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  A young enslaved Black woman working on a colonial Pennsylvania farm.
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A series of pages exploring
various aspects of enslavement in Pennsylvania

Lancaster County Slaveholders M-O

Slaveholders Listed on this Page

  1. Marshall, Christopher (Enslaved persons listed: Dinah)
  2. Martin, James (Enslaved persons listed: Cush, Jeffrey)
  3. Maxfield, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named slave)
  4. Maxwell, James (Enslaved persons listed: Ming)
  5. Maxwell, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Laha, Un-named female, Tom, Beck, Jack, Nan, Sack)
  6. McAmant, Isaac (Enslaved persons listed: Bett, Mingo, Ned)
  7. McAntier, William (Enslaved persons listed: Weymouth, Comfort, Saul, Phil, Lonny, 2 Un-named males, Rach, Ceasar, Pompey, Un-named female, Nance, Thom, Wemath, Ceaser [born 1799], Rachel, Comfort [born 1803])
  8. McCally, James (Enslaved persons listed: Samuel, Ruth, Isaac)
  9. McCally, John (Enslaved persons listed: Phebe, Peter, Prude, Barney)
  10. McCally, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Joseph)
  11. McCally, William (Enslaved persons listed: Phoebe)
  12. McCamant, Elihu (Enslaved persons listed: Dinah, Susan)
  13. McCausland, William (Enslaved persons listed: Dinah, Un-named female)
  14. McCay, John (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female)
  15. McClain, John (Enslaved persons listed: Abb, Dinah)
  16. McClelan, John (Enslaved persons listed: Philip, Thomas)
  17. McClure, John (Enslaved persons listed: Bett)
  18. McClure, William (Enslaved persons listed: Shirkey)
  19. McCollough, John (Enslaved persons listed: Tom)
  20. McCollough, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Charles)
  21. McConnell, John (Enslaved persons listed: Lemon, Antoney, Marce)
  22. McConnell, William (Enslaved persons listed: Antoney)
  23. McCullough, George (Enslaved persons listed: Pheby, Bow, Joe, Philies, Un-named female child)
  24. McCurdy, Adam (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female, 2 Un-named males)
  25. McCurdy, Archibald (Enslaved persons listed: Sarah, Ceat, Isaac, Dina, Abel)
  26. McDill, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named male)
  27. McFarquhar, Rev. Colin (Enslaved persons listed: Ben, Lydia, Sidny, Ben [born 1798], Sam)
  28. McKinney, Mordecai (Enslaved persons listed: Tom)
  29. McLaughlin, George (Enslaved persons listed: Nancy, Hannah, Charles, Benn, Saul)
  30. Mennert, Jacob, Jr. (Enslaved persons listed: Samson Grant)
  31. Middleton, Ann (Enslaved persons listed: Barbara)
  32. Middleton, John (Enslaved persons listed: Jack, Jean, Hannah)
  33. Miesson, George (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female)
  34. Miller, John, Esquire (Enslaved persons listed: Phillis, Jull, Michael, Richard)
  35. Miller, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Lemon)
  36. Miller, Richard (Enslaved persons listed: Venus)
  37. Mitchel, David (Enslaved persons listed: Hector, Jack, Violat, Jin)
  38. Mitchell, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named slave)
  39. Montgomery, David (Enslaved persons listed: Joe Hopkins)
  40. Montgomery, James (Enslaved persons listed: Catren)
  41. Montgomery, William (Enslaved persons listed: Maria, Jer, Hecktor, Comfrey, July, Cecar)
  42. Moore, Eleanor (Enslaved persons listed: Rose, Kate, Frank)
  43. Moore, George (Enslaved persons listed: Hett, Bob)
  44. Moore, James (Enslaved persons listed: 2 Un-named females, Tamer, Joa, Jean, Davy, Jack, Ben)
  45. Moore, John (Enslaved persons listed: Dinah)
  46. Moore, William (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named male)
  47. Moore, Zachariah (Enslaved persons listed: Rachel, Luce, Esther)
  48. Moorehead, James (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female, Pheb, Phillis, Ceaser)
  49. Moper, Michael (Enslaved persons listed: Soll, Bett)
  50. Morgan, David (Enslaved persons listed: Jen, Nance, Venus, Ben, Jack, Dinah, Joe, Tom, Bob, Sam)
  51. Morgan, James (Enslaved persons listed: Sarah)
  52. Morgan, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Poll Cook, Jack, Henney)
  53. Morris, Isaac (Enslaved persons listed: Unidentified slave)
  54. Morrison, James (Enslaved persons listed: Mink, Pomp, 2 Un-named males, Nan, Harry, Suck, Sall, Nancy, Ebenezer, Jack [or Jacob], John)
  55. Mosser, Michael (Enslaved persons listed: Fillis)
  56. Mountgomery, David (Enslaved persons listed: Joe Hopkins, Julius)
  57. Murray, Lecky (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah, Dina)
  58. Musser, George (Enslaved persons listed: Lid, Peter, David, Ann Mary, Milley McHenny, Hannah Ann)
  59. Musser, John (Enslaved persons listed: Rose, Kitty Robinson, a.k.a Kitty Boose, James Boose)
  60. Neal, James (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named teenaged boy)
  61. Neel, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Lid, Else, Ven, George)
  62. Neeper, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: John Rollins, Nance, Elizabeth)
  63. Nelson, William (Enslaved persons listed: Jack, Leah, Nicklas)
  64. Nicholas, Michael (Enslaved persons listed: Sally, Benjamin)
  65. Norton, John (Enslaved persons listed: Thom)
  66. Offner, John (Enslaved persons listed: Benjamin Kitt)
  67. Okely, John (Enslaved persons listed:  Venus, Peter Yellet)
  68. Old, Davis (Enslaved persons listed: Cato)
  69. Old, James, Esquire (Enslaved persons listed: Phillis, Sambo, Soffoia, Ceasar, Frank, Phillis, Pheoby, Fann, Sall, Hannah, Mark)
  70. Old, William (Enslaved persons listed: 2 un-named males, 2 un-named females, Jerey)

About the Information in this List

Each listing represents a record of one Black enslaved person or indentured servant (more on terminology below). The list is sorted alphabetically according to the owner's surname. This order is useful because it groups together enslaved persons who would have lived in the same household, farm or industry, and increases the likelihood of finding persons related to each other. Records of slave surnames are rare, many being identified only through their given name. You can search this listing for a specific slave given name by using your browser's Find feature.

Dates of birth for the slaves, unless specified in the original documents, have been calculated by subtracting their given age from the date of the record. Very often, their ages as reported in the original records are given as approximations (such as "about 25 years of age"), which is indicated by a lower case "a" following their age. The term Status refers to the slave's relative freedom. Unless specified otherwise, slaves served "for life" prior to Pennsylvania's Gradual Emancipation Act of 1780. Children born to slave mothers after the passage of that legislation were to serve until age 28, which was much of their productive lives.

The term Description refers to the main description of the slave as given in the original source (including misspellings). This is often a means by which slaves were put into certain categories according to race and relative age. Source numbers and names correspond to the accompanying list of sources used in compiling this record.

Terminology, and Other Notes

The terms "slave" and "servant" were often used interchangeably, especially in the earliest years of the time period covered in this study. After the Gradual Emancipation Act of 1780 was passed in Pennsylvania, the term "servant" frequently came to mean either someone in indentured servitude or someone employed by the head of the household. The passage from slave to servant was often indistinct for many Blacks, many of whom remained with their former owners after being legally emancipated. For simplicity I have used the term "slave" to represent these people whom I believe were truly in bondage, even though some records list them as "servants." This list does not include white indentured servants, who were an entirely different class of labor from Black slaves and Black "indentured servants."

The locations listed for the owners, especially City or Township are greatly mixed, and represent the location listed in the original record. As township boundaries shifted and new townships and counties were created, the original listing may be very misleading.

Enslavement Data

  • Slaveholder Name: Marshall, Christopher
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: "Gentleman"

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 38a
      Date of Birth: 1742 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: 1780 Registration specifies status as "for life."
      Date of Record: October 11, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Martin, James
    City or Township: Earl Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cush
      Sex: Male
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 30, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jeffrey
      Sex: Male
      Date of Birth: 1791-February 07
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro Male Child"
      Notes: 1791 Registration lists Jeffrey's mother as "Negro Phillis," who it notes was registered by Joshua Evans, "her former master," at Lancaster as a slave. See "Evans, Joshua."
      Date of Record: August 03, 1791
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: Maxfield, Robert
    City or Township: Little Britain Township
    County: Lancaster
    Notes: Maxfield apparently placed an ad for the capture of a runaway slave (see below).

