulatto Lad"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from the subscriber, living in Rapho township, Lancaster county, on the 5th of March last, a Mulatto Lad, named JOE SHIRKEY, about 20 years of age, about 6 feet high, a stout, well-made fellow, with a good countenance. Had on when he went away, a brown round-about, a pair of buckskin trowsers, good shoes and stockings, and an old castor hat. It is probable he may have changed his clothing.
Whoever takes up and secures said run-away in any jail, so that I get him again, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges. JOHN HAYS.
May 15, 1807.
Hays registered Joe, described as a "Mulatto male child," on March 04, 1789 at Lancaster. In the return he identified Joe's mother as Zillah. In 1795, Hays registered Jack, a "son of negro Zilla." Only one slave has been identified with that name, a female born in 1767 and registered by Hannah Scott, also of Rapho Township, making a strong possibility that Scott's slave is the mother of Joe Shirkey and Jack.
Date of Record: May 15, 1807
Source: Lancaster Journal | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: infant at registration
Date of Birth: "Born on or about April 29, 1795."
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1795 Registration notes "son of negro Zilla," a female slave. (See the Slave Notes for Joe Shirkey, above, regarding Zilla.
Date of Record: May 09, 1795
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Head, James
City or Township: Sadsbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sharp
Sex: Male
Age: 11a
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 30, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Heck, Lewis
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Silversmith
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 15a
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 10, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Helm, Henry
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Notes: The age of the slave advertised for sale below nearly matches that of the slave named October, who ran away from Christopher Reigert in September 1764 in the company of Reigert's slave Jack. Henry Helm, in conjunction with Reigert, offered reward money for the return of the runaways.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
Sex: Male
Age: "about 19 or 20 Years of Age"
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: Offered for sale in April 1765. Text of advertisement:
TO be SOLD by the Subscriber, living in the Borough of Lancaster, a certain Half Acre Lot of Ground, clear of Groundrent, for ever, situate between Adam Town and Mouser Town, fronting Church street on one End, and German street on the other, under very good Fence, very rich, and now under fine Clover, which is mowed three times a Year, and is also large enough to be divided in three Parts, each having sufficient Room for a House and large Garden, and may be said to be in the Center of the Town, as there is a long Street of Houses on each Side of it, and Houses all round it. Also Half a Lot, situate quite in the Heart of the Borough, subject to Three Shillings and Sixpence Sterling per Annum, likewise well fenced, and in very good Clover, situate on Vine street, very near the Market house.
Likewise to be sold, a very likely young Negroe Man, about 19 or 20 Years of Age, has been in the Country 7 Years, has had the Small pox and Measles, and used to farming, can plow, reap, mow, and drive a Team, and has waited some time in a publick House. Any Person inclining to purchase either of the above particulars, may apply to the Subscriber, in said Borough, HENRY HELM.
Date of Record: April 25, 1765
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 25, 1765
- Slaveholder Name: Henderson, Archibald
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: The 1789 Registration for Richard lists the slaveholder as Archibald Henderson Junior.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not provided in census document
Sex: Female
Age: 50
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rebeckah
Sex: Female
Age: 18a
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro slave"
Date of Record: October 26, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dina
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration
Date of Birth: 1788-October 25
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto Female Child"
Notes: Mother of Nathaniel Smith, born "on or about the first week in May 1810," and also mother of Mary Ann, born October 10, 1815.
Date of Record: April 06, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Richard
Sex: Male
Age: 04
Date of Birth: 1784-January
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: Male Negro child
Date of Record: March 21, 1789
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nathaniel Smith
Sex: Male
Age:About four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about the first week in May 1810"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Male Negro child"
Notes: 1810 Registration notes "Archibald Henderson of Salisbury Twp., farmer, returns a male negro child named Nathaniel Smith, son of servant woman Dinah, liable to serve until she arrives at the age of 28 years. Said child was born on or about the first week in May 1810, and liable to serve to the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: September 18, 1810
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mary Ann
Sex: Female
Age: Two months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: October 10, 1815
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: Text of 1815 Registration: "Archibald Henderson of Salisbury Township, farmer, returns a mulatto or negro female child named Mary Ann, daughter of his mulatto servant woman named Dinah, liable to serve till she arrives at the age of 28 years, said child was born October 10, 1815."
Date of Record: December 11, 1815
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Henderson, James
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Shopkeeper
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not provided in census document
Sex: Female
Age: 47
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Andrew Boyd
Sex: Male
Age: 03
Date of Birth: 1785-December 18
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: Negro male child
Notes: 1789 Registration notes "Son of negro James Boyd and Elizabeth, slaves." This is one of the few registrations to identify the father's name.
Date of Record: March 02, 1789
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Henderson, John Barton
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charlotte
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Mother of Robert Meredith and Eli Doaglass Meredith.
Date of Record: January 14, 1814
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Meredith, Robert
Sex: Male
Age: About six months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: July 24, 1813
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: Text of Robert's 1814 Registration reads: "John Barton Henderson of Leacock Township, farmer, returns to the clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions to be entered of Record, a negro male child named Robert Meredith, was born July 24, 1813; son of his negro woman Charlotte, his servant till she arrives at the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: January 14, 1814
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Meredith, Eli Doaglass
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: April 23, 1816
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: Text of Robert's 1814 Registration reads: "John B. Henderson of Leacock Township, farmer, returns a negro male child named Eli Doaglass Meredith, son of negress Charlotte his servant till she arrives at the age of 28 years, said child was born April 23, 1816."
Date of Record: August 30, 1816
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Henderson, Matthew
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Susana
Sex: Female
Age: 15a
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro woman
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Edward
Sex: Male
Age: 07a
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Mulatto boy
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census. This could be "Venus," an 18 month-old "Negro child" registered byHe nderson at Lancaster on October 27, 1780. (Source 102)
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Venus
Sex: Female
Age: About eighteen months old
Date of Birth: 1779- April (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro child
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Henderson, Thomas
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Slaveholder Name: Henry, William
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Undetermined
Age: -
Date of Birth: 1789-March 23
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: Negro Child
Notes: Name and gender are not reported in the registration. The County Clerk's records do not make note of name or gender either.
Date of Record: March 27, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Slaveholder Name: Henry, William
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Esquire
- Enslaved Person's Name: Catharine
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: "a servant until the age of 31 years."
Description: "Mulatto Girl"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies that this person is "a servant until the age of 31 years."
Date of Record: September 15, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Herr, Daniel
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Francis Demeno
Sex: Male
Age: ? "man"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negroe servant man"
Notes: Text of runaway ad: "TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN-AWAY from the subscriber, living in the borough of Lancaster, a negroe servant man, named FRANCIS DEMENO, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, has a scar on his right cheek, down look, is much addicted to liquor. Had on when he went away, a red roundabout, lindsey trowsers, an old hat; he had no shoes when he went off. Whoever apprehends said negroe, and secures him in any jail so that his master may have information of him, shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable charges if brought home. DANIEL HERR.
May 6, 1808."
Date of Record: May 06, 1808
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Hess, George
City or Township: Martick Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Edward
Sex: Male
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 31
Description: "Negro"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies length of bondage: "to serve untill he is 31 years of age."
Date of Record: October 17, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jon
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 17, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Beck
Sex: Female
Age: 14
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro wench"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 17, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Abraham Butter
Sex: Male
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave for life. Emancipated in 1788 by legal effort of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society.
Notes: Abraham Butter was sold at least seven times during his life. His original owner sold him to an owner in New England. That person in turn sold him to Joseph Mitchell in Warm Springs, Virginia. The rest of Butter's experiences are related in the book Freedom By Degrees:
"Mitchell sold Butter to Robert Ellison, a mariner, who, upon going to sea, passed him along to James Crawford at Christiana Bridge, Delaware. His fourth owner sold him to George Hess, a miller in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who promptly deeded him to his brother, who sold him to John Whitmore, an innkeeper near Philadelphia. When Butter was marketed a seventh time, in 1784, to John Keen, an innkeeper in Philadelphia, his luck turned because he was now in a position to seek the aid of the PAS. Suspecting that he had never been registered after the 1780 law passed, the Society challenged Keen, who returned the slave to the previous owner who in turn tried to pass him back along the line of former masters. With the Society's support, Butter regained his freedom."
Date of Record:
Source: Gary B. Nash and Jean R. Soderlund, Freedom By Degrees: Emancipation in Pennsylvania and its Aftermath (New York, 1991), p. 122.
- Slaveholder Name: Hinkle, George
City or Township: Hinkletown, Earl Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
Sex: Male
Age: "26 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1751
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Woman"
Notes: Offered for sale in 1776. Text of advertisement: TO BE SOLD, A NEGROE WOMAN, 26 years of age; she can do all sorts of out door work, and can spin and knit, and is very handy in kitchen work. For further particulars and conditions, enquire of GEORGE HINKLE, in Hinkle town, Earl township, Lancaster county.
Date of Record: October 16, 1776
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, October 16, 1776
- Slaveholder Name: Hinkle, John, Sr.
City or Township: West Hempfield Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: George Patterson
Sex: Male
Age: "aged about 18 years"
Date of Birth: circa 1808
Status: Indentured servant; escaped
Description: "Mulatto boy"
Notes: Patterson escaped from Hinkle on August 27, 1826. Hinkle placed the following escape notice to try to recover him:
Six Cents Reward.
RANAWAY from the subscriber, living in West Hempfield township, on the morning of the 27th ult. an indebted mulatto boy, named GEORGE PATTERSON, aged about 18 years. The above reward but no charges will be paid to any person who will bring back said apprentice. All persons are forbid harbouring said servant at their peril.
Date of Record: 11 August 1826
Source: The Lancaster Intelligencer, 11 August 1826.
- Slaveholder Name: Holmes, Abraham
City or Township: Donegal Township, "living at the sign of the Bear"
County: Lancaster
Notes: Holmes is identified as the owner of an African American escaped slave, jailed in Lancaster.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
Sex: Male
Age: Age not given
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Captured Runaway
Description: "Negroe"
Notes: Text of runaway ad placed by jailer George Eberly: Lancaster Goal, December 14, 1768. . .On the 16th of November, was committed to said goal, a Negroe fellow, who says he belongs to William Campbell, in Conegocheague; and also another Negroe, who says he belongs to Abraham Holmes, in Lancaster county; their masters are desired to come, pay the charges, and take them away, or they will be sold out for their fees, by
Date of Record: December 22, 1768
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, December 22, 1768
- Slaveholder Name: Hoober, Jacob
City or Township: Strasburg
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
Sex: Male
Age: "about 23 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1776
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negro;" "middling black"
Notes: Text of runaway ad: Forty Dollars Reward. RANAWAY on the 13th instant, from the subscriber living in the Village of Strasburg, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, a Negro servant named JACOB, but it is likely may change his name. He was bought from James M'Coy in Cecil county, Maryland, about a year ago and has to serve six years. He is aobut 5 feet 8 inches high about 23 years of age, middling black, long visage & thick lips, turns up the side of his head when spoken to, has large wrinkles on the side of his mouth when laughing, walks strait and smart, is middling handy at housework, can play the fiddle, is proud and dressy. He had on and took with him, a buff-coulored jacket and breeches, half worn, ditto of nankeen, a pair of purple nankeen overalls, striped Muslin jacket, round-about nankeen coat doublebreasted, with slip pockets on the outside the skirts of it pieced; two hats--an half worn black rorum--and a brown wool, partly new; one pair shoes, 3 pairs of stockings, one pair of white cotton--one of striped cotton, and the other of striped worsted. Whoever takes up said Runaway and secures him in Jail so that his master may get him again shall receive the above reward and all charges if brought home. JACOB HOOBER.
July 20.
Date of Record: 20 July 1799
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Hood, Thomas
City or Township: Bart Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: John Bringous
Sex: Male
Age: "between 20 and 21 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1805 or 1806
Status: Runaway
Description: "Mulatto Boy"
Notes: Text of runaway ad: Six Cents Reward.
RANAWAY from the subscriber, on first day, the 15th inst. a Mulatto Boy named JOHN BRINGOUS, an indented servant. He is between 20 and 21 years of age -- he had on when he ranaway, a brown cloth coat and pantaloons of the same colour, and a swansdown waistcoat. The above reward will be given, but no charges paid if brought home.
