Slaveholders Listed on this Page
- Caldwell, Andrew (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female, Nancy, David, Dorkus, Peter, Dinah, Mira, Affy, Dinah)
- Caldwell, James (Enslaved persons listed: Ruth)
- Caldwell, Oliver (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female, Joseph, Nan, Bett, Larry, Nan Piper)
- Calhoon, William (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named male)
- Campbel, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Rose, Sall, Nancy, Doreas)
- Campbell, John (Enslaved persons listed: Bessy, Jack)
- Campbell, John D. (Enslaved persons listed: John Lewis)
- Carpenter, Abraham (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named male runaway)
- Carpenter, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female runaway)
- Clark, Brice (Enslaved persons listed: Eve, Jack, Un-named female, Un-named male, Venus, Nat, Ben)
- Clark, John (Enslaved persons listed: Lawson Taylor, Thomas Staats, James Staats)
- Clark, John (2) (Enslaved persons listed: Henry "Harry" Whit)
- Clark, Thomas, as Executor (Enslaved persons listed: Toby, Ben)
- Clark, William (Enslaved persons listed: Tony, Ben)
- Clemson, James (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female, Dina, Tob, Pompy, Julia)
- Clemson, John (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named slave)
- Clendenin, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Eli)
- Clendenin, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah, Jacob Fodder)
- Clingan, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Sue, Samson, Dick)
- Coleman, George (Enslaved persons listed: Loose, Mary)
- Coleman, James (Enslaved persons listed: Isaac, King)
- Coleman, Peter (Enslaved persons listed: Stephen)
- Coleman, Robert--Mount Joy (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female)
- Coleman, Robert--Elizabeth Township (Enslaved persons listed: Jane, Bet, Anthony, Charles, Nan, Elizabeth, Lony, Moll, Phillis, Joe, Toney, Isaac, Rebecca, Hannah [born 1801], Maria, Rachel, Charlotte, Dinah, Minta, Caroline, Hannah [born 1810], Benjamin, Henrietta, Thom, Austin, Solomon Cork, Juba, Frank)
- Conkle, William (Enslaved persons listed: Silvia, Hannah)
- Cook, David (Enslaved persons listed: Phillis, Ruben, Jud, Frank, Dine, Isaac, Esther, Juliet, Phillis [born 1795])
- Cook, James (Enslaved persons listed: Hage, Isaac, Timothy, Hanah, Sall, Jack)
- Cook, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: 2 Un-named males, Tim, Un-named female, Charles, Sharp, Lester, Petter, Prince, Phillis, Hannah, Elizabeth, Simon)
- Cookson, Joseph (Enslaved persons listed: Francis Miller)
- Cookson, Samuel (Enslaved persons listed: Harry)
- Cooper, John (Enslaved persons listed: Phillis, Amelia, Benjamin)
- Copeland, Philip (Enslaved persons listed: James Connor)
- Corrin, James (See Curran, William)
- Cornman, John (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female)
- Cossler, Philip (Enslaved persons listed: Benjamin Williams)
- Craig, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Jack, Jude, Cato)
- Crawford, Christopher (Enslaved persons listed: Esther, Bill)
- Crawford, David (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named male)
- Crawford, David, Sr. (Enslaved persons listed: Dick, Derry)
- Crawford, James--Lampeter Township (Enslaved persons listed: Aaron Dorset, Nann or Ann, Jack, Jacob Garver)
- Crawford, James--Leacock Township (Enslaved persons listed: Dick, Derry, Isaac)
- Crawford, Mary (Enslaved persons listed: Jude)
- Crawford, William, Captain (Enslaved persons listed: Judith)
- Culbertson, James (Enslaved persons listed: Eve)
- Cunningham, Abraham (Enslaved persons listed: Sam)
- Cunningham, Andrew (Enslaved persons listed: Tom, Dick, Bob)
- Cunningham, Hugh (Enslaved persons listed: Sam, Polly Heans, un-named child)
- Cunningham, Janett (Enslaved persons listed: Ben, Jacob, George)
- Cunningham, John (Enslaved persons listed: Un-named female)
- Curran, William (Enslaved persons listed: Harry, Lucy, Pompey, Peg, George, Kate)
- Curran, William--Deceased (Enslaved persons listed: Thom, Rose)
- Cuthbert, Thomas, Jr. (Enslaved persons listed: Joe)
- Davis, Benjamin (Enslaved persons listed: Maria)
- Davis, David (Enslaved persons listed: Casar, unnamed girl)
- Davis, Gabriel (Enslaved persons listed: Dublin, Fred, Jacob)
- Davis, James--Lancaster Borough (Enslaved persons listed: Judd, Dublin, Jack, Joe)
- Davis, James--Caernarvon Township (Enslaved persons listed: Tom, Rachel, Ann, Barney)
- Davis, John, Caernarvon Township (Enslaved persons listed: Unnamed man, woman and three young children)
- Davis, John, Earl Township (Enslaved persons listed: Sal, Jack, Abb, Cato)
- Davis, Richard (Enslaved persons listed: James Hall)
- Davis, Willis (Enslaved persons listed: Joe Ogle)
- Davison, Moses (Enslaved persons listed: Hannah Cambel)
- Derring, Henry (Enslaved persons listed: Sam)
- Derring, Henry, Executor (Enslaved persons listed: Quaddy, Bill)
- DeWees, Paul (Enslaved persons listed: Nicholas Mars)
- Dickert, Jacob (Enslaved persons listed: Will)
- Dickson, William (Enslaved persons listed: Louisa Aikins, Emmeretta)
- Diffenbaugh, Henry (Enslaved persons listed: George James, a.k.a. George Clark)
- Dosh, George (Enslaved persons listed: Joe, Un-named male)
- Douglass, James (Enslaved persons listed: Fred)
- Douglass, Thomas (Enslaved persons listed: Jacob)
- Duffield, George (Enslaved persons listed: Charlotte)
- Duncan, Robert (Enslaved persons listed: Joe)
- Duncan, Susanna Bethel (Enslaved persons listed: Bella)
- Dytrick, Henry (Enslaved persons listed: Caesar Brown)
Enslavement Data
- Slaveholder Name: Caldwell, Andrew
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Innkeeper/Farmer/Yeoman
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 40
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census. This is probably Nancy, a slave registered by Caldwell at Lancaster, aged 19 years in 1780.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nancy
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro slave"
Notes: This person was registered again, on October 30, 1780, at the same place. The phrase "slave for life" was added to the registration the second time. This was to ensure that the slave's status would not be in doubt in case it was challenged at at later date. Note also that the slave David, below, was re-registered on this date with additional information being supplied by the slaveholder. Mother of Affy, born October 10, 1796.
Date of Record: October 26, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: David
Sex: Male
Age: 10
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto slave/boy"
Notes: This person was registered again at Lancaster on October 30, 1780. The second registration provides the name and sex, as well as the phrase "slave for life." This was to ensure that the registration was in compliance with the law, which required that information. If the slaveholder failed to supply all of the required data, the registration could be challenged in court. In reality, although many slaveholders throughout the state registered their slaves with incomplete data, very few lost their slaves due to the omissions.
Date of Record: October 26, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dorkus (Dorcas)
Sex: Female
Age: 2 years old
Date of Birth: 1786-September 03
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto Child"
Notes: Mother of Peter, born July 21, 1805, Dinah, born February 15, 1809, and Mira, born November 19, 1810.
Date of Record: October 31, 1788
Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Affy
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration
Date of Birth: October 10, 1796
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto female child"
Notes: 1796 Registration notes "daughter of negro Nancy," a female slave.
Date of Record: November 16, 1796
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Peter
Sex: Male
Age: infant
Date of Birth: 1805-July 21
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1805 Registration notes "son of Dorkus, a mulatto servant." Dorkus was registered as the child of a slave in October, 1788, which makes the enslavement of her child Peter illegal under the intent of the law.
Date of Record: November 25, 1805
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: infant--6 months old at registration
Date of Birth: 1809-February 15
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female mulatto child"
Notes: 1809 Registration notes "the daughter of Dorcas a servant duly registered in said County...and that said Dinah is his property and liable to serve till she arrive[s] to the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: August 01, 1809
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mira
Sex: Female
Age: infant
Date of Birth: 1810-November 19
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female mulatto child"
Notes: 1811 Registration notes "daughter of Dorcas his female mulatto servant...said child his property was born November 19, 1810."
Date of Record: March 29, 1811
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Caldwell, James
City or Township: Little Britain Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: See the notes for the slave "Joseph," registered by Oliver Caldwell of Little Britain Township.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ruth
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro woman
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Ruth is probably the mother of several of the slave children registered by Oliver Caldwell of Little Britain Township beginning in 1789.
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Caldwell, Oliver
City or Township: Little Britain Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer/Husbandman
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 40
Date of Birth: 1760 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joseph
Sex: Male
Age: Infant at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: 1792-January 28
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Male Child"
Notes: 1792 Registration notes "Son of Ruth, registered at Lancaster." Ruth is, most likely, the slave registered by James Caldwell of Little Britain Township on October 28, 1780. (Source 102)
Date of Record: May 29, 1792
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nan
Sex: Female
Age: 7 years old at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: March, 1782
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes "Daughter of negro Ruth, a female slave." Ruth is, most likely, the slave registered by James Caldwell of Little Britain Township on October 28, 1780. (Source 102)
Date of Record: March 28, 1789
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bett
Sex: Female
Age: 4 years old at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: August, 1784
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes "Another daughter of the said Ruth." Ruth is, most likely, the slave registered by James Caldwell of Little Britain Township on October 28, 1780. (Source 102)
Date of Record: March 28, 1789
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Larry
Sex: Male
Age: 2 years old at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: December, 1786
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes "The son of the said Ruth." Ruth is, most likely, the slave registered by James Caldwell of Little Britain Township on October 28, 1780. (Source 102)
Date of Record: March 28, 1789
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Piper, Nan
Sex: Female
Age: 2 months old at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: "born about the first week in February 1796."
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto female child"
Notes: 1796 Registration notes "daughter of Ruth," a female slave. Ruth is, most likely, the slave registered by James Caldwell of Little Britain Township on October 28, 1780. (Source 102)
Date of Record: April 14, 1796
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Slaveholder Name: Calhoon, William
City or Township: Drumore Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Male
Age: 45
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Slaveholder Name: Campbell, Robert
City or Township: Little Britain Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer, Merchant
Notes: Surname is also spelled "Campbel."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
Sex: Female
Age: 04
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sall
Sex: Female
Age: Three years and six months old at Registration
Date of Birth: 1777- April (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro girl
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 14, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nancy
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: December 06, 1793
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1794 Slave Registration specifies "Daughter of negro Jude, female slave."
Date of Record: February 28, 1794
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Doreas (Dorcas?)
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: November 05, 1796
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1796 Registration notes "daughter of negro Jude," a female slave.
Date of Record: November 16, 1796
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Campbell, John
City or Township:
County: Lancaster (See Notes)
Occupation: Merchant
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration describes Campbell as "Merchant late of West Moreland County, but now a prisoner to the British for as by his Attorney, Jasper Yeates Esq. Of the borough of Lancaster, enters as owner. . ." See also the Westmoreland County listings.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bessy
Sex: Female
Age: 09a
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Mulatto girl
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 18, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 07a
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 18, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Campbell, John D.
City or Township: Mount Joy Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lewis, John
Sex: Male
Age: 26a
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Self-emancipated in 1798
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
STRAYED AWAY, FROM the subscriber, living in Mount Joy township, near the Cross Roads, a Dark Brown Mare, With a small star, well built, about eight or nine years old, only one tit, and is shod all around.