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
      Sex: Sex not stated
      Age: Age not stated
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Not known
      Notes: Ran away but was captured and placed in the work house in Philadelphia:
      NOTICE is hereby given to Samuel Mitchell and Robert Maxfield, of Little Britain township, Lancaster county, that their NEGROES and MULATTO are taken up and confined in the Workhouse in Philadelphia; They are hereby desired to come, pay charges (agreeable to their advertisement) and take them away, by TULIP MAY, living in Pewter Platter Alley, Philadelphia.
      Date of Record: May 24, 1780
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, May 24, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Maxwell, James
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ming
      Sex: Male
      Age: 37
      Date of Birth: 1743 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Male Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Maxwell, Robert
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Laha
      Sex: Female
      Age: 43a
      Date of Birth: 1737 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro wench
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not recorded in document
      Sex: Female
      Age: 50
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800. It is possible that this is the woman "Beck" registered by Maxwell in 1780, and whose daughter Sack he registered in 1789, although her age makes her unlikely to be the mother.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30a
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Beck
      Sex: Female
      Age: 22a (at time of 1780 Registration)
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro Wench
      Notes: Beck was registered by Maxwell at Lancaster on 14 October, 1780, according to the 1789 Registration of Beck's daughter Sack. This is verified by source number 102, "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780".
      Date of Record: February 05, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 12a
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life--Manumitted 1806
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Maxwell manumitted "my boy Jack" in a document signed March 29, 1799, and which was to take effect on April 01, 1806. (Source 102, page 73). Assuming the manumission took place as recorded, Jack would have been 38 years old when manumitted in 1806.
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780 (Registration)
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Nan
      Sex: Female
      Age: one year old at registration
      Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life--Manumitted 1807
      Description: "Negroe Girl"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Maxwell manumitted "my Negroe Girl named Nann" in a document signed March 29, 1799, and which was to take effect on April 01, 1807. (Source 102, page 76) Assuming the manumission took place as recorded, Nan would have been 28 years old when manumitted in 1807.
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780 (Registration)
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    7. Enslaved Person's Name: Sack or Suck (familiar of "Sukey")
      Sex: Female
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1781-December 26
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: Negro Female Child
      Notes: 1789 Registration notes "Daughter of Negroe Beck a female Slave; said Mother was duly Registered by me at Lancaster on the fourteenth day of October" in 1780." The name of this person was recorded by the county clerk as Suck, which would be a shortened form of the traditional female slave name Sukey. The handwriting on the original registration, though, appeared to read Sack.
      Date of Record: February 05, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

  • Slaveholder Name: McAmant, Isaac
    City or Township: Salisbury Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Yoeman/ Farmer
    Notes: "Surname spelled "McClamant" in 1780 Slave Registrations."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Bett
      Sex: Female
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro girl
      Notes: Mother of Mingo, who was born in January, 1788, and registered by McClamant on November 13 of that year.
      Date of Record: October 23, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Mingo
      Sex: Male
      Age: 01a
      Date of Birth: 1788-January (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Mulatto Boy"
      Notes: 1788 Registration gives his age as "about 10 months." It also notes "his mother Bet being a slave." Bett was registered by McClamant at Lancaster on October 23, 1780.
      Date of Record: November 13, 1788
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Ned
      Sex: Male
      Age: 21a
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Runaway
      Description: "Mulattoe slave"
      Notes: Text of runaway advertisements:
      "March 31, 1788.
      EIGHT DOLLARS Reward.
      RAN away last night from the subscriber, living in Salisbury township, Lancaster county, a Mulattoe Slave named NED, about 21 years of age, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, had on when he went away, a half worn brown coat, an old jacket let out at the sides with brown cloth, tow shirt, old dark corduroy breeches, white yarn stockings, good shoes, with plated buckles, new wool hat cocked up at the sides, has been inoculated last winter for the small pox, and the place may be seen on his left arm. Whoever takes up said slave, and secures him in any goal, so as his master may have him again, shall have the above reward, paid by ISAAC McCAMANT."
      On July 23, 1788, McAmant ran the following advertisement with additional information:
      "EIGHT DOLLARS Reward.
      RAN away last night from the subscriber, living in Salisbury township, Lancaster county, a Mulatto Slave, named NED, about 21 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, of a bright colour, well made, broad face, his hair is so long that he can comb it; had on when he went away, an old linen shirt, a pair of striped trowsers, of copperas colour and white, a good wool hat, and calf-skin shoes with copper coloured buckles. He was inoculated last winter for the small-pox, and the place can be seen on his left arm. He ran away this spring, was put in Easton goal, and sold for his goal fees without my knowledge, to two gentlemen in Bucks county, who gave six dollars to a lawyer to help them to set him free, and had him bound 18 months for the fees. From these circumstances I have reason to suspect he is gone that way, as they were such good friends to him. Whoever takes up said slave and put him in any goal, so as his master may get him again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by
      July 13, 1788."
      Note that McAmant had this slave inoculated against smallpox. Also interesting is the story of Ned's release from Easton Jail to two Bucks County men who arranged his freedom in return for an 18 month indenture. It may also be worthwhile to note the timing of Ned's escape, which was shortly after the birth of the child Mingo to Bett, the adult female slave.
      Date of Record: April 09, 1788
      Source: Accessible Archives--Pennsylvania Gazette, Items #74764 and #75017.

  • Slaveholder Name: McAntier, William
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: Surname spelled McIntire in 1780 slave registrations. The slave child Comfort was registered in 1803 by the executors of McAntire's estate.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Weymouth
      Sex: Male
      Age: 25a
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Comfort
      Sex: Female
      Age: 19a
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Mother of Thom and Nance, slave children registered by McIntire on March 24, 1789. Another slave named Comfort, a child of Rachel, was born in August, 1803.
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Saul
      Sex: Male
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Phil
      Sex: Male
      Age: 15
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Lonny
      Sex: Male
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    7. Enslaved Person's Name: Rach
      Sex: Female
      Age: 08
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Mother of Wemath, born November 03, 1797, Ceaser, born November 15, 1799, and Comfort, born August 13, 1803.
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    8. Enslaved Person's Name: Ceasar
      Sex: Male
      Age: 03
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    9. Enslaved Person's Name: Pompey
      Sex: Male
      Age: 01.5
      Date of Birth: 1778- April (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    10. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Male
      Age: 20
      Date of Birth: 1780 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800. This is probably Pompey.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    11. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Female
      Age: 20
      Date of Birth: 1780 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    12. Enslaved Person's Name: Nance
      Sex: Female
      Age: "aged 7 years and 6 months"
      Date of Birth: 1781-September (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Woman Child" (source 67); "Female negro child" (source 119)
      Notes: 1789 Registration notes "born of a Negroe Woman Named Comfort" who was registered at Lancaster.
      Date of Record: March 25, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."

    13. Enslaved Person's Name: Thom
      Sex: Male
      Age: "aged 8 months"
      Date of Birth: 1788-July
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Man Child" (source 67); "Male negro child" (source 119)
      Notes: 1789 Registration gives age as 8 months; it also notes: "born of a Negroe Woman Named Comfort" who was registered at Lancaster.
      Date of Record: March 25, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."

    14. Enslaved Person's Name: Wemath
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: November 03, 1797
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: Probably named after the male slave Weymouth, a slave for life, registered in 1780. 1798 Registration notes "son of negro Rachel," a female slave.
      Date of Record: March 15, 1798
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."

    15. Enslaved Person's Name: Ceaser
      Sex: Male
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: November 15, 1799
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1800 Registration notes "son of Rachel."
      Date of Record: April 14, 1800
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."

    16. Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
      Sex: Female
      Age: One month old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: July 13, 1801
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro female child"
      Notes: Mother is not identified in slave registration.
      Date of Record: August 22, 1801
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."

    17. Enslaved Person's Name: Comfort
      Sex: Female
      Age: Three months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: "born on or about Aug 13 1803"
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro female child"
      Notes: 1803 Registration notes "daughter of Rachel." The actual registration was made by "Robert King & James Calhoon, Executors of the last will & testament of William McAntire, late of Drumore Township, farmer deceased."
      Date of Record: November 15, 1803
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."

  • Slaveholder Name: McCally, James
    City or Township: Salisbury Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: James McCally was the first slaveholder in Lancaster County to register the children of slaves in accordance with the new laws. The clerk recorded his return on June 7, 1788.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Samuel
      Sex: Male
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1781 (calculated)
      Description: "A boy"
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record: June 07, 1788
      Notes: Actual age, as recorded by the county clerk at time of registration: "was 7 years old February 24, 1788."
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing. . ."

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Ruth
      Sex: Female
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1783 (calculated)
      Description: "A girl"
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record: June 07, 1788
      Notes: Actual age, as recorded by the county clerk at time of registration: "was 5 years old December 15, 1787." Mother of Isaac, born January 03, 1800.
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing. . ."

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Description: "Male negro child"
      Date of Birth: January 03, 1800
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record: May 05, 1800
      Notes: 1800 Registration notes "son of Ruth," a female slave.
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing. . ."