Bart township, Lancaster County, 10th mo 21st.
Date of Record: 21 October 1826
Source: The Lancaster Intelligencer, 27 October 1826.
- Slaveholder Name: Hoofnagle, Peter
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Attorney at Law
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cripp
Sex: Male
Age: 21a ("or thereabouts")
Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: September 21, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jean
Sex: Female
Age: 11a ("or thereabouts")
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: September 21, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nants
Sex: Female
Age: "about thirty years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1749
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Wench"
Notes: Recently purchased by Hoofnagle in Cambridge, Talbot County, Maryland. Slave for life; escaped from Hoofnagle on March 14, 1779. Hoofnagle placed the below ad to recover her:
Lancaster, March 29.
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in the borough of Lancaster, in the county of Lancaster, on Sunday the fourteenth day of March instant, a likely Negro Wench named NANTS, about thirty years of age, and about five feet high, has the mark of a cut in her under lip, and was lately bought at Cambridge, in Talbot County, Maryland: Had on when she went away, a blue and white striped lincey petticoat and jacket, and an old beaver hat: She was taken up next morning about six miles from Lancaster, on the great road leading from thence to Reading, by William Davis and Samuel Davis, who kept her a night and a day and a half, but did not inform the owner thereof.
Whoever takes up said Negro Wench and secures her, so that her master may have her again, or if brought home to him, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges, paid by
As she was not registered by Hoofnagle in 1780 as required by law, it is possible he never recovered her.
Date of Record: 8 May 1779
Source: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 8 May 1779.
- Slaveholder Name: Hopkins, John
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Innkeeper
Notes: See also John Hopkins, Esquire, of Strasburg Township.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jean
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given in ad
Sex: Male
Age: "17 or 18 Years old"
Date of Birth: circa 1743 or 1744
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: Offered for sale: "To be SOLD, A LIKELY Negroe Man, 17 or 18 Years old, has been used to Plantation Work, and has had the Small-pox, and drinks no Spirits of any kind. Enquire of John Hopkins, at Pequea, at the Sign of the White Horse."
Date of Record: 12 November 1761
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 12 November 1761.
- Slaveholder Name: Hopkins, John, Esquire
City or Township: Strasburg Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: See also, John Hopkins of Salisbury Township.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Myers, Julia
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years.
Description: "Servant"
Notes: Mother of Joseph Myers, born May 27, 1814.
Date of Record: November 21, 1814
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Myers, Joseph
Sex: Male
Age: About six months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: May 27, 1814
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years.
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Text of 1814 Registration: "John Hopkins of Strasburg Township, Esquire, returns negro Joseph Myers, born May 27, 1814, as his servant to the age of 28 years, being the child of Julia Myers, who is his servant to the age of 28 years, and was so at the birth of the said negro Joseph."
Date of Record: November 27, 1814
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Houston, Daniel
City or Township: Strasburg Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Friday
Sex: Male
Age: 50a
Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 21, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Houston, John
City or Township: Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Physician
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 07, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Caesar
Sex: Male
Age: 17 months old
Date of Birth: 1778- May (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 07, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Howard, Anne
City or Township: Mount Joy Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Widow
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 12, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Hubley, Bernard
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nancy
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: September 19, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Hubley, John
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Clerk of the Peace
Notes: Hubley recorded the slave registrations for Lancaster County. He also listed his occupation as attorney at law and Prothonotary.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Juddy
Sex: Female
Age: about 20 (at 1780 Registration)
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: From the 1789 Registration of Juddy's daughter Hannah: "said Mother Juddy was duly entered and Registered by me at Lancaster on the 9th day of October 1780 as a Slave." This is verified in source number 102, which also notes she is a "slave for life."
Mother of Phillis, Hannah and Frank.
Date of Record: February 26, 1789
Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom alias Jeff
Sex: Male
Age: "about 17 or 18 years of age" (from runaway ad)
Date of Birth: circa 1762 or 1763; Born on Long Island.
Status: Slave for life; Self-emancipated in September 1780.
Description: "Negro boy" (registration); "Negroe Lad" (escape ad)
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Tom escaped from Hubley, along with fellow enslaved man Cato, on September 12, 1780, nearly a month prior to his October registration. Hubley and William Parr, the enslaver of the other escapee, Cato, advertised for their return as late as October 14, 1780. So Hubley's registration of Tom occurred while the enslaved man was still at large. Below is the ad placed by Hubley and Parr:
One Thousand Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY on Saturday the 12th September inst. a Negroe Lad named TOM, about 17 or 18 years of age, of a yellow complexion, rough hair, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, straight limbs and well made; had on and took with him, a light blue hunting shirt and trowsers, a blue broadcloth coat turned up with red baize and silver washed buttons, a white broadcloth waistcoat, a pair of leather breeches and some other cloaths:
And also a Negroe Man named CATO, about 23 or 24 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, straight and well made, walks upright and is a full black, took with him a light brown and a dark brown coatee, dark brown jacket and breeches and some other cloaths.
They went off together, and are both acquainted in the Jerseys, and will possibly take that way to get within the British lines; the Lad as he says, was born on Long Island. Whoever takes up and secures the said Negroes, or brings them to the owners, living in Lancaster borough, Pennsylvania, shall receive the above Reward, or FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for either of them, with reasonable expences.
Note that both Tom and Cato were both familiar with New Jersey, indicating former enslavement in that region, and that they were attempting to get to territory controlled by British troops. If that was their goal, they may have been motivated by British General Sir Henry Clinton's Philipsburg Proclamation, issued in late June 1779. Similar to Lord Dunmore's 1775 proclamation promising freedom to any Virginia slaves that escaped and enlised with British forces, Clinton's proclamation promised freedom and protection to any enslaved persons who escaped from Patriot slaveholders.
Date of Record: October 09, 1780 (Registration); 19 September 1780 (escape ad), which ran through October 14, 1780.
Sources: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"; Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia), 19 September 1780.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 01
Date of Birth: 1787-June 12a
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: Mulatto Female Child
Notes: 1789 Registration notes: "the Daughter of Negro Juddy, a Female Slave; said Mother Juddy was duly entered and Registered by me at Lancaster on the 9th day of October 1780 as a Slave."
Mother of Charles, born September 12, 1805, Richard, born January 14, 1811, and Nelson, born November 07, 1813.
Date of Record: February 26, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: -
Date of Birth: "born on or about June 3 1790"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description:"Negro Female Child"
Notes: 1790 Registration lists Phillis' mother as Juddy, slave of John Hubley.
Date of Record: September 22, 1790
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
Sex: Male
Age: Three months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about February 15 1799"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1799 Registration notes "son of negro Juddy."
Date of Record: May 31, 1799
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
Sex: Male
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: September 12, 1805
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1806 Registration notes "son of Hanna, an indentured servant bound to serve until she attains to the age of 28 years." This makes the enslavement of her son Charles illegal, according to the intent of the Gradual Abolition Act.
Date of Record: February 25, 1806
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: January 12, 1809
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female mulatto child"
Notes: Text of 1809 Registration: "John Hubley Esquire of Lancaster Bor., Attorney at Law, returns that his mulatto servant wench who is duly registered at Lancaster, was on the 12th day of January last past, delivered of a female mulatto child which she named Rachel, that the said child was on the 16th day of June instant of the age of 5 months and 5 days and liable to serve until the age of 28 years." The mother is most likely Hannah, who had already given birth to a son, Charles, in 1805.
Date of Record: June 21, 1809
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Richard
Sex: Male
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: January 14, 1811
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: Text of 1811 Registration: "John Hubley, Esq., of Lancaster Bor., attorney-at-law, returns a mulatto male child, named Richard, son of Mulatto wench Hannah. Born January 14, 1811, and liable to serve until the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: June 17, 1811
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nelson
Sex: Male
Age: "4 months and 25 days old"
Date of Birth: November 07, 1813
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Male mulatto child"
Notes: Text of 1814 Registration reads: "John Hubley Esq., of Lancaster Bor., Attorney at Law returns that his negro wench Hannah--who is duly registered--was on the 7th day of November last past, delivered of a male mulatto child, which she named Nelson. That the said mulatto boy is now 4 months and 25 days old and will be liable to serve till he attains the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: March 31, 1814
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Hubley, Joseph
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Attorney at Law
- Enslaved Person's Name: William
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at time of Registration
Date of Birth: 1791-May 20
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Male Child"
Notes: 1791 Registration notes "Son of Poll Footman, a Female Slave" who was registered by the "late William Parr, Esquire, deceased (her former Master) at Lancaster as a Slave."
Date of Record: September 26, 1791
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Hudson, Morris
City or Township: Carnarvan Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
Sex: Male
Age: 02
Date of Birth: 1786-October
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Male Child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes "son of Hannah, a female slave."
Date of Record: September 26, 1791
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Hughes, Edward
City or Township: Carnarvan Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: 1780 Slave Registrations included the phrase "enters as possessor."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: Age not given, but described as a "man."
Date of Birth:
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: Ran away in 1774. Text of ad placed by Hughes for Jack's capture:
FIVE POUNDS Reward. RUN away from the subscriber, living in Carnarvon township, Lancaster county, a NEGROE MAN, named JACK, is about 5 feet high; had on, when he went away, a blanket coat, swanskin jacket, buckskin breeches, new shoes and stockings, and may change his cloths, as he took his other clothes with him; he is very handy, and understands driving a team well, and may probable endeavour to pass for a free Negroe; all masters of vessels are desired not to take him on board.
April 18, 1774. EDWARD HUGHES.
Hughes ran the same ad in at least two issues of the newspaper, about two months apart. This could be the same person as Jack Farmer, registered by Hughes at Lancaster in October 1780 (see below).
Date of Record: April 27, June 15, 1774
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 27, June 15, 1774
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack Farmer
Sex: Male
Age: 50
Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Black"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Heney Cook
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 1756 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sarah
Sex: Female
Age: 04
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro child
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ester
Sex: Female
Age: 01
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro child
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Hughes, James
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Billander
Sex: Female
Age: 11a
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro girl
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Humes, Samuel
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Tanner
Notes: Biographical sketch of Samuel Humes (from Melvern Evans):
"Samuel Humes was born in 1753. He was a tanner. His residence was on Donegal Street, more familiarly known as North Queen Street. He served as assistant burgess of Lancaster borough 1799, 1803, and 1804. Humes was treasurer of the Sun Fire Company in 1798. Later he was a school director. In the First Presbyterian Church he was an elder and trustee. Humes married Mary Hamilton, and they reared eleven children. Humes saw military service in Captain James Mercer"s Leacock Company, and in the 6th Company, 8th Battalion under Captain John Miller. He was a Mason in Lodge #43. He died August 23, 1836."
Sources: Melvern R. Evans, Jr., "John Passmore: Lancaster's First Mayor and his Councils," Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society, vol. 91, no. 1, pp10-23.
- Enslaved Person's Name: James Clinch
Sex: Male
Age: "about 28 years of age"
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Clinch escaped from Humes on November 22, 1801. Humes placed the following advertisement to recover him:
RAN AWAY, on Sunday, the 22d ult. from the subscriber in the borough of Lancaster, a Negro Man, named JAMES CLINCH. He is about 28 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, slight made, and stoops a little when walking; can read, write, and understands something of Arithmetic. Had on a deep-blue short coat, a dark swansdown jacket, dark mixed cloth trowsers, a pair of new shoes, and an old wool hat. He will probably change his clothing, as he has a considerable sum of money with him, perhaps 50 pounds -- but being a cunning Fellow, may not be prodigal in the use of it.
Whoever secures said Negro in any jail, so that his master gets him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable expences, if bro't home.
December 5.
The advertisement was printed in at least one local Lancaster newspaper as late as April 1802, indicating Humes' inability to find Clinch.
Date of Record: 05 December 1801
Source: Aurora General Advertiser (Philadelphia), 30 December 1801; Lancaster Intelligencer, 07 April 1802.
- Slaveholder Name: Irwin, Isaac
City or Township: Sadsbury Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 12
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro wench
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Jacks, James, Esquire
City or Township: Manor Township (Source 102)
County: Lancaster
Notes: In 1788, the county clerk recorded Jacks' place of residence as Lancaster Borough.
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Undetermined
Date of Birth:
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto"
Notes: No image of the registration on the microfilm. Only a notation as to above.