Also, RAN AWAY FROM the said subscriber, a Negro Man, named JOHN LEWIS, about 26 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, stout and well made, and is somewhat marked on the back with the whip, and stutters in his speech. His clothes were a long blue coat, faced with red, a red under gold-laced jacket, being part of his former livery, together with a quantity of other clothes, not now recollected. There is some likelihood that he may have taken the above mentined Mare. --If so, a reward of FIFTY DOLLARS will be given for securing said Mare and Negro, or FORTY DOLLARS for the Negro only, with reasonable charges, if brought home. JOHN D. CAMPBELL.
Note that John Lewis bore the scars of whipping on his back, as noted by Campbell in the above ad.
Date of Record: April 28, 1798
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Carpenter, Abraham
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given in ad
Sex: Male
Age: "about 14 or 15 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1816 or 1817
Status: Escaped, March 1831
Description: "Mulatto Boy"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
5 Dollars Reward.
RANAWAY, on Wednesday last, from the subscriber, in the city of Lancaster, an indented MULATTO BOY, about 14 or 15 years of age, 4 feet 2 or 3 inches high, had on and took with him a grey Seal skin cap, coarse munroe boots and other clothing not recollected. The above reward and all reasonable charges will be paid to any person who will return him to his master.
Date of Record: 25 March 1831
Source: The Lancaster Intelligencer, 25 March 1831.
- Slaveholder Name: Carpenter, Samuel
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given in ad
Sex: Female
Age: 20 or 21a
Date of Birth: 1790 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "black"
Notes: Text of runaway ad: "SIX CENTS REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber on Tuesday night the 26th instant, an indented black girl between 20 or 21 years of age, low stature and took with her a variety of clothing. The above reward will be paid to any person who will secure her so that I may get her again, but no charges will be paid. SAMUEL CARPENTER.
Lancaster, June 29th 1810."
Date of Record: June 30, 1810
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Clark, Brice
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Yeoman
Notes: Residence of Clark is listed as Leacock Township in the 1780 Slave Registrations. Husband of Margaret, widow of Robert Anderson. Clark's Donegal farm was later acquired by Senator Donald Cameron.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Eve
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Mother of Venus, who was born in 1781 and registered by Clark in 1789. 1780 Slave Registration for Eve specifies status as "e;slave for life."
Source number 110 quotes the actual language of the 1780 registration letter of Clark for Eve and Jack: "October 10, 1780. Brice Clark, farmer, in Leacock Township and Lancaster County, both a negro woman named Eve aged eighteen years, also a negro boy named Jack aged eight years, both slaves for life."
Mother of Ben, born November 26, 1796. See also, "Anderson, Robert."
Date of Record: October 10, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 08
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Source number 110 quotes the actual language of the1780 registration letter of Clark for Eve and Jack: "October 10, 1780. Brice Clark, farmer, in Leacock Township and Lancaster County, both a negro woman named Eve aged eighteen years, also a negro boy named Jack aged eight years, both slaves for life."
The same source also presents a contract showing the sale of the child Jack from Joseph Kittera to Brice Clark in 1779, and the attempted sale of Jack to William Smith, Jr.
Text of the sale from Kittera to Clark:
"To all whom it may concern. Know ye that I, Joseph Kittera, of the Borough of Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania, gent, for and in consideration of the quantity of fifty bushels of wheat and fifty bushels of rye to me, delivered by Brice Clark, at the Township of Lampeter in the county and State aforesaid, have granted, bargained, sold and delivered, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and deliver unto the said Brice Clark, one negro boy called Jack. To have and to hold the said negro boy to the said Brice Clark, his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof, of him, the said Brice Clark, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Joseph Kittera, his heirs executors and administrators, the said negro boy called Jack unto the said Brice Clark, his heirs and assigns, against him, them, any or either of them and against all and every person or persons whomsover claiming or to claim the said boy, by from or under him, them or any of them, shall and will warrant and forever defend these presents.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the 7th day of December, 1779. JOSEPH KITTERA (Seal).
On the attempted sale of Jack to William Smith, Jr., source number 110 says: "The same day Brice Clark agreed by a writing not signed on the back of the above deed to transfer all his property in the boy December 14, 1779, to William Smith, Jr., for 2,000 pounds of Pennsylvania money. . .We remember that in 1780 Mr. Clark returned the boy Jack as one of his slaves, as I have shown above. Thus it seems that the 2,000 pound sale did not go through." No documentation is given as evidence that the child Jack mentioned here is the same as the Jack registered in 1780, although it most likely is the same person.
Date of Record: October 10, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780" | Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery"
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Venus
Sex: Female
Age: "aged 8 yrs February last"
Date of Birth: 1781-February
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto Girl"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes: "aged 8 yrs February last; her Mother's name is Eve," who was "registered acc. to law." Registration in 1780 of Eve by Clark at Lancaster is verified in source number 102.
Date of Record: March 27, 1789
Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nat
Sex: Male
Age: -
Date of Birth: 1789- December 16
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro child"
Notes: Son of Eve. Registered by Clark on March 14, 1790. Text of registration letter: "Pursuant to an act of General Assembly, I, Brice Clark, of the Township of Donegal and County of Lancaster (Farmer), do enter a negro child born on the 16th day of December in the year One thousand seven hundred and eighty nine, called Nat, his mother's name Eve, and that he is my property and is now in my possession. Brice Clark. March 14th, 17"
Date of Record: March 14, 17(90)
Source: Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Age: Infant at time of Registration
Date of Birth: 1796--November 26
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1796 Registration notes "son of negro Eve," a female slave.
Date of Record: December 01, 1796
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Clark, John
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lawson Taylor
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Date of Birth: 1800 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Slave boy"
Notes: Source 110 records the sale of 14-year old Lawson to John Clark by Samuel Bell of New Castle, Delaware, on June 08, 1814. The price recorded was $300. The source also relates the story of how Taylor remained with the Clark family until about age 70, when he went to work for a Dr. Cushman.
W. J. McKnight, writing in A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern Pennsylvania (1905), notes "As late as 1860 there was still one slave in Pennsylvania; his name was Lawson Lee Taylor, and he belonged to James Clark, of Donegal Township, Lancaster County."
Taylor died about 1875, and an obituary, according to the source, appeared in the Marietta Register. It goes on to say that he "always voted the Democratic ticket, for the reason that his master did."
Date of Record: June 08, 1814
Sources: Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery" | McKnight, W.J., M.D., A Pioneer Outline History of Northwestern
Pennsylvania, J. Lippincott, Co., 1905.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Staats, Thomas
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1803 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "boy"
Notes: Source 110 cites documents showing that Levi Boulden sold his slaves Thomas Staats, age 11, and James Staats, age 09, to John Clark, to serve until they reach the respective ages of 28 years. The price for both enslaved boys was $360.
Date of Record: April 20, 1814
Source: Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery"
- Enslaved Person's Name: James Staats
Sex: Male
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1805 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: boy
Notes: Source 110 cites documents showing that on April 20, 1814, Levi Boulden sold his slaves Thomas Staats, age 11, and James Staats, age 09, to John Clark, to serve until they reach the respective ages of 28 years. The price for both slaves was $360.
Date of Record: April 20, 1814
Source: Clark, "Lancaster County's Relation to Slavery"
- Slaveholder Name: Clark, John (2)
City or Township:
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Lancaster County Jailer
Notes: There is a difference of nearly sixty years between the slave data recorded for this John Clark and that recorded for the John Clark of Donegal Township, making it likely that they are two different persons. This John Clark was county jailer in 1753 when a captured Maryland man named Harry, or Henry Whit, passed through his jurisdiction.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Harry, a.k.a. Henry Whit
Sex: Male
Age: "about 25 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1731
Status: Slave for life; self-emancipated
Description: "Mulattoe slave," "Mulattoe man"
Notes: Henry Whit, as he gave his name, was arrested on March 30, 1753 and jailed in Lancaster as a suspected escaped slave. Jailer Clark placed the following notice in the Philadelphia newspapers about six weeks later to notify any possible owners:
Lancaster, June 14, 1753.
ON the 30th of March last, was committed to the county goal, on suspicion of being a run-away, one Henry Whit, a Molattoe man, about 25 years of age, five feet eight inches high, is a smart lively fellow, and says he served his time with John Linsey, Esq; near Frederick-town, in Virginia, and that he is a free man; these are to desire said Linsey, or any other person that has any demands against the said Whit, to come and pay the cost, and take him out, otherwise he will be judged out a servant for his fees, at next court.
JOHN CLARK, goal-keeper.
Notice that Henry Whit's imprisonment in Lancaster as a suspected runaway placed him in a losing situation. If he had actually escaped enslavement in Virgnia, his enslaver would likely see Clark's notice in The Pennsylvania Gazette, a newspaper that was widely circulated in Maryland and Virgnia, and travel to Lancaster to pay the jail fees and return with him to Virginia. If Whit was actually a free man, it is probable no one would appear for him and pay his fees. Lacking any evidence or witnesses to testify to his free status, he would then be sentenced by the court to be sold back into slavery in order to recover the costs and fees of his imprisonment.
An escaped slave ad from 1756, three years after Whit's imprisonment in Lancaster, reveals that Henry Whit was also known by the name of Harry, and it gives clues as to his fate after leaving the jail cell in Lancaser. The ad, placed by Thomas Bartholomew, a Philadelphia innkeeper, identifies Whit's first owner as George Johnson, of Frederick County, Virginia. He was transferred or sold to John Lindsay of the same county, from whom he escaped before being captured in Lancaster in March 1753.
Bartholomew's description identifies Whit's next owner as "one Cookson." This was Samuel Cookson of Caernarvon Township, who purchased Whit from Clark, representing the county, to pay his jail costs. This purchase probably occurred between July and August 1753, Whit apparently having been "judged out a servant for his fees." This judgment, or court order to sell Whit back into enslavement, must have come from a local justice of the peace, as no mention of the case appears on a transcribed list of dockets from the Lancaster Court of Quarter Sessions for August 1753.
Samuel Cookson had no better luck keeping Whit as a "servant," because on September 5, 1753, he escaped again. Not long afterward, Cookson sold Whit to Thomas Bartholomew of Philadelphia. By now, Henry "Harry" Whit had been owned, sold and transferred between at least five owners, and in 1756 he ran away from the fifth, who placed the ad below. Text of escape advertisement placed in the Pennsylvania Gazette by Thomas Bartholomew of Philadelphia:
Philadelphia, August 9, 1756
THIS day absented himself from his masters service, a Mulattoe slave, named Harry, about five feet six inches high, a broad well set fellow, speaks good English, and Dutch: had on when he went away, a blue cloth coat, with flat metal buttons, old check shirt, white tow trowsers, good shoes, and an old hat; chews Tobacco much, is a nimble lively fellow, about 25 years of age. He formerly belonged to George Johnson, in Frederick county in Virginia; from thence assigned to one John Lindsay; from thence to John Clark, of Lancaster; from thence to one Cookson, and from thence to the subscriber.
Whoever secures said Harry, in any goal, or brings him to his master, if taken in or near Philadelphia, shall have Four Dollars reward, if more than 20 miles, shall have Ten Dollars, and reasonable charges, paid by THOMAS BARTHOLOMEW.
N.B. he pretends to be a free man, and to have great friends in Maryland and Virginia. All masters of Vessels, and others, are forbid to carry him off at their peril.
Date of Record: 14 June 1753, 12 August 1756
Sources: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 12 July 1753, 12 August 1756; "Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Quarter Session Docket Index 1729-1872, Transcribed from indexes within the Lancaster County Archives collection," online at, accessed 26 December 2024.