  • Slaveholder Name: McCally, John
    City or Township: Salisbury Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Phebe
      Sex: Female
      Age: 34
      Date of Birth: 1746 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro woman
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 18, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
      Sex: Male
      Age: 18a
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 18, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Prude
      Sex: Female
      Age: Three months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: November 27, 1795
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Mulatto female child"
      Notes: 1796 Registration notes "daughter of negro Dinah," a female slave.
      Date of Record: February 29, 1796
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Barney
      Sex: Male
      Age: Six months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: December 28, 1804
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Mulatto male child"
      Notes: 1805 Registration notes "son of negress Diana."
      Date of Record: June 26, 1805
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: McCally, Robert
    City or Township: Salisbury Township
    County: Lancaster
    Notes: Died 1774.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Joseph
      Sex: Male
      Age: ? "man"
      Date of Birth: ? Pre-1774
      Status: Manumitted-1778
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: Source number 109 notes that "the testament of Robert McCally, of Salisbury township (page 232), dated January 15, 1774, . . .directs that his 'Negro Man Joseph' be set free four years after his death." The reference is to will book C, page 232.
      Date of Record: January 15, 1774
      Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"

  • Slaveholder Name: McCally, William
    City or Township:
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Phoebe
      Sex: Female
      Age: ? Adult
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Not determined
      Description: Negro Woman
      Notes: Baptised February 14, 1786 in St. John's Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Source number 104 gives the same information, except that the church is identified as St. James Episcopal (Anglican) Church, Lancaster.
      Date of Record: February 14, 1786
      Sources: Egle, "Notes and Queries" | Wright, "Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Church Records of the 18th Century, Vol. 3."

  • Slaveholder Name: McCamant, Elihu
    City or Township: Salisbury Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: ? (adult)
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Mulatto woman"
      Notes: Mother of Susan, born December 30, 1814.
      Date of Record: March 15, 1815
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Susan
      Sex: Female
      Age: Two months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: December 30, 1814
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Mulatto female child"
      Notes: Text of 1815 Registration: "Elihu McCamant of Salisbury Township, farmer, returns a mulatto female child named Susan, daughter of his mulatto woman Dinah, his servant till she arrives at the age of 28 years, said child was born December 30, 1814."
      Date of Record: March 15, 1815
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: McCausland, William
    City or Township: Leacock Township
    County: Lancaster
    Notes: The 1780 Slave Registration for Dinah is by William McCausland, Sr.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro wench
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
      Sex: Female
      Age: 20a
      Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
      Status: Runaway
      Description: "Negroe girl"
      Notes: Ran away in August 1764. Text of ad: "RUN away, the 30th of August, from the Subscriber, of Leacock Township, Lancaster County, a Negroe GIRL, about 20 Years of Age, a thick stout able Wench. Any person securing said Wench, so as her Master may have her again, shall have Twenty Shillings Reward, paid by WILLIAM McCASLAND."

      At some point, this woman was caught and placed in the workhouse in Philadelphia, but she soon escaped again:

      MADE her Escape from Jacob Barge, at the Sign of the Lamb, after being taken out of the Work house of Philadelphia, a Negroe Wench, who served some Time with one John Fullerton, Taylor; she is about 20 Years of Age, and had on a Calicoe Gown, and Bed gown, Linsey Petticoat, her other Clothes unknown; she run away from William McCasland, of leacock, Lancaster County, and went from the Sign of the Lamb the 16th of November. Any Person taking up said Negroe Wench, and securing her, so as her Master may have her again, shall have Twenty Shillings Reward, paid by WILLIAM McCASLAND.

      Dates of Record: September 13, 1764; November 29, 1764
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, September 13, 1764; November 29, 1764

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: ?
      Sex: Female
      Age: 22a
      Date of Birth: 1780 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "negro girl"
      Notes: Offered for sale in March, 1802. Text of ad: "FOR SALE, THE time of a negro girl, who is near 22 years of age; and has about 6 years and 4 months to serve. She is faithful and honest, strong and healthy, understands housework very well. For terms apply to William M'Causland, Leacock township, or to the printer hereof."
      Date of Record: March 27, 1802
      Source: Lancaster Journal

  • Slaveholder Name: McCay, John
    City or Township: Little Britain Township
    County: Lancaster
    Notes: Sold an enslaved woman to Thomas Parker in 1798, but Parker later charged that the woman was actually free at the time of the sale. See slaveholder "Parker, Thomas."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: ?
      Sex: Female
      Age: ? "woman"
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Not determined
      Description: "negro woman"
      Notes: Sold to Thomas Parker in 1798. Parker charged in 1800 that he believed the woman was actually "free by law" at the time of the sale.
      Date of Record: March 25, 1800
      Source: Lancaster Journal

  • Slaveholder Name: McClain, John
    City or Township: Little Britain Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Blacksmith

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Abb
      Sex: Male
      Age: 12
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 23, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro girl
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 23, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: McClelan, John
    City or Township: Salisbury Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Innkeeper
    Notes: Surname also spelled McClelland.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Philip
      Sex: Male
      Age: Six months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: June 11, 1792
      Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1792 Registration notes "the son of negro Hannah, a female slave and that the said mother is entered in York County."
      Date of Record: December 10, 1792
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Thomas
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: April 23, 1794
      Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1794 Registration notes "son of negro Hannah," a female slave (see Slave Notes for Philip, for more information on Hannah).
      Date of Record: August 26, 1794
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: McClure, John
    City or Township: Bart Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Bett
      Sex: Female
      Age: 24
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Pennsylvania Septennial Census of 1800, where she is identified by name, and in the Federal census of 1800 which lists one slave (no name given) for John McClure.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Sources: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800 | 1800 Federal Census, Bart Township, Lancaster County

  • Slaveholder Name: McClure, William
    City or Township: Bart Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Shirkey
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: 1792-August 18
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Mulatto Male Child"
      Notes: The Original 1792 Registration lists Shirkey's mother as "Negroe Jude."
      Date of Record: December 31, 1792
      Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: McCollough, John
    City or Township: Sadsbury Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 40
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: McCollough, Robert
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
      Sex: Male
      Age: 11a
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 25, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: McConnell, John
    City or Township: Colerain Township
    County: Lancaster
    Notes: Died 1773. His will leaves a slave to his son, William, and calls for the sale of two other slaves.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Lemon
      Sex: Female
      Age: ? adult in 1773
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro wench
      Notes: Lemon is mentioned in the will of John McConnell, dated 1773. Source number 109 notes that this is recorded in Lancaster County will book C, page 146. Excerpt: "John McConnell, of Colerain township, leaves to his son William, 'my negro boy called Antoney,' and gives directions for the sale of 'my negro Winc [wench] called Lemon, and her daughter, called Marce. July 19, 1773"

      An enslaved woman named Lemon was registered, seven years later in 1780, by Joseph Miller. It is possible that this is the same person, now held by a new slaveholder. Her daughter Marce is not listed with Miller, however.
      Date of Record: July 19, 1773
      Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Antoney
      Sex: Male
      Age: ? "boy"
      Date of Birth: ? Pre-1773
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: Antoney is mentioned in the will of John McConnell, dated 1773. Source 109 notes that this is recorded in Lancaster County will book C, page 146. Excerpt: "John McConnell, of Colerain township, leaves to his son William, 'my negro boy called Antoney,' and gives directions for the sale of 'my negro Winc [wench] called Lemon, and her daughter, called Marce. July 19, 1773"
      Date of Record: July 19, 1773
      Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Marce
      Sex: Female
      Age: ?
      Date of Birth: ? Pre-1773
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro wench
      Notes: Daughter of Lemon, a slave to McConnell. Marce is mentioned in the will of John McConnell, dated 1773. Source 109 notes that this is recorded in Lancaster County will book C, page 146. Excerpt: "John McConnell, of Colerain township, leaves to his son William, 'my negro boy called Antoney,' and gives directions for the sale of 'my negro Winc [wench] called Lemon, and her daughter, called Marce. July 19, 1773"
      Date of Record: July 19, 1773
      Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"

  • Slaveholder Name: McConnell, William
    City or Township:
    County: Lancaster
    Notes: Son of John McConnell. His father's will left to him title to the slave Antoney.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Antoney
      Sex: Male
      Age: ? "boy"
      Date of Birth: ? Pre-1773
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: Mentioned in will of John McConnell, 1773. Source notes that this is recorded in Lancaster County will book C, page 146. Excerpt: "John McConnell, of Colerain township, leaves to his son William, 'my negro boy called Antoney,' and gives directions for the sale of 'my negro Winc [wench] called Lemon, and her daughter, called Marce. July 19, 1773"
      Date of Record: July 19, 1773
      Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"


  • Slaveholder Name: McCullough, George
    City or Township: Little Britain Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: McCullough (also spelled McCollough) recorded his residence as Drumore Township in his 1780 Slave Registrations. ("Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780")