Date of Record: August 12, 1788
Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Susannah
Sex: Female
Age: ? (child)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Not determined
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Daughter of Susannah, a "servant of Mr. Jacks," baptised on April 01, 1787 at St. James Episcopal Church (Anglican), Lancaster.
Date of Record: April 01, 1787
Source: Wright, "Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 18th Century, Vol. 3"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Susannah
Sex: Female
Age: 14a (at 1780 Registration)
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: Mother of Susannah, who was baptised at St. James Episcopal Church, Lancaster, on April 01, 1787. The mother is listed as "a servant of Mr. Jacks." On October 09, 1780, James Jacks registered Sue, a "Negro Girl," age about 14 years, as a slave for life, in Lancaster. (Source 102)
Date of Record:
Sources: Egle, "Notes and Queries" | Wright, "Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 18th Century, Vol. 3"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Anthony
Sex: Male
Age: 05a
Date of Birth: 1783 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: No image of the registration on the microfilm. Only a notation as to above. Most of the actual information comes from the clerk's record, source number 119.
Date of Record: 1788--August 12
Sources: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Jackson, James
City or Township: "Chestnut Level," Drumore Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
Sex: Male
Age: 27a
Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
Status: Captured runaway
Description: "Negroe"
Notes: Joe ran away but was captured in May 1784, in Delaware. The following jailor's notice appeared in the Pennsylvania Gazette:
New Castle, June 5, 1784.
WAS committed to the goal of this county, the two following Negroe Men, viz. SAM, a stout well made fellow, committed the 14th of May last; he is about 6 feet 3 inches high, about 36 yers of age, says he is the property of Edward Brown, of the eastern shore of Maryland, at a place called the Northwest Fork. JOE, committed the 22d of May, about 27 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, has lost two of his upper teeth, and all his toes of his right foot; says his master's name is James Jackson, and lives at Chestnut Level, Lancaster county, State of Pennsylvania. Therefore their masters are requested to come, pay charges, and take them away, within four weeks from the above date, otherwise they will be discharged according to law.
Date of Record: June 16, 1784
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, June 16, 1784
- Slaveholder Name: Jacobs, Cyrus
City or Township: Warwick Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Ironmaster, "Gentleman"
Notes: The 1800 Septennial Census lists Jacob's township as Carnarvan. He listed his residence as "Spring-Grove forge" in an ad placed to recover runaway slave Caesar in 1802 (Source 97), and Earl Township in the registration of the slave children John and Susanna. Cyrus Jacobs (1761-1830) married Margaretta Old, daugher of ironmaster James Old. Cyrus owned at various times Poole Forge, Gibraltar Forge, Hopewell Forge, and Spring Grove Forge on the Conestoga Creek near Churchtown, Lancaster County.
See also his son, Richard S. Jacobs, of Spring Grove Forge, below.
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Male
Age: 70
Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 70
Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob Ray
Sex: Male
Age: "about 21 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1778
Status: Runaway
Description: "Mulattoe"
Notes: New Jersey born Jacob Ray was indentured for a term of years and was sold and resold multiple times, ending up with Cyrus Jacobs at the Spring Grove Forge. He escaped from the forge on October 6, 1799. Text of runaway ad placed by Jacobs:
RAN AWAY on the 6th instant, from the subscriber, living at Spring Grove Forge, Lancaster county, State of Pennsylvania, an indented Mulattoe, named Jacob Ray, about 21 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, strong made, can work in a forge and drive a team, his fond of spirituous liquors and given to pilfering, he is also very talkative when drunk, and at all times a noted liar; he came from Sussex county, New Jersey, between three and four years ago, he was bound by his own and mother's consent to Jonathan Willis, Esq. of Newtown in Sussex aforesaid, and by him assigned over to Cadwallader Evans, of Andover ironworks; his clothes are not known.
Whoever secures said runaway, so that his master may get him again, shall have the above reward, and if brought home, all reasonable charges paid,
Spring Grove Forge,
October 18.
The Andover Iron Works were located in Sussex County, New Jersey, so Jacobs seems to be the first Pennsylvania slaveholder to acquire Ray.
Date of Record: 18 October 1799
Source: Gazette of the United States and Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia), 12 November 1799
- Enslaved Person's Name: Caesar
Sex: Male
Age: 40a
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the subscriber, living at Spring-Grove forge, Lancaster county, state of Pennsylvania; on the first of this inst. a negro man named, Caesar, about forty years of age, nearly six feet high, well made, walks upright, but limps a little if hurried, very black, of a good countenance and ready address. Had on when he went away, a furr hat almost new, a half worn blue cloth coat, a one skirt of which has been lately mended, a striped swandown jacket, a pair of drab colour fulled linsey trowsers, & striped cotton stockings. But it is very probable he will change his name and dress; said negro is a forge man by trade, and it is likely he will make for some forge or furnace as he has worked at both.
The above reward will be paid my Messrs. James Roland and Co. merchants in Philadelphia or by the subscriber, to any person who will secure him in any jail in the United States, and reasonable expences if brought home. CYRUS JACOBS.
January 9, 1802.
Date of Record: January 09, 1802
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: Emanuel
Sex: Male
Age: "about 28 years old"
Date of Birth: circa 1777
Status: Runaway; See notes for enslavement status.
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
RAN AWAY from the subscriber at Spring Grove Forge, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania on the night of the 29th of July, an indented negro man, named EMANUEL, about 28 years old, near six feet high, and made in proportion, yellowish skin, his clothes are uncertain, he is a forgeman by trade, and works very well at the chaffery.
He formerly belonged to Mr. Sheridan of Northeast forge, Maryland. Whoever secures said negro so that his master may get him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable expences if brought home.
Oct. 4
Jacobs described Emanuel's status as "indentured," a term that would not have been used if he were enslaved for life. He was born about 1777, three years before Pennsylvania's Gradual Abolition Act of 1780, making it likely he was born a slave for life. However Jacobs notes that "he formerly belonged to Mr. Sheridan of Northeast forge, Maryland." After passage of Pennsylvania's Gradual Abolition Act, it became illegal to import an enslaved person into the commonwealth. It was legal, though, to purchase and bring in an enslaved person from out of state if they were to be released from lifetime enslavement in return for being indentured for up to 28 years. That is likely the case for Emanuel.
Emanual worked in the forge's chafery. This was an open forge in which blooms were heated before being wrought into bar iron.
Date of Record: First advertised on August 3, 1805 offering a reward of fifty dollars. Second ad offering one hundred dollars appeared 04 October 1805 and ran through December 27, 1805.
Source: Aurora General Advertiser (Philadelphia), 12 November 1805.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Chance
Sex: Male
Age: "about 30 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1776
Status: Runaway
Description: "Black man"
Notes: Chance escaped from Spring Grove Forge on December 27, 1806. Text of runaway ad:
RAN AWAY from Spring grove forge, Lancaster county, on Saturday the 27th December, a very black man, named CHANCE -- about 30 years of age, five feet 10 inches high, a forgeman by trade, but can work at any work on a farm, a great drunkard -- had on when he went away, a short roundabout blue coat, fulled lindsey trowsers, yellow colour; a wool hat, and new shoes; he may have other cloths not known. It is expected he will make for some iron works.
The above reward will be paid for securing him in any Jail and reasonable expences if brought home.
Spring grove, Jan. 10
Date of Record: 10 January 1807
Source: Aurora General Advertiser, 14 January 1807. Ran through Feb. 12, 1807.
Also published in the United States Gazette.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
Sex: Male
Age: "about 18 or 19 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1792 or 1793
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Frank escaped from Spring Grove Forge on September 29, 1811. Text of runaway ad:
RANAWAY from the subscriber, at Spring Grove Forge, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, on the 29th Sept. last, an indented Negro boy, named Frank, about 18 or 19 years of age, near 6 feet high, slim made, very large feet, stutters in his speech when he speaks fast, has been used to strike in a smith shop and work on the place, is lefthanded, clothes uncertain. Who ever takes up said runaway, and secures him in any jail, in the United States, or bring him home, shall receive the above reward and all reasonable expenses.
October 10th, 1811.
Date of Record: 10 October 1811; published at least through November 6, 1811.
Source: The Chester and Delaware Federalist, 30 October 1811.
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dine
Sex: Female
Age: 08
Date of Birth: 1781-March
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes: "Daughter of Negroe Pol; said mother Pol was duly Entered and Registered in the Clerks Office at Lancaster as a Slave."
Date of Record: March 10, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jerry
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: July 08, 1797
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1797 Registration notes "son of negro Soph."
Date of Record: November 28, 1797
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nancy Grey
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult in 1810)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro servant woman"
Notes: Mother of John, born January 09, 1810.
Date of Record: May 23, 1810
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: John (surname may be Grey, same as his mother's)
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: January 09, 1810
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Male negro child"
Notes: 1810 Registration notes "Cyrus Jacobs of Earl Twp., Ironmaster, returns a male negro child named john, born of his negro servant woman Nancy Grey--liable to serve till she arrives to the age of 28 years.--Said child was born January 9, 1810, and liable to serve to the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: May 23, 1810
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult in 1816)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negress"/"Servant"
Notes: Mother of Harriett, born May 30, 1816.
Date of Record: October 01, 1816
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Harriett
Sex: Female
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: May 30, 1816
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female negress child"
Notes: Text of 1816 Registration: "Cyrus Jacobs of Caernarvon Township, Ironmaster, returns a female negress child named Harriett, daughter of his negress Phillis his servant until she arrives at the age of 28 years. Said child was born May 30, 1816."
Date of Record: October 01, 1816
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sally
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult in 1820--under age 28)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negress"/"Servant"
Notes: Mother of Maria, born September 24, 1819.
Date of Record: January 20, 1820
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Maria
Sex: Female
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: September 24, 1819
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negress"
Notes: Text of the 1820 Registration of Maria: "Cyrus Jacobs Esquire, returns negress Maria daughter of negress Sally, a servant to the said Esquire Jacobs until she arrives to the age of 28 years. Born September 24, 1819."
Date of Record: January 20, 1820
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Leah
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult in 1821--under age 28)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro"/"Servant"
Notes: Mother of Isaac, born March 15, 1821. Cyrus Jacobs, in 1826, registered a child named Leah, the daughter of his servant Hester.
Date of Record: July 21, 1821
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: March 15, 1821
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Child"
Notes: Text of the 1821 Registration of Isaac: "Cyrus Jacobs Esquire of Caernarvon Township, Isaac the son of negro Leah, a servant to the said Cyrus Jacobs till the age of 28 years, said child was born March 15, 1821, to serve till the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: July 21, 1821
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fan
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult in 1825--under age 28)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro"/"Servant"
Notes: Mother of Susanna, born October 13, 1824.
Date of Record: February 09, 1825
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Susanna
Sex: Female
Age: About four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: October 13, 1824
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Child"
Notes: Text of the 1825 Registration of Susanna: "Cyrus Jacobs Esquire of Earl Township, Iron-Master, returns Susanna, a daughter of negro Fan, servant to the said Cyrus Jacobs Esquire, until she arrives at the age of 28 years, said child was born October 13, 1824."
Date of Record: February 09, 1825
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hester
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult in 1826--under age 28)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Servant"
Notes: Mother of Leah, born September 03, 1825.
Date of Record: January 19, 1826
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Leah
Sex: Female
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: September 03, 1825
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Child"
Notes: Text of the 1826 Registration of Leah: "Cyrus Jacobs Esquire of Caernarvon Township, Iron Master, returns Leah a daughter of Hester a servant to the said Cyrus Jacobs Esquire until she arrives to the age of 28 years, said child was born September 3, 1825." Note that there was another Leah, an adult, the mother of Isaac, in Cyrus Jacob's possession about this same time.
Date of Record: January 19, 1826
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Jacobs, Richard S.
City or Township: Spring Grove Forge
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Ironmaster, Spring Grove Forge
Notes: See also his father, Cyrus Jacobs, ironmaster at Spring Grove Forge, above.
- Enslaved Person's Name: William Ritcheson, a.k.a. Bill
Sex: Male
Age: Age not mentioned in escape ad, but likely an adult male
Date of Birth: not known
Status: Slave for a term of years; self-emancipated October 1812
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Bill escaped from Spring Grove Forge on October 17, 1812. Ironmaster Jacobs placed the following escape notice and offer of reward in April 1813, when another man, George Simmers, escaped.