- Slaveholder Name: Clark, Thomas, as Executor
City or Township: Martick Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: Thomas made the 1780 Slave Registrations of slaves Toby and Ben as Executor of the estate of William Clark, deceased, of Martick Township.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Toby
Sex: Male
Age: 14a
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: slave to age 40
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Toby was registered in 1780 by Thomas Clark, Executor of the last will and testament of William Clark of Martick Township, deceased, as belonging "to the Legatees in the said Will named viz. . .a slave to James Clark son of the said William deceased, till the age of 40 years."
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Age: 08a
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Ben was registered in 1780 by Thomas Clark, Executor of the last will and testament of William Clark of Martick Township, deceased, as belonging "to the Legatees in the said Will named viz. . .a slave to Joseph Clark during his life."
Date of Record:
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Clark, William
City or Township: Martick Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: In his last will and testament, William Clark bequeathed the slave Tony to his son James Clark, and the slave Ben to Joseph Clark. See "Clark, Thomas, Executor."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tony
Sex: Male
Age: 14a
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: slave to age 40
Description: Negro boy
Notes: This is is the same person recorded under "Clark, Thomas, Executor;" see the notes for that listing.
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Age: 08a
Date of Birth: 1772 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro boy
Notes: This is the same person recorded under "Clark, Thomas, Executor;" see the notes for that listing.
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Clemson, John
City or Township: Sagsbury
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: ?
Sex: Undetermined
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Manumitted- 1776
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Mention is made of this person in the Society of Friends Sagsbury Monthly Meeting Minutes, which states: "John Clemson Senr. releases a Negro from slavery." Discussion of the matter is not detailed in the minutes, but since the Quakers had publicly renounced slaveholding, this would have been looked upon favorably.
Date of Record: August 21, 1776
Source: Pennsylvania Church Records, Vol 3, Lancaster County
- Slaveholder Name: Clemson, James
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 50
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census. This could be the slave Dina, registered in 1780 at about 25 years of age.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dina
Sex: Female
Age: 25a
Date of Birth: 1755 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tob
Sex: Male
Age: 04
Date of Birth: 1776- January (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Age, in the 1780 Slave Registrations, is noted as "4 y the 27th January."
Date of Record: October 25, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pompy
Sex: Male
Age: 03
Date of Birth: 1785-June 17
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Boy"
Date of Record: August 09, 1788
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Julia
Sex: Female
Age: 02
Date of Birth: 1786-May 07
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Girl"
Date of Record: August 09, 1788
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Clendenin, Samuel
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Eli
Sex: Male
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: January 06, 1802
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1802 Registration notes "the son of negro woman named Nan, a slave."
Date of Record: June 23, 1802
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Clendenin, Thomas
City or Township: Bart Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Miller
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Mother of Jacob Fodder, born December 01, 1813.
Date of Record: May 27, 1814
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
P> - Slave Name: Fodder, Jacob
Sex: Male
Age: Five months old at Registration
Date of Birth: "born on or about December 1, 1813"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: Text of 1814 Registration: "Thomas Clendenin of Bart Twp., miller, returns a negro male child named Jacob Fodder, was born on or about December 1, 1813, son of his negro woman Hannah, his servant till she arrives at the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: May 27, 1814
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Clingan, Thomas
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Died, November, 1788. Husband of Margaret (Egle's Notes and Queries, XXXVII, p. 109).
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sue
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 20, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Samson
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 20, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
Sex: Male
Age: 10
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 20, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Coleman, George
City or Township: Elizabeth Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Ironmaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Loose (Luce, or Lucy?)
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult--under age 28)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Mulatto"/"Servant"
Notes: Mother of Mary, born November 07, 1820.
Date of Record: April 21, 1821
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Mary
Sex: Female
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: November 07, 1820
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: No description given in Registration.
Notes: Text of 1821 Registration of Mary: "George Coleman of Elizabeth Township, Iron-Master, returns Mary a daughter of mulatto Loose, a servant to the said George Coleman until the age of 28 years, said child was born November 7, 1820."
Date of Record: April 21, 1821
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Coleman, James
City or Township: Elizabeth Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Ironmaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: December 21, 1817
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1818 Registration text: "James Coleman of Elizabeth Twp., Ironmaster, returns a negro male child named Isaac, the son of negress Charlotte a servant of Robert Coleman Esq., liable by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to serve her master until the age of 28 years." Click here to view the slaves of Robert Coleman.
Date of Record: April 30, 1818
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: King
Sex: Male
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: November 17, 1818
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: Text of the 1819 Registration of King: "James Coleman of Elizabeth Township, Iron-Master, returns a negro male child named King, the son of negress Phillis, a servant of Robert Coleman Esquire, liable to serve until she arrives at the age of 28 years, said King was born November 17, 1818, and is liable to serve until he arrives to the age of 28 years." Click here to view the slaves of Robert Coleman.
Date of Record: April 24, 1819
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Coleman, Peter
City or Township: Warwick Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Ironmaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Stephen
Sex: Male
Age: Two weeks old at Registration.
Date of Birth: September 07, 1807
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1807 Registration notes "son of negro Ann," a female slave.
Date of Record: September 22, 1807
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Coleman, Robert
City or Township: Mount Joy Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Slaveholder Name: Coleman, Robert
City or Township: Elizabeth Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Ironmaster (Source 102)
Notes: In 1789, James Old and Robert Coleman both registered enslaved children. Both were ironmasters and both registered on the same date, indicating that they may have traveled together to Lancaster. James Old was not only Coleman's business partner, but his father-in-law, Coleman having married Old's daughter Anne. By 1810, Coleman's residence was being listed as Lancaster Borough. Robert Coleman also held slaves in Lebanon and York Counties. See the listings for Robert Coleman on the Lebanon County pages. See the listings for Robert Coleman on the York County pages listed by Spring Forge manager John Brien.
In addition to his connections to the James Old family of ironmasters, Coleman learned the ironmaster trade as bookkeeper with Curtis and Peter Grubb.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jane
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Female"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
Date of Record: August 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bet (Betty)
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulato Female"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
According to surviving receipts, Robert Coleman purchased "Betty (28 yrs) and her children Charles, Nanny, and Tony" on February 4, 1779. The three slave children listed immediately below are almost certainly those children purchased along with Betty. (Coleman Papers Collection, MG-275, Slaves Folder 1, Insert 1, Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.)
Date of Record: Registration: August 31, 1780; Receipt for purchase: February 4, 1779
Sources: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"; Coleman Papers Collection, LCHS
- Enslaved Person's Name: Anthony
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 1763 (calculated)
Status: "Servant till the age of thirty one years"
Description: "Mulato Male"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Servant till the age of thirty one years." If he served the full term, Anthony would have been freed in 1794. Anthony is the son of Bet(ty), above, purchased along with his mother, brother Charles and sister Nanny on February 4, 1779 (see the note for Betty, above). The child Toney, born on September 11, 1797 to Anthony's sister Nan, is probably named for Anthony.
Date of Record: August 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
Sex: Male
Age: 12
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulato Male"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
Charles is the son of Bet(ty), above, purchased along with his mother, brother Anthony (Tony) and sister Nanny on February 4, 1779 (see the note for Betty, above).
Date of Record: Registration: August 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nan (Nanny)
Sex: Female
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Female"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life." Mother of Phillis, born April 01, 1793, Toney, born about September 11, 1797, Hannah, born about January 22, 1801, and a second child named Hannah, born about the first week in December, 1810.
Nan(ny) is the daughter of Bet(ty), above, purchased along with her mother, and two brothers, Anthony (Tony) and Charles, on February 4, 1779 (see the note for Betty, above).
Date of Record: Registration: August 31, 1780
Sources: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780" | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Elizabeth
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lony
Sex: Male
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe Boy"
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
Date of Record: August 31, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Moll
Sex: Female
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1782-July
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: Mulatto female child
Notes: 1789 Registration notes "Daughter of Bety, a negro slave, born about the month of July 1782." Coleman did own a slave named Bet, who was born in 1750 and registered as a mulatto. This may or may not be the mother of Moll.
Date of Record: March 03, 1789
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at Registration
Date of Birth: "Born about April 1, 1793"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female mulatto child"
Notes: 1793 Registration notes "daughter of Nan, a negro slave." Mother of King, born November 17, 1818 and registered by James Coleman of Elizabeth Township.
Date of Record: August 28, 1793
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
Sex: Male
Age: Infant at Registration
Date of Birth: "born in February 1797"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1797 Registration notes "son of negro Dinah," a female slave. The actual registration was made by "Samuel Jacobs Attorney for Robert Coleman Esq. of Elizabeth Township, ironmaster, and the heirs of Curtis Grubb, deceased of Lebanon Township, Dauphin County Ironmaster."
Date of Record: June 01, 1797
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Toney
Sex: Male
Age: About five months old at Registration
Date of Birth: "born on or about September 11 1797"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1798 Registration notes "son of negro Nan," a female slave. The older slave, Anthony, is Toney's uncle, and probably the source of his name.
Date of Record: February 28, 1798
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: About three months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about December 14 1797"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1798 Registration notes "son of a mulatto slave named Luce, born on or about December 14, 1797." Actual registration was made by "William Coleman, his agent." William Coleman was also his son.
Date of Record: March 12, 1798
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rebecca
Sex: Female
Age: About three months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born in August 1799"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1799 Registration notes "daughter of negro Dinah." Actual registration was made by "Samuel Jacobs, Mount Joy Township, Ironmaster, agent for Robert Coleman of Elizabeth Township, Ironmaster." Mother of Henrietta, born on or about March 19, 1818.
Date of Record: November 27, 1799
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: About four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about Jan 22 1801"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1801 Registration notes "daughter of negro Nann a slave for life." Ten years later Coleman registered another slave child named Hannah, and also the child of Nann.
Date of Record: May 14, 1801
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Maria
Sex: Female
Age: About five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about June 20 1803"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female mulatto child"
Notes: 1803 Registration notes "daughter of negro Bell a slave for life."
Date of Record: November 15, 1803
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: About four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about Dec 16 1807"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female mulatto child"
Notes: 1808 Registration notes "daughter of Lucy," a female slave.
Date of Record: April 25, 1808
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charlotte
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: "Slave to age 28"
Description: "servant"
Notes: Mother of Dinah, born January 01, 1810, and Isaac, born December 21, 1817, both registered at Lancaster. Isaac was registered by James Coleman as his slave, "the son of negress Charlotte a servant of Robert Coleman Esq., liable by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to serve her master until the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: April 25, 1808
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dinah
Sex: Female
Age: About one month old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born about January 1, 1810"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1810 Registration notes "daughter of Charlotte a servant of said Robert Coleman, and liable to serve till the age of 28 years." Registration was made by Samuel L. Geehr of Warwick Township, Manager and Agent for Robert Coleman of Lancaster Borough, Ironmaster."
Date of Record: February 15, 1810
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Minta
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult in 1809)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Not determined
Description: "Servant woman"
Notes: Mother of Caroline, born October 02, 1809.
Date of Record: February 28, 1810
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Caroline
Sex: Female
Age: About five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about October 2, 1809"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female negro child"
Notes: 1810 Registration notes "born of his servant woman Minta."
Date of Record: February 28, 1810
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah (2)
Sex: Female
Age: About five weeks old at Registration.
Date of Birth: December, 1810 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Female negro child"
Notes: 1811 Registration notes "daughter of Nann, a slave of the said Robert Coleman Esq." This is the second daughter to Nann to bear this name. The registration was made by "Samuel L. Gehr of Warwick Township, manager for Robert Coleman Esq. of Lancaster Borough. Ironmaster."