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Pheby
      Sex: Female
      Age: 03a
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro girl
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 27, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Bow
      Sex: Male
      Age: 24a
      Date of Birth: 1756 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 27, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Jo or Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 23a
      Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life- Manumitted 1797
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life." Source 110 gives the text of Joe's manumission document:
      The subscriber does of his own accord and free will acquit and release his negro Joe, from being any longer with him as a slave, upon consideration that he shall be a faithful servant at his master's call, as a hireling for the space of four years from the date hereof--he is only to call upon him not above nine months each year.
      April 1, 1797
      Signed--NEGRO X JOE,
      Per the terms above, Joe would have been 44 years old when he was finally free of service to McCullough in 1801.
      Date of Record: October 27, 1780 (Registration); 01 April 1797 (Manumission document)
      Sources: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780" | Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Philies
      Sex: Female
      Age: Adult
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated) ("Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780")
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: From the 1789 Registration for the un-named child: "George McCullough has in his custody a Female Child boren of his Negroe Wanch Philies which was boren sometime in October or the first of November 1787." McCullough registered Phillis, a "a Negro girl" aged about 13 years, at Lancaster on October 27, 1780."
      Date of Record: February 07, 1789
      Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Female
      Age: 01
      Date of Birth: 1787-October or November
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: Female Child
      Notes: From the 1789 Registration for this child: "George McCullough has in his custody a Female Child boren of his Negroe Wanch Philies which was boren sometime in October or the first of November 1787."
      Date of Record: February 07, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

  • Slaveholder Name: McCurdy, Adam
    City or Township: Salisbury Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Female
      Age: 50
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Male
      Age: 25
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Male
      Age: 22
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

  • Slaveholder Name: McCurdy, Archibald
    City or Township: Salisbury Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sarah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 50
      Date of Birth: 1730 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro woman
      Date of Record: October 21, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Ceat
      Sex: Female
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro woman
      Date of Record: October 21, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Date of Record: October 21, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Dina
      Sex: Female
      Age: 02
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro girl
      Date of Record: October 21, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Abel
      Sex: Male
      Age: 9 months
      Date of Birth: 1780- February (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Date of Record: October 21, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: McDill, Jacob
    City or Township: Salisbury Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not recorded in document
      Sex: Male
      Age: ? "man"
      Date of Birth: ? (1789?--See notes)
      Status: Slave for a term of years
      Description: "Black"
      Notes: Offered for sale in July, 1808. Text of advertisement: "FOR SALE. The time of a Black man, who has nine years to serve. He is very stout and healthy, he would prefer going to a forge, where he might have an opportunity of learning that business. For terms, apply to the subscriber, living in Salsbury township, Lancaster County. JACOB M'DILL."

      If this person was to serve the traditional 28 years, and had "nine years to serve," his year of birth works out to be about 1789.
      Date of Record: July 01, 1808
      Source: Lancaster Journal

  • Slaveholder Name: McFarquhar, Rev. Colin
    City or Township: Donegal Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Minister of the Gospel
    Notes: In the 1798 registration of the slave child Ben, McFarquhar's occupation is listed as "clerk."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
      Sex: Male
      Age: 12a
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a servant."
      Date of Record: October 18, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Lydia
      Sex: Female
      Age: 12a
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro girl
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a servant." Mother of Harry, born October 20, 1793, Sidny, born August 08, 1796, Ben, born July 19, 1798 and Sam, born June 16, 1801.
      Date of Record: October 18, 1780
      Sources: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780" | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Harry
      Sex: Male
      Age: Infant at time of Registration.
      Date of Birth: October 20, 1793
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1793 Slave Registration specifies "Son of negro Lidia, female slave."
      Date of Record: December 14, 1793
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Sidny
      Sex: Female
      Age: Three months old at time of Registration.
      Date of Birth: August 08, 1796
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro female child"
      Notes: 1796 Registration notes "daughter of negro Lid," a female slave.
      Date of Record: November 11, 1796
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
      Sex: Male
      Age: Two months old at time of Registration.
      Date of Birth: July 19, 1798
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1798 Registration notes "son of Lid," a Negro slave.
      Date of Record: September 22, 1798
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
      Sex: Male
      Age: Three months old at time of Registration.
      Date of Birth: June 16, 1801
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1801 Registration notes "son of negro Lid."
      Date of Record: September 09, 1801
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "


  • Slaveholder Name: McKinney, Mordecai
    City or Township: Rapho Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer. There was also a Mordecai McKinney, a newspaper editor, in Middletown, Dauphin County. The name is unusual, and it is possible they are the same person. See the listing with Dauphin County: McKinney, Mordecai.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 14a
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 16, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: McLaughlin, George
    City or Township: Martick Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Innkeeper (The 1789 Registration of Charles, Benn and Saul list his occupation as "Yeoman and Innkeeper."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Nancy
      Sex: Female
      Age: ? "unknown"
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Mulatto child
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life" and also notes "age unknown but able to walk."
      Date of Record: October 26, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 16a
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro wench
      Notes: "1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 26, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
      Sex: Male
      Age: "age about 5 years and 2 months"
      Date of Birth: January, 1784 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Notes: Charles was registered along with Benn and Saul.
      Date of Record: March 24, 1789
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Benn
      Sex: Male
      Age: "age about 3 years"
      Date of Birth: 1786 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Mulatto boy"
      Notes: Benn was registered along with Charles and Saul.
      Date of Record: March 24, 1789
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Saul
      Sex: Male
      Age: "age about 6 months"
      Date of Birth: September, 1788 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Mulatto boy"
      Notes: Saul was registered along with Charles and Benn.
      Date of Record: March 24, 1789
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."

  • Slaveholder Name: Mennert, Jacob, Jr.
    City or Township: Conestoga Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Samson Grant
      Sex: Male
      Age: 23a
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Runaway
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Text of runaway ad:
      "Ten Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from the subscriber living in Conestogo township Lancaster county on the 21st of January last, a Negro man named SAMSON GRANT about 23 years of age, about 5 feet 10 inches high, had on a short sleeve sailors jacket, a pair of Buckskin over-alls, a pair of half worn shoes, a felt hat half worn. Whoever takes up said Negro man shall have the above reward, with reasonable charges by me
      JACOB MENNERT, Jun."
      Date of Record: February 08, 1800
      Source: Lancaster Journal

  • Slaveholder Name: Middleton, Ann
    City or Township: Donegal Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Spinster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Barbara
      Sex: Female
      Age: 03
      Date of Birth: 1786-January 29
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Female Child"
      Notes: 1789 Registration notes she was the daughter of "Negroe Jean" who was entered and registered by John Middleton at Lancaster as a slave. Mother of Lydia, born December 02, 1808 and registered as the child of a slave on January 26, 1809 by Mary Whitehill of Donegal Township. Mother also of Susanna, born January 29, 1811. At some point around the birth of Susanna, Middleton transferred either ownership or possession of Barbara to Whitehill. See the notes for the slave child Susanna, under Whitehill, Mary.
      Date of Record: March 27, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: Middleton, John
    City or Township: Donegal Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 60a
      Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jean
      Sex: Female
      Age: 30a (at time of 1780 Registration)
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1789 Registration of Jean's daughter Barbara, who was the property of Ann Middleton of Donegal Township, notes that "Negroe Jean" was entered and registered by John Middleton at Lancaster as a slave. This is verified in source number 102, which shows that Middleton registered a "Negro wench named Jean, aged about 30 years," on October 28, 1780." For the children of Barbara, see Mary Whitehill of Donegal Township.
      Date of Record: March 27, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 12a (at time of 1780 Registration)
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1789 Registration of Hannah's son Prince, property of John Whitehill of Donegal Township, notes that Hannah was "entered & reg. by John Middleton at Lancaster as a Slave." This is verified in source number 102, which shows that Middleton registered Hanna, a "Negro wench, aged about 12" years, on October 28, 1780."
      Date of Record: March 27, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Miesson, George
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Female
      Age: 32
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

  • Slaveholder Name: Miller, John, Esquire
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Gunsmith (source 119)
    Notes: The will of John Miller, dated March 17, 1809 and probated September 5, 1810, mentions all four enslaved persons enumerated below, listing them as property. (Abstract of the Will of John Miller, Lancaster County. "Family Wills," at [inactive link] accessed August 19, 2004.)