100 Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from the subscriber, at Spring Grove Forge, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, two indented NEGRO MEN.
BILL, (calls himself William Ritcheson) absconded on the 17th of October last, is about six feet one or two inches high, stout made, has a scar on one of his lips, is a Forge-man by trade, and works well at either the Finery or Chassery, had a wife living at or near Lancaster at the time he absconded.
GEORGE, (calls himself George Simmers) absconded on the night of the 17th inst. is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, about 21 years of age; is also a Forgeman by trade, and what is commonly called a half bloomer, very mannerly when spoken to, has a bold look and walk. The said Negroes took with them sundry cloathing not known. -- The above reward and all reasonable expences will be paid if brought home, or 50 dollars for either of them, if secured in any jail so that the owner may get them again.
Spring Grove Forge, April 28th, 1813
Date of Record: 28 April 1813
Source: The Record (West Chester), 05 May 1813.
- Enslaved Person's Name: George Simmers
Sex: Male
Age: "about 21 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1792
Status: Slave for a term of years; self-emancipated April 17, 1813
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: George escaped from Spring Grove Forge on April 17, 1813. Ironmaster Jacobs placed the following escape notice and offer of reward, also including another man, William Ritcheson, who escaped six months earlier. See above for full text of escape ad and description of Simmers.
Date of Record: 28 April 1813
Source: The Record (West Chester), 05 May 1813.
- Slaveholder Name: Jacobs, Samuel
City or Township: Mount Joy Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Manager of Colebrook Furnace from 1791 until his death in 1819.
Notes: In 1811, the county clerk added the title "Esquire" to Jacobs' name. As Robert Coleman owned Colebrook Furnace, which was managed by Jacobs, it is possible the enslaved persons below belonged to Coleman rather than to Jacobs.
There is also a very old ghost story connected with Samuel Jacobs and Colebrook Furnace. The history of the ghost story "The Legend of the Hounds" is documented by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania here.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Leah
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ? (Probably after March 01, 1780)
Status: "female servant till the age of 28 years"
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Mother of Charle, a Mulatto male child born in November, 1808 and registered by Jacobs at Lancaster on April 20, 1809, and also mother of Moses, born in September 1810. Possibly also the mother of Isaac, born March 21, 1821 and registered by Cyrus Jacobs of Caernarvon Township at Lancaster on July 21, 1821.
Date of Record: April 20, 1809
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charle
Sex: Male
Age: About five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born in November 1808"
Status: "Liable to serve till the said child attain[s] the age of 28 years."
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1809 Registration notes "the son of negro Leah, his female servant till the age of 28 years liable to serve till the said child attain[s] the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: April 20, 1809
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Moses
Sex: Male
Age: About four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born in September 1810"
Status: "Liable to serve until he arrives at the age of 28 years."
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1811 Registration notes "Samuel Jacobs of Mount Joy, Esquire, returns a mulatto male child named Moses, the son of his negress Leah, and was born in September 1810, and is liable to serve until he arrives at the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: January 03, 1811
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
Sex: Male
Age: 40a
Date of Birth: c1759
Status: Runaway, slave for life
Description: Negro, 5 feet, 6 or 7 inches high, squints, farmer and laborer
Notes: Jacobs, as manager of Colebrook Furnace on the Conewago Creek in South Londonderry Township, advertised for the return of escaped slave Cato, who left July 13, 1799. As the ad below attests, by January 1800 Cato was still free.
RAN AWAY on Saturday evening the 13th July instant, from Colebrook Furnace, Lancaster county, a Negro Man named Cato, he is about 40 years of age, five feet six or seven inches high, tolerable black, with a down ill look, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, a great liar, and very fond of strong liquor, has been brought up to the farming business, is very handy at any kind of laboring work; he took with him a number of clothing, amongst which were, one suit plan Nankeen; (some money). It is expected he has shaped his course for Philadelphia or New York.
The above reward will be paid for securing him in any gaol in the United States, with reasonable charges if brought home.
Colebrook Furnace, July 16, 1799.
Date of Record: 16 July 1799
Source: United States Gazette (Philadelphia, PA), 06 January 1800, page 1.
- Slaveholder Name: James, William
Location: Grubbs Iron Works
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Foundry manager
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cuff
Sex: Male
Age: Not stated but probably an adult.
Date of Birth: Probably an adult in 1751.
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negroe fellow"
Notes: A bricklayer by trade, formerly owned by Isaac Roberts. Cuff escaped from the forge on June 4, 1751 with three other enslaved men. James placed the following advertisement in the Pennsylvania Gazette:
Run away on the 4th inst. From William James, founder, at GRUBB IRON works, Lancaster county, three Negroe fellows; one of them formerly belonging to Isaac Roberts, bricklayer, named Cuff, a tall slim fellow, pock broken, and upwards of six foot high: Had on when he went away, a lightest colour cloth coat, with brass buttons, and breeches much of the same colour, with stockings. Another of them named James, forming belonging to Charles Humphries, at Hartford, about five feet six inches: Had on when he went away, a lightest colourcloth jacket and breeches, with new shoes and white stockings, and is a well set fellow. The other named Dick, a thick set fellow every way, and very short necked: Had on lightest apparel also; they are all in one company, and were seen in the Neck, whoever takes up and secures said Negroes, so that their Master may have them again, shall have Twenty Shillings reward for each, and reasonable charges, paid by
Date of Record: June 13, 1751
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, June 13, 20, 1751
- Enslaved Person's Name: James
Sex: Male
Age: Not stated but probably an adult.
Date of Birth: Probably an adult in 1751.
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negroe fellow"
Notes: Formerly owned by Charles Humphries. Ran away from the Grubb Iron Works on June 4, 1751 in the company of three other men. See the text of the runaway advertisement, above.
Date of Record: June 13, 1751
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, June 13, 1751
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
Sex: Male
Age: Not stated but probably an adult.
Date of Birth: Probably an adult in 1751.
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negroe fellow"
Notes: Ran away from the Grubb Iron Works on June 4, 1751 in the company of three other men. See the text of the runaway advertisement, above.
Date of Record: June 13, 1751
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, June 13, 1751
- Slaveholder Name: Jamison, David
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 11a
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Date of Record: October 18, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Jamison, John
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Doll
Sex: Female
Age: 11a
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 18, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Jefferies, Emmor
City or Township: Hempfield Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Innkeeper
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: Two months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: December 11, 1802
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Mulatto"
Notes: 1803 Registration notes "son of Rebecca, a mulatto."
Date of Record: February 28, 1803
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Jefferies, Joseph
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charles Hunt
Sex: Male
Age: 19a
Date of Birth: 1785 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "mulatto servant boy"
Notes: See the listing for the child Charles, below. Text of runaway ad:
"Eight Dollars Reward, RANAWAY from the subscriber, in the borough of Lancaster, an indented mulatto servant boy, about 19 years old, near 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, named Charles Hunt, he has very thick lips, and sticks very much out, his under lip mostly hangs down, and slobbers, with a very short chin. His dress, red flannel coat with sleeves, swansdown jacket and thickset overalls, calf-skin shoes, sharp toes. Any person taking up said runaway and securing him in any jail shall be entitled to the above reward and reasonable charges paid if brought home, by me JOSEPH JEFFERIES
April 28th, 1804."
Date of Record: April 28, 1804
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
Sex: Male
Age: About five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: April 09, 1804
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1804 Registration notes "son of negro Leed." Note that the slave Charles Hunt ran away about the same time that this child, named Charles, was born. Both are also described as "mulatto," making a strong possibility of a family relationship between these two slaves.
Date of Record: August 30, 1804
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Jeffers, Joseph
City or Township: Columbia
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Innkeeper
- Enslaved Person's Name: George Lee
Sex: Male
Age: "aged about 17 years"
Date of Birth: circa 1809
Status: Runaway
Description: "Mulatto Boy"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
Six Cents Reward.
RANAWAY from the subscriber, living in Columbia, on the morning of the 12th of July, an indented Mulatto Boy, named GEORGE LEE, aged about 17 years. Had on when absconded, a black cloth coat, fur hat about half worn, thin pantaloons. The above reward, but no charges, will be paid to any person who will bring back said apprentice. All persons are forbid harboring said servant at their peril.
Date of Record: 14 July 1826
Source: The Lancaster Intelligencer, 14 July 1826.
- Slaveholder Name: Jenkins, David
City or Township: Carnarvan Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Ironmaster
Notes: Jenkins registered "as proprietor" of his slaves in1780.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bosson
Sex: Male
Age: 60
Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Black"
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lonnon
Sex: Male
Age: 60
Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Black"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies this person as "a slave."
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bell
Sex: Female
Age: 55
Date of Birth: 1725 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies this person as "a slave."
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
Sex: Male
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: "Servant till 31 years."
Description: "Mulatto"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies this person as a "servant till 31 years." If he served the entire term, Jacob would have been freed in 1804.
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: 03.5
Date of Birth: 1777- April (calculated)
Status: "Servant till 31 years."
Description: "Mulatto"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies this person as a "servant till 31 years." If he served the entire term, George would have been freed in 1808.
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mary
Sex: Female
Age: 01 year and 03 months
Date of Birth: 1779, June (calculated)
Status: "Servant till 31 years."
Description: "Mulatto"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies this person as a "servant till 31 years." If she served the full term, Mary would have been freed in 1811.
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Jenkins, John
City or Township: Carnarvan Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: Died 1774. His will leaves two enslaved persons, Quash and Cooba, to his son John and daughter Rebekah, with the direction that Quash be given the opportunity to purchase Cooba's freedom after the year 1783, when he also is freed. Note that the John Jenkins Sr. listed elsewhere in this database is most likely the son of this John Jenkins, the title "senior" being then used to denote the elder person having that name in the community.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Quash
Sex: Male
Age: ? Described as a "man"
Date of Birth: ? Adult in 1774
Status: Slave for a term of years (see notes).
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Source 109 notes that this person is recorded in Lancaster County will book C, page 448. Excerpt from the will of John Jenkins, of Carnarvan Township:
"And whereas I have hired my Negroeman Quash to my Son, John, for Eleven Years from the first day of March, 1772, at the end of which Time I do allow my said Negroeman to be free from serving any Person on my Account. And I give my Negroe woman Cooba to my Daughter Rebekah; but if my Negroeman Quash will be able to pay my Daughter the sum of Forty Pounds any Time within three Years after the Expiration of the said Eleven Years, then my Will is that my said Negro Woman be free and serve no Person any longer on my Account than till the said Forty Pounds are paid."
Date of Record: August 25, 1774
Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cooba
Sex: Female
Age: ? Described as a "woman"
Date of Birth: ? Adult woman in 1774
Status: Slave for life (see notes).
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Source 109 notes that this person is recorded in Lancaster County will book C, page 448. See the excerpt from the will of John Jenkins of Carnarvan Township under the notes for the slave "Quash," above.
Date of Record: August 25, 1774
Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"
- Slaveholder Name: Jenkins, John, Sr.
City or Township: Carnarvan Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: 1780 Slave Registrations included the phrase "enters as possessor."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "bound to 28 years."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Jenkins, Joseph
City or Township: Carnarvan Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: 1780 Slave Registrations included the phrase "enters as possessor."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jem
Sex: Male
Age: 18.5
Date of Birth: 1762- April (calculated)
Status: slave to age 31
Description: "Mulatto boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "bound to 31 years."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Jenkins, Phoebe
City or Township: Rapho Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Widow
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charlotte Harriott
Sex: Female
Age: Five months old at Registration
Date of Birth: December 22, 1792
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
Description: "Mulatto female child"
Notes: 1793 Registration notes "daughter of Kate McCartney, a slave." Full text of registration:
In pursuance of an Act of Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania I Phoebe Jenkins of Rapho Township in the County of Lancaster Widow do hereby enter and return that Charlotte Harriott a Mulattoe Female Child the Daughter of Kate McCartney a Slave, was born on the twenty second day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & nintey two, and that the aforesaid Mulattoe Child is my property and liable to serve untill it shall arrive to the Age of twenty eight Years.--Witness my Hand this 22d day of March 1793. -- Phebe Jenkins
Date of Record: May 26, 1793
Sources: Slave register: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "; The full text of the registration is from the registration document of Phoebe Jenkins to John Hubley, Lancaster County Clerk, 22 March, 1793. The child was officially entered into the register on 26 May, 1793. Note that the registration letter is a separare document, and contains different wording, than the slave register, cited above. A photograph of the original document appears on page 40 of Of Color, Humanitas and Statehood: The Black Experience in Pennsylvania over Three Centuries 1681-1981, The Afro American Historical and Cultural Museum, Exhibit Catalog, 1981.