Actual text of county clerk's Registration: "Samual L. Geehr of Warwick Twp., manager for Robert Coleman Esq. of Lancaster Bor. Ironmaster, returns a female negro child named Hannah, daughter of Nann, a slave of the said Robert Coleman Esq/, until she --the said child-- arrives at the age of 28 years."
Date of Record: January 11, 1811
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Benjamin
Sex: Male
Age: About four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: May 03, 1811
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1811 Registration text: "Robert Coleman, of Lancaster Bor., ironmaster, By James Coleman, his agent, returns a mulatto male child, named Benjamin, son of negress Dinah, a female slave. Born May 3, 1811, and is liable to serve until he arrives at the age of 28 years."
Benjamin is identified in a newspaper article published November 14, 1909. In the Williamsport, Pennsylvania newspaper Grit, on page 6, is the article "Son of Former Slave, Isaiah Baker's Ancestors Were Stolen From Africa." The article notes the death of Lycoming County citizen Isaiah Baker, an employee of the water company whose father was Benjamin Baker. The second paragraph details Benjamin's history:
"Mr. Baker's father was Benjamin Baker, a slave, and his grandmother and her brother were stolen from the coast of Africa and brought to New Castle, Delaware. Later, his grandmother became the property of the Colemans who work the great iron hills in Lebanon county. It was there that Benjamin was born into slavery. After being granted his freedom, he came to this section of the country and settled in Mosquito Valley."
The complete newspaper article was submitted by Paul Eugene Thurston, who is descended from Benjamin Baker and who is searching for more information on Benjamin and his wife Rachel. Mr. Thurston has tracked Benjamin Baker in the 1870 United States census. He writes "The US census records in 1870 for Mahoning Township,
Montour county, PA list a Benjamin Baker (age 59), so he would have been born in 1811. Benjamin's wife according to the census was named Rachel whose age
was given as 61 at the time of the census." (August 25, 2001, Paul Thurston to George F. Nagle)
Date of Record: September 28, 1811
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Henrietta
Sex: Female
Age: About two months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about March 19, 1818"
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1818 Registration text: "Edward Coleman Esq., of the city of Lancaster, Attorney at Law and agent for Robert Coleman Esq., of the same city, returns Henrietta, a negro female child, daughter of Rebecca, a female servant till the age of 28 years belonging to the said Robert Coleman Esquire and registered in the County of Lancaster November 27, 1799, and certifies that the said child named Henrietta was born on or about March 19, 1818."
Date of Record: May 12, 1818
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Thom
Sex: Male
Age: "Boy" Exact age not given
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Status not determined
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: "Receipt for purchase by Robert Coleman of Negro boy named Thom. 9 February 1787."
Date of Record: February 9, 1787
Source: Coleman Papers Collection, MG-275, Slaves Folder 1, Insert 2, Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Austin
Sex: Male
Age: Age not given, but thirteen or older at time of purchase (1793)
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro"
Notes: "Bill of sale for purchase of Negro Austin, a slave for life, by Robert Coleman. 21 December 1793."
Date of Record: December 21, 1793
Source: Coleman Papers Collection, MG-275, Slaves Folder 1, Insert 4, Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Solomon Cork
Sex: Male
Age: 18a
Date of Birth: 1785 (calculated)
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Coleman acquired the balance of Solomon Cork's indenture from John Price. Other previous owners are detailed as follows: "Indenture history of Solomon Cork, a male negro slave, signed over to Robert Coleman by John Price. Previous owners include Robert West (11 April 1796), Robert Fraime (5 April 1796). 'He being previous to the execution hereof, Liberated, Manumitted, and set Free…hath voluntarily and of his own accord, being eleven years of age…does bind himself as a servant to Robert West…until the full end and term of seventeen years.' 12 August 1803."
Young term slaves were not infrequently "liberated, manumitted, and set Free" upon being sold from one owner to another, on the condition that they "voluntarily" bind themselves to a term that would equal the full twenty-eight years had they not been manumitted.
Date of Record: August 12, 1803
Source: Coleman Papers Collection, MG-275, Slaves Folder 1, Insert 5, Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
- Slave Name Juba
Slave Age 22a
Slave Sex Male
Slave Date of Birth 1767 (calculated)
Slave Description "Negro"
Slave Status Slave for life
Slave Notes John Montgomery of Carlisle purchased Juba, a "Negro boy," aged about 9 years, from William Smith on September 27, 1777. Montgomery later sold Juba, age 18, to Joseph Kreps on May 2, 1785. Kreps later obtained a certificate of registration from Cumberland County clerk John Agnew, stating "on the 23rd day of October, 1780, entered office Juba, a Negro slave then supposed to be aged about 13 years in due time agreeable to the law for abolition of slavery." The certificate, dated November 16, 1789, was in preparation for the sale of Juba, aged about 22 years, to Robert Coleman on January 1, 1790. (Coleman Papers, LCHS)
Date of Record Registration by John Montgomery: October 23, 1780; Purchase by Coleman: January 1, 1790
Source: Slave Returns Listings; Coleman Papers Collection, MG-275, Slaves Folder 2, Inserts 1-4, Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
Age: "about 23 or 24 years of age"
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1797 or 1798 (calculated)
Description: "Negro man"
Status: Escaped slave
Notes: Frank was employed at the Coleman's Martic Furnace, but escaped in February 1821. The runaway ad placed by Robert Coleman is below:
Twenty Dollars Reward.
Ran away on the 12th of last month, from Martic works, a negro man, named Frank, about 23 or 24 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, stout made and well set--has large features, and thick lips--is a a good deal pitted with the small pox, and wants the little finger of his left hand from the middle joint. He had on when he went away, a pair of linsey trowsers and a read coating roundabout -- Whoever secures said runaway in any jail, so that the owner may get him again, shall be entitled to the above reward.
Robert Coleman. March 2.
Date of Record Advertisement placed by Coleman: 2 March 1821
Source: Lancaster Journal, 9 March 1821
- Slaveholder Name: Conkle, William
City or Township: Bart Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Blacksmith
Notes: Surname also spelled Kunckel.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Silvia
Sex: Female
Age: 57
Date of Birth: 1743 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: Five months old at Registration
Date of Birth: 1792-January 03
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto Female Child"
Notes: 1792 Registration notes "Daughter of Negroe Sib," registered at Lancaster. The transciption of the county clerk's records translates the handwriting as "daughter of negro Lib."
Date of Record: June 01, 1792
Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Cook, David
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: 45
Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro wench"
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ruben
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 1757 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto man"
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jud
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Wench"
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Frank
Sex: Male
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Boy"
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dine
Sex: Female
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Wench"
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Boy"
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Esther
Sex: Female
Age: 02
Date of Birth: "Born about the middle of January, 1787."
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Female Child"
Notes: 1789 Registration of Esther lists her mother as "Negroe Rose," who was registered by Robert Spear at Lancaster.
Date of Record: March 28, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Juliet
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration
Date of Birth: 1793-April 12
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Female Child"
Notes: 1793 Registration lists Juliet's mother as "Negroe Rose" who was registered at Lancaster. This is the Rose who was registered by Robert Spear.
Date of Record: October 07, 1793
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration
Date of Birth: 1795-March 12 or 13
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Female Child"
Notes: 1795 Registration notes Phillis' mother as "negro Rose." This is the Rose who was registered by Robert Spear.
Date of Record: August 12, 1795
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Cook, James
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Surname is spelled "Cooke" in the 1791 Registration for the child Jack.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hage (also spelled "Hague")
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life." Source transcriptionist notes that the name of this slave was missing from the entry book, but it was recovered from the original return. Mother of Jack, born November 18, 1790 and registered by Cook in April 1791.
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: 12
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 27, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Timothy
Sex: Male
Age: 8 years old
Date of Birth: 1781-January 01
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: (original return) "boy;" (clerk's record) "negro boy"
Date of Record: March 25, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hanah or Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: 4 years old
Date of Birth: 1785-Middle February ("born on or about the middle of February 1785")
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: (original return) "Girl;" (clerk's records) "negro girl"
Notes: Name was spelled "Hanah" on original return, but recorded as "Hannah by the county clerk.
Date of Record: March 25, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sall
Sex: Female
Age: 01
Date of Birth: 1787-June 10
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: (original return) "Girle;" (clerk's records) "negro girl"
Date of Record: March 25, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 5 months old at Registration
Date of Birth: November 18, 1790
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto male child"
Notes: 1791 Registration notes "the son of Hague, a female slave."
Date of Record: April 28, 1791
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me. . ."
- Slaveholder Name: Cook, Samuel
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Surname is also spelled "Cooke" in some records.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Peter or Frank
Sex: Male
Age: between 21 and 25 years old (see ad)
Date of Birth:
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe"
Notes: Escaped in July 1793, but the ad does not specify which enslaved person belongs to which man. Text of ad:
Sixty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscribers, in Donegal township, Lancaster county, on the night of the 20th instant, two likely, active, NEGROE MEN. They are stout well made fellows, and very much alike; the one named PETER, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, and of a pleasant, open countenance. He had on, and took with him, three new shirts, and one old fine one; a wool hat, much worn; a very good homespun cloth coat, with short skirts and flip pockets; one striped vest pattern jacket, and one of calfskin, drest with hair on, and much worn; one pair red and white striped cotton trowsers, and two pair of coarse tow linen; and other cloathing not known. He speaks the English and German languages.
The other named FRANK, about 21 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, and looks down when spoken to. Had on, and took with him, a new wool hat; a grey coating coat and waistcoat, and a striped cotton waistcoat; one pair of narrow black and white striped cotton trowsers, and one pair of tow cloth, dyed olive green; one pair of white woolen stockings, one pair of thread, soaled with linen, and one pair of cotton. It is supposed the above fellows are gone towards Philadelphia, as they have frequently driven wagons to that place. Whoever secures said Negroes, so that their masters may have them again, shall receive the above reward, or THIRTY DOLLARS for either of them, and reasonable charges, from SAMUEL COOK, JAMES ANDERSON. July 25, 1793.
Date of Record: July 31, 1793
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, July 31, 1793
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not included in source
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800. This could be Tim / Simon, an enslave man who escaped in 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tim or Simon
Sex: Male
Age: 21a
Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
Status: Self-emancipated, January 1800
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Text of runaway notice:
"Forty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscriber living in Donegal township Lancaster county on the 10th inst. a certain Negro man named Tim, about twenty one years of age, about 5 feet 11 and a half inches high, slender made, not very black and somewhat pitted with the small pox. Took with him a lead coloured double breasted short coat of home spun and breeches of the same, about half worn; likewise a pair of nankeen overalls and a bottle green jacket half worn and is supposed to have with him a regimental coat, as he has been seen wearing it in the neighborhood; likewise one fine shirt ruffled a the bosom and two coarse ones, with sundry other wearing aparel too tedious to mention. It is possible he may have a false pass. Any person or persons taking said Negro and securing him in Lancaster jail, if taken within thirty-five miles of Lancaster shall have twenty-four dollars, if any greater distance the above reward and reasonable charges paid for securing him in said jail, by SAMUEL COOKE.
Jan. 29."
A nearly identical notice was published in the Lancaster Intelligencer, on February 12, but with the escaped man identified as "Simon." See also the listing below for the un-named enslaved man offered for sale in mid-February, 1800.
Date of Record: January 29, 1800
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not stated in ad
Sex: Male
Age: "young", described as a "young Negro" and a "young man"
Date of Birth: Not known, but probably before 1780 if he could be described as a "slave" by Cooke.