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
      Sex: Female
      Age: 17 (Source 102)
      Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro"
      Notes: 1791 Registration of Phillis' daughter Jull notes that Phillis was registered by Miller at Lancaster on 11 September, 1780. This is verified in "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780". Phillis also had two sons, Michael, born February 20, 1788 and registered on December 19 of that year, and Richard, born April 07, 1803 and registered in June. (source 119).
      Date of Record: July 08, 1791
      Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jull
      Sex: Female
      Age: Two months old at time of Registration
      Date of Birth: 1791-May 02
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro Female Child"
      Notes: 1791 Registration lists Jull's mother as "Negroe Phillis."
      Date of Record: July 08, 1791
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Michael
      Sex: Male
      Age: infant at time of registration
      Date of Birth: 1788-February 20
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: Negro male child
      Notes: 1788 Registration notes "the son of negro Phillis, a female slave." This registration does not appear with the microfilmed returns for this period, my source number 67.
      Date of Record: December 19, 1788
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Richard
      Sex: Male
      Age: infant at time of registration
      Date of Birth: 1803-April 07
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1803 Registration notes "son of negro Phillis."
      Date of Record: June 22, 1803
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

  • Slaveholder Name: Miller, Joseph
    City or Township: Colerain Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Merchant

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Lemon
      Sex: Female
      Age: 45a
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro wench
      Notes: This could be the same person, a woman named Lemon, that the will of John McConnell of Colerain Township ordered to be sold upon his death. If it is, Lemon had a daughter, Marce, who was also ordered sold. She was not registered by Miller, indicating that she was sold to a different slaveholder.
      Date of Record: October 12, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Miller, Richard
    City or Township:
    County:"Residence: Kent County, Maryland."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Venus
      Sex: Female
      Age: 23
      Date of Birth: 1781 (calculated)
      Status: Manumitted 1814
      Description: Negro woman
      Notes: Venus was manumitted by her owner in Kent County, Maryland "for divers good causes and considerations me there unto moving, as also in further consideration of one dollar current money, to me in hand paid." Miller signed the document on July 12, 1814.
      It is not stated if Venus bought her own freedom or if "one dollar current money" was paid on her behalf to Miller. The existence of the document in the Lancaster County Clerk's office may indicate that Venus moved to Lancaster upon being freed.
      Date of Record: July 12, 1814
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780", page 83

  • Slaveholder Name: Mitchel, David
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Hector
      Sex: Male
      Age: 22a
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 22
      Date of Birth: 1758 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Violat
      Sex: Female
      Age: 17a
      Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro woman
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Jin
      Sex: Female
      Age: 11 months (a)
      Date of Birth: 1779- November (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro child
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Mitchell, Samuel
    City or Township: Little Britain Township
    County: Lancaster
    Notes: Mitchell apparently placed an ad for the capture of a runaway slave (see below).

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
      Sex: Sex not stated
      Age: Age not stated
      Date of Birth: Not known
      Status: Not known
      Notes: Ran away but was captured and placed in the work house in Philadelphia:
      NOTICE is hereby given to Samuel Mitchell and Robert Maxfield, of Little Britain township, Lancaster county, that their NEGROES and MULATTO are taken up and confined in the Workhouse in Philadelphia; They are hereby desired to come, pay charges (agreeable to their advertisement) and take them away, by TULIP MAY, living in Pewter Platter Alley, Philadelphia.
      Date of Record: May 24, 1780
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, May 24, 1780

  • Slaveholder Name: Montgomery, David
    City or Township: Little Britain Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Joe Hopkins
      Sex: Male
      Age: 28a
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life; self-emancipated 1797
      Description: "Negro Man"
      Notes: Escaped from Montgomery in April 1797. Text of ad placed by Montgomery, in conjunction with John Patterson:
      Twenty Dollars Reward.
      RAN AWAY from the subscribers, living in Little Britain township, Lancaster county, on the 19th inst. Two Negro Men, one named JOE, who likewise claims HOPKINS, as surname, about 28 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, a broad well made fellow, of a good countenance, his colour a clear black, his lips thin, and features all more like a white man than a Negro, has lost two of his teeth before, in the lower jaw, remarkable high forehead, the little finger of his left hand is crooked, occasioned by the cut of a sickle; had on and took with him one blue coat with broad carved metal buttons, another of a light coloured cloth, two striped jackets, two pair of troswers, one of which is striped, and old shoes.

      The other named JULIUS, about 20 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high a well-made fellow, but not so clear a black, nor his countenance and features so good as the other, wears his hair tied, and plaited at the sides, has a small scar on the right cheek, and can play the violin tolerably well; had on a lapelled coat of yellow cassimere, and nankeen overalls.
      Whoever takes up said Negroes, and secures them in any gaol, shall have the above reward, or ten dollars for either of them, and reasonable charges if brought home to their masters.
      April 26, 1797
      N.B. All masters of vessels are forewarned harbouring or carrying off said Negroes at their peril.

      Date of Record: April 26, 1797
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 26, 1797

  • Slaveholder Name: Montgomery, James
    City or Township: Leacock Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Catren
      Sex: Female
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to age 31
      Description: Mulatto female
      Notes: 1780 Registration specifies length of servitude to be "to serve to the age of 31 years."
      Date of Record: October 10, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Montgomery, William
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Maria
      Sex: Female
      Age: 27a
      Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro wench
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jer
      Sex: Undetermined
      Age: 19a
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life--Manumitted 1795
      Description: Mulatto
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Though the slave's sex is not specified in the registration, the order of listing (first, before an older woman) indicates that this is a man. Further proof of sex is provided by a document of manumission, by Montgomery, then of Lancaster Borough, who manumitted "my boy Jerry," effective April 01, 1795. The manumission was signed May 03, 1794. ("Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780", page 67)
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Hecktor
      Sex: Male
      Age: 08a
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Comfrey
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05a
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: July
      Sex: Male
      Age: 03a
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Cecar
      Sex: Male
      Age: 01a
      Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Moore, Eleanor
    City or Township: Hempfield Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: "1780 Slave Registrations includes the phrase "enters as possessor."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
      Sex: Female
      Age: 33a
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negroe Woman"
      Notes: Rose ran away in September 1794. Text of runaway ad placed by Moore:
      Ten Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, living 9 miles above Lancaster town, state of Pennsylvania, and two from Dysett's formerly known by Scoot's tavern, on the 11th of September last a Negroe WOMAN, named ROSE, not very black, much pitted with the small-pox, has lost one of her upper fore teeth, about 33 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, and stout built; she took with her, a dark coloured linsey short gown and petticoat, and a high crowned wool hat, but it is thought she has been supplied with other cloates, together with a pass. Whoever takes up said Wench, and secures her in any jail, so that her mistress may get her again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges if brought home.
      N.B. Said Wench has been dissatisfied with her place for some time past, if she returns, she shall have the liberty to choose a master. November 29, 1794.

      Date of Record: December 3, 1794
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, December 3, 1794

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Kate
      Sex: Female
      Age: 31
      Date of Birth: 1749 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro wench
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 30, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
      Sex: Male
      Age: 08
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 30, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Moore, George
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Innkeeper, The Sorrel Horse Tavern, from about 1775-1796.
    Source: H. Ray. Woerner, "The Taverns of Early Lancaster and the Later-Day Hotels," Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society ; v. 73, no. 2 (1969).

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Hett
      Sex: Female
      Age: 19a
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: Born in Philadlephia as a slave to the Gardner Family. Sold to Moore before 1780. Her 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Hett ran away in 1782. Moore placed the following ad for her capture:
      TWENTY DOLLARS Reward, If taken up out of this County. RAN away from the subscriber, living in Lancaster, a stout lusty Negroe wench, named HET, about 19 or 20 years of age, has a sower down look, much marked with the smallpox; had on when she went away a new cotton striped petticoat, and short gown of a large figure, with white, blue and yellow stripes in it; she took likewise several linsey short gowns and petticoats, also a calicoe short gown of a remarkable large figure, a pair of light blue woolen stockings, a pair of womens shoes and brass buckles, also a pair of mens shoes. The said Negroe was born in Gardner family, near the Middle Ferry at Schuylkill, and brought up with Mr. Dixon at the Centre House. She is very smart and complaisant with her tongue, and no doubt she has a good story to tell for herself. Whoever takes up and secures said Negroe, so that her master may have her again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by me

      Date of Record: Registration: October 30, 1780; Advertisement: March 13, 1782
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"; The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 13, 1782

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Bob
      Sex: Male
      Age: 26 or 27
      Date of Birth: 1748 or 1749 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life--Runaway
      Description: "Negroe man"
      Notes: Bob was advertised as a runaway from George Moore in Lancaster. Previous owners listed were Daniel Elliot and John Miller of Carlisle. Text of runaway advertisement, placed in the Pennsylvania Gazette:
      "Lancaster, November 7.
      RUN away on the 5th inst. from the subscriber, in the borough of Lancaster, a Negroe man named BOB, about 5 feet 8 inches high, 26 or 27 years of age, a well made stout fellow, this country born. Had on when he went away, a drab coloured coatee, elk skin breeches, Germantown stockings, and good shoes. Whoever secures said Negroe in any goal out of this county, so that his master may have him again, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges, paid by GEORGE MOORE, Tavern keeper.
      ***It is supposed he is gone towards Fort Pitt, as his former master Daniel Elliot followed the Indian trade, with whom he hath been frequently there. He served some time with John Miller, near Carlisle."
      Date of Record: November 15, 1775
      Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 15, 29, November 1775.