- Slaveholder Name: Jenkins, Rebekah
City or Township:
County: Lancaster
Notes: Daughter of John Jenkins, who died in 1774 and left an enslaved woman to her.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cooba
Sex: Female
Age: ? "woman"
Date of Birth: ? Pre-1774
Status: Slave for life, but with a provision for freedom (see notes)
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Source 109 notes that this person is recorded in Lancaster County will book C, page 448. Excerpt from the will of John Jenkins, of Carnarvan Township:
And whereas I have hired my Negroeman Quash to my Son, John, for Eleven Years from the first day of March, 1772, at the end of which Time I do allow my said Negroeman to be free from serving any Person on my Account. And I give my Negroe woman Cooba to my Daughter Rebekah; but if my Negroeman Quash will be able to pay my Daughter the sum of Forty Pounds any Time within three Years after the Expiration of the said Eleven Years, then my Will is that my said Negro Woman be free and serve no Person any longer on my Account than till the said Forty Pounds are paid.
This suggests a strong relationship between the enslaved man Quash and the enslaved woman Cooba, in which Quash has the opportunity to purchase Cooba from Rebekah Jenkins for forty pounds in the year 1783.
Date of Record: August 25, 1774
Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"
- Slaveholder Name: Jenkins, Robert
City or Township: Carnarvan Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: James Whipper
Sex: Male
Age: ? "man"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Self-emancipated
Description: "Indented negro man"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
Thirty Dollars Reward.
RAN away, from the subscriber, in Carnarvon township, Lancaster county, on the night of Sunday last, an indented negro man named James Whipper, about 6 feet high, stout and well made; has lost some of his fore teeth, walks lame; and wears his hair quieued: Had on, and took with him, a dark mixed straight Coat, with a velvet cape, a scarlet Vest, light colored tight Pantaloons; half-boots; his hat much worn; and a light colored Great coat; and other Clothes not recollected.
Whoever secures said Runaway in any Jail, shall have the above Reward, with reasonable Charges, if brought home.
March 8, 1805.
Date of Record: March 08, 1805
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Johnston, John
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Husbandman/Farmer
Notes: Surname is spelled "Johnson" in 1780 Slave Registrations. The clerk's records for the registration of Ben show Johnston's residence as Sadsbury Township.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Esther
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"/"Mulatto woman"
Notes: The 1789 Registration for Esther's children, Ben and Ruth, notes that Esther was registered a slave by Johnston at Lancaster. This is verified in source number 102. Johnston registered 27 year-old Esther, a "Mulatto woman, slave during life" on October 30, 1780.
Date of Record: March 25, 1789
Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phebe
Sex: Female
Age: 03
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life." Mother of a female child, name not registered, born April 30, 1796.
Date of Record: October 30, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Age: 04
Date of Birth: "born in or about March or April 1785"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Male Child"
Notes: 1789 Registration lists Ben's mother as "Negroe Esther, a Female Slave." It also notes that Esther was registered by John Johnston at Lancaster.
Date of Record: March 25, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ruth
Sex: Female
Age: 01
Date of Birth: 1787-August
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Female Child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes "Daughter of the said Negroe Esther," who was registered by John Johnston at Lancaster.
Date of Record: March 25, 1789
Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Sex: Female
Age: About two months old at Registration
Date of Birth: 1796--April 30
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Female Child"
Notes: 1796 Registration notes "daughter of mulatto Phoebe," a female slave. This child's name is not included in the registration.
Date of Record: June 28, 1796
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Slaveholder Name: Johnston, Mary
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Widow
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fanny
Sex: Female
Age: 25a
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro woman
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 10, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
Sex: Male
Age: 25a
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro man
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 10, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Johnston, Thomas
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fanny
Sex: Female
Age: ? "woman"
Date of Birth: ? Born in "Guinea"
Status: Self-emancipated
Description: "Negroe Woman"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living in Salisbury township, Lancaster county, on the night of the 28th inst. A Negroe Woman, named FANNY. Had on and took with her when she went away, two calicoe short gowns, one black and one white striped linsey, another blue and white striped linen, three petticoats, one of them brown flannel, one of coarse yellow linsey, and the other blue, red and white striped cotton, two bonnets, one of them black, trimmed with gauze, the other an old blue one, five aprons, two of them tow, two check, and the other fine linen, two old tow shirts, two pair of thread stockings, and one woollen pair of pale blue; she came from Guinea, when young marked on the cheeks; she is thick, and supposed not quite five feet high; one of her knee joints bends in more than the other; she is recorded at Lancaster according to law. Whoever takes up said Negroe and secures her, so that the owner may get her again, shall have THREE POUNDS Reward, and reasonable charges, paid by THOMAS JOHNSTON.
August 5, 1784.
Date of Record: September 08, 1784
Note that this woman was African born and is "marked on the cheeks," with tribal markings.
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette
- Slaveholder Name: Jones, Jonathan
City or Township: Manheim
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nathaniel Nixon, a.k.a. Nat
Sex: Male
Age: (as given in runaway ad) "about 17 years of age;" (actual age upon running away) 15 years old
Date of Birth: 1790-December (source 67)
Status: Self-emancipated, June 1806
Description: "mulatto boy"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
"Ten Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the subscriber, in the town of Manheim, Lancaster county, on the morning of the 2d inst. a mulatto boy, named NAT, about 17 years of age, of a very light complexion: Had on, a superfine blue broad cloth coat, striped waistcoat, blue striped linsey trowsers, and fur hat, with band and buckle. He is a very active hostler, and formerly belonged to the late widow Edwards of Lancaster. He was seen, on the 3d inst. at Downingstown; and said he was going to Philadelphia, to see his mother.
Whoever secures said boy, so that his master get him again, shall receive the above reward, and reasonable charges, if brought home. JONATHAN JONES.
June 20."
Previously owned by Thomas Edwards, and later, his widow, in Lancaster. See "Edwards, Thomas," and "Edwards, Susanna." (Source 119)
Date of Record: June 20, 1806
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Jones, Samuel
City or Township: Hopewell Forge on Hammer Creek, near Cornwall
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Iron industry
Slave Name: Cato
Sex: Male
Age: 18a
Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: Escaped from the forge in October 1766. Text of runaway ad:
RUN away from the Subscriber, living at Grubb Forge, in Lancaster County, about the 7th of October last, a young Negroe Man, named Cato, about 18 Years of Age, about five Feet six Inches high, well set, three remarkable Scores on each Cheek; had on, when he went away, a new Felt Hat, new Ozenbrigs Shirt, old Trowsers, new Shoes, a Jacket of Bird eyed Stuff, without Sleeves. Whoever takes up said Negroe, and secures him in any Goal, so that his Master may have him again, shall receive Three Pounds Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by SAMUEL JONES.
Note the mention of "three remarkable scores on each Cheek," a description of African tribal scarification.
Cato was captured days after the appearance of Jones' advertisement, in New Castle, Delaware. The jailer listed several new prisoners, including young Cato, who was committed wearing significantly different, and poorer clothing, than Jones said he wore when he left:
New Castle County, Dec. 5, 1766.
NOW in the custody of the subscriber, the three following persons, . . .
Also a negroe lad, about 19 years of age; about 5 feet 6 inches high, slender made, speaks bad English, pretends to be foolish, to obtain his freedom, calls himself Cato, and says he belongs to Samuel Jones, At Grubb Iron Works, in Lancaster County; had on, when committed, an Indian blanket coat, ragged tow trowsers, and old shoes, with strings. Their masters (if any they have) are desired to come, pay charges, and take them away in six weeks, or they will be sold out for the same by THOMAS PUSEY, Goaler.
Dates of Record: December 4, 11, 1766
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, December 4, 11, 1766.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mark
Sex: Male
Age: 30a
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life; escaped
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
"Twenty Dollars Reward.
RANAWAY from the subscriber, living at Hopewell Forge, Lancaster county, a Negro Man, named Mark, about 30 years of age, 6 feet high, had on a light blue coat, striped jacket, velvet small clothes and a round wool hat, and took with him one pair nankeen overalls.
He is a good hammerman and perhaps will go to some iron works. Whoever takes up said Negro and lodges him in any Jail, so that I may get him again, shall receive the above reward. SAMUEL JONES.
June 3."
This may be the same person named Mark who was registered by Peter Grubb, Jr., owner of Hopewell Forge, in 1780.
Date of Record: June 03, 1797
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: John Babtist
Sex: Male
Age: About 22 years old
Date of Birth: Circa 1778
Status: Runaway
Description: "Mulatta man"
Notes: The runaway ad notes that Babtist "bound himself," and therefore may not technically be a slave. He is included until proved otherwise. It is unusual to see an ad for an escaped African American servant which includes the terms of an indenture. Text of runaway ad:
"Ten Dollars Reward. RANAWAY from the subscriber, living at Hopewell Forge, on Sunday morning last, a Mulatto man named John Babtist, who bound himself as an apprentice to me to learn to be a Hammer-man. He is about twenty-two years of age, five feet ten or eleven inches high. Had on and took with him a blue cloth coat, a pair of brown velvet pantaloons, besides summer cloths which I cannot describe.
The above reward will be paid to any person who secures said Mulatta in any jail so that I may get him again. SAMUEL JONES.
June 21, 1800."
Date of Record: June 21, 1800
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Jordan, John
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Innkeeper
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pompy
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro man
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Elce
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro woman
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Kagey, Jacob
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mary
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro woman
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 26, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 10 months old
Date of Birth: 1780- January (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro child
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 26, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Kauffman, Isaac C.
City or Township: Manor Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Distiller
- Enslaved Person's Name: Henry Johnston
Sex: Male
Age: "about 26 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1785
Status: Slave for a term of years; Year of birth suggests he is enslaved to age 28.
Description: "Dark mulatto servant"
Notes: Johnston escaped from Kauffman on Sunday, December 8, 1811. Kauffman placed the following runaway notice in the local newspapers:
10 Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the subscriber living in Manor township, Lancaster county, about 1 mile from Columbia, on sunday night last, a dark mulatto servant, named Henry Johnston, about 26 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, stout built, a remarkable big mouth, thick lips and a very flat nose. He had on a pair of light yellow cassimere pantaloons, a new green flannel under waistcoat, a new surtout coat, the cape and lappels faced with black velvet, a rorum hat and a pair of new shoes -- he took with him a new rifle with a single trigger, and a shot pouch. It is supposed he will endeavor to pass for a distiller, but knows very little about the business.
Whoever takes up said run-away, and brings him back to his master, or secures him in any jail, so that I can get him again, shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable charges.
ISAAC C. KAUFFMAN, distiller.
Dec. 13, 1811
Date of Record: 13 December 1811
Source: Lancaster Journal, 13 December 1811.
- Slaveholder Name: Keimer, James
City or Township: Earl Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Slave Sex: Male
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 1743 (estimated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Fellow"
Notes: Sold to John Patton of Berks County circa 1765, Patton was at least the third and probably fourth owner of this man, who seems to have lived formerly at the Copper Mines in New Brunswick. Copper mining and coppersmithing skills are skilled trades among certain native Africans, and it is possible this man brought copper working skills from Africa. Ran away from Patton June 15, 1765, and Patton had the following runaway notice placed in the Philadelphia Gazette (note the mention of James Keimer as previous owner):
June 26, 1765.
RUN away on Saturday Evening, the 15th Instant, from the Subscriber, in Reading, Berks County, a Negroe Fellow, named Jack, 22 Years of Age, 5 Feet 7 or 8 Inches high, strait limbed, is very lively, and speaks good English; he formerly belonged to Mr. James Benezet, of Philadelphia, and was lately the Property of Mr. James Keimer, of Lancaster County; had on, and took with him, an half worn Castor Hat, a green napt Cloth Coat, a Pompadour coloured Cloth Coat, lined with white Rattinet, Olive coloured Cotton Velvet Jacket, two Pair of Buckskin Breeches, one new, the other half worn, several Linen
and Ozenbrigs Shirts, Check and Ozenbrigs Trowsers, two Pair of Stockings, one Cotton, the other Worsted, and new Shoes; it is supposed that he will endeavour to travel to New Brunswick, as he has lived formerly at the Copper Mines there. Whoever takes up said Negroe, and brings him to his Master, or secures him in any Goal, so that he may be had again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward; and if taken out of the Province, Three Pounds Reward, and reasonable Expences, paid by JOHN PATTON.