Status: Slave for life, but proposed for a term of 10 years.
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Offered for sale in February, 1800. This is possibly Tim / Simon (see above) who ran away on January 10, 1800. Text of sale ad:
"For sale, a likely young Negro who is a slave, but will be sold for the term of ten years and shall then be free. He is regularly registered--Is as clear of faults as most of his colour. He was wickedly advised to his late transgression. Any person inclining to purchase may see him at Lancaster jail and may know the terms by applying to the subscriber in Donegal township.
Date of Record: February 19, 1800;
Source: Lancaster Journal; published in the Lancaster Intelligencer through 09 April 1800 with somewhat different wording.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not included in source
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 1779 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the Septennial Census of 1800.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charles
Sex: Male
Age: 6 years old at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: March 03, 1783
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro boy"
Date of Record: March 28, 1789
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sharp
Sex: Male
Age: About six months old at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: 1789-July 08
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: 1790 Registration lists Sharp's mother as "Dina." This is probably the same person listed as the mother of the slave Lester, registered on 28 December, 1791, and listed as "Daina."
Date of Record: January 06, 1790
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lester
Sex: Male
Age: -
Date of Birth: 1791-September 30
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Boy"
Notes: 1791 Registration notes "Mother Daina." This is probably the same person listed as the mother of the slave Sharp, registered on 06 January, 1790, and listed as "Dina."
Date of Record: December 28, 1791
Source: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780
- Enslaved Person's Name: Petter (Peter?)
Sex: Male
Age: Three months old at time of Registration
Date of Birth: September 30, 1791
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1791 Registration notes "being a son of Dama (Diana?)."
Date of Record: December 28, 1791
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Prince
Sex: Male
Age: Infant at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: December 13, 1793
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: 1791 Registration notes "son of negro Dinah, female slave."
Date of Record: February 26, 1794
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: September 04, 1795
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1795 Registration notes "daughter of negro Dinah."
Date of Record: November 21, 1795
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: December 30, 1797
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro child"
Notes: 1798 Registration notes "daughter of Dinah."
Date of Record: February 17, 1798
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Elizabeth
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: March 05, 1799
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Female negro child"
Notes: 1799 Registration notes "daughter of negro Dinah."
Date of Record: April 11, 1799
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Cookson, Joseph
City or Township: living "near the Head of Pequea"
County: Lancaster
Notes: The Cookson family is listed as previous owners of numerous slaves. See the ad for the runaway Harry (also described as Mulatto), who was at one time owned by John Clark, and the ad transcribed under slaveholder John Walters, of Pequea.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Francis Miller
Sex: Male
Age: 34a
Date of Birth: 1728 (calculated)
Status: Runaway; servitude status not stated
Description: "Mulattoe Servant Man"
Notes: Ran away from Thomas Parke in Dover, Delaware. Although Joseph Cookson is not listed as a previous owner, several other runaway slaves were listed, and Francis Miller was possibly enslaved by Cookson or his family at one time. Text of runaway notice:
RUN away, the 16th of this Instant, from the Subscriber, living in Dover, Kent County, on Delaware, a Mulattoe Servant Man, named Francis Miller, about 34 Years of Age, about 5 feet 11 Inches high, slim built, walks loose in his Knees, pretty much pock broken, and a large Beard: Had on when he went away, A blue Kersey Jacket, lined with ozenbrigs, old Check Shirt, old breeches, good Shoes, milled Stockings, and, it is believed, he stole, and took with him, two Great Coats, one old blue Cloth, the other light coloured. It is supposed he is gone up the Country to one Joseph Cookson, living in Lancaster County, near the Head of Pequea. Whoever takes up said Servant, and bring him Home to his Master, shall have the above Reward, and reasonable Charges; or if secured in any goal, so that he may be had again, shall have what the Law allows, paid by
N.B. All Persons are forbid harbouring or concealing him, as they will answer the fate at their Peril.
Date of Record: January 28, 1762
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, January 28, 1762
- Slaveholder Name: Cookson, Samuel
City or Township: Caernarvon Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Harry
Sex: Male
Age: "about 22 years of age"
Date of Birth: 1731 (calculated)
Status: Runaway; described as a "servant"
Description: "Molattoe Servant Man"
Notes: Harry was purchased by Samuel Cookson from John Clark of Lancaster. He ran away from Samuel Cookson on September 5, 1753. Text of runaway advertisement:
Lancaster, September 6, 1753.
RUN away of the fifth instant, from the subscriber, living in Carnarvon township, Lancaster county, a Molattoe servant man, nam'd Harry, about 22 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, middling well set; Had on when he went away, an old felt hat, striped linen shirt, light colour'd stuff jacket, linen trowsers, good shoes, and steel buckles. Whoever takes up and secures said servant, so that his master may have him again, shall have Forty Shillings reward, and reasonable charges, paid by
Harry was recovered by Cookson and sold to Thomas Bartholomew of Philadelphia, from whom he escaped in August 1756.
Date of Record: 06 September 1753
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 4 October 1753.
- Slaveholder Name: Cooper, John
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Phillis
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Mother of Amelia, born November 29, 1802, and Benjamin, born August 12, 1814. The Registration of Benjamin identifies Phillis as the slave of John Cooper.
Date of Record: February 07, 1815
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Amelia
Sex: Female
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: November 29, 1802
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Mulatto female child"
Notes: 1803 Registration notes "daughter of negro Phillis."
Date of Record: April 22, 1803
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Benjamin
Sex: Male
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: August 12, 1814
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Negro male child"
Notes: Text of 1815 Registration: "John Cooper of Leacock Township, farmer, returns a negro male child named Benjamin, born August 12, 1814, being a son of his negro woman Phillis, a slave for life."
Date of Record: February 07, 1815
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Copeland, Philip
City or Township: "Anderson's Ferry," modern day Marietta.
County: Lancaster
Notes: Located about three miles upriver from Wrightsville, Anderson's Ferry was named for settler Rev. James Anderson, who operated a ferry at this spot, crossing the Susquehanna River to Accomac, Hellam Township, York County.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Connor, James
Sex: Male
Age: ? "man"
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Escaped, May 1805
Description: "Mulatto man"
Notes: Text of escape notice:
"Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY on the evening of the 5th May, from Anderson's Ferry, a mulatto man, named James Connor, a stout boned fellow, full 6 feet high, has very large feet and is some what knock-kneed. Had on and took with him, one pair check trowsers, blue coat, reddish coloured waistcoat, an old beaver hat, and two red Bandanoe handkerchiefs. Whoever takes up said run-away & secures him in any jail, shall have the above reward, paid by PHILIP COPELAND, Anderson's Ferry. May 17.
Date of Record: May 17, 1805
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Cornman, John
City or Township: Cocalico
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Physician
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Slaveholder Name: Cossler, Philip
City or Township: Columbia
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Benjamin Williams
Sex: Male
Age: 30a
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Escaped, October 1807
Description: "Mulatto man"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
Ten Dollars Reward. RUN-AWAY, on the 11th instant from the subscriber, living in the town of Columbia, an indented Mulatto man, named BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, about 30 year of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, tolerably stout made. Took with him a red roundabout, a blue ditto, blue overalls and a variety of othere cloathing which cannot now be enumerated. He is supposed to be secreted in or near the borough of Lancaster. Any person who wil secure the said runaway so that I may get him again shall receive the above reward, with reasonable expences. PHILIP COSSLER.
October 30, 1807.
Date of Record: October 30, 1807
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Craig, Robert
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: Mentioned by Curtis Grubb as the previous owner of the enslaved man "Jack," who escaped from Grubb in 1772.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: "24 or 25 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1747
Status: Escaped from Cornwall Furnace
Description: "Negroe man"
Notes: Text of Curtis Grubb's runaway notice:
RUN AWAY from the subscriber, living at Cornwall Furnace, a Negroe man, named JACK, 24 or 25 years of age, slim made, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, talks good English; had on, when he went away, a new felt hat, a light coloured coat, short red waistcoat, without sleeves, a good pair of leather breeches, old stockings, without feet, new shoes, tied with strings; he was lately in the Workhouse, at Lancaster, and sold by Robert Craig, living in Donegall township, who was his master at that time. Whoever takes up said Negroe, and brings him to the above Furnace, or secures him in any of his Majesty goals, so that his master may have him again, shall have THREE POUNDS reward, and reasonable charges, paid by CURTIS GRUBB.
May 12, 1772." (The Pennsylvania Gazette, July 16, 1772)
Date of Record: July 16, 1772
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jude
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Registration includes the note "born in Donegall," referring to Donegal Township, Lancaster County.
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Registration includes the note "born in Chester County."
Date of Record: October 28, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Crawford, Christopher
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Storekeeper
Notes: Crawford was the first person in the county to register a slave in accordance with the 1780 law, registering Bill and Esther on July 22, 1780.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Esther
Sex: Female
Age: 19 years, 06 months
Date of Birth: 1761- January (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro female
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies "Slave for life."
Date of Record: July 22, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
Sex: Male
Age: 10 years, 06 months
Date of Birth: 1770- January (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro male
Notes: 1780 Registration specifies, "Slave for life."
Date of Record: July 22, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Crawford, David
City or Township: Lampeter Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: This may be the grandson of David Crawford, Sr. See the notes for "Crawford, David, Sr."
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 1768 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census. This may be "Dick," who was willed to David Crawford by his grandfather, David Crawford Sr. (Source 102)
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Slaveholder Name: Crawford, David, Sr.
City or Township:
County: Lancaster
Notes: Mentioned by his son James Crawford in the 1780 Slave Registrations of Dick and Derry as their previous owner. (See Crawford, James--Leacock Township)
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
Sex: Male
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Upon his death, David Crawford bequeathed Dick and another slave, Derry, to his grandsons David and William Crawford. Because they were underage, the will stipulated that their father would hold the enslaved boys until his sons reached the age of majority.
Date of Record: October 19, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Derry
Sex: Male
Age: 06a
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Upon his death, David Crawford bequeathed Derry and another slave, Dick, to his grandsons David and William Crawford. Because they were underage, the will stipulated that their father would hold the slaves until his sons reached the age of majority.
Date of Record: October 19, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Crawford, James
City or Township: Lampeter
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Aaron Dorset
Sex: Male
Age: "about 40 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1759
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
Six Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY on Sunday last, from the subscriber living in Lancaster county, state of Pennsylvania, a Negro servant man, called Aaron Dorset, about 40 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, a stout well built fellow, when a boy, his right knee was dislocated, stands much out, halts a good deal when he walks, had on when he ran-away, a new fir Hat, greenish coloured Coat, Vest & Trowsers of thick drab cloth, a new tow shirt, gray stockings, shoes with buckles. Aaron was born in Dover, sold by Benjamin Chew, to Oliver Pollock; of Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, by him sold to the subscriber. Whoever apprehends said run-away, and brings him home, or secures him in any jail, that the subscriber may get him again, shall receive the above reward, and reasonable expences paid by JAMES CRAWFORD.
Lampeter, May 11, 1799.
Click here to view the Cumberland County listing for Aaron Dorset's previous owner, Oliver Pollock.
Date of Record: May 11, 1799
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nann or Ann
Sex: Female
Age: Exact age not recorded in bill of sale, but described as a "wench," a term that covers a broad age range, from very young girl to about middle-aged woman. The Philadelphia capture notice from July 1778 describes her as "about twenty years of age."