  • Slaveholder Name: Moore, James
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Sicklemaker ("Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780")
    Notes: Moore's occupation was listed variously as sicklemaker, farmer, cutler and sicklesmith.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Female
      Age: 67
      Date of Birth: 1733 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Tamer
      Sex: Female
      Age: 45
      Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: This is probably the 67 year-old slave enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census as belonging to Moore.
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Joa
      Sex: Male
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Jean
      Sex: Female
      Age: 04
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Female
      Age: 22
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Davy
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: April 22, 1798
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1798 Registration notes "son of negro Jane," a female slave.
      Date of Record: August 18, 1798
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    7. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: February 10, 1801
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1801 Registration notes "son of negro Jane."
      Date of Record: June 27, 1801
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    8. Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
      Sex: Male
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: June 12, 1803
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes: 1803 Registration notes "son of negro Jane."
      Date of Record: November 12, 1803
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "


  • Slaveholder Name: Moore, John
    City or Township: Lampeter Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 27, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Moore, William
    City or Township: Leacock Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Male
      Age: 27
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800


  • Slaveholder Name: Moore, Zachariah
    City or Township: Donegal Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Luce
      Sex: Female
      Age: 35a
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Status: Runaway
      Description: "Negro Woman"
      Notes: Mother of Rachel, born January 04, 1793, and Esther, born September 01, 1795. Ranaway, taking with her a gravely ill female child, on May 24, 1800. Text of runaway ad:
      "Eight Dollars Reward. RAN away, on the 24th May last, from the Subscriber, living in Donegal Township, Lancaster County, a Negro Woman named LUCE, about 35 years of age, of a middle size, and very black. She has no particular Mark, except a small spot on her left eyebrow, blacker than the rest of the skin. Her Clothes cannot be decribed, as she has been so long away. It is supposed she is in the neighborhood of Millerstown, she has a decrepit female Child with her (if yet alive) which has lost the fore-finger of one of its hands. It is likely she may have got a forged Pass.
      The above Reward will be given to any person who will secure her in Jail, and give information thereof to the Subscriber.
      Zachariah Moore. Dec. 17."
      The Registration of Luce's daughter Rachel notes that the mother was registered at Lancaster. The only registration which would fit her name and age is that of the slave Luce, registered by Andrew Boggs in 1780 at age 14. Boggs also lived in Donegal Township, increasing the likelihood of this being the same slave.
      Date of Record: December 17, 1800
      Source: Lancaster Intelligencer & Weekly Advertiser, December 24, 1800.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
      Sex: Female
      Age: infant
      Date of Birth: 1793-January 04
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro Female Child"
      Notes: 1793 Registration lists Rachel's mother as "Negroe Lucia" who was registered at Lancaster. See the notes on Luce, above.
      Date of Record: May 29, 1793
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Esther
      Sex: Female
      Age: Infant at Registration
      Date of Birth: 1795--September 01
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro Female Child"
      Notes: 1795 Registration notes "daughter of negro Lucy," a female slave. See the notes on Luce, above.
      Date of Record: November 28, 1795
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: Moorehead, James
    City or Township: Mount Joy Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer; French and Indian War veteran, Captain in Revolutionary War.
    Notes: Husband of Catherine Byers, daughter of John Byers of Salisbury Township. Moved to Harborcreek Township, Erie County circa 1801 or 1802.
    Sources: John Miller, A Twentieth Century History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co., 1909., p. 310.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Female
      Age: 50
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800. This could be the slave Pheb, who was registered by Moorehead in Lancaster in 1780.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Pheb
      Sex: Female
      Age: 25a
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro wench"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life." Mother of Caeser, born May 27, 1792.
      Date of Record: October 25, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
      Sex: Female
      Age: 01 years and 03 months
      Date of Birth: 1779- July (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro child"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life." Age is also given as 15 months.
      Date of Record: October 25, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Caeser
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration
      Date of Birth: May 27, 1792
      Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1792 Slave Registration notes "son of negro Phebe."
      Date of Record: 10 October 1792
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: Moper, Michael
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Tanner

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Soll
      Sex: Male
      Age: 18
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Bett
      Sex: Female
      Age: 15
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro woman
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"


  • Slaveholder Name: Morgan, David
    City or Township: Earl Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jen
      Sex: Female
      Age: 35
      Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Nance
      Sex: Female
      Age: 18
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Venus
      Sex: Female
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
      Sex: Male
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 12
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 10
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    7. Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    8. Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 06
      Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    9. Enslaved Person's Name: Bob
      Sex: Male
      Age: 04
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    10. Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
      Sex: Male
      Age: 04
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"


  • Slaveholder Name: Morgan, James
    City or Township: Carnarvan Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Shopkeeper

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sarah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 07
      Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro girl
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 21, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"


  • Slaveholder Name: Morgan, Thomas
    City or Township: Carnarvan Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: 1780 Slave Registrations included the phrase "enters as possessor."

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cook, Poll
      Sex: Female
      Age: 35
      Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro woman
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05
      Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro male
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Henney
      Sex: Female
      Age: 02
      Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro female
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 28, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"


  • Slaveholder Name: Morris, Isaac
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Notes: Morris was recorded in the 1754 tax lists for the Borough of Lancaster as owning one slave.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: ?
      Sex: ?
      Age: ?
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Ownership recorded in 1754 tax lists for the borough of Lancaster.
      Date of Record: 1754
      Source: Robinson, "Sidelights on Slavery"


  • Slaveholder Name: Morrison, James
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
      Sex: Male
      Age: 23a
      Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: Ran away in 1775. Text of advertisement placed by Morrison for his capture:
      THREE POUNDS REWARD. RUN away from the subscriber, living in Drummore township, Lancaster County, an indented servant lad, about 16 or 17 years of age, named Andrew McWhiney, a well set fellow, . Also a negroe man, about 23 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, a well set fellow, with one of his arms much smaller at the guard than the other, occasioned by fire when a child; had on a redish brown coat and jacket, mohair basket buttons, old buckskin breeches, prick seamed, the whole too long as they were not made for himself, old felt hat, scalloped round the brim, black, yarn stockings, old shoes, with brass buckles. Said fellows are supposed to have gone together, and to have stolen some shirts after they left their master, one of which is marked on the lower part of the body R.A. It is likely they will change their names and apparel. Whoever will take up and secure said fellows, so that their master may have them again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, or Thirty Shillings for either, paid by
      N.B. All masters of vessels are forbid to carry them off, at their peril.
      February 16, 1775.

      Date of Record: February 22, 1775
      Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, February 22, 1775.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Mink
      Sex: Male
      Age: 40a
      Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Pomp
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30a
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Male
      Age: 50
      Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Nan
      Sex: Female
      Age: 25a
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Harry
      Sex: Male
      Age: 19a
      Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    7. Enslaved Person's Name: Suck
      Sex: Female
      Age: 11a
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro girl
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    8. Enslaved Person's Name: ???
      Sex: Male
      Age: 30
      Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
      Date of Record: 1800
      Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800

    9. Enslaved Person's Name: Sall
      Sex: Female
      Age: 04a
      Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro child"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Possible mother of the slave child "Jack or Jacob," born May 14, 1801 and registered by Morrison on September 09, 1801. In that registration, the mother was listed as "mulatto Sall," though this person was originally registered as a Negro. The same circumstances apply to the slave child John, who was born May 29, 1804 and whose mother was registered as "Sall, a mulatto slave."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    10. Enslaved Person's Name: Nancy
      Sex: Female
      Age: 01.5a
      Date of Birth: 1778- April (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro child"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    11. Enslaved Person's Name: Ebenezer
      Sex: Male
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: November 11, 1797
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1798 Registration notes "son of negro Nance," a female slave. Morrison registered two female slaves named Nan or Nancy, either of whom could be the mother of Ebenezer.
      Date of Record: May 05, 1798
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    12. Enslaved Person's Name: "Jack or Jacob"
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: May 14, 1801
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Mulatto male child"
      Notes: 1801 Registration notes "son of mulatto Sall." Morrison did own a female slave named Sall, who would have been old enough to be the mother, although she was originally registered as a Negro slave rather than a Mulatto slave.
      Date of Record: September 09, 1801
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    13. Enslaved Person's Name: John
      Sex: Male
      Age: Four months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: May 29, 1804
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Mulatto child"
      Notes: 1804 Registration notes "son of Sall, a mulatto slave." This could be the Sall registered by Morrison as a Negro slave in 1780.
      Date of Record: September 21, 1804
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "


  • Slaveholder Name: Mosser, Michael
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Tanner

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Fillis
      Sex: Female
      Age: 01
      Date of Birth: 1787- September
      Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
      Description: Negro female child
      Notes: 1788 Registration notes "of a female slave named Bett." The exact day of birth is unreadable.
      Date of Record: December 04, 1788
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."