Date of Records: July 4, 1765
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette--Accessible Archives
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jeff
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jo
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Venus
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 7 years old
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
Sex: Male
Age: 6 years old
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nell
Sex: Female
Age: One and one-half months old
Date of Birth: 1779- April (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Kendig, Widow
City or Township: Conestoga Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
Sex: Male
Age: 70
Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Slaveholder Name: Kendrick, Francis
City or Township: Lampeter Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lewis Rees
Sex: Male
Age: 22 or 23a
Date of Birth: 1786 (calculated)
Status: Escaped term slave
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Lewis escaped from Kendrick on October 25, 1809. Text of runaway ad placed by Kendrick:
"50 DOLLARS REWARD. RAN away on the night of the 25th inst. from the subscriber, living in Lampeter township, Lancaster county, a negro man named LEWIS REES, about 22 or 23 years old, 5 feet 8 inches high, has a small scar on the back of his neck. Had on and took with him a fur hat partly new, a black homemade jean coat and jacket, three pair of pantaloons, one of white corduroy, one of yellow striped cotton, and one of white linen.
Whoever takes up said runaway, and secures him in any jail, so that his master can get him again, shall receive the above reward, and all reasonable expences if brought home. FRANCIS KENDRICK.
October 31, 1809."
Date of Record: October 31, 1809
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Kennedy, John
City or Township: Lampeter Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bevis
Sex: Male
Age: 40a
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro man
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Will
Sex: Male
Age: 35a
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro man
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Betty
Sex: Female
Age: 30a
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro woman
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: 08a
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Polly
Sex: Female
Age: 05a
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Kerr, John
City or Township: Lancaster
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Prison-keeper
Notes: While not actually the owner of the slaves listed, Kerr acted as an agent for the county in selling those Blacks in his charge. See also "Dewees, Paul."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Polly James
Sex: Female
Age: ? "woman"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Self-emancipated
Description: "negro woman"
Notes: Advertised along with a man with the same surname, David James. Text of ad:
ADVERTISEMENT. WAS committed to my custody in the Lancaster jail some time ago, a negro man who calls himself David James, and says he belongs to William Miller, near Roadstown, New-Jersey.--Also, a negro woman called Polly James, who says she served her time with James Cummins, in Sunbury.
Persons claiming said negroes are requested to take them away--otherwise they will be disposed of in three weeks after this date. JOHN KERR, Prison-keeper.
November 28.
Date of Record: November 28, 1806
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: John Jackson
Sex: Male
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Runaway--Jailed
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Text of advertisement:
Two Negroes WERE taken up about four weeks ago, and lodged in the jail of this county. The one calls himself George Johnston, is about five feet seven inches high, very black, with a good countenance. The other calls himself John Jackson, is about five feet eight inches high, thick lips, down look, bad countenance. Both say they came from Hampton, Northampton county, Virginia; say they lived with col. John Colben, at Gibben's forge. They are supposed to be run-aways. If so, the owner is desired to come and take them away, otherwise they will be discharged in three weeks from this date. JOHN KERR, prison keeper.
Lancaster, August 29.
Note that Kerr does not say they will be sold, but "discharged."
Date of Record: August 29, 1801
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Sex: ?
Age: ? "man"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "NEGRO MAN"
Notes: Offered for sale in December, 1806. As a means to recover costs, jailors often sold imprisoned runaways who went unclaimed by owners. Text of ad: "TO BE SOLD, THE time of a stout, able-bodied NEGRO MAN, who has a term of years to serve. He is acquainted with farming, and understands the business of an house-servant. Enquire of JOHN KERR, Prison-keeper, Lancaster. December 5."
Date of Record: December 05, 1806
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: David James
Sex: Male
Age: ? "man"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Runaway
Description: "negro man"
Notes: Advertised along with a woman with the same surname, Polly James. See entry above for full text of ad.
Date of Record: November 28, 1806
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
Sex: Male
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Text of advertisement: "WAS committed to the jail of this county some time ago, a negro who calls himself BILL, and says he absconded from a Thomas Maddox, of Virginia. This is to request his master to take him away, or otherwise he will be sold for his jail-fees, in three weeks after this date. JOHN KERR, Prison-keeper. Lancaster, June 13, 1801."
Date of Record: June 13, 1801
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: George Johnston
Sex: Male
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Runaway--Jailed
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Text of advertisement:
"Two Negroes WERE taken up about four weeks ago, and lodged in the jail of this county. The one calls himself George Johnston, is about five feet seven inches high, very black, with a good countenance. The other calls himself John Jackson, is about five feet eight inches high, thick lips, down look, bad countenance. Both say they came from Hampton, Northampton county, Virginia; say they lived with col. John Colben, at Gibben's forge. They are supposed to be run-aways. If so, the owner is desired to come and take them away, otherwise they will be discharged in three weeks from this date. JOHN KERR, prison keeper.
Lancaster, August 29."
Note that Kerr does not say they will be sold, but "discharged."
Date of Record: August 29, 1801
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Sex: Male
Age: 12a
Date of Birth: 1788 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: Text of advertisement:
NOTICE. Was committed to Lancaster Jail on the 24th day of April last, a Negro Boy about 12 years of age, who says he made his escape from Joseph Hardee, a sweep in Philadelphia. I request his master to came and take him away, otherwise he will be sold in three weeks after this date, to defray Expences. JOHN KERR, Jailer.
June 12, 1800.
Of interest in regard to this advertisement is one placed over twenty years later in the New York City newspaper Freedom's Journal. It mentions a Black Lancaster chimney sweep who was suspected of kidnapping young Blacks and forcing them to work for him:
A black man from Lancaster, calling himself a sweep master, was committed as a vagrant, he is suspected of being a kidnapper, as he brought a black boy from that place, and several individuals who have been kidnapped having been engaged as sweeps. (Source Freedom's Journal, October 03, 1828)
Apparently the practice of kidnapping young Blacks for use as sweeps and other forced menial work was a constant problem for many years in Central Pennsylvania, as well as other places in the north.
Date of Record: June 14, 1800
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Keys, Richard
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Male
Age: 40
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 37
Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800. Possibly Juddy, the mother of the child Hester, born in 1790.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hester
Sex: Female
Age: About six months old at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about August 20, 1790"
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
Description: "Mulatto female child"
Notes: The County clerk recorded Hester as "daughter of negro Juddy a female slave."
Date of Record: February 10, 1791
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Kilbough, Frederick
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Yeoman
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sebastian
Sex: Male
Age: 4 years old at time of Registration
Date of Birth: "Born about May 28, 1784."
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes "son of Jenny a negro slave."
Date of Record: March 28, 1789
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: King, Robert
City or Township: Drumore Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Blacksmith, Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mintua or Minta
Sex: Female
Age: 13 (at time of 1780 Registration)
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Mintua's son Jonathan was born on 31 January, 1792 and registered by Robert King on 30 April, 1792. In the registration he notes that he registered Mintua at Lancaster as a slave. This is verified in source number 102. King registered "Minta," a 13 year-old "Negro girl" at Lancaster on October 27, 1780.
Minta was also the mother of Jack Piper, born October 09, 1795, and Ben, born June 30, 1798.
Date of Record: April 30, 1792
Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jonathan
Sex: Male
Age: Three months old at Registration
Date of Birth: 1792-January 31
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto Male Child"
Notes: 1792 Registration notes "Son of Negroe Mintua, registered by me at Lancaster."
Date of Record: April 30, 1792
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack Piper
Sex: Male
Age: Infant at Registration
Date of Birth: 1795--October 09
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto Male Child"
Notes: 1796 Registration notes "son of negro Minta, a female slave."
Date of Record: February 04, 1796
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Age: Infant at Registration
Date of Birth: June 30, 1798
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Male Child"
Notes: 1798 Registration notes "son of negro Mintua," a female slave.
Date of Record: August 18, 1798
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Kirk, John
City or Township: Sadsbury
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Sex: Female
Age: ? ("woman")
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Mention is made of this person in the Society of Friends Sadsbury Monthly Meeting Minutes, January 21, 1767, which states: "John Kirk hath disposed of a Negro woman as a slave." Discussion of the matter is not detailed in the minutes, but since the Quakers had publicly renounced slaveholding and trafficking in slaves, this was considered to be a serious offense. Further mention of Kirk's slaves are made in later entries.
Date of Record: January 21, 1767
Sources: Wright, "Pennsylvania Church Records, Vol. 3" | Wright, "Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 18th Century, Vol. 3"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isabella
Sex: Female
Age: ? "woman"
Date of Birth: ? Pre-1777
Status: Manumitted- 1777
Description: "Mulatto woman"
Notes: The entry in Sadsbury Monthly Meeting--Men's Minutes, August 23, 1777 (extract): "A release by John Kirk of his mulatto woman Isabella." In October 1777, Kirk would also announce the manumission of two more slaves.
Date of Record: August 23, 1777
Source: Wright, "Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 18th Century, Vol. 3"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
Sex: Female
Age: ? "woman"
Date of Birth: ? Pre-1777
Status: Manumitted- 1777
Description: "Mulatto woman"
Notes: The entry in Sadsbury Monthly Meeting--Men's Minutes, October 22, 1777 (extract): "John Kirk produces release for Mulatto woman Rose and for mulatto boy Ben, now age 17 to be released when age 21."
Date of Record: October 22, 1777
Source: Wright, "Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 18th Century, Vol. 3"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: slave to age 21
Description: "Mulatto boy"
Notes: The entry in Sadsbury Monthly Meeting--Men's Minutes, August 23, 1777 (extract): "John Kirk produces release for Mulatto woman Rose and for mulatto boy Ben, now age 17 to be released when age 21."
Date of Record: October 22, 1777
Source: Wright, "Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 18th Century, Vol. 3"
- Slaveholder Name: Kirkpatrick, William
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Merchant
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jane
Sex: Female
Age: (at time of escape) "19 or 20 years of age"
Date of Birth: 1780 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negro wench"
Notes: Mother of Hannah, born March 24, 1796. Ran away in November, 1799 in company with a neighboring slave named Lid, belonging to George Musser. Lid was pregnant, and was subsequently captured or returned of her own will. It is not known if Jane was ever recovered or returned.
Text of runaway ad:
Thirty Dollars Reward. RAN away, on the 16th November last, two Negro wenches, viz. one named LID, between 36 and 37 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high; was pregnant; had on, when she went away, a black Joans-spining petticoat, one of red Durant under it, a purple Calico shortgown, white Kenting handkerchief, with one of black gause over it, a book muslin cap, black silk bonnet, white cotton hose, and a pair of half-worn calf-skin shoes.
The other, named JANE, 19 or 20 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high; took with her 3 Gowns; viz. one blue and white striped; one black and blue broad striped ditto; and one of white Muslin; one blue moreen, one black and one white durant, and one quilted Petticoat, one black and one pink silk Bonnet, one pair black leather, one pair yellow, and one pair blue morocco Shoes, one black mode Cloak, with sundry shortgowns and Linsey clothing, not recollected.
It is supposed they have gone to Cecil county, Maryland, or the Delaware State.
Whoever apprehends the above Negro wenches, and secures them that their Masters may have them again, shall be entitled to the above reward, or fifteen Dollars for either, and reasonable charges if brought home; which will be paid by the Subscribers, in the Borough of Lancaster.
Date of Record: December 23, 1799
Source: Lancaster Intelligencer & Weekly Advertiser, January 01, 1800. Note: The runaway ad above also ran (with almost identical wording) in the Philadelphia Aurora & General Advertiser, on 27 January, 1800. It added the information that "They were seen in Philadelphia a few days after they absconded." In that ad, Musser and Kirkpatrick authorized Philadelphia merchant John Singes to act
as their agent regarding payment of reward.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration
Date of Birth: March 24, 1796
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1796 Registration notes "daughter of negro Jane," a female slave.
Date of Record: August 08, 1796
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Kittera, Hannah
City or Township: Earl Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Widow
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ester
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years and 8 months old (as recorded by county clerk)
Date of Birth: 1786--February (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: Mulatto girl
Notes: Age, as recorded by county clerk at registration, is "2 years and about 8 months."