Date of Birth: circa 1758
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro Wench"
Notes: Crawford purchased Ann from Benjamin Merritt of Port Penn, New Castle County, Delaware sometime prior to 1778. Ann escaped from Crawford in late spring or early summer of 1778 but was captured in Philadelphia and placed in the city jail. The capture notice below was published in a Philadelphia newspaper by Thomas Dewees as the city jailer:
WAS committed to Philadelphia jail in June last, a Negro wench named ANN, about twenty years of age, on suspicion of being a runaway slave, and has confessed she belongs to a certain James Crawford living in Pequea township, Lancaster county; she likewise says that said Crawford bought her of a certain Benjamin Merrat, near Port Penn on Delaware. Her master is desired to apply to mr. John Reynolds, at the sign of the White Horse in Elbow-lane, or to the subscriber the upper end of Fourth-street, Northern Liberties.
Crawford, within a year of her capture, "granted, bargained and sold 1 Negro Wench" to Thomas Dewees (spelled "Dewers" in record), who in 1780 subsequently sold her to David Potts of Philadelphia.
Dates of Records: 25 July 1778 (Philadelphia capture notice); 24 July 1779 (Bill of sale, Crawford to Dewers (Dewees).
Sources: Lancaster Historical Society, African American Records Collection, MG-240, Folder 5, "Bill of sale of Negro woman, Nann (Ann)," quoted in Historic Rock Ford, "Completing the Picture: Slavery and Servitude in Early Lancaster County," online at, accessed 03 December 2024; The Pennsylvania Evening Post (Philadelphia), 25 July 1778.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 1780 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "indented black servant"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
20 DOLLARS REWARD. RAN away on the 5th instant, from the subscriber living in Lampeter township, Lancaster county, an indented black servant named JACK, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, tolerably well built, good countenance, very talkative, particularly about driving team--fond of drinkin and boasting, formerly lived with Mr. Morrison of York county, near M'Call's ferry. Whoever will take up the said runaway and secure him so that the subscriber may get him again, shall receive the above reward, together with reasonable charges if brought home. JAMES CRAWFORD.
March 10, 1810.
Date of Record: March 10, 1810
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob Garver
Sex: Male
Age: "about 18 years of age"
Date of Birth: 1799 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "Yellow Boy"
Notes: Text of runaway ad:
50 Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the subscriber, living in Lampeter township, Lancaster county, on the last of February, a Yellow Boy, named JACOB GARVER, about 18 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, stout made, walks heavy, speaks thick, occasioned by taking snuff very freely when young. Had on when he ran away, a mixed gray roundabout, waistcoat and pantaloons, (the cloth twilled) the latter patched with drab coloured cloth, a pair of purple broadcloth pantaloons under, a good wool hat and tow linen shirt, a good pair of stockings with brown legs and blue feet, and a pair of patent pegged laced half boots, nearly new. He is a sensible fellow and very unassuming in his manners, generally smiles when spoken to and can read very well. He may probably offer himself in any capacity whatever, being raised in the house and well acquainted with all kinds of house work, and is an excellent waiter. He is also well acquainted with farming, drives team and carriage well.-- The above reward will be given if apprehended and committed to any jail, so that I may get him again, and all reasonable charges paid.
Date of Record: March 14, 1817
Source: Lancaster Journal, 6 August 1817.
- Slaveholder Name: Crawford, James
City or Township: Leacock Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: This could be the James Crawford listed for Lampeter Township. The 1780 Slave Registrations for "Dick" and "Derry" included the note "The said James Crawford also enters two other Negroes bequeathed to him by David Crawford his father, to hold him the said James Crawford during the Minority of his two sons, David & William. . ."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
Sex: Male
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Along with the slave Derry, Dick was bequeathed by David Crawford to his grandsons David and William Crawford. Registered on October 19, 1780 by the boys' father, James Crawford, who was holding the slaves until his sons reached the age of majority.
Date of Record: October 19, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Derry
Sex: Male
Age: 06a
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: Along with the slave Dick, Derry was bequeathed by David Crawford to his grandsons David and William Crawford. Registered on October 19, 1780 by the boys' father, James Crawford, who was holding the slaves until his sons reached the age of majority.
Date of Record: October 19, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Isaac
Sex: Male
Age: 01 year and 07 months (a)
Date of Birth: 1779- March (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro child"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." The age, as given in the registration, is "aged about 19 months."
Date of Record: October 19, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Crawford, Mary
City or Township: Lampeter Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Widow
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jude
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life." Jude escaped from Mary Crawford in April 1785. Crawford and some family members advertised for her return:
Eight Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the subscriber, living in Lampeter Township, Lancaster county, on the first inst. a NEGRO WOMAN named Jude, about 25 years of age: Had on and took with her when she went away, a striped quilted petticoat, one striped linsey do, one callico short gown; one striped linsey do. two tow shifts, blue woolen stockings, one black bonnet, one red flag silk handkerchief, one check apron, it is supposed she will change her name. Whoever takes up and secures said wench so that the owner may have her again, shall have the above reward and reasonable charges, if brought home, paid by
MARY CRAWFORD, or JOHN MOORE, in Lancaster, or JAMES CRAWFORD, in Philad. April 4, 1785.
Note the disparity in reported age. At registration, Jude was said to be 30 years old. When she escaped five years later, the ad reported her as "about 25 years of age." The registration law required strict accuracy, so should be considered the more reliable indicator of Jude's true age.
Date of Record: October 19, 1780 (Registration); 4 April 1785 (escape ad)
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"; The Freeman's Journal, or The North-American Intelligencer, 02 May 1785.
- Slaveholder Name: Crawford, William, Captain
City or Township: Earl Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Captain
- Enslaved Person's Name: Judith
Sex: Female
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Culbertson, James
City or Township: Sadsbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Ironmaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Eve
Sex: Female
Age: Five days old at Registration.
Date of Birth: February 22, 1805
Status: Slave to the age of 28
Description: "Mulatto female child"
Notes: 1805 Registration notes "daughter of negro Abigail."
Date of Record: February 27, 1805
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Cunningham, Abraham
City or Township: Lancaster
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
Sex: Male
Age: 30a
Date of Birth: 1736 (calculated)
Status: Captured Runaway
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: Ran away, but captured in Cecil County, Maryland in December, 1766. At the end of the advertisement placed by the Cecil County Jailor was a note about Sam:
NOW in the Goal of Cecil County, Maryland, a white Servant Man, named Daniel McClane….This is therefore to give Notice to whomsoever he does belong, that unless they come in six Weeks from the Date hereof, and pay his Goal Fees, and other Costs, he will be sold out for the same, according to an Act of the Province of Maryland, by DANIEL TURNER, Goaler and Under Sheriff.
N.B. There is likewise in said Goal, a new Negroe Man, named Sam, about 30 years of Age, supposed to belong to one Abraham Cunningham, near Lancaster, as he calls his Master Ubey, or Abraham Cunningham.
December 21, 1766.
Note that Sam is described as a "new Negroe Man," or one recently imported into Pennsylvania.
Date of Record: January 1, 1767
Sources: The Pennsylvania Gazette, January 1, 1767
- Slaveholder Name: Cunningham, Andrew
City or Township: Lancaster
County: Lancaster
Occupation: County jailer
Notes: Advertised suspected fugitive slaves that had been lodged in jail with him.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: "about 23 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1755
Status: Captured Runaway; Tom told the jailer he had escaped from John Davis in North Carolina.
Description: "Negroe"
Notes: Ran away from John Davis in Goose Creek, North Carolina. Captured in Lancaster County and lodged in jail on 13 July, 1778.
Lancaster Town and County, Aug. 31, 1778.
NOTICE is hereby given, That on the 13th of July last was committed to my custody, the three following described Negroes, viz.
TOM, about 23 years of age, scarified on his left arm with artificial cuts.
Dick, has three scars on each side of his face, from his temple to his chin, his left foot and leg has been much burnt or scalded; both say they belong to John Davis, of Goose Creek, North-Carolina.
BOB, talks good English, (which Dick and Tom cannot) says he belongs to Thomas Davis, near Alexandria in old Virginia. Their masters are hereby desired to come and prove their property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be sold within ten weeks from this dates to pay the same, without further notice, by
Poor command of English; Has African tribal scars on his left arm.
Date of Record: 31 August 1778
Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 15 September 1778
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dick
Sex: Male
Age: Assumed to be an adult, age not specified
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Captured Runaway; Dick told the jailer he had escaped from John Davis in North Carolina.
Description: "Negroe"
Notes: Ran away from John Davis in Goose Creek, North Carolina. Captured in Lancaster County and lodged in jail on 13 July, 1778.
Lancaster Town and County, Aug. 31, 1778.
NOTICE is hereby given, That on the 13th of July last was committed to my custody, the three following described Negroes, viz.
TOM, about 23 years of age, scarified on his left arm with artificial cuts.
Dick, has three scars on each side of his face, from his temple to his chin, his left foot and leg has been much burnt or scalded; both say they belong to John Davis, of Goose Creek, North-Carolina.
BOB, talks good English, (which Dick and Tom cannot) says he belongs to Thomas Davis, near Alexandria in old Virginia. Their masters are hereby desired to come and prove their property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be sold within ten weeks from this dates to pay the same, without further notice, by
Poor command of English; injured left leg and foot (scalding); Has African tribal scars on his face: "three scars on each side of his face, from his temple to his chin."
Date of Record: 31 August 1778
Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 15 September 1778
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bob
Sex: Male
Age: Assumed to be an adult, age not specified
Date of Birth: Not known
Status: Captured Runaway; Bob told the jailer he has escaped from Thomas Davis in Alexandria.
Description: "Negroe"
Notes: Ran away from Thomas Davis near Alexandria, Virginia. Captured in Lancaster County and lodged in jail on 13 July, 1778.
Lancaster Town and County, Aug. 31, 1778.
NOTICE is hereby given, That on the 13th of July last was committed to my custody, the three following described Negroes, viz.
TOM, about 23 years of age, scarified on his left arm with artificial cuts.
Dick, has three scars on each side of his face, from his temple to his chin, his left foot and leg has been much burnt or scalded; both say they belong to John Davis, of Goose Creek, North-Carolina.
BOB, talks good English, (which Dick and Tom cannot) says he belongs to Thomas Davis, near Alexandria in old Virginia. Their masters are hereby desired to come and prove their property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be sold within ten weeks from this dates to pay the same, without further notice, by
Good command of English language. It appears the three men were travelling together, although Tom and Dick claim to be from North Carolina and Bob from Virginia, yet all three claim their owners are named Davis. It could be coincidence, as Davis is a common name.
Date of Record: 31 August 1778
Sources: Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, 15 September 1778
- Slaveholder Name: Cunningham, Hugh
City or Township: Lancaster
County: Lancaster
Occupation: County Jailer (1783)
Notes: The listings for Polly Heans and her child (numbers 2 and 3 below) are cataloged under Hugh Cunningham acting as county jailer. He is not the owner of those two enslaved persons.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Same (Sammie?)