  • Slaveholder Name: Mountgomery, David
    City or Township: Little Britain Township
    County: Lancaster
    Notes: Advertised in 1797 with John Patterson for the return of two slaves, Joe Hopkins and Julius, who escaped together. It is not clear who held which slave.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Hopkins, Joe
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 28 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life--Runaway
      Description: Negro Man
      Notes: Ran away in the company of another Black slave named Julius (see below) on April 19, 1797. Text of runaway advertisement:
      Twenty Dollars Reward.
      RAN AWAY from the subscribers, living in Little Britain township, Lancaster county, on the 19th inst. two Negro Men, one named JOE, who likewise claims HOPKINS, as surname, about 28 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, a broad well made fellow, of a good countenance, his colour a clear black, his lips thin, and features all more like a white man than a Negro, has lost two of his teeth before, in the lower jaw, remarkable high forehead, the little finger of his left hand is crooked, occasioned by the cut of a sickle; had on and took with him one blue coat with broad carved metal buttons, another of a light coloured cloth, two striped jackets, two pair of trowsers, one of which is striped, and old shoes.
      The other named JULIUS, about 20 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high a well-made fellow, but not so clear a black, nor his countenance and features so good as the other, wears his hair tied, and plaited at the sides, has a small scar on the right cheek, and can play the violin tolerably well; had on a lapelled coat of yellow cassimere, and nankeen overalls.
      Whoever takes up said Negroes, and secures them in any gaol, shall have the above reward, or ten dollars for either of them, and reasonable charges if brought home to their masters.
      April 26, 1797
      N.B. All masters of vessels are forewarned harbouring or carrying off said Negroes at their peril.
      Date of Record: April 26, 1797
      Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, Accessible Archives, Item #81777, April 26, 1797

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Julius
      Sex: Male
      Age: "about 20 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life--Runaway
      Description: Negro Man
      Notes: Ran away in the company of another Black slave named Joe Hopkins (see above) on April 19, 1797. For the text of the runaway advertisement, see Hopkins, Joe, slave to "Mountgomery, David," above. Compare this slave to the slave July, registered by William Montgomery of Drumore Township in October 1780. The name is a close match, and the year of birth matches exactly, as does the surname of the slaveholding family.
      Date of Record: April 26, 1797
      Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, Accessible Archives, Item #81777, April 26, 1797


  • Slaveholder Name: Murray, Lecky
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Physician
    Notes: 1780 Slave Registrations included the phrase "enters as possessor." From 1778 to 1792, Murray was involved in a dispute with Alexander Scott over payment for Murray's having cured Scott's slave Hope of "a certain sickness he then laboured under." The dispute was resolved in 1792 by arbitors in the settlement of Scott's estate. (Source 114)

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 36a
      Date of Birth: 1744 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 19, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Dina
      Sex: Female
      Age: 25a
      Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 19, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

  • Slaveholder Name: Musser, George (Sr.)
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer, Tanner
    Notes: On May 07, 1831, George Musser, Jr., son of George Musser, became possibly the last person to register a slave in the County of Lancaster, registering Hannah Ann, the daughter of Milley McHenny.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Lid or Leed
      Sex: Female
      Age: (at time of escape) "between 36 and 37 years of age"
      Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro wench"
      Notes: Mother of Peter, born April 02, 1795, David, born November 21, 1796, and Mary Ann, born February 04, 1800. Lid was registered in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
      In November, 1799, Lid ran away along with a neighboring slave belonging to William Kirkpatrick, Jane. Lid was pregnant at the time with the child Mary Ann, and was apparently recaptured, as the child Mary Ann was registered by Musser in March, 1800.
      Text of runaway ad:
      "Thirty Dollars Reward. RAN away, on the 16th November last, two Negro wenches, viz. one named LID, between 36 and 37 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high; was pregnant; had on, when she went away, a black Joans-spining petticoat, one of red Durant under it, a purple Calico shortgown, white Kenting handkerchief, with one of black gause over it, a book muslin cap, black silk bonnet, white cotton hose, and a pair of half-worn calf-skin shoes.
      The other, named JANE, 19 or 20 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high; took with her 3 Gowns; viz. one blue and white striped; one black and blue broad striped ditto; and one of white Muslin; one blue moreen, one black and one white durant, and one quilted Petticoat, one black and one pink silk Bonnet, one pair black leather, one pair yellow, and one pair blue morocco Shoes, one black mode Cloak, with sundry shortgowns and Linsey clothing, not recollected. It is supposed they have gone to Cecil county, Maryland, or the Delaware State.
      Whoever apprehends the above Negro wenches, and secures them that their Masters may have them again, shall be entitled to the above reward, or fifteen Dollars for either, and reasonable charges if brought home; which will be paid by the Subscribers, in the Borough of Lancaster.
      Date of Record: December 23, 1799
      Source: Lancaster Intelligencer & Weekly Advertiser, January 01, 1800. Note: The runaway ad above also ran (with almost identical wording) in the Philadelphia Aurora & General Advertiser, on 27 January, 1800. It added the information that "They were seen in Philadelphia a few days after they absconded." In that ad, Musser and Kirkpatrick authorized Philadelphia merchant John Singer to act as their agent regarding payment of reward. John Singer was George Musser's son-in-law.

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
      Sex: Male
      Age: Peter was only eight days old when Registered.
      Date of Birth: April 02, 1795
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1795 Registration notes "son of negro Leed," a female slave.
      Date of Record: April 10, 1795
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: David
      Sex: Male
      Age: Infant at time of Registration.
      Date of Birth: November 21, 1796
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: 1797 Registration notes "son of negro Lid," a female slave.
      Date of Record: January 06, 1797
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Ann Mary, or Mary Ann
      Sex: Female
      Age: Infant at time of Registration.
      Date of Birth: "born on or about February 4 1800"
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Female negro child"
      Notes: 1800 Registration notes "daughter of Lid," born on or about February 4, 1800 "and that her said mother Lid was entered and registered in Chester County as a slave, pursuant to the Act for the gradual abolition of slavery; and that the aforesaid negro child Ann Mary is his property and liable to serve until she shall arrive to the age of 28 years."
      Date of Record: March 15, 1800
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: McHenny, Milley
      Sex: Female
      Age: ? (adult in 1831, under age 28)
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro"/"Servant"
      Notes: Mother of Hannah Ann, born on November 27, 1830.
      Date of Record: May 07, 1831
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah Ann
      Sex: Female
      Age: About five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: November 27, 1830
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Child"
      Slave Notes: Hannah Ann may be the last slave to be registered in the County of Lancaster. Text of the 1831 Registration: "George Musser of Lancaster City, tanner, returns Hannah Ann a female daughter of negro Milley McHenny, servant to the said George Musser until she arrives to the age of 28 years, said child was born November 27, 1830." This George Musser was the son of the elder George Musser.
      This entry was the last in a transcription of the Clerk's records of slave registrations for Lancaster County. There was no notation following this entry, nor was it indicated anywhere in the transcript, that the transcriptionist had completed the job. Hannah Ann may be the last slave registered in Lancaster County, or her entry may be the point at which the transcriptionist merely stopped.
      Date of Record: May 07, 1831
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: Musser, John
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Gentleman/ Silversmith

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
      Sex: Female
      Age: 08
      Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro girl
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Robinson, Kitty, alias Boose, Kitty
      Sex: Female
      Age: ? (adult--under age 28)
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Servant"
      Notes: Mother of James Boose, born June 24, 1819.
      Date of Record: October 04, 1819
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Boose, James
      Sex: Male
      Age: Three months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: June 24, 1819
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Notes: Text of the 1819 Registration of James Boose: "John Musser fo the City of Lancaster, Silver smith returns a negro male child named James Boose, the son of Kitty Robinson, alias Boose, a servant to the said John Musser until she arrives to the age of 28 years, said James was born June 24, 1819."
      Date of Record: October 04, 1819
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: Neal, James
    City or Township: Martick Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Not given in ad
      Sex: Male
      Age: about 15
      Date of Birth: circa 1789
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: Part of an advertisement from the Lancaster Journal newspaper, wherein James Neal offers for sale a large farm in Martick Township. After an extensive description of the farm property, he adds: "N.B. For Sale, the time of a negro boy, who has 13 years to serve. He has had the small-pox and meazles. Inquire as above."
      Date of Record: 25 February 1804
      Source: Lancaster Intelligencer and Journal, 25 February 1804

    Slaveholder Name: Neel, Thomas
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Farmer
    Notes: Surname spelled Neal in the 1793 registration of George, son of Lydia, and Neale in the 1780 registration of slave Else.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Lid
      Sex: Female
      Age: ?
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro
      Notes: 1791 Registration of Lid's daughter Ven, born 1790, says "dau of Negroe Lid a female slave; her said Mother was Sold to me as a Slave duly enter'd." In 1793, Thomas Neal registered George, son of Lydia, who he noted was registered in Chester County.
      Date of Record: February 25, 1791
      Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Else
      Sex: Female
      Age: 13a
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro woman
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
      Date of Record: October 07, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Ven
      Sex: Female
      Age: infant
      Date of Birth: 1790-October 04
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro Female Child"
      Notes: 1791 Registration lists Ven's mother as "Lid."
      Date of Record: February 25, 1791
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: George
      Sex: Male
      Age: infant
      Date of Birth: 1792-December 12 or 13
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro Male Child"
      Notes: 1793 Registration notes "Son of Negroe Lydia, registered in Chester County."
      Date of Record: June 13, 1793
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

  • Slaveholder Name: Neeper, Samuel
    City or Township: Little Britain Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Yeoman, Farmer