Date of Record: October 09, 1788
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Caleb
Sex: Male
Age: 4 months old (as recorded by county clerk)
Date of Birth: 1788--May (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: Mulatto boy
Notes: Age, as recorded by county clerk at registration, is "about 4 months."
Date of Record: October 09, 1788
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Kittera, John Wilkes
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: "Attorney at Law," Politician (Federalist Congressman)
Notes: In the registration for the slave child Frank, Kittera lists his residence as "Lancaster Borough, in the north west ward of the said Borough." John Wilkes Kittera lived 1752-1801.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about August 5 1798"
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1798 Registration notes "son of negro Daphne," a female slave.
Date of Record: December 31, 1798
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Kittera, Joseph
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 07a (Source 102)
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro boy
Notes: Source number 110 presents a contract showing the sale of the child Jack from Joseph Kittera to Brice Clark in 1779, and the attempted sale of Jack by Clark to William Smith, Jr.
Text of the sale from Kittera to Clark:
To all whom it may concern. Know ye that I, Joseph Kittera, of the Borough of Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania, gent, for and in consideration of the quantity of fifty bushels of wheat and fifty bushels of rye to me, delivered by Brice Clark, at the Township of Lampeter in the county and State aforesaid, have granted, bargained, sold and delivered, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and deliver unto the said Brice Clark, one negro boy called Jack. To have and to hold the said negro boy to the said Brice Clark, his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof, of him, the said Brice Clark, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Joseph Kittera, his heirs executors and administrators, the said negro boy called Jack unto the said Brice Clark, his heirs and assigns, against him, them, any or either of them and against all and every person or persons whomsover claiming or to claim the said boy, by from or under him, them or any of them, shall and will warrant and forever defend these presents.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the 7th day of December, 1779. JOSEPH KITTERA (Seal).
Date of Record: December 07, 1779
Source: Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery"
- Slaveholder Name: Knox, James
City or Township: Drumore Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Coffe
Sex: Male
Age: 60a
Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 19, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
Sex: Female
Age: 25a
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 19, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Knox, James
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bob
Sex: Male
Age: 30a
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Knudson, Morris
City or Township: Carnarvan Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: 1780 Slave Registrations included the phrase "enters as possessor."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah Cook
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Punch Farmer
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Quash
Sex: Male
Age: 05
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro male"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: 04
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro female"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Krug, Jacob
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Tanner
- Enslaved Person's Name: Thomas
Sex: Male
Age: 60 (at time of census)
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Enumerated, but unnamed, in the 1800 Septennial Census.
Date of Record: 1800 (census); October 28, 1780 (Registration)
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800; 102
- Slaveholder Name: Krug, Valentin
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Notes: Recorded in the 1754 tax lists for the Borough of Lancaster as owning two slaves. The source lists the original document's spelling of the surname as "Cruz" (apparently mistaking the script 'g' for a 'z'), but interprets it as Krug.
- Enslaved Person's Name: ??
Sex: ?
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ? Pre-1754
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Ownership recorded in 1754 tax lists for the borough of Lancaster.
Date of Record: 1754
Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Sex: ?
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ? Pre-1754
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Ownership recorded in 1754 tax lists for the borough of Lancaster.
Date of Record: 1754
Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"
- Slaveholder Name: Kuhn, John
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Physician
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: Infant at Registration
Date of Birth: May 13, 1795
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
Description: "Mulatto child"
Notes: 1795 Registration (county clerk's notation) "son of mulatto Doll."
Date of Record: September 11, 1795
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Anna Maria
Sex: Female
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: January 01, 1799
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
Description: "Mulatto female child"
Notes: 1795 Registration (county clerk's notation) "daughter of mulatto woman Doll."
Date of Record: May 31, 1799
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Kyser, Andrew
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: "Clay-potter"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Kean
Sex: Male
Age: Three weeks old at Registration
Date of Birth: October 10, 1792
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1792 Registration (county clerk's notation) "son of negro Dinah a female slave."
Date of Record: October 31, 1792
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Laverty, Jesse
City or Township: Caernarvon Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ? (presumably after March 01, 1780)
Status: "Indentured servant"
Notes: Hannah is mentioned in the September 1807 Registration of her daughter Ellen, born August 15 of that year. As an indentured servant herself, the registration of her child as a slave should not have been allowed.
Date of Record: September 24, 1807
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ellen
Sex: Female
Age: One month old at Registration.
Date of Birth: August 15, 1807
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1807 Registration notes "daughter of Hannah, my indentured servant." Since the children of indentured servants were not to be enslaved, this makes the registration of Ellen as the child of a slave illegal.
Date of Record: September 24, 1807
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Lazarus, Samson
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Merchant
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sucky
Sex: Female
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro Woman
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 1754 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro Man
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sidney
Sex: Female
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro Girl
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 02.5
Date of Birth: 1778- March (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro Girl
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Philip
Sex: Male
Age: 01
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro Boy
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: September 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Lee, William
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Carpenter
Notes: 1780 Slave Registrations includes the phrase "enters as possessor."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fane
Sex: Female
Age: 08
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 30, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Lefever, Samuel
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Names not given
Sex: A slave family, husband, wife and child.
Slave Ages: Man, about 30 years old; the woman, about 23, and the child about 8 months old.
Date of Birth: varies
Status: Slaves for life
Description: "Negroe"
Notes: Lefever advertised, in conjunction with David Watson, for the return of several persons who had run away in September 1770. Which slaves belonged to which person is not stated :
RUN away the 13th of this instant September, from the subscribers, living in Leacock township, Lancaster county, a Negroe man and woman; the man is about 30 years old, 5 feet 4 inches high, speaks good English, has long hair; had on an old hat, his other clothes uncertain; --- the woman who went with him, has with her a young female child, about 8 months old (a good mark to know them by) she is about 23 years old, middling size, had good clothes, two long gowns, one striped cotton, the other calicoe, two short gowns, and new low heeled shoes. Also a white servant man named Adam Jacobs, who run away the 13th of June, .Whoever secures them, so that their owner may get them again, shall receive the above reward, of Forty Shillings for the white man, Thirty for the Negroe man, and the same for the woman and child, paid by SAMUEL LEFEVER, or DAVID WATSON.
Date of Record: September 27, 1770
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, September 27, 1770
- Slaveholder Name: Lefevre, Daniel
City or Township: Strasburg Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Tanner
- Enslaved Person's Name: Brown, Nancy
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave for a term of years (see notes)
Description: "Servant woman"
Notes: Mother of Ageline Brown, born December 10, 1815. Nancy's term is described as "6 years to serve from May 1, 1816, she being bound by indenture in Maryland to serve [Lefevre] 8 years from May 1814." She was probably purchased from a Maryland slaveholder in May, 1814. Pennsylvania law at this time prohibited the purchase of slaves for life terms from outside of the state. There is another Nancy Brown who appears in slavery records, as the mother of the child Ellen (the father "negro James"), born May 02, 1818 and registered on July 09, 1818 at Lancaster by John Welsh, an inkeeper of that town. It is not known if this is the same person.
Date of Record: February 19, 1816
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Brown, Ageline
Sex: Female
Age: Two months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: December 10, 1815
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years.
Description: "Female negro child"
Notes: Text of 1816 Registration: "Daniel Lefevre of Strasburg Township, tanner, returns a female negro child named Ageline Brown, daughter of his servant woman named Nancy Brown, who has 6 years to serve from May 1, 1816, she being bound by indenture in Maryland to serve him 8 years from May 1814, said child was born December 10, 1815."
Date of Record: February 19, 1816
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Slaveholder Name: Levy, Andrew
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Merchant
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sarah
Sex: Female
Age: 36a
Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "Slave for life."
Date of Record: October 05, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: 18a
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto Woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "Slave for life."
Date of Record: October 05, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sally
Sex: Female
Age: 03a
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "Slave for life."
Date of Record: October 05, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: 10 months old (about)
Date of Birth: 1779- December (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "Slave for life."
Date of Record: October 05, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Lightner, Adam
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Husbandman, farmer
Notes: Husband of Leah Lightner. Leah first began registering slaves in 1807 as the widow of Adam.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Summers, Anna
Sex: Female
Age: About seven months old at Registration
Date of Birth: "born on or about July 1 1788"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes "daughter of Nell, a female slave." Leah Lightner, widow of Adam, registered the following children of Anna: Miran, born October 24, 1807, Peter, born September 16, 1810, Ellen, born May 28, 1815, and Rose, born April 13, 1817. Note that the birthdate of her daughter Rose fell more than nine months past the date at which Anna turned 28 years old, yet her child was still registered as a slave, subject to 28 years of bondage.
Date of Record: March 26, 1789
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Slaveholder Name: Lightner, Joel, Esquire
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mills, Sophia
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult--under age 28)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negress servant"
Notes: Mother of Esther Mills, who was born May 10, 1818.
Date of Record: October 19, 1818
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mills, Esther
Sex: Female
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: May 10, 1818
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negress female child"
Notes: Text of the 1818 Registration of Esther Mills: "Joel Lightner of Leacock Township, Esquire, returns Esther Mills a negress female child a daughter of Sophia Mills a negress servant of the said Joel Lightner Esquire, who is liable to serve until she arrives to the age of 28 years; said Esther was born May 10, 1818, and is liable to serve till the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: October 19, 1818
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Slaveholder Name: Lightner, John, Jr.
City or Township: Strasburg Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Mother of Napoleon Bonaparte, born August 15, 1813 and Jerome, born June 08, 1818.
Date of Record: December 18, 1813
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bonaparte, Napoleon
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: August 15, 1813
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Male negro child"
Notes: Text of 1813 Registration: "John Lightner Junior, of Strasburg Twp., returns a male negro child named Napoleon Bonaparte who was born August 15, 1813; son of his negro woman Dinah, his servant till she arrive at the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: December 18, 1813
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jerome
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: June 08, 1818
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Male negro child"
Notes: Text of the 1818 Registration of Jerome: "John Lightner of Strasburg Township, farmer, returns a male negro child named Jerome who was born June 8, 1818, son of his negro woman Dinah, his servant until she arrives to the age of 28 years, said Jerome is liable to serve until he arrives to the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: October 20, 1818
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Slaveholder Name: Lightner, Leah
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Widow
Notes: Widow of Adam Lightner.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Summers, Miran (surname is presumed to be the same as mother's)
Sex: Female
Age: Six months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: October 24, 1807
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female mulatto child"
Notes: 1808 Registration notes "daughter of Anna Summers," a female slave.
Date of Record: April 22, 1808
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Summers, Peter (surname is presumed to be the same as mother's)
Sex: Male
Age: About six months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: September 16, 1810
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Male negro child"
Notes: 1811 Registration notes "Leah Lightner of Leacock Twp., widow, by her agent Nathaniel P. Lightner, returns a male negro child named Peter, son of Anna, a female negro servant for the term of 28 years of the said Leah Lightner, said child her property was born September 16, 1810, and is liable to serve the said Leah Lightner, her heirs and assigns unti the the said child shall arrive at the age of 28 years." The mother, Anna, was identified as Anna Summers in the 1808 Registration of Anna's daughter Miran. Anna Summers was originally registered by Adam Lightner in March 1789 as the daughter of the slave Nell.
Date of Record: March 11, 1811
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Summers, Ellen (surname is presumed to be the same as mother's)
Sex: Male
Age: About six months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born about May 28, 1815"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro child"
Notes: Text of 1815 Registration: "Leah Lightner of Leacock Township, widow of Adam Lightner late of said township, farmer, deceased, returns a negro child called Ellen, daughter of negress Anna, her servant till she arrives at the ge of 28 years, said child was born about May 28, 1815." The mother, Anna, was identified as Anna Summers in the 1808 Registration of Anna's daughter Miran. Anna Summers was originally registered by Adam Lightner in March 1789 as the daughter of the slave Nell.