Sex: Male
Age: 25 or 26a
Date of Birth: 1757 or 1758 (calculated)
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: Ran away on March 26, 1783. Cunningham placed the following ad for the capture of Same:
RUN away from the subscriber, living in Lancaster, on the 26th of March last, at night, a Negroe Man, named SAME, about 25 or 26 years of age, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, a very talkative but mannerly fellow, has a middling broad face and wide mouth, he is well built according to his height, and very active, can drive a team and do farmer work well, and it is possible has got a pass from some associates, and may pass for a free man; had on, and took with him, when he went away, a light coloured old coat, patched on the sleeves, an old jacket, three new shirts, leather breeches, a pair of good shoes, two pair of stockings, a pair of overalls, had a round wool hat, but may have changed his clothes. Whoever takes up said Negroe and brings him home, or secures him in any goal, so as his master may have him again, shall have TWELVE DOLLARS reward, and reasonable charges, paid by
Date of Record: April 9, 1783
Sources: The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 9, 1783
- Enslaved Person's Name: Polly Heans
Sex: Female
Age: "about twenty years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1763
Status: Jailed as a suspected escaped slave
Description: "Negroe Wench"
Notes: Polly and her six-month-old child were captured and jailed in Lancaster county on 18 September 1782 as suspected escaped slaves. Lancaster jailer Hugh Cunningham placed the following ad in Philadelphia newspapers advertising her. As of the date of this ad, the release of her and her child for lack of anyone claiming them as property is imminent, January 17th being the advertised release date.
Lancaster, December 6, 1782
WAS committed to the jail of this county, on the 18th day of September 1782, a NEGRO WENCH, calls herself Polly Heans, is about twenty years of age, four feet six inches high, and has with her a Mulatto child, about six months old. The owner or owners of said wench and child are desired to come and prove property, pay charges and take them away, in six weeks from the above date, otherwise they will be discharged agreeable to law, by
Jailer for Lancaster county.
The ad above, with almost identical language, was also placed in Dunlap and Claypool's American Daily Advertiser, another Philadelphia newspaper, appearing January 11 and February 6, 1783. The appearance of the ad in all newspapers after the calculated release date for Polly may indicate she was held in jail longer.
Date of Record: 06 December 1782
Sources: The Freeman's Journal and North American Intelligencer (Philadelphia), 15, 21, 22 January 1783
- Enslaved Person's Name: Un-named child of Polly Heans, listed above
Sex: Gender not indicated
Age: "about six months old" as of December, 1782
Date of Birth: circa June 1782
Status: Jailed with mother as a suspected escaped slave
Description: "Mulatto child"
Notes: Polly Heans and her six-month-old child were captured and jailed in Lancaster county in September 1782 as suspected escaped slaves. Lancaster jailer Hugh Cunningham placed the above ad in Philadelphia newspapers advertising the pair. As of the date of this ad, the release of Polly and her child for lack of anyone claiming them as property is imminent, January 17th being the advertised release date.
Date of Record: 06 December 1782
Sources: The Freeman's Journal and North American Intelligencer (Philadelphia), 15 January 1783
- Slaveholder Name: Cunningham, Janett
City or Township: Lancaster
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Widow
Notes: Cunningham's first name is spelled "Jennet" in the slave registration for Jacob, in 1799.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Age: Infant at Registration
Date of Birth: 1793-January 20
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto Male Child"
Notes: 1793 Registration notes "Son of Jane" who was registered in Chester County.
Date of Record: June 15, 1793
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
Sex: Male
Age: Five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: December 01, 1798
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto Male Child"
Notes: 1799 Registration notes "son of negro Jane."
Date of Record: May 07, 1799
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: Four months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: March 06, 1802
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Mulatto Male Child"
Notes: 1802 Registration notes "son of negro Jane."
Date of Record: July 02, 1802
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Cunningham, John
City or Township: Lancaster
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Slaveholder Name: Curran, William
City or Township: Rapho Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: See also, "Curran, William--Deceased."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Harry
Sex: Male
Age: 60
Date of Birth: 1720 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro man
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 20, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Lucy
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life." Lucy is the mother of two children, Thom and Rose, registered as slaves by James Curran, the administrator to the estate of William Curran. See "Curran, William--Deceased."
Date of Record: October 20, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Pompey
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro boy
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 20, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Peg
Sex: Female
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1774 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro girl
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 20, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: George
Sex: Male
Age: 03
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 20, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Kate
Sex: Female
Age: 02
Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 20, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Curran, William--Deceased
City or Township: Rapho Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: 1789 Registration for slave children Thom and Rose was filed by James Curran, executor for William Curran. Note that the county clerk spelled the surname of James and William Curran as "Corrin," and listed the executor as "James Corrin, farmer, Executor of the last will and testament of William Corrin, deceased late of Rapho Twp. farmer."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Thom
Sex: Male
Age: 06
Date of Birth: 1782-June
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro Male Child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes: "Children of Negroe Lucy which was Registered as a slave; children the property of the heirs and Legators of the said William Curran Deceased." See "Curran, William" for records of Lucy and other slaves.
Date of Record: March 27, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rose
Sex: Female
Age: 04
Date of Birth: 1784-April
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: (original return) "Female Child;" (clerk's record) "Female negro child"
Notes: 1789 Registration notes: "Children of Negroe Lucy which was Registered as a slave; children the property of the heirs and Legators of the said William Curran Deceased." See "Curran, William" for records of Lucy and other slaves.
Date of Record: March 27, 1789
Sources: Returns of Negro and Mulatto Children Born After the Year 1780 | "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me..."
- Slaveholder Name: Cuthbert, Thomas, Jr.
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Hatter
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
Sex: Male
Age: 28a
Date of Birth: 1752 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Davis, Benjamin
City or Township: Donegal Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: "Manager of the iron works of Mount Vernon"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Maria
Sex: Female
Age: About five months old at Registration.
Date of Birth: March 21, 1813
Status: Slave to the age of 28 years
Description: "Female colored child"
Notes: Text of 1813 Registration: "Benjamin Davis, of Donegal Twp., manager of the iron works of Mount Vernon, returns as possessor a female colored child, named Maria. Born March 21, 1813."
Date of Record: September 07, 1813
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Davis, David
City or Township: Earl Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Merchant
- Enslaved Person's Name: Casar
Sex: Male
Age: Not stated, but described as a "man."
Date of Birth: Not known, but an adult in 1750. Born in West Africa.
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negroe man"
Notes: Casar ran away on June 20, 1750. Text of runaway advertisement placed by David Davis:
Run away from the subscriber, living in Earltown, Lancaster county, on the 20th day of this present inst. A Negroe man, named Casar, full faced, some scars on his head, smart and active, but speaks bad English, being born in Guinea, about 5 feet 8 inches high, thick set: Took with him, a light blue cloth coat and jacket, foreparts of the jacket lines with blue shaloon, back part with linnen, one dark coloured jacket, lined with black, a fine shirt, 3 coarse ditto, 2 good hats, and several white linnen caps, also 2 of worsted, a new pair of leather breeches, 2 pair of check trowsers, 2 pair of white ditto; he understands something of the smith's trade. Whoever secures said Negroe, so that his master may have him again, shall have Forty Shillings reward, if taken within 70 miles of Lancaster county, and Five Pounds, if taken above that distance, with reasonable charges, paid by
N.B. All masters of vessels or others, are forbid to carry him off at their peril.
Date of Record: June 28, 1750
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, June 28, 1750
- Enslaved Person's Name: Name not given
Sex: Female
Age: 18a
Date of Birth: 1746 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negroe girl"
Notes: Offered for sale in 1764. Text of advertisement placed by David Davis:
To be sold, on reasonable Terms, by DAVID DAVIS, In Earl Town, Lancaster County, RUM by the hogshead or lesser quantity, Jamaica spirit, and wine by the quart or gallon, molasses, sugar, train oil, rice, tea, coffee, chocolate, a neat assortment of goods suitable for the season, watches; also a likely Negroe girl, about 18 years of age, and is not to be sold for any fault, but want of employ; and a large copper still, with the utensils.
N.B. All persons indebted to said Davis, by bond, note or book debt, before the 27th of December last, are desired to pay off their balances within ten days after the date hereof, otherwise they will be proceeded against as the law directs.
Date of Record: May 24, 1764
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, May 24, 1764
- Slaveholder Name: Davis, Gabriel
City or Township: Earl Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dublin
Sex: Male
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro male"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life." Dublin ran away in July 1790. Davis ran the following ad to capture him:
July 13th, 1790.
Ran away last night from the subscriber, living in Earl township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, a country-born Negro man, named DUBLIN, about 25 years of age, supposed to be about five feet ten inches high; had on and took with him, a new grey nap coat with metal buttons, an old dimity jacket, good corduroy breeches, cotton stockings, dogskin shoes, large square buckles, a good wool hat large in the brim, with a ribbon round the crown and a buckle in it, a linsey woolsy coat of a lead colour, with metal buttons, a white coloured double breasted jacket of home-made woolen cloth, with metal buttons, one tolerable fine shirt and a coarse shirt and trowsers, the pattern of a pair of trowsers striped yellow, likewise a pattern of nankeen, an old hat, speaks good English, has a remarkable scar on one of his cheeks occasioned by the kick of a horse, a tractable fellow either on a farm or in a tanyard. It is likely he may change his name and perhaps some of his cloathing. Whoever takes up said Negroe and brings him home to the subscriber, or secures him in any gaol, so that the subscriber may have him again, shall have Fifty Shillings reward, and reasonable charges, paid by
N.B. All masters of vessels are forbid to carry him off at their peril.
Date of Record: Registration: October 30, 1780; Advertisement: August 4, 1790
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"; The Pennsylvania Gazette, August 4, 1790
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fred
Sex: Male
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro male"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 30, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
Sex: Male
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro male"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave for life."
Date of Record: October 30, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Davis, James
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Innholder
- Enslaved Person's Name: Judd
Sex: Female
Age: 30a
Date of Birth: 1750 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 21, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Dublin
Sex: Male
Age: 15a
Date of Birth: 1765 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 21, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 07a
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 21, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
Sex: Male
Age: 04a
Date of Birth: 1776 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "a slave."
Date of Record: October 21, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Davis, James
City or Township: Carnarvan Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Tom
Sex: Male
Age: 24a
Date of Birth: 1756 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 26, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Rachel
Sex: Female
Age: 10
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 26, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Ann
Sex: Female
Age: 07
Date of Birth: 1773 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 26, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Barney
Sex: Male
Age: 03
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 26, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Davis, John
City or Township: Caernarvon Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: Died 1767 or 1768. His executors advertised five enslaved persons, a man, a woman and three young children, for sale to settle his estate. It is highly likely the five were an enslaved family.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Not named in ad
Sex: Male
Age: "about 27 years old"
Date of Birth: 1741 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Advertised for sale in January 1768 to settle John Davis's estate.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN DAVIS, late of Carnarvan, Lancaster county, and province of Pennsylvania, deceased, are desired to make payment to the subscribers, living in Lancaster borough; and those who have any demands, are desired to send in their accounts to Elizabeth Davis, and Henry Helm, administrators. Also to be sold, by the subscribers, 5 NEGROES, a man and his wife, and 3 children; the man is a good shoemaker, and extraordinary hand at any plantation business, and about 27 years old; the woman is a very good breeder, and but 22 or 23 years old, can wash, bake, iron, and do any other kind of house-work; one girl of 7 years old, one girl of 4 years old, and another girl of 3 months old; all fine, healthy, lusty thriving children.
Date of Record: 14 January, 1768
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 14 January 1768.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Not named in ad
Sex: Female
Age: "22 or 23 years old"
Date of Birth: 1745 or 1746 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: Advertised for sale in January 1768 to settle John Davis's estate. See details above.
Date of Record: 14 January 1768
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 14 January 1768.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Not named
Sex: Female
Age: 7 years old
Date of Birth: 1761 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Advertised for sale in January 1768 to settle John Davis's estate. See details above.
Date of Record: 14 January 1768
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 14 January 1768.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Not named
Sex: Female
Age: 4 years old
Date of Birth: 1764 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Advertised for sale in January 1768 to settle John Davis's estate. See details above.