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Rollins, John, a.k.a. Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 18a
      Date of Birth: 1788 (calculated)
      Status: Runaway
      Description: "negroe boy"
      Notes: Text of runaway ad:
      "Fifty Dollars reward. ELOPED from the subscriber, living in Little-Britain township, Lancaster county, on the 12th day of February last, a negroe boy, named JACK, about 18 years old, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, stout built, has several small scars on his head, and walks very much on the outside of his right foot. Had on an old wool hat, a drab-coloured roundabout jacket, almost new, vest and trowsers of the same, old shoes and stockings, his is an impudent fellow in discourse, and remarkable for loud laughing.
      Any person securing said negroe in Lancaster jail, shall have the above reward, and reasonable expences if brought home. SAMUEL NEEPER.
      April 18.
      N.B. Jack has been working sometime about Lancaster, and called himself John or John Rollins, he then had on dark trowsers, and shoes laced before."
      A previous ad was placed on February 21st, offering only twenty dollars as a reward for Rollins' capture, and offering fewer details.
      Date of Record: April 18, 1806
      Source: Lancaster Journal

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Nance
      Sex: Female
      Age: Five months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: January 18, 1804
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Negro female child"
      Notes: 1804 Registration notes "daughter of Sall."
      Date of Record: June 19, 1804
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Elizabeth
      Sex: Female
      Age: Three months old at Registration.
      Date of Birth: September 30, 1808
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Female child"
      Notes: 1809 Registration notes "daughte of negress Sall," a female slave.
      Date of Record: January 13, 1809
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "


  • Slaveholder Name: Nelson, William
    City or Township: Drumore Township
    County: Lancaster

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
      Sex: Male
      Age: 23
      Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro man
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 27, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Leah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 21
      Date of Birth: 1759 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro woman
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 27, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Nicklas
      Sex: Male
      Age: 12
      Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
      Date of Record: October 27, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"


  • Slaveholder Name: Nicholas, Michael
    City or Township: Donegal Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Innkeeper

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Sally
      Sex: Female
      Age: infant
      Date of Birth: 1790-April 12
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro Female Child"
      Notes: 1790 Registration lists Sally's mother as "Negroe Phillis" who was registered in Lancaster.
      Date of Record: September 22, 1790
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Benjamin
      Sex: Male
      Age: infant
      Date of Birth: 1793-May 18
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Description: "Negro Male Child"
      Notes: 1793 Registration lists Benjamin's mother as "Negroe Phillis" who was registered at Lancaster.
      Date of Record: November 13, 1793
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "


  • Slaveholder Name: Norton, John
    City or Township: Earl Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Carpenter

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Thom
      Sex: Male
      Age: 09
      Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro boy
      Date of Record: October 23, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"


  • Slaveholder Name: Offner, John
    City or Township: Lancaster Borough
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Jailer
    Notes: Not strictly a slaveholder, John Offner was the county jailer who advertised slaves being held in his jail.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Kitt, Benjamin
      Sex: Male
      Age: ? "Man"
      Date of Birth: ?
      Status: Captured Runaway
      Description: "Mulatto man"
      Notes: Text of Jailer's advertisement:
      "Lancaster, State of Pennsylvania, Feb. 15, 1786.
      COMMITTED to the goal in the borough of Lancaster, a certain Mulatto man, named BENJAMIN KITT, supposed to be a slave, about 5 feet 7 inches high, and who acknowledges he is a servant to Nathan Cooper, at Black river, within 8 miles of Morristown, New Jersey. The master of said servant is requested to have him released from confinement, otherwise he will be sold for fees within four weeks from the date hereof.
      JOHN OFFNER, Goaler."
      Date of Record: February 15, 1786
      Source: Accessible Archives--Pennsylvania Gazette, ITEM #72508


  • Slaveholder Name: Okely, John
    City or Township: Lancaster
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation:  Minister

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Venus
      Sex: Female
      Age:  Adult
      Date of Birth: Prior to 1792 (Venus was old enough to be a mother in late 1791)
      Status:  Slave for life (calculated from the age of her child)
      Description: "Slave"
      Slave Notes:  Mother of Peter Yellet, who was baptized at St. James Episcopal Church, Lancaster, on 26 June 1792.
      Date of Record:  26 June 1792
      Source: Baptism records of St. James Episcopal Church, Lancaster County.  Contributed by Jenny Lohr, a Yellets Family researcher (Correspondence, Jennifer Lohr to Afrolumens Project, 13 June 2007).
    2. Slave Name: Peter Yeleet (Yellet)
      Sex: Male
      Age: "7 months"
      Date of Birth: 1791, December (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Slave Notes:  Baptized at St. James Episcopal Church, Lancaster, on 26 June 1792.  Baptism entry remarks:  "Peter Yellet of Venus, a slave of John Okely, deceased, age 7 months."
      Date of Record:  26 June 1792
      Source:  Baptism records of St. James Episcopal Church, Lancaster County. Contributed by Jenny Lohr, a Yellets Family researcher (Correspondence, Jennifer Lohr to Afrolumens Project, 13 June 2007).
  • Slaveholder Name: Old, Davis
    City or Township: Caernarvon Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: "Ironmaster & Justice of the Peace" (as recorded in the slave registration)

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
      Sex: Male
      Age: "5 months and 20 days"
      Date of Birth: 1796--August 09 (calculated)
      Status: Slave to the age of 28
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Date of Record: January 20, 1797
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "


  • Slaveholder Name: Old, James, Esquire
    City or Township: Caernarvon Township
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Ironmaster
    Notes: In 1789, James Old and Robert Coleman first registered slave children. Both were ironmasters and both registered on the same date, indicating that they may have traveled together to Lancaster.  Old was the father-in-law of Robert Coleman, who married his daughter Anne. Old was also the father-in-law of ironmaster Cyrus Jacobs, who married his dauther Margaretta.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
      Sex: Female
      Age: 18
      Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro Wench
      Date of Record: September 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: Sambo
      Sex: Male
      Age: 16
      Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro Boy
      Date of Record: September 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: Soffoia
      Sex: Female
      Age: 14
      Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro Girl
      Date of Record: September 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: Ceasar
      Sex: Male
      Age: 13
      Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: Negro Boy
      Date of Record: September 14, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
      Sex: Male
      Age: 05 years and 03 months
      Date of Birth: 1782-December
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record: March 03, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

    6. Enslaved Person's Name: Philis
      Sex: Female
      Age: 05 years and 10 months
      Date of Birth: 1782-May
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record: March 03, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

    7. Enslaved Person's Name: Pheoby
      Sex: Female
      Age: 04 years and 03 months
      Date of Birth: 1783-December
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record: March 03, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

    8. Enslaved Person's Name: Fann
      Sex: Female
      Age: 02 years and 09 months
      Date of Birth: 1786-June
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record: March 03, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

    9. Enslaved Person's Name: Sall
      Sex: Female
      Age: 02 years and 06 months
      Date of Birth: 1786-September
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Notes:  Historian Joseph E. Walker traced the ownership trail for Sall after the death of James Old:
      "The files of a justice of the peace in Lancaster County in 1789 show that a Negro girl, aged two and a half years, named Sall, or Sarah, was listed among the assets of James Old of Poole Forge.  Six years later Elizabeth Old sold this girl's remaining time to Benjamin Morris, owner of Hopewell Forge, for the sum of fifty pounds.  Sarah made at least one other change of residence and master before she gained her freedom, for in 1801 she was assigned to Matthew Brooke of Birdsborough Forge 'for a valuable consideration.' "

      Walker cites his sources as:  "Indenture from Elizabeth Old to Benjamin Morris, dated Sept. 30, 1795.  Berks County Historical Society--Brooks Family Papers," and "Indenture from Benjamin Morris to Matthew Brooke, Feb. 25, 1801." ("Negro Labor in the Charcoal Iron Industry of Southeastern Pennsylvania," Joseph E. Walker.  Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, vol. 93 [October 1969], 466-486.)

      Date of Record: Registration: March 03, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

    10. Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
      Sex: Female
      Age: 09 months
      Date of Birth: 1788-June
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record: March 03, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."

    11. Enslaved Person's Name: Mark
      Sex: Male
      Age: 10 months
      Date of Birth: 1788-May
      Status: Slave to age 28
      Date of Record: March 03, 1789
      Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."


  • Slaveholder Name: Old, William
    City or Township:
    County: Lancaster
    Occupation: Ironmaster (Source 119)
    Notes: Old did not provide the names of the 4 slaves he registered in 1780.

    1. Enslaved Person's Name: ?
      Sex: Male
      Age: 32
      Date of Birth: 1748 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro man"
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    2. Enslaved Person's Name: ?
      Sex: Female
      Age: 27
      Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro woman"
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    3. Enslaved Person's Name: ?
      Sex: Male
      Age: 15
      Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro boy"
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    4. Enslaved Person's Name: ?
      Sex: Female
      Age: 10 months
      Date of Birth: 1779- December (calculated)
      Status: Slave for life
      Description: "Negro girl"
      Date of Record: October 31, 1780
      Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"

    5. Enslaved Person's Name: Jerey
      Sex: Male
      Age: Six weeks old when Registered
      Date of Birth: "Born on or about November 29, 1792"
      Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
      Description: "Negro male child"
      Date of Record: January 11, 1793
      Notes: 1793 Registration notes "son of Sally," a female slave. The actual registration was made by William Cowen of Caernarvon Township, for William Old.
      Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me "

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