Date of Record: November 17, 1815
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
Sex: Female
Age: About six months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: April 13, 1817
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negress female child"
Notes: Text of 1817 Registration for Rose: "Leah Lightner of Leacock Township, widow of Adam Lightner late of the same place, deceased, returns a negress female child named Rose, daughter of negress woman Anna who was liable to serve till she arrived at the age of 28 years which age she has attained or will soon attain. Said child was born April 13, 1817 and is liable to serve till she attains the age of 28 years." The mother, Anna, was identified as Anna Summers in the 1808 Registration of Anna's daughter Miran. Anna Summers was originally registered by Adam Lightner in March 1789 as the daughter of the slave Nell. Her original birthdate was given as "born on or about July 1 1788." This means she had reached the age of 28 on July 01, 1816, more than nine months prior to the birth of her daughter Rose, giving Leah Lightner no legal claim to ownership of the child Rose.
Date of Record: October 03, 1817
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ruth
Sex: Female
Age: Three months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: July 22, 1819
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female negro child"
Notes: Text of the 1819 Registration of Ruth: "Mrs. Leah Lightner of Leacock Township, returns a female negro child named Ruth, born July 22, 1819, the mother of the said child is the servant of the said Leah Lightner." The mother is not identified in the registration.
Date of Record: November 18, 1819
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Slaveholder Name: Lightner, Nathaniel F.
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negress"
Notes: Mother of Alexander, born August 28, 1815.
Date of Record: November 28, 1815
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Alexander
Sex: Male
Age: Three months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: August 28, 1815
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: Text of 1815 Registration: "Nathaniel F. Lightner of Leacock Township, farmer, returns a negro male child named Alexander, son of negress Hannah his servant till she arrives at the age of 28 years, said child was born August 28, 1815."
Date of Record: November 28, 1815
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Slaveholder Name: Little, Joseph
City or Township: Rapho Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: See also Jospeh Lytle, Rapho Township, possibly same person
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dina
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro woman
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 10, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro boy
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 10, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Lockhan, Robert
City or Township:
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mary
Sex: Female
Age: ? Adult
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Not determined
Notes: Mother of Priscilla, a Negro child whose 1786 baptism is recorded in St. John's Church records, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Date of Record:
Source: Egle, "Notes and Queries"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Priscilla
Sex: Female
Age: ? "child"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Not determined
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Daugher of Mary, "a slave of Robert Lockhan." Baptised January 01, 1786 in St. John's Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Source number 104 gives the same information, except that it identifies the church as St. James Episcopal (Anglican) Church.
Date of Record: January 01, 1786
Source: Egle, "Notes and Queries" | Wright, "Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 18th Century, Vol. 3"
- Slaveholder Name: Lockhart, Josiah
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Merchant
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dominikin, Addy
Sex: Female
Age: ? ("woman")
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Manumitted
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Excerpt of manumission document: "for and in consideration of the faithful services rendered to me by my Negro woman Addy Dominikin. . ." The manumission was effective August 01, 1796. Lockhart signed the document November 22, 1796.
Date of Record: November 22, 1796
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Molly
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Wench"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
Date of Record: August 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Clerah
Sex: Female
Age: Four and a half years old
Date of Birth: 1776- February (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Child"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
Date of Record: August 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mary
Sex: Female
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1782- September 01a
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Female Child"
Notes: This registration is not included on the microfilmed collection of returns, source number 67.
Date of Record: September 02, 1788
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
Sex: Male
Age: 04
Date of Birth: 1784- February 08a
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Male Child"
Notes: This registration is not included on the microfilmed collection of returns, source number 67.
Date of Record: September 02, 1788
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Prissilla
Sex: Female
Age: 02
Date of Birth: 1785- November 08a
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Female Child"
Notes: This registration is not included on the microfilmed collection of returns, source number 67.
Date of Record: September 02, 1788
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
Slaveholder Name: Long, Robert
City or Township: Drumore Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Amos Harris
Sex: Male
Slave Age: "About 19 years of age" at time of running away
Slave Date of Birth: about 1828, calculated from ad
Slave Status: Runaway slave or servant
Slave Description: "Colored Boy"
Slave Notes: Amos ran away from Long in May 1847. Long placed the following ad seeking to recover him:
6 Cents Reward. Ranaway from the Subscriber in Drumore township, Lancaster County, Pa. on Friday the 7th of May, a Colored Boy, about 19 yeras of age, named Amos Harris. Any person bringing back the said Runaway shall have the above reward, but no charges will be paid.
All persons are forbid harboring or trusting said Boy on my accont.
May 12
Date of Record: February 26, 1794
Source: Lancaster Examiner & Herald, Wednesday, 19 May 1847
- Slaveholder Name: Long, Stephen
City or Township: Little Britain Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lucia
Sex: Female
Age: One month old at Registration.
Date of Birth: January 23, 1794
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto female child"
Notes: 1794 Registration notes "daughter of mulatto Peggy a female slave." In the 1792 registration for Lucia's brother Samuel, the mother, "Pegg," was described as "Negroe Pegg."
Date of Record: February 26, 1794
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Samuel
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration
Date of Birth: 1792-February 10
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Male Child"
Notes: 1792 Registration notes "son of Negroe Pegg, registered by John Atchison at Lancaster as a Slave."
Date of Record: June 15, 1792
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Loudon, John
City or Township:
County: Northumberland
Notes: It is not explained why John Loudon's enslaved person is registered in Lancaster County. Registration is "by his Attorney Nathaniel Barber." This listing has been cross-posted on the Northumberland County Slaveholder list.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sil
Sex: Female
Age: 13a
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Loughead, James
City or Township: Sadsbury Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
Date of Record: August 02, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Low, Cornelius
City or Township: Manheim Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sarah
Sex: Female
Age: 06a
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro girl
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 16, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Lowry, Alexander
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ned
Sex: Male
Age: 28a
Date of Birth: 1741 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe man"
Notes: Ned ran away in 1769 in the company of two other men. Lowry advertised for their return:
RUN away from the Subscriber, living in Donegall, Lancaster county, an Irish servant man, named JOHN ROBESON, about 22 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, of a fresh complexion, red hair, and commonly wears it tied behind, and cued; had on, when he went away, a shirt and trowsers, a linen jacket, with 4 rows of buttons on the breast, and a pair of old shoes; he is a good scholar, and perhaps may pass for a Doctor. There went off with him, a negroe man, named NED, well set, and strong, but not very tall, aged about 28 years, born in the Jerseys, speaks very good English, and can read and write, of a down look, and thick lips; had on, when he went away, a coarse shirt and trowsers, a hat, bound round the edge, and a hood worked in it; he may be taken for a Mulattoe, by his colour, and probably both may have provided other clothes. Likewise ran away in company with them, a likely Negroe man, belonging to Joseph Chambers in York town, named James Jones, about 28 years of age, about 5 feet 11 inches high, slim made, born in this country, and has a good countenance; he took with him a blue broadcloth coat, black velvet jacket, and breeches, a pair of leather ditto, two fine shirts, one of them ruffled, 2 coarse ditto, two pair of coarse trowsers, a pair of pumps, with silver shoe buckles, a pair of strong shoes, a blanket, and a gun, with a splint in the stock, near the butt. It is likely they may have forged passes, as the white man writes a good hand. whoever takes up and secures the said servants, so that their masters may have them again, shall have SIX POUNDS reward for the three, or Forty Shillings for either, if taken separate, and reasonable charges, paid by us.
Ned was apparently captured, but in August 1771 ran away with his wife and child. Lowrey placed this ad for his capture (note the difference in the reported age of Ned, from the previous ad of three years earlier):
FIVE POUNDS Reward. RUN away from the subscriber, living in Donegall township, Lancaster county, on the 18th day of August last, a Negroe man, named NED, aged about 35 years, well set, but low, of a surly look, and hanging lip; he kept a white woman, by whom he had a child near 3 months old, when he went away he took both with him; she is a well set strong woman, pock-marked, named MARY WOODS, a bold speaking woman, and it is probable that he will endeavour to pass for a free Negroe, having the woman and child with him; he is not very black, much like a Mulattoe; he was born in the Jerseys, can both read and write; very likely he has procured a pass for them as man and wife. Whoever takes up the said Negroe, and woman, and secures them, so that the owner may have them again, shall have Five Pounds reward, for the Negroe, and reasonable charges, paid by me ALEXANDER LOWREY.
Dates of Record: August 17, 1769; October 31, 1771
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, August 17, 1769; October 31, 1771
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phebe
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 1754 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 03, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 03, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Gin
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 03, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sanna
Sex: Female
Age: 03
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 03, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Andrew
Sex: Male
Age: Two months old at Registration
Date of Birth: August 21, 1795
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1795 Registration notes "son of negro Jane," a female slave. Ownership of Andrew was transferred to Alexander Lowry, of Frankstown, Huntingdon County, sometime before 1819. He ran away from his new owner on Christmas Day, 1818. Alexander Lowry, of Frankstown ran the following ad to reclaim Andrew:
30 Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the subscriber, living in Frankstown township, Huntingdon conty, Pa. on Saturday the 25th of December last, a Mulatto man named
He is either 23 or 24 years of age, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, clumsy made, his nose very much scarred and broken in by a kick of a horse when young. Had on when he went away, a pair of black thick cloth pantaloons and a coat nearly the same colour, a tow shirt and a wool hat half worn. He is very fond of spiritous liquors, was born in Lancaster county, near Maytown, his former master was Col. Alexander Lowry, deceased, who lived between Maytown and Anderson's Ferry, his mother also belonged to Col. Lowry--she may be still living and probably he has
gone in that neighborhood in search of her, or to Lampeter township, in the neighborhood of Messars. Denlinger and Brua. He is recorded in the Lancaster Recording Office.
The above reward and all reasonable charges will be paid to any person or persons for apprehending him and confining him in the Jail of the county where he may be taken. Information for the subscriber will be thankfully received.
Frankstown, Jan. 21.
Date of Record: 21 January 1819
Sources: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me " ; Lancaster Journal 29 January 1819.
- Slaveholder Name: Lurbat, John
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
Sex: Male
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Mulatto boy
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Lyon, Adam
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Notes: Recorded in the 1754 tax lists for the Borough of Lancaster as owning one slave.
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Sex: ?
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Ownership recorded in 1754 tax lists for the borough of Lancaster.
Date of Record: 1754
Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"
- Slaveholder Name: Lytle, Joseph
City or Township: Rapho Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: See also Joseph Little, Rapho Township, possibly same person
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: "21 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1784
Status: Slave for a term of years
Description: "Negro Woman"
Notes: "Raised" in Delaware; escaped from Lytle on October 3, 1805.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN away, on the night of the 3d Inst. from the Subscriber, in Rapho township, Lancaster county, a Negro Woman, named Rachel, 21 years of age, about 5 feet high; has a smoothe face, fat cheeks, full eyes, a large scar on her left cheek (occasioned by a Blister) which is blacker than the rest of her face, a bold countenance, and walks straight:
Had on and took with her, several shortgowns and petticoats, 2 of them nearly new, viz. 1 of cotton and wool, striped, coperas-colour and brown; 1 do. brown lindsey; 1 do white muslin; 1 pair white woollen stockings; a purple silk bonnet, trimmed with blue ribbon; and a handkerchief tied on her head.
She was raised in the State of Delaware, and will probably endeavor to go there again, or to Philadelphia.
Whoever secures her in any Jail in the U.S. shall have the above Reward, and reasonable Charges, if brought home.
Oct. 8, 1805.
Date of Record: 08 October 1805
Source: Lancaster Intelligencer, 15 October 1805.
- Slaveholder Name: Lytle, William
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: "Farmer and innkeeper"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rosana, or Rose
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult in 1813)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: ? (listed as "Indented Servant")
Description: "Colored woman"/"negress"
Notes: Mother of Henry Hilton, born April 04, 1813, and Harriet Hilton, born November 03, 1818.
Date of Record: August 02, 1813
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hilton, Henry
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: April 04, 1813
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years.
Description: "Male child"
Notes: Text of 1813 Registration: "William Lytle, of Salisbury Twp., farmer and innkeeper, returns a male child, named Henry Hilton, son of his indented servant, colored woman, Rosana. Born April 4, 1813."
Date of Record: August 02, 1813
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hilton, Harriet
Sex: Female
Age: Two months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: November 03, 1818
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years.
Description: "Female mulatto child"
Notes: Text of the 1819 Registration of Harriet Hilton: "William Lytle of Salisbury Township, returns a female mulatto child named Harriet Hilton, born November 3, 1818. She is the daughter of negress Rose his servant, who is liable to serve until she arrives at the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: January 27, 1819
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "
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