Date of Record: 14 January 1768
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 14 January 1768.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Not named
Sex: Female
Age: 3 months old
Date of Birth: October 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: Advertised for sale in January 1768 to settle John Davis's estate. See details above.
Date of Record: 14 January 1768
Source: Pennsylvania Gazette, 14 January 1768.
- Slaveholder Name: Davis, John
City or Township: Earl Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Son of David Davis, who died in 1768 and left the slaves Jack and Sal to John.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sal
Sex: Female
Age: 40
Date of Birth: 1740 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro woman"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life." Sal was inherited from John's father, David, in 1768. Source 109 notes that this is recorded in Lancaster County will book C, page 156. Excerpt: "David Davis, of Earl township, leaves to his son John, his 'Negro Man Jack, and Negro Woman Sal. October 10, 1768.' "
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jack
Sex: Male
Age: 35a
Date of Birth: 1745 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life." John inherited Jack from his father, David, in 1768. Source 109 notes that this is recorded in Lancaster County will book C, page 156. Excerpt: "David Davis, of Earl township, leaves to his son John, his 'Negro Man Jack, and Negro Woman Sal. October 10, 1768.' "
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Abb
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 1769 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Cato
Sex: Male
Age: 02
Date of Birth: 1778 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro boy"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Davis, Richard
City or Township: Earl Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
- Enslaved Person's Name: James Hall
Sex: Male
Age: 09
Date of Birth: 1771- August (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Mulatto boy
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration includes the notations "whose mother was a negroe," and "aged 9 yrs last August."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Davis, Willis
City or Township: Earl Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Fuller
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joe Ogle
Sex: Male
Age: 13
Date of Birth: 1767 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Mulatto man
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration includes the note "whose mother was a negroe."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Davison, Moses
City or Township: Little Britain Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Hannah Cambel
Sex: Female
Age: 18 or 19a
Date of Birth: 1754 or 1755 (calculated)
Status: Servitude status not stated
Description: "Mulatoe woman"
Notes: Ran away in January 1773. Text of advertisement placed by Davison for her return (note that Davison thinks that Hannah will "dress herself in mens clothes," an early precedent to Ellen Kraft's escape ruse):
RUN away from the subscriber, living near Canawingo Creek, Little Britain Township, Lancaster County, on Friday, the 15th of January, a Mulatoe woman, about 18 or 19 years of age, she calls herself HANNAH CAMBEL, is a bold well tongued hussy, of a whitish cast, very much freckled in the face, has a brown spot on one of her little fingers, and commonly wears her hair tied; had on, when she went away, a light coloured lincey jacket and petticoat, and it is supposed she had other clothes, she wore white stockings, with blue clocks, high heeled shoes, and it is thought she will dress herself in mens clothes. Whoever takes up said wench, and brings her home to her master, or secures her in any of his Majesty goals, so as he may get her again, shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by
Date of Record: February 24, 1773
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, February 24, 1773
- Slaveholder Name: Derring, Henry
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Merchant
- Enslaved Person's Name: Sam
Sex: Male
Age: 05
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro Slave
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies "slave for life."
Date of Record: September 21, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Derring, Henry, Executor
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Merchant
Notes: Acting as executor for the estate of Henry Derring, deceased.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Quaddy
Sex: Female
Age: 42a ("or thereabouts")
Date of Birth: 1738 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Female Negro
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration states that Quaddy is a slave "during life to the heirs & Legatees of the said Henry Derring deceased."
Date of Record: September 19, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bill
Sex: Male
Age: 03a ("or thereabouts")
Date of Birth: 1777 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration states that Bill is a slave "during life to the heirs & Legatees of the said Henry Derring deceased."
Date of Record: September 21, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: DeWees, Paul
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Nicholas Mars
Sex: Male
Age: ?
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Suspected Runaway--Captured
Description: "Negro"
Notes: Text of ad: "A NEGRO WHO calls himself NICHOLAS MARS and says he served his time with Arthur Cruddock, is lodged in the Lancaster jail. He is supposed to be a runaway; is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high; has a short Roman nose; slim made; is an excellent farmer, and plays on the fiddle. Any person having lost such a negro may apply for further particulars to the subscriber in Lancaster. PAUL DEWEES.
October 3, 1809."
Date of Record: October 03, 1809
Source: Lancaster Journal
- Slaveholder Name: Dickert, Jacob
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Gunsmith
- Enslaved Person's Name: Will
Sex: Male
Age: 18a
Date of Birth: 1762 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Mulatto"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 30, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Dickson, William
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Printer
- Enslaved Person's Name: Louisa Aikins
Sex: Female
Age: ? (adult)
Date of Birth: ?
Status: Slave to age 21
Description: "Servant black girl"
Notes: Mother of Emmeretta, born April 19, 1816.
Date of Record: May 14, 1816
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Enslaved Person's Name: Emmeretta Aikins (surname is assumed to be the same as her mother's)
Sex: Female
Age: One month old at Registration
Date of Birth: April 19, 1816
Status: Slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: Text of 1816 Registration: "William Dickson of Lancaster Borough, printer, returns a negro female child named Emmeretta, daughter of his servant black girl named Louisa Aikins, liable to serve till she arrives at the age of 21 years, said child was born April 19, 1816."
Date of Record: May 14, 1816
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Diffenbaugh, Henry
City or Township: Lampeter Township; Lancaster borough
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Innkeeper, the William Pitt Tavern on East King Street, from c1808-1838
Source: Lancaster Daily Intelligencer, 12 October 1881.
- Enslaved Person's Name: George James, a.k.a. George Clark
Sex: Male
Age: "about 18 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1797
Status: Slave for life
Description: "Negro man"
Notes: Escaped from Diffenbaugh on December 30, 1814. Diffenbaugh placed the following escape notice in several local newspapers:
100 Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from the subscriber on the night of Friday the 30th inst. living in Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, an indented Negro boy named
About 18 years of age about 5 feet 8 inches high, a likely fellow; round full face and walks with a swing or cast in his way of walking; had on light coloured cloaths, a round-about fear-nought and woolen pantaloons, and an old hat, woolen stockings & an old pair of shoes. Whoever takes up said Negro, and secures him in any jail, or brings him home to his master, shall receive the above reward.
N.B. He took with him when he went away, a black stud Horse, which was found the following morning on the West-Chester road, two miles below West-Chester.
January, 4th 1815.
The Editor of the "Freemans Journal" will please insert the above three times, and Mr. Diffebaugh will call upon him and discharge the bill.
James was captured, jailed in West Chester and returned to Diffenbaugh. He escaped again on February 13, 1815:
25 Dollars Reward,
FOR apprehending and confineing in any jail within the United States, or for delivering to his master living in Lampeter township, Lancaster county, Penn. the subscriber's negro man, GEORGE JAMES lately apprehended in Chester county by Mr. Wm. Taylor and committed to West-Chester jail, from whence he was delivered to his master, he has ran away again on monday last the 13th Inst. he had on when he left his master, the following cloathing a surtout coat, of a black colour, much bespattered with tar, he took with him, as is believed, no close bodied coat, his vest was green coloured, his pantaloons of the same colour, a new wool hat a new pair of shoes, the rest of his cloathing cannot be particularized, George sometimes calls himself George Clark, he is about 18 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, a likely fellow, found full face, has a swing or cast in his walking. The above reward and reasonable charges will be given for him if brought home, or 25 dollars if confined in any jail, so as his master can get him again.
Lampeter Township Lancaster county, Feb. 22d 1815
Date of Record: 04 January 1815; 22 February 1815
Source: The Record (West Chester), 04 January, 22 February 1815.
- Slaveholder Name: Dosh, George
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
Notes: Dosh lists his residence as Manor Township in the 1780 Slave Registration for Joe.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Date of Birth: 1766 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "during life."
Date of Record: October 05, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Enslaved Person's Name: ???
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 1770 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Notes: Enumerated in the 1800 Septennial Census.
Date of Record: 1800
Source: Lancaster County Septennial Census Returns, 1800
- Slaveholder Name: Douglass, James
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration for Douglass' slave Fred was "by his attorney Thomas Douglass, of the same place."
- Enslaved Person's Name: Fred
Sex: Male
Age: 27a
Date of Birth: 1753 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Negro slave
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 30, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Douglass, Thomas
City or Township: Salisbury Township
County: Lancaster
Occupation: Farmer
Notes: Acted as an attorney in registering the slave Fred for James Douglass of Salisbury Township.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Jacob
Sex: Male
Age: 45a
Date of Birth: 1735 (calculated)
Status: Slave for life
Description: Man
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "slave during life."
Date of Record: October 30, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Duffield, George
City or Township: Lancaster Borough
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Charlotte
Sex: Female
Age: Infant at time of Registration.
Date of Birth: "born on or about June 17 or 18 1807"
Status: slave to age 28
Description: "Negro female child"
Notes: 1807 Registration notes "daughter of negro Judge," a female slave.
Date of Record: September 01, 1807
Source: "A RECORD of the returns made in writing and delivered to me…"
- Slaveholder Name: Duncan, Robert
City or Township: Strasburg Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Joe
Sex: Male
Age: Age not stated. Described as a "man."
Date of Birth: "Man" in 1767
Status: Runaway
Description: "Negroe Man"
Notes: Ran away March 1, 1767 Text of advertisement placed by Duncan:
Strasburg Township, Lancaster County, March 16, 1767.
RUN away from the Subscriber, on the First Instant, a Negroe Man, named JOE: Had on when he went away, an old Blanket Coat, three Jackets, two of them striped Lincey, of several Colours, the other white Cotton, flowered with Needle work, old Leather Breeches, a Pair of Shoes and the Crown of an old Hat, with a Piece burnt out of it. He formerly belonged to John Strawbridge, near the Head of Elk. Whoever takes up said Negroe, and secures him in any Goal in this Province, or brings him to his Master, shall have Four Dollars Reward and reasonable Charges, paid by ROBERT DUNCAN.
Date of Record: March 26, 1767
Source: The Pennsylvania Gazette, March 26, 1767
- Slaveholder Name: Duncan, Susanna Bethel
City or Township: Hempfield Township
County: Lancaster
- Enslaved Person's Name: Bella
Sex: Female
Age: 5 years old
Date of Birth: 1775 (calculated)
Status: Slave to age 31
Description: "Mulatto girl"
Notes: 1780 Slave Registration specifies status as "to serve untill she arrives at the age of thirty one years."
Date of Record: October 23, 1780
Source: "Slaves in Lancaster County in 1780"
- Slaveholder Name: Dytrick, Henry
City or Township: Conestoga Township
County: Lancaster
Notes: In the 1790 census for Conestoga Township, Lancaster County, Henry Deitrich had no slaves enumerated. This begs the question of how he came to be associated with the enslaved man Caesar Brown, below.
- Enslaved Person's Name: Caesar Brown
Sex: Male
Age: "29 or 30 years of age"
Date of Birth: circa 1776 or 1777
Status: Escaped/ self-emancipated
Description: "Negro Man"
Notes: Escaped from Dytrick on January 1, 1806.
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the Subscriber, in Conestoga township, Lancaster county, on Thursday, the 1st Inst. a negro Man, named Caesar Brown, 29 or 30 years of age, about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, slender made, of a yellowish complexion, and has a stiffness in his left knee. Had on, drab colored Coat, Jacket, and Trowsers, and a half-worn wool Hat, and good Shoes. Other marks not recollected.
Whoever secures said Negro in any Jail, so that his Master may get him again, shall receive the above Reward, and all reasonable Charges, if brought home.
Jan. 13, 1806.
Date of Record: 13 January 1806
Source: Lancaster Intelligencer and Journal, 20 January 1807
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